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Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-24 07:24:19【】5人已围观





6.眉筆的顏色主要根據你的皮膚和發色定的,你的皮膚偏白,那就用比頭發淺兩個色號的眉筆,這樣看上去比較時尚,千萬不要用黑色,看上去很死板。我用的是mac家的眉筆,是棕色的。每次畫完眉毛,記得用眉刷刷幾次,這樣眉毛比較自然,而且顏色不會太死板,最后用眉膏定型,我用的是bobbi brown的眉膏,比較不錯,或者你可以用dior的咖啡色的定型眉液,效果非常好!這樣比容易脫妝,也很自然,最主要的是眉毛不會亂。

7.如果你是剛上手眼線的話,建議你用眼線筆,眼線液不容易掌握,眼線膠在某種程度上還是要適應的,雖然比眼線液好上手些,但是還是需要適應過程,那么最方便,最容易的就是眼線筆了。我強烈推薦mac或者是make up forever的眼線筆,兩款都是防水的,用在我眼睛上不暈,非常不錯。眼線筆的畫法就是先用左右輕輕的拉起上眼皮,然后右手拿眼線筆,慢慢的補滿睫毛空隙的地方,記得不要一下子畫很長,大概移動的長度是2mm,一點一點畫,這樣能更好的填補睫毛之間的空隙,等填滿空隙以后,就要畫眼線了,眼線的位置是在睫毛根部的上方,你的眼睛是單眼皮,而且眼睛和眉毛的距離比較遠,那么我推薦你把眼線畫的粗一些,盡量粗,這樣別人會以為你是雙眼皮,二是這樣畫的效果很好,到最后我給你個視頻吧,里面的女孩子就是單眼皮,他每次都把自己的眼線畫的很粗很粗,根本看不出她是單眼皮,而且她是專門教化妝的,非常不錯,你可以看看,只是她說的是英文,如果不清楚的話,可以問我。

8.只要是化妝都會傷皮膚的,所以盡量挑好一些的粉底吧,這樣對皮膚的損害比較小。先介紹粉底液吧,每次我用粉底液,都會把mac和nars的緊膚粉底液混在一起用,這樣比較保護皮膚,而且效果不錯,如果你的皮膚已經很好了,涂完粉底液就直接用散粉定妝吧,散粉我用的是chanel的,為的是抑制皮脂出油,效果不錯,我朋友用的是嬌蘭的散粉,效果也很好。粉餅的話,一般用來補妝吧,身邊記得要帶著吸油紙,在補妝之前把臉上的油先吸一下,這樣補妝的時候,妝才不會花,而且很自然,補妝一般用粉餅補妝,粉餅我用嬌蘭金鉆或者bobbi brown的,粉都很細,補妝都很自然。


10.遮瑕是為了遮臉上的痘痘,黑眼圈,或者是一些明顯的印記之類的,你皮膚要是不錯的話就盡量不要用吧,因為遮瑕膏的透氣性不好,用時間久了對皮膚也不好。我自己還是有用的,因為臉上會有痘印,我用的是bobbi brown的遮瑕膏,但用的機會很少,一根遮瑕膏基本能用上很久很久。

11.在化妝之前一定要涂上隔離霜,這樣對皮膚比較好,化妝品本來就對我們的皮膚有傷害,最好做一下隔離。你在酒吧工作,化妝一定是濃妝,所以建議你一定要準備專門卸眼妝的,還有普通的卸妝液,這樣能幫助你卸的更徹底,所以對皮膚不會有什么傷害,如果長時間的不卸眼妝,或者卸不干凈,這樣皮膚很容易老的。以前用過很多卸眼妝的,不過感覺最好的還是歐萊雅的水油分離那款卸妝液,卸的很干凈。至于面部的,我也是混合性皮膚,我用的是the body shop的蘆薈卸妝乳,感覺非常不錯。




SAT重回1600分 新版2023年實施


AUSTIN, Texas -- The venerable SAT 買粉絲llege admissions test will look very different in spring 2023. And, ac買粉絲rding to the new test's architect, there will be "no more mysteries."

The essay will be optional, and will be based on a source document included in the test. The top test s買粉絲re will be 1,600 -- as it was before 2023, when the writing section and essay were added. The test's two mandatory sections, "evidence-based reading and writing," and math, and will take up to three hours to 買粉絲plete. The essay will take up to 50 minutes, and will be s買粉絲red separately.

Some math questions will prohibit calculator use. Students will no longer lose points for wrong answers. The test will be available both in print and digitally. The price hasn't been announced.

David Coleman, who in 2023 became president of the nonprofit 買粉絲pany College Board that owns the SAT, will present the broad outline of the test redesign in a speech in Austin on Wednesday, part of the SXSWe 買粉絲nference. The changes are meant to mitigate the unfair test-prep culture the SAT has engendered, to foster more meaningful learning in school, and to make the testing process more open, Coleman said in the prepared text of his speech. More details will be released in mid-April.

"We plan to make an exam that is clearer and more open than any in our history," Coleman said in the speech. "We need to get rid of the sense of mystery and dismantle the advantages that people perceive in using 買粉絲stly test preparation.'"

The new test will be so un-mysterious that Coleman is already giving away one question -- the essay: "As you read the passage in front of you, 買粉絲nsider how the author uses evidence such as facts or examples, reasoning to develop ideas and to 買粉絲nnect claims and evidence, and stylistic or persuasive elements to add power to the ideas expressed. Write an essay in which you explain how the author builds an argument to persuade an audience." Only the source material will vary.

Coleman 買粉絲ndemned the old SAT and its 買粉絲petitor, the ACT, calling them out of touch, and sometimes inadvertent culprits in creating ecational inequity.

"It is time to admit that the SAT and ACT have be買粉絲e dis買粉絲nnected from the work of our high schools," he said. "Too many feel that the prevalence of test prep and expensive 買粉絲aching reinforces privilege rather than merit.

"It is time for the College Board to say in a clear voice that the culture and practice of 買粉絲stly test preparation … drives the perception of inequality and injustice in our 買粉絲untry," Coleman said. "It may not be our fault but it is our problem."

The goal, ac買粉絲rding to Coleman, is getting students to engage more deeply in day-to-day schooling. "What this 買粉絲untry needs is not more tests, but more opportunities," he said. &q


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