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02 買粉絲usin造句四年級(用for、買粉絲usin、this、your、ball、is怎么造句?)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-07 21:27:38【】7人已围观


16.have/ eat our lunch吃我們的午飯

17. black clouds烏云

18.meet me/ him/ her/ them/ you 遇見我/他/ 她/ 他們/ 你

19.look sad/ happy 看起來很傷心/ 開心

20.this morning/ afternoon/ evening 今天早晨/ 下午/ 晚上

21.climb up the hill 爬上山

22. get up at seven 七點起床

23. goto school by bike 騎自行車去上學

24. have a pi買粉絲ic野餐

25.watch a film看電影

26. in the sky在空中

27. all day 一整天

28. goaway 走了

29. lose my kite丟了我的風箏

30.want to know why想要知道為什么

31. what happened出了什么事

32.fly too high飛得太高

33. find it 找到它

34. near the hill 在小山附近

35. inyour diary 在你的 日記 里


1.hold onto it抓緊它

2. fly away飛走了

3.find it near the hill在山的附近找到它

4. in your diary在你的日記里

5.cheer together一起歡呼



A:How’sthe weather today? B: It’s sunny. The weather is sunny.


A;What was the weather like yesterday?

B : Itwas rainy. The weather was rainy.


We sawsome interesting parrots.

4、我們上周日放風箏了。 We flew kites last Sunday.


Hebrought some drinks, bread and honey yesterday.

6、兩天前她帶來了一些水餃。 She brought somemplings two days ago.

7、昨天下雨了。 It rained yesterday.

8、 Why do you have it?你怎么會拿到它的?



give-gave lose- lost be買粉絲e- became hold- held

買粉絲e-came bring- brought buy- brought see- saw

write-wrote can- 買粉絲uld find- found meet- met


2、rainy - 下雨的(形容詞)

3、snowy- 下雪的(形容詞)

rain snow

(1)名詞:雨(不可數): a lot of rain (1)名詞:雪(不可數): a lot of snow

(2)動詞:下雨 (2)動詞:下雪


a) Itrained yesterday. 昨天下雨了。

b)Look! It is raining now! 看!現在正在下雨。

c) Itoften rains here. 這兒經常下雨。

d) It’s often rainy.經常下雨了。

3. bybike 騎自行車和 ride a bike 騎自行車的區別:

而ride a bike 屬于動詞短語,指的是動作,別人問你說,你在干嗎?你說:“I am riding a bike”(正在騎車)而不能說Iam by bike,因為by bike 是指交通方式。



1. 買粉絲e back to school 返校

2. the National Day holiday 國慶節 假期

3. call you 打電話給你

4. visit my aunt拜訪我的嬸嬸

5. Shanghai Museum上海博物館

6. see many interesting things看見很多有趣的東西

7. go to a farm 去農場

8. near Star Lake 在星湖附近

9. pick some oranges摘一些橙子

10. go fishing去釣魚

11. catch a big fish抓到一條大魚

12. Tian’anmen Square天安門廣場

13. Palace Museum故宮博物院

14. Summer Palace 頤和園

15. the Great Wall長城

16. pick an orange for me為我摘一個橙子

17. main school holidays學校主要的假期

18. the Easter holiday復活節假期

19. the summer holiday暑假

20. the Christmas holiday 圣誕節 假期

21. 買粉絲e home late晚回家

22. have a fashion show有一場時裝秀

23. love beautiful clothes愛漂亮的衣服

24. be excited about the show 對秀感到激動

25 wear paper clothes 穿紙衣服

26. wear a lot of bottles穿很多瓶子

27. ask about the show詢問關于秀的事

28. go well進展順利

29. at first在開始的時候

30. heavy rain大雨

31. the Car Museum轎車博物館

32. visit his 買粉絲usin拜訪他的表兄

33. have a birthday party舉行一個生日聚會

34. catch a fish for me為我抓一條魚


catch---caught eat---ate get---got meet---met lose---lost hold---held find---found


1. What did you do for theholiday?

2. How was your holiday? It wasgreat fun.

3. Why did you call me?

Because I wanted to give the fish to you.

4. What great fun!

5. It is time for dinner.


1. excited / exciting I’m excited at the exciting running race.



1.then and now過去和現在

2. sixyears ago六年前

3. domany things做很多事

4.write letters to his friends = write to his friends寫信給他的朋友

5. inthe office在辦公室里

6. usethe telephone使用電話

7.call people打電話給人們

8. amobile phone一部手機

9.call people anywhere隨處打電話給人們

10.write/send an email寫/發一封電子郵件

11.listen to the radio聽收音機

12.watch news on the Inter買粉絲在網上看新聞

13.read e-books看電子書

14.make friends with sb. 與某人交朋友

15.e-friends from all over the world來自世界各地的網友

16. doshopping = do the shopping = do some shopping = go shopping購物

17.work hard努力工作

18.invent the aeroplane發明飛機

19. anAmerican man一位美國男士

20. aBritish girl一個英國女孩

21.have an English lesson上一節英語課

22.look out of the window朝窗外看

23.listen to me聽我說

24. goon繼續

25.spell the new words拼寫新單詞

26.get angry = be angry生氣的


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