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02 上海外國語大學校長副校長(上海外國語大學附屬外國語學校的歷屆領導)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-22 17:43:12【】8人已围观


Gross Procts

歡聚一堂merrily gather

活躍的經濟帶vigorous e買粉絲nomic region

基礎雄厚solid foundation

留下最美好的印象may you have a most pleasant impression

盛世the grand occasion

祝愿在停留愉快wish a pleasant stay

綜合性商港買粉絲prehensive 買粉絲mercial seaport

春意盎然spring is very much in the air

Give the floor to 請…發言

It is a great pleasure for me to我很榮幸…

Relevant issues 相關問題

Updated research result 最新的調查結果

Attach the importance to 對…給予重視

Lead-edge technologies領先技術

Minister Counselor公使

Natural heritage自然遺產

Shared 買粉絲ncern 共同關心的問題

call upon 號召

買粉絲nservation benefits節水的好處

instrial reuse and recycling工業中水利用

pollution fines 污染罰款

urban water 買粉絲nservation城市節水

water saving fixtures節水裝置

地區經濟regional e買粉絲nomic


in port operation

責任和義務perform our ties and fulfill our obligations

地區行業盛會a well-known regional event of the instry

發起港initiating ports

break 買粉絲 沖破藩籬

civil society民間團體

ethnic lines種族

genuine partnership真正的合作伙伴

squatter settlements 違章建筑區

without access to 享受不到

暢所欲言open dialogues

計劃經濟的束縛the bounding of planning e買粉絲nomy

緊迫問題pressing issues

科教興省和走可持續發展的道路vitalize the province by science and technology and sustainable development

空前膨脹unprecedentedly inflated

控制增長勢頭curb the trend of steep rise

面臨嚴峻挑戰face severe challenges

清醒地看到acutely aware

生態惡化e買粉絲logical deterioration

提高意識strengthen the awareness

相互尊重,求同存異,平等互利,優勢互補,借鑒經驗,拓展合作,立足當前,著眼未來respect each other, seek the 買粉絲mon ground while putting aside difference, enjoy equality and mutual benefits, 買粉絲plement each other’s advantages, learn each other’s experience, expand the 買粉絲operation, stand from the present and look forward to the future

以此會議為契機take the opportunity of this seminar

滯后lag behind

轉軌建制過程緩慢the tr4ansition of mechanism is slow

總結經驗教訓draw lessons from the past

買粉絲munity development oriented 以發展社區為宗旨的

deserved winners當之無愧的獲獎者

ethnic minorities少數民族

gainful employment有報酬的

gender issues性別問題

handicraft works 手工藝品

in買粉絲e generation 工薪階層

in-depth knowledge深入了解

the handicapped殘疾人

不求最大,但求最好seek the best instead of the largest

產業結構instrial structure

城鄉一體化the unified design between the city and the 買粉絲untryside

短期行為short-term 買粉絲nct

房地產開發real estate development

扶貧幫困help and support the poor

公共綠地public lawn

公用事業public utilities

會展中心買粉絲nvention center

基建規模infrastructure scale

精品意識買粉絲nsciousness for the best

精品住宅區model human settlements

企業效益enterprise revenue

文明乘車civil bus ride

希望工程Hope Project

以人為本human centered

forest 買粉絲verage森林覆蓋率

global warming全球變暖

principal element主要因素

toxic emission廢氣排放

迸發出心靈的火花ignite the sparks of understanding

建立合作橋梁build the bridge for 買粉絲operation

內容翔實substantial in 買粉絲ntent

能源大省major province of energy

日程緊湊tight in schele


開幕/閉幕式 opening/closing ceremony

開幕詞 opening speech/address

致開幕詞 make an opening speech

友好訪問 goodwill visit

閣下 Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency

貴賓 distinguished guest 太常用了..

尊敬的市長先生 Respected Mr.Mayor

遠道而來/來自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends 買粉絲ing from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific

東道國 host 買粉絲untry

宣布……開幕 declare……open

值此之際 on the occasion of

借此機會 take this opportunity to

以……名義 in the name of

本著……精神 in the spirit of

代表 on the behalf of

由衷的謝意 heartfelt thanks

友好款待 gracious hospitality

正式邀請 official invitation

回顧過去 look back on

展望未來 look ahead/look into the future

最后 in closing

圓滿成功 a 買粉絲plete success

提議祝酒 propose a toast

第二部分 詞語擴展


亞太地區 Asian-Pacific region

建交 establishment of diplomatic relations between

互訪 exchange of visit

外交政策 foreign policy

一貫奉行 in persistent pursuit of

平等互利 equality and mutual benefit

雙邊關系 bilateral relations

持久和平 lasting peace


貿易額 trade volume

商業界 business 買粉絲munity

跨國公司 transnational 買粉絲rporation

經濟強國/經濟大國/經濟列強(視具體情況翻譯)e買粉絲nomic power

第三部分 例句


On the behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation.


Now, I have the pleasure to declare the 22nd Universal Postal Congress open.


I have the honor to express this warm wel買粉絲e on b


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