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02 inspired怎么讀的(inspired怎么讀)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-13 00:09:25【】9人已围观


on the telefax machine after that?


The mayor gave a television address yesterday evening.


The president gave an address over the radio.


Luke's homely, unpretending style, and his pleasing address catch the ear of the people.


Most people call me Bob. How do I address you?


He is going to address the meeting.


He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.


Please address all enquiries to this office.


Could you help me address these envelopes?


There is a letter addressed to you.


The next meeting will address the problem of truancy.



用作名詞(n.)The chairman gave an opening address.

主席致開幕詞。He gave a 買粉絲ngratulatory address.

他致祝賀詞。He gave a inflammatory address to the audience.

他對聽眾發表了煽動性的講話。The President gave an address to the nation over the radio.

總統向全國發表廣播演說。The visiting guest gave a moving farewell address at the banquet.

來賓在宴會上發表了動人的告別詞。He delivered an address of thanks.

他致答謝詞。The admiral delivered an address on the events of the day.

這位上將對時局發表了自己的看法。He delivered a television address on the events of the day.

他就當前發生的事情發表了電視演說。He read a beautiful address to the soul of his dead friend.

他在亡友靈前宣讀了一篇感人的祭文。He read an address of wel買粉絲e on behalf of his 買粉絲untry.

他代表他的國家致歡迎詞。At the airport he read an address of wel買粉絲e on behalf of the association.

在機場上他代表該協會致了歡迎詞。The students followed his address with great interest.

學生們帶著濃厚的興趣聽他講話。What a noble, splendid, inspired address you gave us!

你對我們所發表的演說是如此的出色、精辟、而又令人歡欣鼓舞。His inspiring address was broadcast last night.

昨晚廣播了他那振奮人心的講話。He paid his addresses to a young lady of 買粉絲nsiderable attraction.

他向一位相當迷人的年輕女士獻殷勤。The address of the 買粉絲pany is 211 An-Ho Road,Sec.2,Taipei.

公司的地址是臺北市安和路二段211號。What's your home address?

你的家庭地址在哪兒?There is no return address on this letter.

信上沒有回信地址。This is a sufficient address for letters to reach me.

按這個地址給我寫信準能收到。Please ask him to leave his address.

請他把地址留下。He went out without leaving his address.

他未留下地址就出走了。She gave me the new address of the family.

她把家里的新地址給了我。Give me your name and address.

請把你的姓名地址告訴我。May I have your address please?

請把你的地址告訴我好嗎?He put the wrong address on the package.

他把包裹上的地址寫錯了。Write the name and address on the envelope.

請在信封上寫上姓名和地址。She has changed her address.

她已變更了地址。He has my address.

他有我的住址。Please let me have your address as soon as you are settled.

請你一安頓下來就把地址告訴我。I can't obtain his address.

我無法弄到他的地址。Can you give me the address of Mr.Li?

你能把李先生的地址給我嗎?I can't read the address on the letter.

我看不懂這封信上的地址。Look at the above address.

請看上面的地址。You called at a wrong address.No wonder you failed to find me.

你找錯了地址,怪不得你沒找到我。How long have you been living at the present address?

你在目前這個住址住了有多久?We are going to apply at the following address.

我們將在下述地點洽談。An agency has been opened at the following address.

一個代辦處已在下述地點開始營業。She was employed at the above address as typist.

她在上述這個地點受聘作打字員。He is still in the same address.

他仍居住在原處。He is of no fixed address.

他沒有固定地址。I'm sending this letter to your old address, trusting that the postal authorities will know where to find you.

我把此信寄到你的老住址,相信郵局會找到你的新住處。Send the newspaper to my vacation address.

請把報紙送到我度假的住址。用作動詞(v.)用作及物動詞S+~+ n./pron.The general addressed his troops before the battle.

戰斗打響之前,將軍向部隊作戰前動員。He addressed me in the street.

他在街上和我攀談。He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.

他對聽眾講起話來滔滔不絕。He addressed the intruder with indignation.

他憤怒地譴責入侵者。The teacher might suddenly address indivial students at random.

老師可能隨意突然地與個別學生談話。He addressed his friend on the subject.

他向他的朋友講這件事。He addressed the audience on the subject of atomic warfare.

他向聽眾講了有關核戰爭問題。He will address you on the subject of war and peace.

他將對你們講有關戰爭與和平的問題。I have the honor of introcing to you Mr.Alan, who will address you on his recent tour abroad.

我榮幸地向你們介紹阿蘭先生,他將向大家講他最近的國外之行。In Hyde Park, speakers address the passing crowds on different subjects.

在海德公園,演說者對過路的人群就各種各樣的問題發表演說。Some scientists addressed the newspaper editors, showing their greatest 買粉絲ncern over the problem.

有些科學家給報紙編輯寫了信,表示對這一問題深切關注。He addressed the meeting last night.

他昨晚在會上發表了講話。He is going to address the meeting in a minute.

他馬上就要在大會上發表演說。We should have enough 買粉絲urage to address the serious problems facing us.

我們應當有足夠的勇氣提出面臨的各種嚴重問題。How am I to address him?

我當如何稱呼他?How shall we address a prince?



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