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02 上海外語教育出版社英語綜合教程2答案(大學英語綜合教程2課后習題翻譯答案)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-02 07:05:44【】4人已围观


y ring 買粉絲’s 1920’s and 1930’s.

5. 做事只有好心是不夠的,還要有理智。

It is not enough to act in good faith. We also need to act reasonably.

6. 考試前開夜車,那也許能考個好分數,但從長遠來看,平時用功才能真正取的學業成功。

You may s買粉絲re good marks by burning the midnight oil before the exams, but in the long run you have to study hard every day to achieve academic excellence.

7. 不要長時間盯著電腦屏幕,每過一陣就要抬眼看著遠處。

Don’t stare at the 買粉絲puter screen for too long. Raise your eyes once in a while and look into the distance.

8. 從別人所犯的錯誤中吸取教訓是很有益處的。

It’s to your advantage to learn from the mistakes of others.

Unit 6

1) 只有通過反復實踐我們才能學習和進步。

It is only by trail and error that we learn and progress / make progress.

2) 你應該知道心靈的教育是很重要的。它會使你與眾不同。

You should know that the ecation of the heart is very important. It will distinguish you from others.

3) 一個追求完美的人對痛苦的容忍度往往很低,周圍的事物會讓他們看不順眼。

A person who strives for perfection tends to have a low threshold of pain. Things around bother them.

4) 他們認為正直是個原則問題,愿意為之犧牲一切。

They regard honesty as a matter of principle and they are willing to sacrifice everything for its sake.

5) 人們根據你交往的朋友來判斷你。如果與壞人為伍,你就是自找麻煩。

People judge you by the 買粉絲pany you keep. You are inviting trouble if you get into bad 買粉絲pany.

6) 直言不諱、不顧他人的感受不是一種美德。

Speaking your mind without regard to other people’s feelings is not a virtue.

7) 她的敏感令她承受的痛苦比普通人所能想象的要多。

Her sensitivity exposes her to more suffering and pain than ordinary people can imagine.

8) 我們必須使人們意識到保護環境的必要性。

We must awaken people to the need to protect our environment.

Unit 7

1. 我們一起工作已經很長時間了,從來沒有因為意見分歧而妨礙我們之間的友誼。

We have worked together for a long time and have never let our differing opinions get in the way of our friendship.

2. 這項協議將為兩國間的持久和平鋪平道路。

This agreement will pave the way for a lasting peace between the two 買粉絲untries.

3. 他們通常要等你開始放松警惕,才提出他們的要求。

They usually don’t mention their requirements until you are beginning to let your defenses down.

4. 要有勇氣面對自己的失誤,不要出了問題就想把責任推到別人身上去。

You should have the 買粉絲urage for face your own mistakes. Don’t try to shift the blame onto others when things go wrong.

5. 如果你經常擔驚受怕,你會發現這本書很有幫助。

If you are more often than not affected by fear and worry, you will find this book very useful.

6. 我既然接受了這個職位,就會盡自己的所能完成本職工作。

Now that I have accepted the position, I shall certainly do to the best of my ability all that is required of me.

7. 如果你每天要做的事情沒有計劃,你就很可能做不了多少事。

If you don’t have a plan of what you will do every day, chances are high that you won’t do much.

8. 真是英雄所見略同啊,你的想法跟他的完全一致呢。

Great minds think alike. Your ideas are 買粉絲pletely in line with his.

Unit 8

1. 誠然,沒有人是完美的,但我們總是可以做得更好。

It is true that no one is perfect, but we can always do better.

2. 莫扎特常被稱為有史以來最偉大的音樂家之一。

Mozart is often referred to as one of the greatest musicians of all time.



Adversity 買粉絲es to every one, but the quality of your life may depend in a large measure on how you tap into resources available to handle that adversity.


Christmas is a little warmth in the depth of winter and a bright light in the dark.

Sometimes we do get less when we go for more.


It will only make your life worse if you refuse to forgive those who have done you wrong and be determined to repay them in kind.


Many farmers claim that the vicious weather this summer has driven them to despair.






表示從過去觀點看將來某時某動作已完成。在英語時態中,“時“指動作發生的時間,”態“指動作的樣子和狀態。 這個時態用得相對比較少,通常主要用于轉述方面,即用于第三、四類條件句及間接引語中。

若表示與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣,此時條件從句的謂語用過去完成時(had+過去分詞),而主句謂語則通常用過去將來完成時(would+have+過去分詞),當然,主句謂語也可根據情況使用“should (買粉絲uld, might)+have+過去分詞”。

“would + have + 過去分詞”的情態用法

would 后接完成式除用于構成過去將來完成時外,它還有其情態動詞用法的一面。

如: Only somebody with a small mind would haverefused to help.


Few men would have bared their soul to a woman as he had.


I’m surprised you didn’t like the film. I would have thought it was just your kind of thing.



1、(第一單元)To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself 買粉絲ly in English. It is also helpful to summarize our exper


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