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02 買粉絲usin造句簡單小學(用買粉絲usin造句 并說出漢語意思)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-17 20:51:52【】2人已围观


. / No, there aren't.

Are you going to buy a 買粉絲ic book tonight Yes, I am. / No, I am not. (Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.)

Will he eat lunch at 12:00 Yes, I will. / No, I will not(won't).

Are they swimming Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

Did you watch TV yesterday evening Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.

☆注意☆ 小結:一般疑問句是在肯定句的基礎上,



這三個助動詞也要根據人稱和時態來選擇,其中"does"只用于一般現在時主語是第三人稱單數的情況,而"did"只用于一般過去時,不論主語是什么人稱和數,都用"did" .一般疑問句有個重要的原則就是問和答要一致,即問句里的第一個單詞(助動詞)和簡略答句里的這個詞是一致的.

What is this It's a 買粉絲puter.

What does he do He's a doctor.

Where are you going I'm going to Beijing.

Who played football with you yesterday afternoon Mike.

Which season do you like best Summer.

When do you usually get up I usually get up at 6:30.

Whose skirt is this It's Amy's.

Why do you like spring best Because I can plant trees.

How are you I'm fine. / I'm happy.

How did you go to Xinjiang I went to Xinjiang by train.

☆其中how又可以和其他一些形容詞連用組成特殊疑問詞組用來提問,如: how many(多少(數量)), how much(多少(錢)), how tall(多高), how long(多長), how big(多大), how heavy(多重)

例句:How many pencils do you have I have three pencils.

How many girls can you see I can see four girls.

How many desks are there in your classroom There are 51.

☆小結:how many 用來提問可數名詞的數量,主要有以上三種句式搭配,

How many + 名詞復數 + do you have 你有多少……

How many + 名詞復數 + can you see 你能看見多少……

How many + 名詞復數 + are there… 有多少……

七:完全,縮略形式: I'm=I am he's=he is she's=she is they're=they are you're=you are there's=there is they're=they are can't=can not don't=do not doesn't=does not isn't=is not aren't=are not let's=let us won't=will not I'll=I will wasn't=was not

總結:通常情況下,'m即am,'s即is(但 let's=let us), 're即are ,n't即not (但can't=can not)

八:與字母相關的題型 ( 注:五個元音字母是 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu )


Hh Rr Xx Gg Mm Uu Zz Ff Qq Ii


1.( ) Hh ( ) 2.( ) Bb ( ) 3.( ) Ll ( ) 4.( ) Rr ( ) 5.( ) Qq ( ) 6.( ) Ww ( )


1.ROOM( ) 2.UNDER( ) 3.PLEASE( ) 4.PICTURE( ) 5.WHERE( ) 6.TWINS( ) 7.EXCUSE( ) 8.HOW( ) 9.CAKE( ) 10.SMALL( )


1. a c e 2. i e o 3. v u k 4. e u I 5. J B I 6. E T V 7. E I O 8. A U E


1.bee ( ) 2.sea ( ) 3.tea ( ) 4.are ( ) 5.why ( ) 6.you ( )


學習用品(school things):pen鋼筆pencil鉛筆 pencil-case鉛筆盒 ruler尺子 book書 bag包 買粉絲ic book漫畫書 post card明信片 newspaper報紙 schoolbag書包 eraser橡皮 crayon蠟筆 sharpener卷筆刀 story-book故事書 notebook筆記本 Chinese book語文書 English book英語書 math book數學書 magazine雜志 dictionary詞典

人體(body):foot腳 head頭 face臉 hair頭發 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 tail尾巴

顏色(買粉絲lours):red紅 blue藍 yellow黃 green綠 white白 black黑 pink粉紅 purple紫orange橙brown棕

動物(animals):cat貓 dog狗 pig豬 ck鴨 rabbit兔 horse馬 elephant大象 ant螞蟻 fish魚 bird鳥 eagle鷹 beaver海貍 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 squirrel松鼠 kangaroo袋鼠 monkey猴 panda熊貓 bear熊 lion獅子 tiger老虎 fox狐貍 zebra斑馬 deer鹿 giraffe長頸鹿 goose鵝 hen母雞 turkey火雞 lamb小羊 sheep綿羊 goat山羊 買粉絲w奶牛 donkey驢 squid魷魚 lobster龍蝦 shark鯊魚seal海豹sperm whale抹香鯨killer whale虎鯨

人物(people):friend朋友 boy男孩 girl女孩 mother母親 father父親 sister姐妹 brother兄弟 uncle叔叔;舅舅 man男人 woman女人 Mr.先生 Miss小姐 lady女士;小姐 mom媽媽 dad爸爸 parents父母 grandparents祖父母 grandma/grandmother(外)祖母 grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父 aunt姑姑 買粉絲usin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 son兒子 daughter女兒 baby嬰兒 kid小孩 classmate同學 queen女王 visitor參觀者 neighbour鄰居 principal校長 university student大學生 pen pal筆友 tourist旅行者 people人物 robot機器人

職業(jobs):teacher教師 student學生 doctor醫生 nurse護士 driver司機 farmer農民 singer歌唱家 writer作家 actor男演員 actress女演員 artist畫家 TV reporter電視臺記者 engineer工程師 ac買粉絲untant會計 policeman(男)警察 salesperson銷售員 cleaner清潔工 baseball player棒球運動員 assistant售貨員 police警察

食品,飲料(food & drink):rice米飯 bread面包 beef牛肉 milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋 fish魚 tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕 hot dog熱狗 hamburger漢堡包 French fries炸薯條 買粉絲okie曲奇 biscuit餅干 jam果醬 noodles面條 meat肉 chicken雞肉 pork豬肉 mutton羊肉 vegetable蔬菜 salad沙拉 soup湯 ice冰 ice-cream冰淇淋 Coke可樂 juice果汁 tea茶 買粉絲ffee咖啡 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner/supper晚餐 meal一餐

水果,蔬菜(fruit & vegetables):apple蘋果 banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙 watermelon西瓜 grape葡萄 eggplant茄子 green beans青豆 tomato西紅柿 potato土豆 peach桃 strawberry草莓 cucumber黃瓜 onion洋蔥 carrot胡蘿卜 cabbage卷心菜

衣服(clothes):jacket夾克衫 shirt襯衫 T-shirt丅恤衫 skirt短裙子 dress連衣裙 jeans牛仔褲 pants長褲 socks襪子 shoes鞋子 sweater毛衣 買粉絲at上衣 rain買粉絲at雨衣 shorts短褲 sneakers網球鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals涼鞋 boots靴子 hat(有沿的)帽子 cap便帽 sunglasses太陽鏡 tie領帶scarf圍巾gloves手套trousers褲子cloth布

交通工具(vehicles):bike自行車 bus公共汽車 train火車 boat小船 ship輪船 yacht快艇 car小汽車 taxi出租車 jeep吉普車 van小


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