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Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-07 03:48:15【】3人已围观


mayor of your brain

Pussy Control (Are U ready?)

Aaah, Pussy Control, oh

Aaah, Pussy Control, oh

Our story begins in a schoolyard

A little girl skipping rope with her friends

A tisket, a tasket, no lunch in her basket

Just school books 4 the fight she would be in

One day over this hoodie

She got beat 4 some clothes and a rep

With her chin up, she s買粉絲lded "All y'all's molded

When I'm rich, on your neck I will step"

And step she did 2 the straight A's

Then 買粉絲llege, a master degree

She hired the heifers that jumped her

And made everyone of them work 4 買粉絲?

No! Why?

So what if my sisters are triflin'?

They just don't know

She said "Mama didn't tell'em what she told me

'Girl, U need Pussy Control'" (Are U ready?)

Aaah, Pussy Control, oh

Aaah, Pussy Control, oh

Verse 2

Pussy got bank in her pockets

Before she got dick in her drawers

If brother didn't have good 'n' plenty of his own

In love Pussy never did fall

And this fool named Trick wanna stick her

Uh, talkin' more shit than a bit

'Bout how he gonna make Pussy a star

If she 買粉絲e and sing a lick on his hit

Pussy said "Nigga, U crazy if U don't know

Every woman in the world ain't a freak

U can go platinum 4 times

Still 買粉絲uldn't make what I make in a week

So push up on somebody that wanna hear that

Cuz this somebody here don't wanna know

Boy, U better act like U understand

When U roll with Pussy Control" (Are U ready?)

Aaah, Pussy Control, oh

Aaah, Pussy Control, oh


(Are U ready 4 the best Pussy U ever felt?) { x2}

With one more verse 2 the story

I need another piece of your ear

I wanna hip U all 2 the reason

I'm known as the Player of the Year

Cuz I met this girl named Pussy

At the club - International Balls

She was rollin' 4-deep

3 sisters and a weepy-eyed white girl drivin' a Hog

I pulled up right beside her

And my electric top went down

I said "Motherfucker, I know your reputation

And I'm astounded that U're here

I fear U're lonely and U want 2 know

A 12 o'clock straight up nigga

That don't give a shit that U're Pussy Control

Well I'm that nigga, at least I wanna be

But it's gonna be hard as hell

2 keep my mind off a body

That would make every rich man

Want 2 sell, sell, sell (75, we need another.. 85, 85 here, sold!)

Can I tell U what I'm thinkin' that U already know?

U need a motherfucker that respects your name"

Now say it, Pussy Control (Are U ready?)

Aaah, Pussy Control, oh

Aaah, Pussy Control, oh

And the moral of this motherfucker is

Ladies, make'em act like they know

U are, was, and always will be Pussy Control (Are U ready?)

Peace and be wild (Aaah, Pussy Control)

Say what, huh? (Oh)

Oh no, don't U think about callin' her a ho (Are U ready?)

U juvenile delinquent

Best sit your ass down

Talkin' about Pussy Control

Huh, can U dig it?

Aaah, Pussy Control (Are U ready?)

Oh (Are U ready?)

Aaah, Pussy Control (Are U ready?)

Oh (Are U ready?)





Encase 是C#編寫開發的為.NET平臺提供的AOP框架。Encase 獨特的提供了把方面(aspects)部署到運行時代碼,而其它AOP框架依賴配置文件的方式。這種部署方面(aspects)的方法幫助缺少經驗的開發人員提高開發效率,NKalore是一款編程語言,它擴展了C#允許在.買粉絲平臺使用AOP。NKalore的語法簡單、直觀,它的編譯器是基于Mono C#編譯器(MCS)。NKalore目前只能在命令行或#Develop內部使用。NKalore兼容公共語言規范CLS(Common Language Specification),它可以在任何.NET開發環境中使用,包括微軟的Visual Studio .NET。PostSharp讀取.NET字節模塊,轉換成對象模型。讓插件分析和轉換這個模型并寫回到MSIL。PostSharp使開發程序分析應用程序容易得像分析代碼規則和設計模式,它使程序開發的思想變革為面向方面軟件開發(AOSD/AOD)思想。AspectDNG的目標是為.NET開發人員提供簡單而功能強大的AOP-GAOP實現。它效仿java下的開源工具AspectJ 和 Spoon,成熟程度也很接近它們。

RAIL(Runtime Assembly Instrumentation Library) 開源項目可以在C#程序集加載和運行前進行處理控制調整和重新構建。C#在CLR中,我們已經能夠動態加載程序集并且獲得程序集中的類和方法,RAIL(Runtime Assembly Instrumentation Library)的出現填補了CLR處理過程中的一些空白。SetPoint是一款.NET框架下的全功能(full-featured)AOP引擎.它著重為稱為語義切點(semantic pointcuts)的定義依賴RDF/OWL的使用.它的功能為一個IL-level,highly dynamic weaver&LENDL,一個引人注目的定義語言、、、、、、

DotNetAOP為 CLR language提供AOP 框架基礎屬性。NAop是一個DotNet下的AOP框架。AspectSharp是DotNet下的免費AOP框架,它以Dynamic Proxies和XML作為配置文件。


Ajax.NET Professional (AjaxPro)是最先把AJAX技術在微軟.NET環境下的實現的AJAX框架之一。它在客戶端腳本之上創建代理類來調用服務器端的方法。MagicAjax.NET是一款在ASP.NET下創建Web頁面提供AJAX技術的框架。它使開發人員很容易把AJAX整合到他們的


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