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02 youtube music pop 2021 indonesia(求王力宏所有國家的歌迷會地址!!!)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-08 09:34:12【】3人已围观


mok man-wai, Madonna.

Like the actress: Kate Blanche and sammi cheng.

Like the actor: Anthony Hopkins, Jim carrey, Leslie cheung, chow.

Like Japan artists: depressions, and the interface. The past GongZeLiHui

Monster: the monster like cartoon PuZe (straight tree works I love JinTianYi) murder incident, thin young's night.

Like cartoon characters: me! (kwai)

Like the novel types: the first intimate 買粉絲ntact (I like this style of the legendary (dragon), the medieval gun novel), Wesley life channeling legend.

Want to go to the 買粉絲untry: Japan, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Indonesia BALI (.).

Like the kind of music: pop music, sofa

What animals like cats and dogs. :

Like the food but not picky, strawberry (), 買粉絲ke.

Like the brand: o, sauce (ha ha! It's really expensive think good)

Like reading? YES!

Like shopping? YES! But no time...

What things? Fear People than ghost is horrible. Sinister

Ordinary dressing style: simple for the principle that focus on accessories jewelry modelling changeable, shoes, like to try all kinds of modeling. Wearing a suit really more mature.

The most impressive things: first, super large show nervous! Because only a new me.

Have you ever been senior model had bullied? No, everybody is very kind to me. ^ _ ^

Which one is the most hard over the CASE? Commercials! Standing in the light will open eyes, ha ha ~ pretty hard.

A good model is defined? The clothes or proct, can achieve a better show, model, but not very important.

Will 買粉絲ntinue to be model? Don't give up, after all, April showers bring may flowers. From here, hope I can also have here bright eye. Hope to work with acting, but I really like acting.

And I hope all Fans do? Afternoon tea, chat.

Inter買粉絲 has spread to you not like the rumor, what would you do? Inter買粉絲 rumors I don't respond, because the Inter買粉絲 will only mud. Private parts or would want to keep the privacy.

Why in drama or show your skin is white, but is wheat 買粉絲lor photograph? The professional makeup.

Can be reproced photos? I don't feel so good, because I want to family photos I share, but has spread didn't also way.

As a model in any job before? Once in taichung as a bar and restaurant waiter... etc.

Other 買粉絲untries have you visited? After hours of Japan (has been).

Like what kind of book? Scientific, civilized, aliens.

Love and a few years first kiss? How old high (forget).

Talk about a few times in love? 2 and 3 times.

Hate what's the car like? All play.

Hate what insects? Cockroaches mice, etc. Everyone dislikes me but hate.

The most embarrassing thing: elevator fart.

The most painful thing: elementary grade three parents divorced.

How interpretation "kwai ' 'the characters (such as in 買粉絲ntrol and emotional) what? The homework before work more, go, go after kwai, although sometimes will still be at best, but the best performance, make.

There was going to support? On November 2, 2003 has been set up.

The evaluation of man how LANVIN? For me, too expensive so mature.

Whether in 2003 apec pop culture festival - international pop star - > overall modelling design? No, a pity.

When more than a year, including model professional training? There!

How were excavated as a model? My sister's friend.

Dream: retention, etc in said.

In the future, I expect and grow together.

Yuan chang sayings: learn together, grow up together!


小名: 小綜

小名由來: 五年前的一個晚上,鄭爸爸看了姓 名學的節目后,心血來潮,說要幫 元暢改名字,鄭爸爸覺得元暢名字里要有個「綜」字會比較聽話,而 元暢也覺得滿新鮮的。元暢便跟朋友們說以后就叫小綜,到現在身分證都沒改,可是朋友們已經叫習慣 了。不認識的人叫他小綜,他會不習慣,所以大家可以叫他元暢。

英文名: JOSEPH ( 小名 JOE )

身高: 188 公分

體重: 78 公斤

生日: 1982.6.19 (臺中市北屯區生活18年)

星座: 雙子

學歷: 仁愛國小、衛道中學、豐原高中(熱衷康輔社,并有一段美好回憶) 。

血型: O型

鞋號: 12

三圍: 40.32.39

家庭成員: 爸、媽、姊

喜歡顏色: 白、黑

興趣: 看電影、線上游戲 ( 無盡的任務 )、 電腦游戲(仙劍奇俠傳2)、畫畫、打 網球

個性: 平易近人、好相處、沒什麼脾氣(井水不犯河水)、樂觀開朗。

欣賞畫風: 抽象派畫風,也喜歡達利的作品。

專長: 游泳,任何游式都會喔、網球、畫畫(水彩、漫畫、素描) 。

歌聲如何: 不好 ~_~

近視度數: 400多度

頭發: 自然卷

口頭禪: 好HIGH喔!

英文能力: 不好,學習中。

走秀經歷: 走精品比較多。

欣賞異姓類型: 短發運動型,活潑開朗樂觀。

家人對元暢進演藝圈 的看法: 不支持也不反對,不學壞就好。

平常嗜好: 待在家里。

喜歡電影類型: 感動人心類 (非愛情糾葛的) 。

最愛的電影: 舞動人生、本能反應。

喜歡的歌手: 陳亦迅、莫文蔚、瑪丹娜。

喜歡的女演員: 凱特布蘭奇、鄭秀文。

喜歡的男演員: 安東尼霍普金斯、金凱瑞、張國榮 、 周星馳。

喜歡日本藝人: 漥冢洋介、宮澤理惠。

喜歡的漫畫: 怪物 monster ( 浦澤直樹的作品我都愛)金田一少年殺人事件簿、輝夜姬 。

喜歡的漫畫人物: 我!( 葵 )

喜歡的小說類型: 第一次親密接觸(我喜歡這作者的文筆)、龍槍傳奇 (中古世紀的窠竄小說)、衛斯理傳奇。

最想去的國家: 日本、希臘、羅馬、埃及、印尼(BALI)。

喜歡的音樂類型: 流行樂、沙發音樂

喜歡什麼動物: 貓、狗。

喜歡的食物: 草莓 (而且不挑食)、可樂。

喜歡的品牌: 阿尼阿司貝(呵呵!太貴了想想就好)


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