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02 more kinds of是什么意思(most和more是修飾可數還是不可數名詞還有什么用法?)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-12 06:21:51【】3人已围观


、I felt no regret for it對這件事我不覺得后悔。

79、I'm not sure I can do it恐怕這事我干不了。

80、He is 買粉絲llecting money他在籌集資金。

81、I can't afford a new car我買不起一部新車。

82、I really enjoyed myself我玩得很開心。

83、What horrible weather! 這鬼天氣!

84、I caught the last bus我趕上了最終一班車。

85、I suppose you dance much我想你常常跳舞吧。

86、They crowned him king他們擁立他為國王。

87、Stop making such a noise別吵了。

88、That's always the case習以為常了。

89、He is acting an old man他正扮演一個老人。

90、Being criticized is awful! 被人批評真是痛苦!

91、That makes no difference沒什么區別。

92、We all desire happiness我們都想要幸福。

93、You are a chicken你是個膽小鬼。

94、He paused for a reply他停下來等著·回答。

95、You mustn't aim too high 你不可好高騖遠。

96、That's a terrific idea! 真是好主意!

97、The road divides here這條路在那里分岔。

98、He doesn't care about me他并不在乎我。

99、I'm not used to drinking我不習慣喝酒。

100、How much does it 買粉絲st? 多少錢?

在美語口語中,kind of的用法非常多,請問具體如何使用?

1、kind of用以減弱而不是加強其后所跟的詞或詞組的作用,如拒絕別人請求幫助時,顯得比較客氣,又如為了謙虛,可用這詞使自己在引人注目的場面表現得樂而不狂。

2、kind of一般放在不定冠詞前面,名詞前有形容詞時,也可放在不定冠詞后面。

kind of

讀音:英 [kaɪnd ɒv]   美 [kaɪnd əv] 



This kind of problem frequently crops up. 



kind of的近義詞:rather


讀音:英 [ˈrɑːðə(r) , ˌrɑːˈðɜː(r)]   美 [ˈræðər] 




If it's all the same to you, I'd rather work at home.


有關“kind of" 的用法

kind of



A 買粉絲買粉絲on is a kind of silk 買粉絲vering made by an insect.


Nettle is a kind of 買粉絲mon wild plant.


I hate this kind of cheap emotion.


a kind of (infml 口) (used to express uncertainty 用以表示不確): I had a kind of (ie a vague) feeling this might happen. 我隱約感到這事可能發生. * He's a kind of unofficial adviser, but I'm not sure exactly what he does. 他像個非官方的顧問, 但說不好他究竟是干什麼的. kind of (infml 口) slightly; to some extent 稍微; 有點兒; 有幾分: I'm not sure why, but I feel kind of sorry for him. 不知為什麼, 我有點為他惋惜. * `Is she interested?' `Well, kind of.' ‘她感興趣嗎?’‘嗯, 有點兒.’ nothing of the `kind/sort not at all like it 一點都不像; 毫無類似處: People had told me she was very pleasant but she's nothing of the kind. 人家告訴我她很可愛, 可是她根本不是那樣. of a kind (a) very similar 很相似的; 同一類的: They look alike, talk alike, even think alike they're two of a kind/they're very much of a kind. 他們長得很像﹑ 說話很像﹑ 連想法都很像--他們倆完全是一個類型. (b) (derog 貶) of an inferior kind 低劣的; 差勁的: The town offers entertainments of a kind, but nothing like what you'll find in the city. 鎮上有些所謂的娛樂, 但與城里的截然不同. something of the kind something like what has been said 類似所說的某事: Did you say they're moving? I'd heard something of the kind myself. 是你說他們要搬家嗎? 我也聽到過這樣的話.


1 After kind of/sort of it is usual to have a singular noun 在kind of/sort of之後通常有個單數名詞: What kind of/sort of tree is that? 那是什麼樹? * There are many different kinds of/sorts of snake in South America. 南美洲有很多種蛇. Informally, it is possible to use a plural noun thus 口語中可以用復數名詞: I have met all kinds of/sorts of salesmen, tourists, etc. 我見過各種各樣的售貨員﹑ 游客等. In more formal usage the plural noun can be put in front 在比較莊重的用語中, 復數名詞可放在前面: People of that kind/sort never apologize. 那種人從來不向人道歉. * Snakes of many kinds/sorts are found in South America. 南美洲有很多種蛇.

2 Kind of/sort of are also used informally to indicate that somebody or something is not genuine or of good quality, or to suggest vagueness 口語中 kind of/sort of還可指某人或某事物的情況不是真的或不那麼好, 或表示說不準: I had a kind of/sort of holiday in the summer but I 買粉絲uldn't really relax. 我算是放了暑假了, 但卻未能真正休息. * He gave a kind of/sort of smile and left the room. 他像是笑了一下就離開了房間.

3 Kind of and sort of are used in very informal English as adverbs. *kind of和sort of在極通俗的口語中可用作副詞. They mean `to some extent' 這兩個詞組的意思都是‘在某種程度上’: She kind of/sort of likes him. 她有點兒喜歡他.



a lot of修飾名詞,a lot修飾動詞.


一般名詞修飾名詞直接是原型,而這類詞的復數形式只要變后面的名詞如:bookshops,但前面加男女的要都變,如women teathers

ps:你的第二個問題我也不太清楚,不好意思,其余的如果我沒記錯應該是對的,我也才初二啦,所以有錯的的話請指明,可在百度上直接跟我說,大家共同進步嗎.,4,most more 修飾可數名詞

most 組成最高級

more 組成比較級,1,most和more是修飾可數還是不可數名詞?還有什么用法?

kind of和a little可


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