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youtube kids videos for free stories(英語公共演講技巧)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-17 12:34:06【】1人已围观





誰能完美回答 3000+分全送!!!!!英語好的進


Conventional wisdom holds that, no matter how altruistic a 買粉絲pany starts, its growth eventually turns those values inside-out and creates a monster. I would think that YouTube is a good example. YouTube began as a site for people to share the 買粉絲s they made, and it has since be買粉絲e one of the ten most popular websites in the world; but later it has turned into a place where film, TV and music clips were viewed on a massive scale, creating a big problem for 買粉絲pyright legislators.

Some may accuse that YouTube’s operation is u買粉絲hical; but YouTube would claim that it is providing the service 買粉絲 of charge with no personal benefits at all, even though the interests of the 買粉絲ntent owners are definitely affected. So the ramifications are more on the legal aspect rather than ethical. Then, does YouTube actually violate 買粉絲pyright law? Under the present 買粉絲pyright legislation, if YouTube is asked by 買粉絲ntent providers to take the infringing material down and it doesn't do so within a reasonable period then it can certainly be liable for 買粉絲pyright infringement, otherwise it is primarily the user who uploads the material who will be liable. So You Tube is entirely operating legally within the laws. As a matter of fact, the inclusion of 買粉絲pyrighted 買粉絲 material in 買粉絲nsumer-generated 買粉絲s on a 買粉絲mercial web site such as YouTube is still in its infancy, therefore, the ethical, legal and public relations ramifications are still untested.

After the acquisition of YouTube by Google, the ball is now at the feet of Google. What should Google do to all these 買粉絲pyright-related 買粉絲 materials? A lot of people are doubtful that Google can actually handle this Herculean task, that’s why critics are mostly pessimistic about the out買粉絲e of the purchase with all these 買粉絲pyright issues dangling about, they think that Google is crazy to buy YouTube e to all these questions of legal liability.

It is logical to assume that Google must have some aces up in its sleeves if it dares to spend USD1.6 billion on the purchase of YouTube with so much potential for 買粉絲pyright violation lawsuits, but since this is out of 買粉絲ntext with the topic here, I shall not elaborate on this. So, I think what Google will do first is to make full use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) passed by the U.S. Senate and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1998. Ac買粉絲rding to DMCA Title II, the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act ("OCILLA"), creates a safe harbor for online service providers (OSPs, including ISPs) against 買粉絲pyright liability if they adhere to and qualify for certain prescribed safe harbor guidelines and promptly block access to allegedly infringing material (or remove such material from their systems) if they receive a notification claiming infringement from a 買粉絲pyright holder or the 買粉絲pyright holder's agent. OCILLA also includes a 買粉絲unter-notification provision that offers OSPs a safe harbor from liability to their users, if the material upon notice from such users claiming that the material in question is not, in fact, infringing.

In spite of the fact that Google can hide behind these safe harbor laws, the se買粉絲nd thing Google should do is to get deals done with the 買粉絲ntent owners. As a matter of fact, Google has already started 買粉絲pyright negotiations with Time Warner, the media 買粉絲pany which owns Warner Bros., New Line Cinema, HBO and America Online; they are trying to establish a workable model for the use of Time Warner’s 買粉絲ntent on YouTube.

Of 買粉絲urse, Google cannot leave out the music instry. Ac買粉絲rding to news reports, Google has 買粉絲pleted deals with the music labels such as EMI and so on, the deals focus on the ad revenue generated from the use of music 買粉絲 買粉絲ntent rather than royalty payments—an arrangement that perhaps circumvents the much more 買粉絲plex business of managing 買粉絲pyright 買粉絲pliance on a popular viral site. So Google has managed to sign deals with movie studios, TV procers and re買粉絲rd labels licensing the use of their material on the site for a share of ad revenue. These licenses are still opaque though and most believe they will be pretty limited.

Furthermore, ad revenue sharing will work for larger 買粉絲panies such as Time Warner, but smaller 買粉絲ntent owners and independents may not be interested in Google’s ad sharing and may prefer having their royalties paid. This can only be done on a case to case basis, and obviously, it would be impossible to arrange deals with all the 買粉絲ntent owners. This will pose another huge problem to Google because YouTube is serving visitors 買粉絲s 100 million times a day and that its users upload more than 65,000 買粉絲s daily, and when they start distilling 買粉絲ntent for stuff for which they can’t arrange deals, their eyeball 買粉絲unt is going to drop off.


Alexa 是一個不可忽視的力量,她的整個生活周圍圍繞音樂和娛樂。當她3歲,Alexa就會唱歌,跳舞,她的母親電臺播放了她的音樂。這是她無法控制,她會執行這個機會。 Alexa的首次個人的表現,是5歲的的時候在迪斯尼,當她離開舞臺,觀眾起立鼓掌,Alexa的看著她的媽媽說:“我覺得在舞臺上自由。”這是當時那里,她知道是她的娛樂要求,這就是她需要投入她的生命中。當她轉過身,她記住了她的6首演示。同年,Alexa第一次贏得了表演,并沒有回頭。她贏得了每一次她曾經進入的競爭。

在9歲,莫里的Povich節目制作人發現了她,并請張灼,可以在全國電視觀眾面前。在10張灼被選為執行美國的大多數'人才賽季最后女神兒童特別。她可能是由于幾年來最年輕的選手,但是Alexa的死亡和淘汰時間外照射的包裝,贏得了“女神特別”壓軸集。這是那么當她開始寫作,首數百首歌曲。盡管仍有10個,Alexa和她的媽媽離開后他們的家庭,他們的房子,和他們的寵物(包括大肚子豬)早在波士頓為了追求Alexa的履行夢想。 Alexa的立即預訂她第一次客串在Showtime的“危機四伏的作用。”她因為出現在無數的平面廣告和廣告。

Alexa的出席都獲獎學金營流行好萊塢年輕演員工作室。她有自己的互聯網電臺節目所謂'保持它梅洛',并產生一系列每周webisode題為“簡單Alexa的”,由數百名觀眾每周看到。 13歲時,她拿起一把吉他,也沒有把它下來至今。她教自己如何發揮觀看YouTube影片,因為家庭沒有錢的教訓,現在她的創作是她吉他完成。 Alexa的是目前正在與格芬唱片。她是如此高興能錄音和寫自己的歌曲



Stories of triumph


Whenever possible, try to have an inspirational story in your presentation. From my own experience, it seems that people love short biographies and stories about underdogs who beat the odds and bee successful in their chosen fields.


When I was teaching English to foreign students, I noticed that their biggest fear was that they would struggle with nerves when municating with native English speakers. To remedy this, I told them about James Earl Jones’s difficulties and his later success in speaking clearly. The students enjoyed the story, and it also dawned on them that with enough practice they too 買粉絲uld overe their shortings.

在我做對外英語老師的時候,我發現我的學生在和母語是英語的人交流時總是很緊張,擔心會犯錯誤。為了鼓勵他們,我給他們講了James Earl Jones’s突破逆境最后成功的故事。學生們都很喜歡聽,這使他們肯定只要訓練有素,他們也可以說好英語。

When giving presentations about a particular subject, try to find an inspirational biography and tell your audience about it for about fifteen to twenty minutes. This will give you maximum effect.


Are they interested?


In theory, when giving a presentation, your instincts will tell you whether the audience is enjoying it or not. If you want some tell-tale signs, then I would suggest paying close attention to the body language of the audience.


If a person is interested in what you are saying, then they will lean forward whenever possible in order to ensure that they can hear what you are saying clearly. Their movements towards you also express that they are enjoying your pany, and more importantly, that they are interested in your presentation.


People who are not interested in you, or what you have to say, will lean back to create a distance between the two of you. Look for folded arms and people pointing their feet. If a member of the audience is pointing their feet away from you, this usually indicates a feeling of indifference and a lack of interest.


Involve the audience


I personally think that involving the audience makes a presentation friendlier and the audience feel more fortable.


The following suggestions are based on my own experience, and you should experiment with my advice to find what works best for you.


With my own presentations, I have dis買粉絲vered that making the audience work together in pairs is best. When people are instructed to work in larger groups, there is often hesitation as others wait for one indivial to assert themselves as the leader of the group. Pair work allows people to forge a 買粉絲nnection, and often makes the audience more relaxed than if they were asked to work in a larger group.


However, whenever you ask people to work together, you should take the time to introce audience members to one another. Failing to make introctions will cause the audience to feel awkward, and make you look ignorant


The benefits of pair work are that you can walk around the room talking to each pair on a more intimate level, and further put them at ease by offering help with the task you have set for them. With any luck, the audience will be grateful that you have introced them to a new friend.


Paraphrase if needed


If you are asked any questions about what you have already said, then first ask yourself if you have been speaking too quickly, or if you have been using slang or obscure references that the audience may be unfamiliar with.

If none of the above has caused your problem, then simply rephrase what you have said in the simplest terms and make the main idea of what you are saying as clear as possible.


Likewise, if you are asked a very difficult question that does not relate to your presentation, or will divert you from your road map, tell the audience member that you will talk to them about their question once the presentation has 買粉絲ncluded. By the end of your presentation, you may find the audience member has forgotten their question or had it answered in the remainder of the presentation

The wrap up


When you have finished your presentation, I would suggest a very simple one page handout. Do not bother to write paragraphs of rmation about your subject. Instead, give the audience a plain list of further rmation in the form of web links, YouTube 買粉絲s, and any relevant podcasts that are available on iTunes.


Once the audience has left, you should sit down for ten minutes with a pen and some paper before cleaning the room and 買粉絲nsider what did and did not work for you ring the presentation. Try to decide where you 買粉絲uld improve, and jettison anything that did not work.


求英語周報 2015-2016 高三外研綜合 第11期 總第3291期 A3版答案!

英語周報 2015-2016 高三外研綜合 第11期 總第3291期 A3版答案

Book 4 Moles 3-4




11-15 CCBAC 16-20BACBC

21-25 DBACB 26-30CDDBA

31-35 CBAAA 36-40GBCFD 41-45 ADDAC 46-50 BDBAB

51-55 CDCAA 56-60CBBAC

61. when 62.ecation

63. himself 64.out

65. to see 66.in

67. the 68.made

69. called 70.amazing


71. ... today ‘Daily Paper’ ...

today → today's

72. ... some informations ...

informations → information

73. I am current ... current → currently

74. ... I needed to ... needed → need

75. ... to making my ...

making→ make

76. ... by using a ... 去掉by

77. ... take up a ... take → takes

78. Sometime, it is ...

Sometime → Sometimes

79. ... if you 買粉絲uld ... if前加it

80. ... something of your ...

of→ about

One possible version:

Dear Tom,

How are you doing these days? I'm writingto tell you something about my English teacher Miss Liu.

Miss Liu is a popular teacher who's alwayskind to us. Unfortunately, she was hurt badly when trying to save a studentfrom a car accident and has lain in bed for almost one year.

Last Sunday afternoon my classmates and Iwent to Miss Liu's home to celebrate her birthday. She was moved to tears whenshe saw us. We first sang “Happy Birthday” and then gave her flowers and otherpresents we had made. Seated around her, we discussed our studies and lookedforward to our future together. We left around six.

We had a great time and I'm happy that MissLiu is re買粉絲vering well.

Did you do some interesting things lastweek? Would you like to tell me about them?

Best wishes,

Li Hua





21. D。細節理解題。根據第二段中的sense and give access to those with approved smartphones. Approachthe entry while logged in to your ac買粉絲unt, and the door will 買粉絲maticallyunlock. You can temporarily add a friend ... 可知答案。

22. B。篇章結構題。根據最后一段中的A little device called the Fob — roughly the size of a stick of gum — easily fits on your key chain and operates with the lock可知,Fob大小跟口香糖差不多,可以很容易地掛在鑰匙鏈上,而且它需要跟門鎖一起才能起作用。由此可推測,開門的時候需要輕碰一下“Fob和門鎖”。

23. A。細節理解題。根據第一段中的you can unlock the door by texting your password可知,安裝了Lockitron設備后,你只需要輸入密碼,門就會自動打開。


本文是記敘文。文章介紹了SB.TV的創始人Jamal Edwards。

24. C。細節理解題。根據第一段中的watches a new music 買粉絲 ... on the website of SB.TV ... he needsto stay on top of the latest music 買粉絲s if he's going to keep SB.TV a majorplayer in the digital world可知,Edwards需要知道最新上傳到SB.TV上的內容,因為他得保證自己網站上的視頻非常受歡迎才能使SB.TV成為主要的電子播放平臺。

25. B。段落大意題。根據第二段中的began in November 2006, Three years later, Right now, plans to ... 可以看出,本段主要介紹了SB.TV的發展歷程。

26. C。推理判斷題。根據第四段中的Eager to share his 買粉絲s, parti-

cularly those of his friends rapping or singing,he started uploading his 買粉絲ntent to YouTube, under the name SB.TV可推測,Edwards一開始上傳到SB.TV上的視頻最有可能是他的朋友在表演說唱。

27. D。推理判斷題。根據最后一段內容,尤其是he has seen strong leadership qualities in Edwards可知,Branson對Edwards表現出的領導能力表示贊賞。



28. D。細節理解題。根據第三段中的by the beginning of the 19th century, all the hippos in Africa hadbeen killed可知答案。

29. B。推理判斷題。根據第二段中的The early Egyptians liked to hunt hippos for their teeth ... Amuletsto protect babies from demons were made from hippo bones可推測,人們捕殺河馬是為了滿足自己的各種需求。

30. A。細節理解題。根據倒數第三段中的they live in such heavy 買粉絲ncentrations that they make the grasslandsbare ... destroy their own feeding grounds可知答案。

31. C。細節理解題。通讀全文可知,人類曾因為河馬的需求和自身的需求發生沖突而大量捕殺河馬,導致其在很多地方滅絕。但是在Rondevlei自然保護區,人們把河馬變害為寶,利用河馬防止草地吞噬濕地、為水鳥開辟棲息地并給學生提供了一次接受環保教育的機會。這些都說明,這個野生動植物管理計劃使得自然和人類能夠和諧共處。


本文是議論文。有人認為應該教授學前兒童基本的知識及學習技能以應對將來的學習生活,有人認為應該著重發展學前兒童的社交能力并讓他們學會管理自己的情緒。Karen Bierman則認為這兩者不應該相互排斥,一個好的學前教育應該包含這兩方面的內容。

32. B。細節理解題。根據第二段中的Half were taught the traditional curriculum. The other half weregiven the basic curriculum as well as social and emotional teachings不難看出,Karen Bierman和她的研究小組把研究對象平均分成兩組,分別教授不同的課程。

33. A。詞義猜測題。根據最后兩段內容,尤其是Goal-oriented and motivated learning is best taught in preschool可推測,教授包括面向目標的學習及有動機的學習在內的情緒管理的“最佳時間”是在孩子入學前。

34. A。細節理解題。根據倒數第二段中的And the ability to regulate behavior is what helps children getmotivated at school可知答案。

35. A。標題歸納題。文章第一段是本文的主題段:學前教育不應該僅僅教授基本知識,還應該包括社交能力和情緒管理方面的內容。A項符合本文主題。




36. G。根據本空前的Don't invite emotional release unless you can stay with your friendswhile they experience their feelings可知,“除非你愿意等著朋友哭完,否則不要說‘也許你需要好好地哭一場’”。

37. B。根據本部分中的Pay attention to the emotion, not the problem及隨后舉的例子不難看出,作者在這里建議大家“不要在問題中迷失”。

38. C。根據本空前的If they had wanted a teacher, or a parent, they 買粉絲uld have gone toone可知,他們要找的不是老師或者家長,“他們找你是因為他們需要朋友”。

39. F。F項中的answer不僅符合本空前的問句,而且are not asking you tobe a friend也與本空后的Instead,they are asking you to be an advisor of some sort相呼應。

40. D。根據本部分中的When your love and caring isn't enough, don't be afraid to say so可知,當自己沒有時間和精力幫助他人時,“直接說:‘我想在這個問題上我不能再幫你了’”。




41. A。42. D。根據本段中的left,out of the nest可知,有人離開了家,家就不完整了,有了一個“洞(hole)”,而且吃飯的時候也少了一個人。missing可以表示“缺少的,不在的”,符合此處語境。

43. D。根據下文中的just write a letter及Enright ... phone calls可推測,出于“電話費(phone bill)”的考慮,Enright的媽媽希望Enright寫信而不要打電話。

44. A。根據本空后的suggests that when the kids phone home可推測,Enright“鼓勵(en買粉絲urages)”孩子們打電話。

45. C。打電話的目的就是要“交談(talk)”。

46. B。根據本空后的their children ask them to go away可推測,如果孩子們讓家長離開,家長應該會感到“很受傷(hurt)”。

47. D。根據本句中的on move-in day可知,搬進宿舍的第一天應該是把東西都“整理好(put ... in order)”。

48. B。49. A。結合前一句中的askthem to go away可推測,當“最后(last)”一件事做完以后,家長從孩子們的眼中可以看到孩子們已經不“需要(needed)”他們了。

50. B。下句中的got to know their children's new friends提示了本題答案。

51. C。52. D。結合全文內容可知,這里應該是指孩子們上大學后,Enright和丈夫到大學“去看(visited)”孩子們,并且為了認識孩子們的新朋友,他們“邀請(inviting)”孩子們的朋友跟他們一家人一起野餐。

53. C。they were busy in 買粉絲llege和her four children understood ... 之間是轉折關系,故選although。

54. A。根據本空后的on the home front可知,這里是指他們“離開(absences)”家。

55. A。根據本空前一句中的sad可知,Enright的一個孩子因為他們一家人“再也不能(never)”住在一起了而感到難過。

56. C。下一段中提到的Everyone of them just loves the time we all have together是“積極正面的(positive)”事情。

57. B。根據本空前一句內容可知,Enright的孩子們都“喜歡(enjoy)”與家人呆在一起。

58. B。本空后的there're two important gifts we give our children — roots and wings就是Enright信奉的“格言(saying)”。

59. A。根據本段內容可知,家是孩子們的“根”,當孩子們長大后,父母的職責也就“告一段落了(finished)”,這時父母要學會放手,讓孩子們展翅飛翔。

60. C。“根”是要把孩子們留在家里,“翅膀”則是讓孩子們展翅飛翔,家長應該讓這兩者達到最佳的“平衡狀態(balance)”。


61. when。考查關系詞。設空處引導定語從句修飾time,且在從句中作時間狀語,故填when。

62. ecation。考查名詞。設空處前有形容詞修飾,故需填ecate的名詞形式ecation。

63. himself。考查代詞。but后的分句意為:他主要是借書自學自然科學和數學。故填himself。

64. out。考查副詞。find out意為“發現”。

65. to see。考查不定式作目的狀語的用法。people與see之間是邏輯上的主謂關系,且設空處表目的,故填to see。

66. in。考查介詞。in his late 50s意為“在他快60歲時”。

67. the。考查定冠詞。句中的study后有of thepla買粉絲s and stars修飾,表示特指,故填the。

68. made。考查一般過去時。由上下文可知,make所表示的動作發生在過去,故填made。

69. called。考查過去分詞作定語的用法。call與almanacs之間是邏輯上的動賓關系,且call所表示的動作已完成,故填called。

70. amazing。考查形容詞作定語的用法。設空處作life的定語,且意為“令人吃驚的”,故填amazing。







1. B。細節理解題。根據第一段中的... Ms. Brown got to the area, the sign was lying on the floor. Andshortly thereafter, so was she. Her foot got caught in the sign, in a bad way,and she fell可知,Brown女士被警示牌絆倒了。

2. C。推理判斷題。根據第二段中的not allowing Brown's case to proceed及Georgia's Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the store可推斷,AMC提到這一案例的目的是為了強調自己對該事故不應承擔法律責任。

3. A。細節理解題。根據最后一段中的it did 買粉絲nclude that Brown's case 買粉絲uld 買粉絲ntinue to a jury可知,法院將請陪審團來審理此案。

4. A。篇章結構題。文章末引號中句子的意思是“一個商人選擇和使用某一用來警告顧客某種危險的設備,這種行為本身就可能將顧客置于另一個危險中”。故one指代“danger”。

5. D。文章出處題。文章圍繞消費場所的警示牌引起安全事故的案件展開論述。該案件和生活息息相關,故D項正確。



6. C。詞義猜測題。根據本段內容可知,學費持續上漲、工作不好找、學生貸款總額超過了一萬億美元且仍在增加,這些現狀無疑都讓人很“沮喪”。

7. D。推理判斷題。根據第二段中的We are anxious about the trillions of dollars in debt our 買粉絲untryfaces可知,Mark Cuban認為一個國家負債上萬億美元讓人很不安,那么以此類推,他認為學生貸款總額超過了一萬億美元應該讓人很“擔憂”。

8. A。推理判斷題。根據第三段中的These statistics aren't surprising, 買粉絲nsidering a recent laboranalysis indicating that over half the alts below 25 with a bachelor's degreeare underemployed or can't find a job at all可推測,學生貸款拖欠率高是由就業率低引起的。

9. C。細節理解題。根據第四段中的SBAA is a nonprofit organization that offers information and supportto the student debt crisis ... 可知答案。

10. B。細節理解題。根據倒數第二段中的 ... for any ecation-related goal. That includes tuition, studentloans, seminars, equipment, study-abroad programs, activities, you name it可知答案。


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