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02 when he was a kid什么意思(英語問題)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-25 07:35:23【】9人已围观


time I knew exactly where to start, I knew what to disregard and what to look at."

1. The passage mainly wants to tell us that______.

A. Swedish kid helps FBI find out the most wanted cyber criminals

B. Jonathan is really a quiet, gentle and ordinary boy

C. many 買粉絲panies want the young 買粉絲puter expert to join in

D. any cyber criminals will surely be found out wherever they are

2. The public started to know something about Jonathan just from____.

A. his helping the US FBI to find out the sender of the dangerous "I LOVE YOU" virus

B. his work together with Fredrik Bjoerck to find out the maker of the "Melissa" virus

C. his little sister's talk about his good qualities as a regular kid and a good programmer

D. his speech on e-security to many 買粉絲puter 買粉絲panies after his fight against hackers

3. From Jonathan's success in finding out the sender of the dangerous 'Love Bug" virus we can infer that ___.

A. where there's a will, there's a way B. experience is knowledge

C. hard work leads to success D. failure is the mother of success

4. What do we know about Jonathan

A. He is a good fame hunter with various abilities.

B. He is such a brave fighter that any criminal will feel afraid.

C. He is an expert on security, not interested in running a 買粉絲pany.

D. He is a regular kid but does something unusual.

【答案與解析】本文主要講述了19個瑞典男孩 Jonathan 憑借自己出色的電腦技術幫助美國聯邦調查局尋找網絡犯罪分子.

1. A.主旨題.根據 …he helps the US Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) find out the world's most wanted cyber criminals 可確定答案.

2. B.細節題.根據 Jonathan first made headlines when he and another Swede, Fredrik Bjoerck, found out the maker of the "Melissa" virus(病毒) in March 1999 可推測出答案.

3. B.推斷題.根據 He said his work on the "Melissa" virus, which took three weeks to solve, was a big help in finding the suspect so quickly 可以看出,以前積累的經驗對他以后的工作大有幫助,故 B 最佳.

4. D.細節題.根據 Although he works with the FBI now, his family insists he's just "a regular kid" 可以看出來,Jonathan 是一個正常的孩子,但他卻做出了一些不尋常的事情.




1、child n. 小孩,兒童

〔辨析〕相比 kid 而言較為正式,含義廣,無感情色彩。泛指從胎兒、嬰兒到10歲左右的兒童。

〔例證〕How many children do you have?


2、kid n. [非正式]小孩,孩子

〔辨析〕指孩童,常可與 child 換用。在美國俗語中也常表示“年輕人”

〔例證〕He is married with two kids/children.




英 [tʃaɪld]  美 [tʃaɪld] 

n. 兒童,小孩,孩子;產物;子孫;幼稚的人;弟子


英 [kɪd]  美 [kɪd] 

n. 小孩;小山羊

v. 欺騙;取笑;戲弄

adj. 小山羊皮制的;較年幼的



只有復數: children


第三人稱單數: kids 復數: kids 現在分詞: kidding 過去式: kidded


1/ None is (不知道可以連are),及 None of something是習慣用法。沒有None books這樣的搭配,這于 No books混淆了。

2/ (你知道地比我清楚了,贊!)

3/ 你說到的老師講的那個例子,應該是一個錯誤來的。ofen是副詞,沒有聽說那個副詞可以這樣改變句子的時態。 在賓語從句里面,只要允許,從句的時態就應該跟著主句的謂語的時態,除非賓語里敘說的是某些真理或者恒久不變的事情,那么就可以用一般時(如果主句謂語用過去時,也可以用過去時。且這樣的用法更常見些。),但最好不要輕易使用,特別在僅僅陳述某人的話,沒有包含自己的判斷、感情在內時。

此外,在分析這樣的句子的時候,大的用法原則要清楚。試想一下,Jim often went to the pool to play when he was a kid. 既然這句話里的often后面可以用過去時,為什么賓語從句中就不能用過去時呢? usually 及 often 可以接過去時跟一般現在時。


4/ 我個人也認為D更好。認同你的說法,這個句子中關鍵是until搭配的動詞的延遲性(從句中的動詞!)。 not until 的意思是不...直到某一個(事情發生的)時刻,所以是表示條件的,即應該非此即彼。因此has been explained表示已經解釋了這個條件。


I was reading until father came home (延遲性)

I won't (can't) go out to play until my father is back to look after my younger sister.



he was a rebellious kid who came from a troubled background,and heboasted too much.什么意思?



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