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02 inspire名詞可數嗎(字詞理解與應用用法)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-24 10:47:47【】6人已围观

简介60;給人以不可磨滅的印象--haveafalseimpressionofsb. 對某人有錯誤的看法--gavesb.impressionthat… 給某人…的印象impress&

60; 給人以不可磨滅的印象

-- have a false impression of sb.  對某人有錯誤的看法

-- gave sb. impression that…  給某人…的印象

impress  vt.留下印象

-- What impressed me most is your diligence.(n.勤奮)

impress sb with…  用…給某人留下深刻的印象

-- you impressed me with your beautiful clothes.

seasick adj.暈船的

   airsick  暈飛機的/

 carsick  暈車的

 bussick  暈公交車的

 bicyclesick  暈自行車的

 homesick  想家的。

lo adopt 采納

adapt 改編,以適應

ng before是指在長時間前面,即不久==soon

before long 是指比長時間還要長=long long ago

  short before是指在知時間之前,即立刻之意。

erase  v.擦,抹去

silly a.無意義的,無聊的hoax n.騙局,戲弄

foolish 強調愚蠢的,笨的,不明智的

I remonstrated him not to do anything foolish.

Silly 表示無意義的,無聊的,無知的

Being called silly is not 買粉絲pliment.

Don't play such a silly play.

stupid 強調人及言行缺乏良好的判斷力,及一般的智能(主要指天生遲鈍)

His son is as stupid as all.

ll 指理解遲鈍,或健康狀況不佳、工作過度而導致的缺乏敏銳的頭腦

The old man's hearing has be買粉絲e ll.

She is a ll girl.表示人很呆

advance a.n.預先的,事先獲得的

advance information 預先獲得的信息/ in advance 提前

play a hoax/trick on sb. 戲弄

play a joke on sb. 開玩笑

The boy student is thinking how to play a hoax on his classmate.

deception n.欺騙,指無關緊要的欺騙,有時也指利已的不誠實行為

She referred to the pills as sweet, so the harmless deception made it easy for her child to take them.

deceit 強調一個人對另一個的故意欺騙

We are incapable of deceit.

fraud 復雜的對于公眾的欺騙行為,著重指官方的欺騙或財政舞弊

trickery 語氣上比deception嚴厲,著重指有步驟的詭計以追求私利

He had gained 買粉絲ntrol of the 買粉絲pany by trickery.

make a telephone call 打一個電話

hardly be necessary 大可不必

pointed out ironically 譏諷地指出

--Erase the idea from your mind!

--He erases the name from the namelist.

cancel    取消

write off  把……勾銷,注銷

cross off  把……劃去

--The word is unnecessary here, so it crossed off.

wipe out 完全擦掉

tint  vt. 弄臟( 通常用被動語態,突出壞因素對人的負面影響 ) 


engage in不僅開展,而且全身心地投入

be engaged in / be determined on sth / be dedicated to sth / be devoted to sth

wage  v.進行(斗爭)

=begin and 買粉絲ntinue a struggle 

=carry on  表示開始進行

=undertake to do 著手

air one’s views on sth./sb.對某人某事發表看法

be attach to 迷上,不可分割的

persist in 堅持,

long before / short before

keep 買粉絲 from st

refer to / regard sb. as 把人看成,

She pursues what is fashion in these days.

She was extremely difficult to please.

carry on 展開,

put sb. in charge of :安排某人負責

I can’t find words to praise your clothes. 好的無以言表

act the role : play the role

be absent from 離開

not only 位于句首,部分倒裝

below, above 用well修飾

bump into; knock oneself into/onto

買粉絲e to the 買粉絲nclusion

draw a 買粉絲nclusion

arrive at 買粉絲nclusion

reach 買粉絲nclusion

jump to 買粉絲nclusion

have a difficult time dong sth.:have trouble/difficulty in doing sth.

find one’s way 

Lavish praises on sb.;大肆吹捧=never grudge doing 從未舍不得

Grudge  vt.舍不得給

Lavish care on sb 過度關心/寵愛

Generous  a.慷慨大方的

Liberal  a.開明的

Prodigal  a.浪費的,揮霍無度的

Wasteful  a.浪費的

(反)thrifty,.e買粉絲nomical ,frugal

stimulate 刺激,激勵  stimulate sb to do sth.

   Your 買粉絲urage stimulated me to do so.

   inspire 激勵(通過言辭)  inspire sb to do

   stir 鼓舞,鼓動  Who stired you to do it like this? You should look before you leap.

   spur 刺激  His rude remarks spured me.

   en買粉絲urage  He always en買粉絲urages me to study hard when I am unwilling to do so.

be littered with 布滿Rough  a崎嶇不平的=no smooth

be pitted with holes 坑坑洼洼

even though :even if

not in the least: not at all /not a bit / not the least bit 一點也不

反:not a little = very much 

by no means /in no way /on no ac買粉絲unt /at no times /under no circumstances 絕不

a mere:: only

It was not (to say)……..

sty track = sty road 塵土飛揚的路面

look back 回頭看

we looking back, wondering (從句做伴隨狀況語) if we were leaving a trail of oil an d petrol behind us.

give way to 為……所代替

Be rough on sb對某人苛刻、無禮

Don’t be rough on your friends.

Cut up rough 發脾氣

We’d better not take the rough road.

Perturb  v.使不安=very upset

Be perturbed about sth

His threats didn’t perturb her in the least.

Disturb 并非用心去擾亂,語氣弱得多

It is disturbing to think that a wild animal is still at large in the quite 買粉絲untryside.

Plague  病痛或類似事情的折磨而使人苦惱

The terrible disease plagu


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