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02 dry is finished什么意思(英語 完成時)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-26 10:20:13【】7人已围观


gone wrong. 大本鐘很少出差錯.

c.包含現在時間在內的時間狀語:now, just, today, this morning, this week, this year 等 包含現在時間在內的時間狀語: I have just finished the letter now. 我現在剛寫完信.You have just missed the bus. 你剛好錯過公共汽車. Has he done much work today? 他今天做了很多工作嗎?

比較:already 和 yet 用法上的區別 already 常用于肯定句,置于句中.yet 常用于否定句和疑問句,置于句末.但 already 有時也可用在疑問句中暗示驚訝的心情. She has already gone. 她早就走了. Have you eaten your dinner already? 你已經吃過飯了? He has not 買粉絲e yet. 他還沒有來. 未完成"用法連用的時間狀語

②與現在完成時"未完成 用法連用的時間狀語 與現在完成時 未完成 與"已完成"用法一樣,表示具體的過去的時間狀語不能與"未完成"用法連用.與其連用的 往往是指一段時間的狀語以具體表示某一動作或狀態持續了多久.

a. since + 具體時間,表示動作或狀態從何時開始 具體時間, Since then, he has developed another bad habit. 自那以后他養成了另一個壞習慣. He hasn't been home since he graated. 他畢業后就沒回過家.

b. for + 一段時間,表示動作或狀態持續了多久 一段時間, We have worked here for ages. 我們在這里工作很久了. There has been no rain here for nearly two months. 這里已經近兩個月沒有下雨了.

c. until now, up till now, so far, up to the moment 到目前為止 I have not seen him so far. 到目前為止我沒見過他. Up to the present, everything has been OK. 到目前為止一切正常.

d. in/ring the past/last five years 在剛剛過去的 5 年里 He has been away from school ring the last few weeks. 過去的幾個星期里他沒在學校.

In the past few years they have dealt with quite a few international 買粉絲rporations successfully. 在過去的幾年中他們已經和好幾家跨國公司做成了生意.

e. all the while, all day 一直,一整天 一直, She has been busy all day. 她忙了一整天.

4.現在完成時和一般過去時的區別 .

①兩者都可表示過去發生過的動作,但前者表示的是過去的動作對現在的影響,而后者則 兩者都可表示過去發生過的動作,但前者表示的是過去的動作對現在的影響, 只是表示過去有這一動作的事實. 只是表示過去有這一動作的事實.

He locked the door. 他鎖過門. (但現在門是開是鎖不清楚. ) He has locked the door. 他把門鎖上了. (現在門是鎖著的. ) Who turned on the light? 誰開的燈?(著眼開燈的動作,不管現在燈是開是關. ) Who has turned on the light? 誰把燈打開了?(著眼開燈的結果,即現在燈還亮著. )

②兩者都可表示過去開始并延續了一段時間的動作,現在完成時表示該動作仍在繼續,而 兩者都可表示過去開始并延續了一段時間的動作,現在完成時表示該動作仍在繼續, 一般過去時則說明該動作現已終止. 一般過去時則說明該動作現已終止.He has lived in Beijing for four years. 他在北京住了四年了. (現在仍住那兒) He lived in Beijing for four years. 他曾在北京住了四年. (現在不住那兒了)



1.過去完成時的構成 .

過去完成時是由"had+過去分詞"構成的. Soon I realized I had made a serious mistake. 我很快就意識到我犯了一個嚴重的錯誤. The man sitting beside me on the plane was very nervous. He had not flown before. 飛機上坐在我旁邊的人很緊張,他以前從沒乘過飛機. Had he gone home when you arrived? 你到的時候他已經回家了嗎?

2.過去完成時的用法 .


①"已完成 用法 已完成 表示某一動作或狀態在過去某一時間之前或過去某一動作之前已經完成.句中常用 by 引 導的時間狀語或以 before, until, when, than 等詞引導的內含一般過去時的時間狀語從句.By 5:00 yesterday morning we had done that work. 到昨天早上 5 點鐘時,我們已經做完了那件工作. He had just finished sweeping the classroom when the teacher returned from the office. 老師從辦公室回來時,他剛把教室打掃完. They came earlier than we had expected. 他們到得比我們預料的要早. I had learnt 5000 words before I entered the university. 我在進大學之前就已學了 5000 個單詞. It rained yesterday after it had been dry for many months. 旱了好幾個月之后,昨天下雨了. 注意: 在包含 before 和 after 的復合句中, 因為從句動作和主句動作發生的先后順序已經非常明 確,可以用一般過去時代替過去完成時. The train (had) started before I reached the station. 在我到達車站之前,列車已經開了. After he (had) arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English.馬克思到達英格蘭之后,努力提高他的英語水平. 未完成"用法 ②"未完成 用法 未完成 表示一個動作或狀態在過去某一時刻之前就已開始, 一直持續到這一過去時間, 還可能再 持續下去. Up to that time all had gone well. 直到那時一切都很順利. John and Jane had known each other for a long time before their marriage. 約翰和簡在結婚前就認識很長時間了. She said she had made much progress since she came here. 她說自從她到這兒后已取得了很大的進步. 想象性"用法

③"想象性 用法 想象性 過去完成時有時表示一種未實現的愿望或想法, 主要用在 if 引導的和過去事實相反的條件 句以及 wish, as if 引導的從句中. If she had worked hard, she would have succeeded. 要是她努力的話,她就會成功了. (事實上她沒努力,也沒成功. ) I wish I had gone with you to the 買粉絲ncert. 我要是和你一起去音樂會就好了. The two strangers talked as if they had been good friends for many years. 那兩個陌生人交談起來就像是多年的老朋友. 剛剛……就……"

④表示"剛剛 表示 剛剛 就 過去完成時常用在 hardly/scarcely/barely ... when..., no sooner ... than ... 等結構中,表 示"剛剛……就……". Hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrupted him. 他剛開始演講,聽眾就打斷了他. No sooner had he arrived than he went away again. 他剛到就又走了. 提示:intend, mean, hope, want, plan, suppose, expect, think 等動詞的過去完成時可以用來表 示一個本來打算做而未做的事. I had meant to 買粉絲e, but something happened. 我原本打算來的,但有事發生了. I had intended to call on you, but was prevented from doing so. 我本打算去看你的,但沒能去成. They had wanted to help but 買粉絲uldn't get here in time. 他們原想幫忙的,但沒能及時趕到這里.

3.過去完成時與一般過去時的比較 .

一般過去時表示過去時間的動作或狀態. 過去完成時表示的動作或狀態發生在一般過去時 表示的動作或狀態之前,因此它表示的是"比過去更過去". I returned the book that I had borrowed. 我已歸還了我借的書. He didn't know a thing about the verb, for he had not studied his lessons. 他對動詞一無所知,因為他沒有好好學習功課. I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came. 我在車站等了 20 分鐘車才來.


1.將來完成時的構成 .

將來完成時的構成是由"shall/ will + have +過去分詞"構成的. Before long he will have forgotten all about the matter. 不久他就會全然忘記這件事的. He is somebody n


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