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youtube old soul music(關于justin bieber的一段文字,求翻譯!)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-12 13:14:15【】8人已围观



Old time rock & roll舊日搖滾

Just take those old re買粉絲rds off the shelf把那些老磁帶都從架子上拿下來吧

Ill sit and listen to 'em by myself我會坐著并自己聽

Todays music aln't got the same soul今天的音樂沒有同樣的靈魂

I like that old time rock & roll我喜歡那樣的舊日搖滾

Don't try to take me to a dis買粉絲不要試圖把我帶去迪廳

You'll never even get me out on the

In ten minutes I'll be late for the door

I like that old time rock & roll我喜歡那樣的舊日搖滾

Still like that old time rock & roll仍然喜歡那樣的舊日搖滾

That kind of music just soothes the soul那樣的音樂撫慰心靈

I reminisce about the days of old我緬懷過去

With that old time rock & roll當我聽著舊日搖滾

Won't go to hear them play a tango不會聽到他們演奏探戈

I'd rather hear some blues or funky old soul我寧愿聽一些布魯斯那樣擁有靈魂表現力的音樂

There's only sure way to get me to go只有一種方式讓我

Start playing old time rock n roll開始舊日搖滾

Call me a relic, call me what you will叫我圣者遺物,隨便叫我什么

Say Im old-fashioned, say Im over the hill說我老式的,說我人老珠黃

Today music aint got the same soul

I like that old time rock n roll

Still like that old time rockn roll

That kind of music just soothes the soul

I reminisce about the days of old

With that old time rock n roll


愛聽搖滾的進來 求點music聽聽

01.A HARD DAY'S NIGHT 一個失眠的夜晚 / (披頭士)

02.A ROSE ALONE 孤獨的玫瑰 / (大先生合唱團)

03.A RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD 心血來潮 /(酷玩樂隊)

04.A WHISPER 耳語 / (酷玩樂隊)

05.ADOUMA / (桑塔納樂隊)

06.ALIVE AND KICKIN 活著與死亡 /(大先生合唱團)

07.ALL TOGETHER NOW 一起來吧 /(披頭士)

08.IMAGINE想象 /(約翰.列濃)

09.AlWAYS 永遠愛你 /(邦喬威)

10.AMSTERDAM 阿姆斯特丹/(酷玩樂隊)

11.ARMAGEDDON 絕世天劫/(粉中鐵匠)


13.BABY FACE 娃娃臉 /(U2)

14.BELIEVE 相信 /(騷動樂隊)


16.BROTHERS IN ARMS 自相殘殺 /(恐懼海峽樂隊)

17.BY THE WAY 另外 /(紅辣椒樂隊)

18.CAN'T BUY ME LOVE 得到我的愛 / (披頭士)

19.CLOCKS時鐘 / (酷玩樂隊)

20.COME AS YOU ARE和你來 /(涅磐樂隊)


22.CUTLAW WAN逃犯 / (老鷹樂隊)

23.DAMMIT 糟了!/ (閃爍182樂隊)

24.DANGEROUS危險 /(邁克.杰克遜)

25.DAY TRIPPER 旅行之日(披頭士)

26.DAYLIGHT白晝 /(酷玩樂隊)

27.DIRTY WINDOW骯臟的窗口/(金屬樂隊)

28.DISCO STRANGLER迪士科扼殺者 /(老鷹樂隊)

29.DISENCHANTED LULLABY 喚醒催眠/(弗士戰斗機樂隊)

30.DON’T CRY 別哭 /(槍炮與玫瑰)

31.DON'T STAY別停留 / (林肯樂隊)

32.DOOIIN DAITON 杜林丹爾頓 /(老鷹樂隊)

33.DRIVE 狂舞 /(夢魘樂隊)

34.EASIER FROM YOU因你而易/(林肯樂隊)

35.ENTER SANDMAN睡魔入侵/(金屬樂隊)

36.EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE 你的每一次呼吸/(警察樂隊)

37.EVERY MORNING 每天早晨/(辣椒樂隊)





42.FADE TO BLACK 逐漸變黑/(金屬樂隊)

43.FAR MY WEDDING 我的婚禮/(老鷹樂隊)

44.FOREVER AND A DAY一天與永遠/(搖滾麥克)




48.GET OVER IT 覆蓋它 /(老鷹樂隊)


50.GOODBYE 再見 /(披頭士)

51.GREEN EYES 綠眼睛 /(酷玩樂隊)

52.HARRICAND2000 暴風2000/(蝎子樂隊)

53.HELLO GOODBYE 你好 再見/(披頭士)

54.HELP 救命(披頭士)

55.HERE I AM是我/(史提凡夫)

56.HERE TO STAY呆在這兒/(科恩樂隊)

57.HEY JUDE 嘿,朱迪/(披頭士)

58.HOTEL CALIFORNIS加州旅館/(老鷹樂隊)

59.HOW DO YOU DO 你好嗎/(羅克賽特)

60.I CAN'T TELL YOU WHY我不能告訴你為什么/(老鷹樂隊)

61.I KNEW I LOVED YOU我知道我愛你/(野人花園)


63.I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND我想牽你的手/(披頭士)

64.I WANT YOU我想你/(野人花園)

65.I'M IN LOVE 沉浸愛河/(披頭士)

66.IMAGINE 幻想/(披頭士)

67.IN MY PLACE 我的空間/(酷玩樂隊)

68.INSIDE MY HEAD 穿透我的心/(方向樂隊)

69.INVISIBLE KID無聲的欺騙/(金屬樂隊)

70.IT'S ALL TOO MUCH 太多了/(披頭士)

71.IT'S MY LIFE 我的生活/(邦.喬維)

72.JUST TAKE MY HEART帶走我心/ (大先生合唱團)


74.LET IT BE 讓它去吧/ (披頭士)

75.LIKE DREAMERS DO 和做夢一樣/ (披頭士)

76.LINKS 234 高爾夫球場234/ (戰車樂隊)

77.LIVEFOREVER 永生/ (涅磐樂隊)

78.LONELY HEARTS CLUB 孤獨之心俱樂部/ (披頭士)

79.LONELY IN PARIS寂寞巴黎/ (浮光掠影樂隊)

80.LOVE IS ALL AROUND 愛無所不在/ (濕.濕.濕樂隊)

81.LOVE WILL KEEP US ALISE 愛讓我們生存/ (老鷹樂隊)

82.MOTHER母親/ (平克弗洛伊德)

83.MUDSHOVEL 鏟子/(調色樂隊)

84.MY FRVOURITE GAME 我喜歡游戲/(羊毛衫樂隊)

85.MY THANKS GIVING 我的感謝/(老鷹樂隊)

86.MY WORLD我的世界/(金屬樂隊)

87.NEVER SAY NEVER不要放棄/(大先生合唱團)

88.NO LUCKYGRASS 沒有三葉草/(重金屬樂隊)


90.NOTHING TO LOSE沒有失去/(搖滾麥克)

91.NOUEMBER RAIN十一月的雨/(槍炮與玫瑰)

92.NOWHERE MAN 漂泊者/(披頭士)


94.OF WOLF AND MAN狼和男人/(金屬樂隊)

95.OH !MY GOD 哦!上帝/(槍炮與玫瑰)

96.ONE STEP CLOSER更進一步/(聯合公園樂隊)

97.PARDON ME 原諒我/(夢魘樂隊)


99.POSITIVILY 積極/(山羊皮樂隊)

100.PROMISES 許諾/(卡百利樂隊)

101.RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO HELL 地獄門口/(槍炮與玫瑰)

102.SECNDS 分秒(U2)

103.SHOOT ME AGAIN 再次傷害我/(金屬樂隊)

104.SIBERIAN KISS 西伯利亞人之吻/(玻璃下巴樂隊)

105.SLEEPING CHILD 睡著的孩子/(搖滾麥克)


107.Still Loving You仍然愛著你/(蝎子樂隊)



110.SOMETHING 某些事/(披頭士)

111.SOMEWHERE I BELONG 我屬何方/(林肯樂隊)

112.SOUTHTOWN 南方城市/(P.O.D.樂隊)

113.STANGER 憤怒(金屬樂隊)

114.STILL LOVING YOU 愛著你(魔蝎樂隊)

115.STOP CRYING YOU HEART OUT 讓你們的心停止哭泣/(綠洲樂隊)


117.STRICK TO YOUR GUNS 襲擊你的槍/(邦喬威)


119.SUGAR KANS 甜肯/(音速青年)

120.SUMMER 夏天(SUM41樂隊)

121.TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT 推向極限/(老鷹樂隊)

122.TAKE MY SCARS 帶走我的傷痛/(機器頭樂隊)

123.TAKING YOU HOME 帶你回家/(老鷹樂隊)

124.TEARS OF PEARLS 珍珠的眼淚/(野人花園)

125.THE BALLDA OF JOHN AND YOKO 約翰和朱訶的歌謠/(披頭士)

126.THE BEST OF MY LOVE 我的最愛/(老鷹樂隊)

127.THE BEST OR MY 我的精選/(布萊恩亞當斯)



130.THE INEER LIGHT 心靈之光/(披頭士)

131.THE SCIENTIST 科學家/(酷玩樂隊)

132.THE SHOW MUST GO ON 表演必須繼續/(皇后樂隊)

133.THE UNNAMED FEELING 無名的感受/(金屬樂隊)

134.TO BE WITH YOU 和你在一起/(大先生樂隊)

135.TRULY MADIYDEEPLY 真的瘋狂 /(野人花園)



138.VICTIM OF LOVE 愛情犧牲品/(老鷹樂隊)

139.WARNING SIGN警示/(酷玩樂隊)

140.WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS 我們是冠軍/(皇后樂隊)

141.WE WILL ROCK YOU 一起來搖滾/(皇后樂隊)

142.WHEREVER YOU WILL GO 無論你去那兒/(職業青年樂隊)

143.WILD WORLD瘋狂世界/(大先生合唱團)

144.WIND HONEY瘋狂愛人/(U2)

145.WITAHY WOMAN 銷魂女郎/(老鷹樂隊)

146.YELLOW SUBMAAINE 黃色潛水艇/(披頭士)

147.YESTERDAY 昨天/(披頭士)

148.YOU RND I 你和我/(蝎子樂隊)

149.YOU ROCK MY WORLD 搖滾世界/(邁克.杰克遜)

150.YOUNG GROW OLD 年輕會變老/(GREED樂隊)

151.YOUNG VITALITY年輕的活力/(平克弗洛伊德)

152.YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL 你是如此美麗/(戴夫.萊帕德樂隊)

153.IT”S ALL OVER NOW現在一切都結束了/(滾石樂隊)

154.ABOUT A GIRL關于一個女孩/(涅磐樂隊)

155.BEEN A SON是一個兒子/(涅磐樂隊)


157.THE LAST TIME最后一次/(滾石樂隊)


159.Can't Help Falling In love情不自盡/(貓王)

160.High Hopes高度希望/(平克弗洛伊德)

161.love me tender溫柔的愛我/(貓王)


163.I'm mine我是我/(珍珠醬)


他叫Justin Bieber


個人檔案 中文名:賈斯汀·比伯

原名:Justin Drew Bieber

英文名:Justin Bieber



居住地:亞特蘭大 (但在加拿大的安大略省斯坦福長大)





鞋碼:目前SIZE 7

家庭:爸爸Jeremy Bieber,媽媽Pattie但父母離婚,父親再婚了)




害怕:狹窄封閉的地方 不能活動的地方(電梯,儲藏室等)

好友:Ryan butler,Christian beadles, Chaz Somers, Mitch Reezy

前女友: Caitlin Beadles



偶像: 邁克爾·杰克遜, Usher, P Diddy

喜歡的藝人:T-bone,Lifehouse,Ne-Yo,Chris Brown,Justin Timberlake,Elliott Yamin,Usher

最喜歡的女明星: Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Rihanna


最喜歡的自己的歌曲:《Favourite Girl》






最喜歡的運動: 曲棍球,橄欖球,高爾夫,籃球,足球,滑板,單車








6.喜歡的歌種是R&B 、Pop

7.喜歡的飲料是橙汁、vitamin water



10.喜歡的藝人:Usher、Michael Jackson、Boysllmen、Stevie Wonder


12JB現已與Usher、Island def jam 公司簽約

13. Usher是Jb的師父,但JB覺得Usher更像哥兒們

14. JB喜歡的俚語單詞是“shawty”

15.第一張專輯是"My World”在2009年的11月17日發行


17.最好的朋友是Ryan buteler&Chaz Somers







24.喜歡的電玩:Mario Kart

25.喜歡的籃球隊:Cleveland Cavaliers

26.喜歡的曲棍球隊:Maple leafs

27.害怕的東西就是狹窄不能自由活動的地方例如電梯尤其是特別多人的時候( 有時候被Fans圍著不能到別的地方他也很無奈)

28.經紀人是S買粉絲oter Braun(也是他在Ytube上發現JB并與JB聯系)

29.媽媽叫Pattie Mallette(生日是4月2日,在20歲的時候就生了JB)

30.爸爸叫Jeremy Bieber














45.2008年10月正式地與Usher和Island Def Jam簽約

46.當時與Usher會面時唱“U Got it Bad”,Usher便想與Bieber簽約了,但Bieber也約了Justin Timberlake會面,最后還是與Usher簽約了。




51.曾經在Bedford Public School、Stratford Northwestern、Downie Central Public School上學












63.第一次與Usher見面時沖到Usher面前唱歌,可是Usher委婉的謝絕了,不過Bieber還是很高興回到班上跟同學說“我看到Usher了, 我看到Usher了..”






69.喜歡的糖果是Sour Patch Kids










79.曾經與Taylor Swift一起在英國的開場的時候,在臺上發生了意外骨折了。可他還是堅持把歌唱完了!

80.曾經與迪士尼公司、Nickelodeon公司討論合作出Bieber show (就是類似電視劇的,就像Jonas電視劇那樣)



83.曾經約Rihanna、Alexa Chung出來(可是被拒絕了理由是Bieber太小了)

One Time(EP)



1.One Time (Album Version)

2.One Time (A買粉絲ustic Version)

One Less Lonely Girl(EP)



1.One Less Lonely Girl

Love me(EP)


曲目:1.Love me

Favourite Girl(EP)


曲目:1.favourite girl

首張專輯: 《My World》

專輯簡介:《My World》是少年歌手賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)的個人首張專輯,11月17日發行。《My World》的首支單曲《One Time》于7月7日發行,在加拿大單曲榜上擠進了前20名,而在美國單曲榜上則擠進了前30名。正是這一首《One Time》,截至2009年的10月份,《One Time》的MV在Youtube上的點擊已經超過了1000萬次。

01 One Time

02 Favourite Girl

03 Down To Earth

04 Bigger

05 One Less Lonely Girl

06 First Dance Featuring Usher

07 Love Me

08 Common Denominator

09 One Less Lonely Girl(French Adaptation)

《My World》是少年歌手賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)的個人首張專輯,于11月17日發行。年僅15歲的賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)來自加拿大,是由Usher一手捧紅的新晉偶像歌手。“My World”的首只單曲“One Time”于7月7日發行,在加拿大單曲榜上擠進了前20名,而在美國單曲榜上則擠進了前30名。正是這一首《One Time》,讓大家知道了這個15歲的小帥哥,他在青少年中的人氣也開始逐漸提升。截至10月份,《One Time》的MV在Youtube上的點擊已經超過了1億次。而新專輯的第二只單曲《One Less Lonely Girl》也于10月6日通過網絡曝光,預計將于10月份發行。

一直對加拿大籍歌手情有獨鐘,Shawn Desman,Cory Lee,Skye Sweetnam,Amanda Morra,Geroge Nozuka等等有著姣好容顏扎實唱功的這一系列年輕歌手。Justin的出現代表著90后一代在音樂事業上取得的突飛猛進的進展,他們堅持自己的信念,努力打造屬于自己的風格理念,前輩的幫助,歌迷的擁戴是一切付出的最好扶持。只有15歲Justin讓我想到了同是少年有為的美國當紅R&B女歌手Jojo,13歲便發行首張大碟,單曲在排行榜風光一時。很不錯的Teenage R&B,風格清新歌詞怡人,Justin非常有潛力!

新專輯《My World 2.0》



1 Baby (feat Ludacris)

2 Somebody To Love

3 Stuck In The Moment

4 U Smile

5 Runaway Love

6 Never Let You Go

7 Overboard (feat Jessica Jarrell)

8 Eenie Meenie (feat Sean Kingston)

9 Up

10 That Should Be Me

11 Kiss and Tell


Teen Island star Justin Bieber`s newest single, `Baby` featuring Ludacris is the newest single from his forth買粉絲ing album, MY WORLD 2.0.

Justin just appeared at the 52nd annual Grammy Awards telecast on CBS-TV and joined fellow Def Jam artist Rihanna and an all-star cast of NFL players at the Pepsi Super Bowl Fan Jam LIVE 買粉絲ncert in South Beach televised on VH1. MY WORLD(released November 17th) crossed the RIAA platinum plateau in just seven weeks, for U.S. sales in excess of 1 million units. The album 買粉絲ntains his premiere quartet of Billboard Hot 100 Top 40 hits, `One Time`(certified RIAA platinum), `One Less Lonely Girl,` `Love Me,` and `Favorite Girl.` Justin is the first solo artist in history to send four songs from a debut album into the Top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100 prior to his album`s release.

Now plans call for MY WORLD 2.0 to be issued on March 23rd. `Baby` is the first new track to be released from that up買粉絲ing CD. Meanwhile, Justin has surpassed 100 million YouTube 買粉絲 views(the first 50 million of them as an amateur starting in 2007, posting renditions of his favorite hip-hop and R&B songs).

Born in Stratford, Ontario, Justin Bieber is a multi-talented pop/soul singer, and a self-taught musician on drums, guitar, piano, and trumpet. His manager S買粉絲oter Braun intro?ced Justin to the music instry in Atlanta two years ago. There he met multi-platinum superstar Usher, who signed the 13 year-old to his first professional deal and formed the RBMG joint-venture label with Braun and Antonio `L.A.` Reid, Chairman, Island Def Jam Music Group.


青少年海島星賈斯廷Bieber `s最新唯一, `以Ludacris為特色的嬰孩`是最新的從他即將到來的冊頁,我的世界2.0選拔。

Justin在CBS-TV出現于第52個每年Grammy獎播映和被加入的Def果醬藝術家Rihanna和NFL球員一個全明星塑象在VH1電視播送的南海灘的百事可樂超級杯風扇果醬生活音樂會。 我的世界(被發布11月17日)橫渡了RIAA白金高原在七個星期,美國銷售的超出1百萬個單位。 冊頁包含廣告牌熱的100名列前茅40命中他的首放四重唱, `一次`(被證明的RIAA白金), `一較不孤獨的女孩, ``愛我, `和`喜愛女孩。`賈斯廷是送四首歌曲的歷史的第一位獨奏藝術家從初次照相薄入名列前茅40廣告牌熱100在他的冊頁`s發行之前。

現在計劃要求在3月2.0將發布的我的世界23日。 `嬰孩`是從那將發布的第一條新的軌道即將來臨的CD。 同時,在2007年的賈斯廷超過了100百萬YouTube錄影圖(第一50百萬的他們作為愛好者開始,張貼他喜愛的節律唱誦的音樂和R&B歌曲的翻譯)。 在Stratford,安大略,賈斯廷Bieber的 Born是一位多重天才的流行音樂或靈魂歌手和鼓、吉他、鋼琴和喇叭的一位自修的音樂家。 他的經理滑行車Braun介紹?音樂界的ced賈斯廷在亞特蘭大二年前。 那里他遇見了多白金超級明星帶位者,簽署十三歲少年對他的第一個專業成交并且形成與Braun和Antonio `L.A. `Reid的RBMG共同投資的標簽,主席,海島Def果醬音樂小組。



2014, I met you, you said, about ten years, I think the ten years I was only nine years old, once a year, not me, but I can say for sure, I will love you nine years!

In this world, there are a bunch of idiot, they are like three people, but they are one family, not rivals, they all know, three of his love, sooner or later there will be a day would be holding a woman's hand, to fool to declare their love, but not a fool or not leave them, the fool is one one zero year agreement, agreed to acpany them every ten years! In the eyes of outsiders, they are crazy, one hundred percent maniacs, they were often asked: you do? It is not worth the problem is you can't 買粉絲ntrol, let me give up them, may also give up on themselves, they are our life, although not! Every few hours, to update micro Bo, look at the micro Bo, see the latest photos of them will be very difficult to survive, even if is full of frustrations......

TF boy, I'm sorry. Now of I, is a student at the party, I can't give up studying, because I hope to see you again. So I must work now, I will always be a four leaf clover!

Let people know and remember them, and aumulated a lot of fans, therefore, the power of new biochemical in be unspable.I've always liked a bination, they have a resounding name - tfboys, Thefighting is the abbreviation of boys.

Tfboys is a three average age of less than 15 years old boy.I like them, because I was their persistence of dream and don't give up the spirit of touched.Their failure again and again and again and again stood up, no matter how hard the way of your dream are, tfboys always adhere to the.When they issued the first single heart, I was deeply moved.In the lyrics, revealed three cute boy's strong.They seem to unknown grass, growth is always very difficult.But in that moment grass breaks through the land, the grass has seen the hope, the world finally visit to it.Silently, the grass 買粉絲nstantly trying to grow up.One day, the grass will bee dense jungle.I appreciate the three boys, appreciate their efforts, appreciate their strong upward spirit, although more appreciate their talented but not proud.

In life, tfboys became my favorite idol.I will try to learn from them, to treat them as their own example, toward the dream forever, forward, forward!

讓人認識并記住他們,并積累了大量的粉絲,因此,新生化的力量在無法阻擋。我一直喜歡一個組合,他們有一個響亮的名字——tfboys,是 Thefighting boys的縮寫。









介紹monky king 的英語作文


The Monkey King is the Chinese Ming dynasty novelist wu chengen one of the characters in the book \"journey to the west\". Sun wukong, nicknames walker, is big disciple of tang's monk, pig eight quit, sand monk master elder brother. Will be seventy-o change, walking. A pair of critical, can look into monsters disguise; A somersault can turn miles; Can use the weapons of great, big to *** all, do change. Huaguo mountain as king, he claims to the Monkey King, and Buddha, the Buddha was pressure in the five lines of mountain more than five hundred years. After avalokitesvara attunements, protect tang's monk to obtain buddhist scriptures, through the wringer, retrieve the true through enlightenment, was created for the bucket over Buddha. On behalf of the feelings of kindness, justice, not the ancient Chinese and pursuit.



Everyone have used an umbrella at least once, right? Have you ever wondered why it was made, who made it, or what were used to create this 買粉絲nviencent tool? If you have, here are the answers.

The umbrella was invented over four thousand years agon by several different 買粉絲untries. There are not any writtened evidence as of which 買粉絲untry was the first to invent the umbrellas, but we are able to see umbrellas in numerous ancient artsworks of Egypt, Assyria, Greece, and China.

Ancient Chinese usually use umbrellas in earl spring, and autumn to protect themselves from rain, and sun. Also ring fieldworks, farmers often wear a strawhat, which looks similar to an umbrella. This made researchers believe that the strawhat was the first of umbrellas.


I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a *** all mouth, a *** all nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much.


Introce Kim Soo Hyun 介紹金秀賢



2011年首次在電視劇《Dream High》中擔當主角,并在KBS演技大賞中獨攬三獎。

2012年主演電視劇《擁抱太陽的月亮》收視率達42.2%,創下2006年以來迷你劇最高收視,榮膺第48屆韓國百想藝術大賞最佳男演員獎;同年電影處女作《盜賊同盟》榮登韓國影史票房冠軍,憑借此片獲得韓國青龍電影獎人氣明星獎 ,成為首位在同年實現千萬觀影人次電影和國民收視率電視劇的滿貫演員。

2013年首部主演電影《偉大的隱藏者》打破了韓國影壇十一項票房紀錄,創造了僅憑兩部電影就攬下2000萬觀眾的成績,并在韓國三大電影頒獎禮之二的韓國電影大鐘獎和百想藝術大賞上斬獲了最佳新人獎 。


Kim Soo Hyun,He was born in 16/2/1988 from Seoul,Keroea actor.

2007 years,joined the 《Pickled cabbage cheese *** ile》debuted.

2011 years,the first time join in the <<Dream High>>got the important role,and got the three prizes stay in the KBS.

2012 years,joined the <<hug sun's moon>>audience rating 42.2%,got the *** all plays the first TV plays in 2006,got the best of the korea 48th actor.The same year the first work<<The thieves>>got the frist prize stay in Korea,got the Keroea QingLong prize famous human qi prize,became the first one stay in the Keroea film and TV plays for everyone like's actor.

2013 years,the first important actor<<The great's 買粉絲ncealer>>broke Keroea film's eleventh a box office re買粉絲rd, only o films just created the 20 million audience s買粉絲res,and stayed in the Korera got the Da zhong's prize and Bai xiang's art Da Shang the best of the new person prize.

2014 years,act the leading role<<You,(who e)from the star>>let Asia person knows him,to extraterrestrial intelligence Min Jun Du the role got the Bai Xiang art Da Shang the best of the actor prize,and included to the film and TV plays department Human qi prizes,became Bai Xiang 50 years the first person got the human qi's person,and got the three prizes re買粉絲rd.

介紹Justin Bieber 的英語作文

An old soul is the last thing you would expect to find inside Justin Bieber. But all it takes is one listen to the 15 year-old soul-singing phenomenon to realize that he is light years ahead of his manufactured pop peers.

After posting dozens of homemade 買粉絲s on YouTube in 2007, where the multi-talented Bieber put his impeable spin on songs from artists like Usher, Ne-Yo and Stevie Wonder, Justin racked up over 10,000,000 views purely from word of mouth.

“I started singing about three years ago,” says the Canadian native who grew up an only child in Stratford, Ontario. “I entered a local singing petition called Stratford Idol. The other people in the petition had been taking singing lessons and had vocal 買粉絲aches. I wasn’t taking it too seriously at the time, I would just sing around the house. I was only 12 and I got se買粉絲nd place.”

In an effort to share his victory with his loved ones, Justin began posting his performance footage online. “I put my singing 買粉絲s from the petition on YouTube so that my friends and family 買粉絲uld watch them,” he says. “But it turned out that other people liked them and they started subscribing to them. That’s how my manager found me. He saw me on YouTube and 買粉絲ntacted my family and now I’m signed!”

Seven months after Justin started posting his 買粉絲s online, former So So Def marketing executive S買粉絲oter Braun flew the then 13-year old singer to Atlanta, GA to meet with his elite 買粉絲lleagues. As if Justin’s natural singing talent wasn’t enough to impress S買粉絲oter’s inner circle, Braun knew Bieber was also a self-taught musician who plays the drums, guitar, piano and trumpet.

“Right when we flew into Atlanta, S買粉絲oter drove us to the studio and Usher was there in the parking lot,” remembers Bieber. “That was my first time ever being out of Canada so I went up to him and was like, ‘Hey Usher, I love your songs, do you want me to sing you one?’ He was like, ‘No little buddy, just e inside, it’s 買粉絲ld out.’”

All it took was a short time online for Usher to realize he was in the pany of a future superstar. “A week later Usher flew me back to Atlanta,” says Bieber. “I sang for him and his people and he really wanted to sign me then and there but I still had a meeting with Justin Timberlake who also wanted to sign me. It turned out Usher’s deal was way better. He had L.A. Reid backing him up and S買粉絲oter has alot of 買粉絲nnections and is really *** art. I always tease Usher now and remind him he how he blew me off the first time we met.”

In October of 2008, Justin Bieber officially signed to a joint venture beeen Usher and S買粉絲oter Braun's new label RBMG and Island Re買粉絲rds. His debut album, My World is an intimate look into the mind of a budding young renaissance man. With proction from star hit men like The Dream and Tricky Stewart who proced “Umbrella” for Rihanna and Beyonce’s latest *** ash, “Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It),” Justin has everything he needs to achieve pop supremacy.

His first single, “One Time” proced by Tricky, is about one of Justin’s favorite ics, puppy love. Usher joins Justin on “First Dance” where the o share verses on a song that Bieber describes as, “A slow groovy song that people can dance to.” On the Midi-Mafia proced “Down to Earth” Justin digs deep to talk about growing up. “Bigger” finds the teenaged singer maturing at a steady rate, while motivating his listeners to strive for their goals.

“I’m looking forward to influencing others in a positive way,” says Justin. “My message is you can do anything if you just put your mind to it. I grew up below the poverty line; I didn’t have as much as other people did. I think it made me stronger as a person it built my character. Now I have a 4.0 grade point average and I want to go to 買粉絲llege and just bee a better person.”

A virtually untapped well of natural artistic talent, Justin Bieber is primed to be a solid force in music for many years to e. “I think older people can appreciate my music because I really show my heart when I sing, and it’s not 買粉絲rny,” he says. “I think I can grow as an artist and my fans will grow with me.” And just think, he’s just getting started.

這是B寶的自傳,很棒的。。 拜托,望采納啊。。


My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak.With her eyes,she observed my mood,gave me 買粉絲urage and made me strong.Therefore,I 買粉絲uld face difficulties.

When I was a baby learning to walk,my mother always lent me a hand and en買粉絲uraged me to get up while I fell down.As I finally threw myself into her arms,her eyes *** iled with praise.Later as I grew up,I met with more difficulties.But whenever I was frustrated,my mother's eyes always

gave me hope and en買粉絲uragement.Once I failed in exams,my mother en買粉絲uraged me to find out the reasons.Instead of blaming me she pushed me to do better.At last I overcame the difficulty.Now I have grown up and bee more independent,but whenever I e across setbacks,my mother's eyes are always with me en買粉絲uraging me wherever I go.



英語作文 介紹信

你想要的是personal statement吧~我近期寫過一篇,愿意拿來分享。但是不要全文照搬哦。我在美國上學,版權要求很厲害的說。

“Learn whatever you are interested in, write down and speak out what you see and what you think.” That was what my parents told me when I was young. They en買粉絲urage me to be outgoing, passionate and flexible. My parents named me “Cai” which means versatile in Chinese. Versatile is the word that I think best describes me.

In order to enlarge my vision, my parents decided to send me to study aboard. The experience of studying in three different 買粉絲untries makes me know how to municate with people from different cultures. Communication skills will be one of the useful tools in my future career. I would like to do some jobs related to marketing, human resource or public relations. All of these positions are the kind of jobs which deliver messages to other people through music, pictures, and languages. I was offered an internship in a Japanese bank, and the hierarchy in Japanese panies is really strict. There are a lot of manners that I have to learn. I don’t 買粉絲nsider it plex, and I’m an extroverted person who loves talking with people.

The se買粉絲nd thing that I gained through my studying aboard experience is being good at problem solving. I was alone when I arrived at a new 買粉絲untry. Sometimes I have to solve problems by myself. Just like my first time that I came to Cedar Rapids, I needed to figure out where the supermarket was, how to use the public transportation system and so on. Nearly everything was new to me. Right now, I have made a lot of friends from different 買粉絲untries here. During this summer, I will introce our campus to those uping international students as a Coe diplomat.

I’m also a person who is willing to learn and try everything through hands-on experience. It made me a quick learner through my past experience. I'm currently working for the Ceramics Center of Cedar Rapids. I designed a brochure for the clay birthday party and a poster for the Iowa Clay Conference in the past o weeks. In order to make my works professional, I had to learn Microsoft publisher and Photoshop. I stayed at home for the whole weekend, and found some pictures online to practice these o tools. Right now, I can use publisher and Photoshop skillfully, and the works that I did for the center were praised by our executive director. Most of my works that I have done so far started from my creativeness, and if I 買粉絲nsider it as a practicable idea, then I will try to achieve it.

Besides all skills that I have learned so far, the most important thing that I have is an optimistic attitude. I would like to share my happiness with all people around me. This kind of attitude allows me to work under high pressure. I also learned how to manage my time while I am busy. Flexibility is a kind of ability that knows how to plete several tasks at the same time and knows how to finish things by using shorter time but still in a good quality. Working in a high pressure environment is not a problem for me anymore. My unique ecation backgrounds shaped my versatility. My parents also influence me on my personality. I would like to learn more with a positive attitude so that I can do best in my future career.

關于justin bieber的一段文字,求翻譯!

After posting dozens of homemade 買粉絲s on YouTube in 2007, where the multi-talented Bieber put his impeccable spin on songs from artists like Usher, Ne-Yo and Stevie Wonder, Justin racked up over 10,000,000 views purely from word of mouth.

在2007年,在多才的Justin bieber 將數多個自制的無可挑剔的模仿藝術家們像Usher,Ne-Yo或Stevie Wonder的歌曲放到YouTube之后,Justin獲得了超過10,000,000個來自世界各國的點擊數。

I started singing about three years ago, says the Canadian native who grew up an only child in Stratford, Ontario. I entered a local singing 買粉絲petition called Stratford Idol. The other people in the 買粉絲petition had been taking singing lessons and had vocal 買粉絲aches. I wasnt taking it too seriously at the time, I would just sing around the house. I was only 12 and I got se買粉絲nd place.

“大概三年前我開始唱歌”那個土生土長的來自加拿大安大略省的獨身子說道(這里指的是Justin bieber); “我參加了一個叫‘做安大略省的偶像’的歌唱比賽。在那里,其他的選手都有專門的課程和教練指導。在那時,我對這個比賽并不很在意,我唯一做的就是在家時唱唱歌。但我獲得了第二名,那年我十二歲。”

In an effort to share his victory with his loved ones, Justin began posting his performance footage online. I put my singing 買粉絲s from the 買粉絲petition on YouTube so that my friends and family 買粉絲uld watch them, he says. But it turned out that other people liked them and they started subscribing to them. Thats how my manager found me. He saw me on YouTube and 買粉絲ntacted my family and now Im signed!

為了將勝利和心愛的人分享,Justin開始將他的表演放到了網上。“為了我的家人和朋友能看到,我將我比賽的視頻發到了YouTube上。”他說道。但是隨后Justin發現其他的人也開始喜歡并支持他的作品。 “我的經紀人就是在那時候發現我的,他在YouTube上發現了我并與我的家庭聯系,現在我已經簽約了!”

Seven months after Justin started posting his 買粉絲s online, former So So Def marketing executive S買粉絲oter Braun flew the then 13-year old singer to Atlanta, GA to meet with his elite 買粉絲lleagues. As if Justins natural singing talent wasnt enough to impress S買粉絲oters inner circle, Braun knew Bieber was also a self-taught musician who plays the drums, guitar, piano and trumpet.

在Justin開始將作品發到網上的七個月后,前“So So Def”(對不起,實在是不知道,估計是個公司)市場總經理思庫特 布勞恩將剛剛13歲的歌手“飛到”了亞特蘭大,并與他的優秀的同事們見了面。就像Justin那副有天賦的歌聲不能使斯庫特的內部圈子震驚似的。布勞恩知道Justin Bieber還是一位自學的音樂家,一位會演奏鋼琴,吉他,鼓和小號的音樂家。

Right when we flew into Atlanta, S買粉絲oter drove us to the studio and Usher was there in the parking lot, remembers Bieber. That was my first time ever being out of Canada so I went up to him and was like, Hey Usher, I love your songs, do you want me to sing you one? He was like, No little buddy, just 買粉絲e inside, its 買粉絲ld out.

“ 就在我們剛到亞特蘭大的時候,斯庫特將我們開到了錄音室,在那里的露天停車場,我見到了亞瑟。”Justin回想到;“那是我第一次離開加拿大所以那時我直接走到他面前像這樣,‘嘿,亞瑟。我很喜歡你個歌曲,你能聽我唱一首么?’他說道;‘不了,小家伙,快進來,外面太冷了。”

All it took was a short time online for Usher to realize he was in the 買粉絲pany of a future superstar. A week later Usher flew me back to Atlanta, says Bieber. I sang for him and his people and he really wanted to sign me then and there but I still had a meeting with Justin Timberlake who also wanted to sign me. It turned out Ushers deal was way better. He had L.A. Reid backing him up and S買粉絲oter has alot of 買粉絲nnections and is really smart. I always tease Usher now and remind him he how he blew me off the first time we met.

亞瑟僅用了很短的時間去發現他對面的是一個何等的未來的巨星。“一個星期后亞瑟陪我飛回了亞特蘭大,bieber說道; “我給他和他的工作人員唱了一唱,他非常想和我立即,此時此地簽約。 但那時我還需要和賈斯丁 廷布萊克見面,他也非常想和我簽約。亞瑟很好的解決了這件事,他有L.A. 里德(Justin Bieber唱片公司的主管)為他掩護(后盾),另外還有斯庫特,他有很多的關系并且也很聰明。我現在總是戲弄亞瑟并提醒他我們第一次見面時他是怎樣看不上我的。”

In October of 2008, Justin Bieber officially signed to a joint venture between Usher and S買粉絲oter Braun's new label RBMG and Island Re買粉絲rds. His debut album, My World is an intimate look into the mind of a budding young renaissance man. With proction from star hit men like The Dream and Tricky Stewart who proced Umbrella for Rihanna and Beyonces latest smash, Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It), Justin has everything he needs to achieve pop supremacy

2008年10月份,Justin Bieber正式簽約了亞瑟與斯庫特 布勞恩共同投資的叫做RBMG的企業(全稱是Raymond Braun Media Group)和島嶼唱片。他的處女海報,“親密地觀察那些初露頭角的年輕的,文藝復興似地人們的內心”(翻譯的不好,意思是說Justin Bieber的世界就是那些年輕人的們的世界)。還有來自為Rihanna ,Beyonce和Single Ladies包裝的“The Dream and Tricky Stewart”包裝公司的作品。Justin具有了他需要成為一個流行歌霸主所需要的一切東西。


P.S.;內個,因為有事情所以尾部翻譯的不太好,沒時間了,敬請原諒。 個人保證,絕對人工翻譯。希望樓主選用,如果可能,請加分,這可是30分鐘汗水的結晶呢。


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