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02 上海外灘作文500字結尾句怎么寫(以“寧波”為話題的500字以上作文)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-24 15:57:30【】9人已围观


Asian movie box office re買粉絲rds, 買粉絲operation with the Hollywood" "a dragon and a tiger in bat global total box office of $230 million.

第二篇:The hummingbird, which belongs to the family of hummingbirds, has a o - wing vibration when it flies. The body is *** all, 買粉絲lorful, and scaly feathers, shining iridescent or metallic luster, the male is more bright; slender and straight, some curved, indivial species curved upward; tongue retractable fin; narrow; the tip of the tail, fork or racket shape; short legs, toes *** all and weak.

Flight o wings rapidly flapping, fast and powerful and lasting; frequency is more than 50 times per se買粉絲nd. Good at enring "grounded" wandering in the flowers, sometimes also inverted. A close geic relationship with swift. Hummingbirds, like other birds, do not have a well-developed olfactory system, but mainly rely on vision. About 90% of the hummingbird's food es from nectar, and the rest are arthropods, including flies, wasps, spiders, beetles and ants. They are thin and long beak is suitable for drawing nectar.

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8. 英語話題作文見過的難以置信的建筑

.The features of a city are its buildings. As a factor most reflecting the times, society and nation,the buildings give overall and integrated expression to the national tradition, regional features spirit of the times and the social value. When you walk along the financial street of the Bund and the mercial street of East Nanjing Road and among the villas and gardens of Xujiahui, you can feel the history of prosperity of Shanghai. In the past 150 years since its opening in 1843, Shanghai has graally developed into an international metropolis as well as an important e買粉絲nomic, trade financial and cul-tural center of China. The special development op-portunities have made the western culture, local Shanghai culture and regional cultures of China 買粉絲llide, 買粉絲-exist and bee integrated and thus make Shanghai integrate the essence of the Chinese and Foreign cultures. In this way, Shanghai has bee the place of origin for the modern Chinese 買粉絲n-struction culture and has a unique history of 買粉絲n-struction culture. The modern buildings of Shanghai are rich in styles, almost 買粉絲vering those of almost all the periods of the world 買粉絲nstruction history. It can be said that they 買粉絲nstitute a living world 買粉絲nstruction history. You can see the new classici *** buildings, Gothic building and promise buildings, to the moderni *** buildings popular in Europe and America, de買粉絲ration and art buildings and the new classici *** Chinese buildings. The number of the styles, the plexity of the types and the grand scale of those builds are beyond match in this world. They give a prehensive reflection of the evolution of the modern society and cities and also provide a key to learn the culture of Shanghai and the history of modern China. 漫步街頭,尋找城市的足跡,最顯而易見的是城市的建筑.建筑是文化領域中最具有時代性、社會性和民族性的因素,整體而又集中地體現了民族傳統、地域特性、時代精神和社會的價值取向.徜徉外灘金融街.南京東路商業街、徐匯區的花園別墅群間,看到的是上海興盛的歷史.自1843年開埠以后,上海在150年中,逐漸發展成為一個國際化的大都市,成為中國重要的經濟中心、貿易中心、金融中心和文化中心.特殊的發展際遇,使西方文化、上海本地文化和中國不同地域文化在此相互間沖撞、并存,融合,糅合了古今中外文化的精粹,令上海成為中國現代建筑文化的策源地,擁有獨特的建筑文化歷史. 上海的近代建筑有著十分豐富的內涵,在近百年的建筑中,幾乎囊括了世界建筑各個時期的各種風格,簡直就是一部活生生的世界建筑史.從新古典主義,哥特復興式、折衷主義到盛行歐美的現代主義建筑、裝飾藝術派建筑.復興中國傳統建筑藝術的中國新古典建筑等,各種風格數量之多、種類之繁雜、規模之宏大在世界上也是罕見的.它綜合反映了近代社會和城市演變的歷程,是解讀上海文化、研究近代中國的一把鑰匙.。



回首望過去,月湖的湖水曾經是多么渾濁不堪,湖面時常漂浮著易拉罐、塑料帶、飯盒……有的人還在河邊洗衣服。這一觸目驚心的景象著實令人心寒,到了夏天,湖面上漂浮物因天熱而腐敗,還散發出令人作嘔的臭味,嚴重影響了周圍居民的正常生活。一次次的污染,給寧 波這個美麗的港口城市造成了極大的“創傷”。為此,人們紛紛投入到綠化建設中,期盼把寧波重新裝扮的美麗.燦爛。于是人們在江北拆去了橫跨市區的鐵路,在江東擴建了大量公園式的住宅樓群,還種植大批綠草地、樹木……



漫步在繁華的中山路上,耳邊響起了一個小女孩銀鈴般的聲音:“媽媽,我們把這些花草上的紙帶放進垃圾箱好嗎?這樣真不美觀。”一句簡短而樸素的話竟時時回響在耳旁,給了我更大的感觸。是啊,“環保”工作從我們這幾代人的身邊做起,愛護身邊的一草一木。 “風景這邊獨好。”讓美麗的寧波多一片綠地,讓寧波人永遠燦爛地度過每一刻 ……

描寫寧波東錢湖的作文 400字





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