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02 disney day中文什么意思(迪士尼的一天英文)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-07 12:51:44【】2人已围观


就是面條命 而你…

I know , is here

- 我知道了 也是面條命

No, it’s at table 2,5,7and12 , service with a smile

- 錯! 是建成連鎖面館7+12 , 別忘了微笑服務


- 唉...

--------------- 3 ------------ JADE PALACE ---------------

Well done, students

- 干得漂亮 徒弟們

If you were trying to disappoint me


Tigeress you need more ferocity

- 阿虎 力道要更強

monkey quicker speed

皮猴 速度要更快

crane hike, viper subtlety

鶴兒 更高, 小蛇 細膩



Master Shifu!

- 師傅...


- 插什么嘴?

Ahhh! it..it..it’s master oogway , he wants to see you

- 啊! 烏..烏..烏龜大師來了, 他想見您

-------------- 4 -----------SACRED HALL OF WARRIOR---------------

Master oogway, you summoned me , is something wrong?

- 烏龜大師 您召見我 是出什么事了嗎?

Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?

- 為何非要出事 才能與老友相聚呢?

So , nothing is wrong?

- 這么說, 沒出啥事?

Well, I didn’t say that.

- 我倒也沒這么說

(oogway 's breathing and puffing to blow out the candles one by one )


You’re saying...

- 您是說...

I've had a vision

- 我看見了些幻相

Tailung will return

- 太郞會重現江湖

That is impossible , he's in prison

- 這不可能, 他還在牢里呢

Nothing is impossible

- 萬事皆有可能

Zeng, fly to chor ghom prison

- 小曾 馬上飛到桃崗天牢去

and tell them to double the guards, double the weapons

- 告訴他們 看守加倍 兵器加倍

double everything

- 什么都加倍

Tailung does not leave that prison

- 確保太郎不會越獄

Yes ... master shifu

- 遵命! 師傅大師

One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it

- 有言 子欲避之 反促遇之

We have to do something

- 我們不能無動于衷

We can't just let him marching on the valley, and take his revenge ..

- 他說不定會來谷中泄憤 以報私恨


- 他..他...

Your mind is like this water , my friend, when it is agitated, it be買粉絲es difficult to see

- 心如此水 老朋友 亂則不明

but if you allow it to settle , the answer be買粉絲es clear

但若心如止水 答案便盡現眼前

The dragon scroll

- 龍之卷軸

It is time

- 是時候了...

But who , who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power

- 可傳給誰? 誰值得信任, 能把這無限的力量交付與他

to be買粉絲e the dragon warrior


I don't know

- 我亦不知


Excuse me, excuse me, sorry ....

- 讓讓,讓一讓, 抱歉

Hey...watch it paul...

- 嘿.. 看著點走, 肥波

Sorry ...Sorry .. A dozen pardon ...

- 對不起, 對不起, 請您原諒


- 什么?

HA, Master oogway's choosing the dragon warrior?!Today!!

- 烏龜大師選龍戰士?! 今天!!

Everyone ,everyone , go, get to the jade palace!

- 大伙們, 大家們快去, 去極宮

One of the five is gonna get the dragon scroll

- 五杰之一要得到龍卷軸了

We’ve been waitin' a thousand years for this, just in *****- 千年等一回啊 吃完就快去啊!

This is the greatest thing in kungfu history!

- 這可是武林之中 史無前例的盛世!

Don't worry about it , just go

- 別操心付賬了 快去吧!

Paul , where are you going?

- 肥波 你要去哪兒?

To the jade palace

- 去..極宮

But you're forgeting your noodle car!

- 可你忘了你的面條車了

The whole valley will be there

- 整個山谷的居民都會去

and you'll sell noodles to all of them

- 你就可以大賣特賣了

Selling noodles ?

- 賣面?

But,dad..you know I was kinda thinking maybe I ..

- 可是, 老爸, 我在想我可不可以...


- 嗯?

I was kinda thinking maybe I ..

我想我可不可以...Uh huh?

- 啊哈?

Could also sell the bean buns, they’re...they’re about to go bad…

- 可不可以也順道賣點冰棒, 估計銷量不錯

That's my boy

- 真是個好孩子

I told you that dream was a sign

- 我說過那個夢是個好兆頭

Yeah , hehe ..glad I had it ...

- 沒錯, 呵呵..去了再說吧

---------------6------------去JADE PALACE的路上---------------

I 買粉絲uld not find where

- 我都找不到北了


- 我也是

Shan Dulian ascended the sky [聽不太清楚]

- 山都連上天了

let is go

- 我們走

uh yeah , almost there

- 啊耶, 就要到了

what ? no! ... no! ...no!

- 什么?! 不會吧! 不!... 不!

sorry paul , we 'll bring you back a souvenir ..

- 不好意思了, 肥波, 我們會給你帶紀念品的

no , I 'll bring me back a souvenir

- 不, 我要自己帶紀念品下來

---------------7------------JADE PALACE的廣場上---------------

it is a historic day

- 這是歷史性的一天

isn’t it, master oogway ?

- 是吧, 烏龜大師?

yes , and one I feared I would not live to see

- 是啊, 只要我一息尚存, 我就不會錯過的

are your students ready ?


yes , master ooguay

- 好了, 烏龜大師

now know this , old friend

- 好了 烏龜大師

whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley

- 不管我選了誰 不僅是給山谷帶來平和

but also to you


let the tournament begin

- 現在宣布 比


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