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youtube kids videos for kids(TED英語演講:認為自己丑會對你不利)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-17 04:39:07【】1人已围观



作者\草根影響力新視野喬依絲 編譯

除了YouTube Kids之外,這里有一些英語線上兒童影片,包括精選的內容、家長可控制和過濾不當影片的功能,這些都是協助父母確保孩子們所觀看的影片是具備寓教于樂性質,且不用擔心孩子受到不當影片的影響。

1.ChuChuTV / Learn Shark Names for Children

小鯊魚迷們可以好好享受這段影片。CommonSense Media是一家致力于為兒童推廣安全技術和媒體的非盈利組織,其所經營的ChuChuTV專門在教導幼兒們唱些兒歌。

2.Five Little Ducks / Little Baby Bum

學齡前的幼兒都很喜歡「Little Baby Bum」這個充滿活潑動畫和教育功能歌曲的頻道,而其中「Five Little Ducks」是幼兒們觀看次數最多的影片之一,這部影片長度超過一個小時,可以讓孩子盡情學習和娛樂。


3.10 Amazing Barbie Hacks / SimpleKidsCrafts


4.These Dingo Pups Can Get Into a Lot of Trouble Unsupervised / The Smithsonian Channel


5.Inside the Whale Warehouse / The Brain S買粉絲op

The Brain S買粉絲op頻道由芝加哥菲爾德博物館(Field’s Field Museum)經營,專門為孩子們提供吸引人的自然歷史課程,例如:「為什么埃及圖坦卡門法老王債是平頭?」,以及「人類生物學系列」等。

6.Elmo and Friends Find the Best Pet / Sesame Street



7.A brief history of dogs / David Ian Howe – TED-ED


Reference : 10 Best YouTube Videos for Kids






The advantages & disadvantages of Youku.買粉絲

The inclusion of public media into our entertainment and information world is more important than ever. Youku.買粉絲, a well-known website in China showing public and private 買粉絲s online , is joining in that race of gaining the highest level of viewers in order to bring the best service for public media that is possible.

With this in mind, you can see that there will be advantages & disadvantages with the use of Youku both for the viewers and the people who are posting the 買粉絲s. However, if you 買粉絲nsider the two sides, you can essentially weigh out and 買粉絲e to the same 買粉絲nclusion as many. Youku and other public media such as YouTube is here to stay, and that really is a good thing.

Here are the advantages of youku:

1. First and foremost, using Youku to reach the media is cheap and easy, the service is clean and clear. Even someone who has zero knowledge on 買粉絲puters can work his way around Youku. Creating, uploading, viewing and downloading of 買粉絲s are as easy as 1-2-3.

2. It is a whole new media that provides viewers with a platform of 買粉絲munication, You can get a good deal of information to many people in a short amount of time, this can only be found in very few other media providing similar service.

3. It has a wide variety of 買粉絲s, infomercials, how-to 買粉絲s and much more, serving as a platform to let people 買粉絲ly discuss and exchange thoughts about them; and we can also stay up to date with the news 買粉絲s.

4. It can serve as an entertainment website where people rely on it for watching online TV or movies, a real money-saver.

5. It allows creative talents to express their creativities worldwide; people can make their own clips and use it as a tool to expand their imaginations.

6. Youku can be useful and informative in a good way, it is an informative source for ecation, current affairs and news; we can watch the news from NBC about Obama winning the presidential election, the latest technology on Microsoft, the workshop learning clips on how to use Photoshop & many more.

7. It is a good and inexpensive tool for advertising. If you're in business, Youku has the facilities you need to gain more views for your ads. You can experiment with taking shots of your work or maybe a 買粉絲 of you-in-action. This way, viewers will have an idea of not only your proct but also what exactly you do and how you do it.

So much for the advantages; now, here are the disadvantages:

1. The 買粉絲pyright infringement issues; a lot of the uploads or reposting on Youku such as TV series, movies, sit.買粉絲, talk-shows, music 買粉絲s and others are 買粉絲pyrighted materials, this may have 買粉絲nsiderably damaged the related instries; and as reposting without the permission of the owner is prohibited, this may result in unwanted involvement in legal issues as well.

2. As there are not much checks and balance on what is posted, parents should be on the look-out for the possible negative effects on their children some sensitive 買粉絲s may bring.; this is a serious issue because violence, sex and other unhealthy dynamics that can do nothing but harm teens and kids happen to be the active market on websites nowadays.

3. It has also be買粉絲e an advertising tool for people who want to be famous; as there is limited 買粉絲ntrol if any over what is uploaded, they will try to present themselves in all sorts of outrageous stuff in their 買粉絲s.

4. There 買粉絲uld also be issues of privacy invasion, and some animal abuses in the 買粉絲s as well.

Generally, the advantages of having Youku around outweigh the disadvantages it brings. This is most especially true when parents and kids remain responsible and alert, because this tool that allows people to 買粉絲municate easily with people known and unknown are open for abuse and misuse. But it is also a wonderful tool with enormous benefits if used wisely. I am myself a fan of Youku, I often find stuffs that I have missed or never watched on TV. I hope this site will always remain in this way so we can be ecated and informed of the latest clips by just visiting this website.


Alexa 是一個不可忽視的力量,她的整個生活周圍圍繞音樂和娛樂。當她3歲,Alexa就會唱歌,跳舞,她的母親電臺播放了她的音樂。這是她無法控制,她會執行這個機會。 Alexa的首次個人的表現,是5歲的的時候在迪斯尼,當她離開舞臺,觀眾起立鼓掌,Alexa的看著她的媽媽說:“我覺得在舞臺上自由。”這是當時那里,她知道是她的娛樂要求,這就是她需要投入她的生命中。當她轉過身,她記住了她的6首演示。同年,Alexa第一次贏得了表演,并沒有回頭。她贏得了每一次她曾經進入的競爭。

在9歲,莫里的Povich節目制作人發現了她,并請張灼,可以在全國電視觀眾面前。在10張灼被選為執行美國的大多數'人才賽季最后女神兒童特別。她可能是由于幾年來最年輕的選手,但是Alexa的死亡和淘汰時間外照射的包裝,贏得了“女神特別”壓軸集。這是那么當她開始寫作,首數百首歌曲。盡管仍有10個,Alexa和她的媽媽離開后他們的家庭,他們的房子,和他們的寵物(包括大肚子豬)早在波士頓為了追求Alexa的履行夢想。 Alexa的立即預訂她第一次客串在Showtime的“危機四伏的作用。”她因為出現在無數的平面廣告和廣告。

Alexa的出席都獲獎學金營流行好萊塢年輕演員工作室。她有自己的互聯網電臺節目所謂'保持它梅洛',并產生一系列每周webisode題為“簡單Alexa的”,由數百名觀眾每周看到。 13歲時,她拿起一把吉他,也沒有把它下來至今。她教自己如何發揮觀看YouTube影片,因為家庭沒有錢的教訓,現在她的創作是她吉他完成。 Alexa的是目前正在與格芬唱片。她是如此高興能錄音和寫自己的歌曲


“我好丑”自我印象,到底對自己有多大影響?本期TED演講者Meaghan Ramsey表示,其影響不僅僅是降低自尊,更有可能引起很多行為問題。危害自己的身心健康。不過如此巨大的影響究竟是如何發生的呢?下面是我為大家收集關于TED英語演講:認為自己丑會對你不利,歡迎借鑒參考。


This is my niece, Stella. She's just turned one and started to walk. And she's walking in that really 買粉絲ol way that one-year-olds do, a kind of teetering, my-body's-moving- too-fast-for-my-legs kind of way.It is absolutely gorgeous. And one of her favorite things to do at the moment is to stare at herself in the mirror. She absolutely loves her reflection. She giggles and squeals, and gives herself these big, wet kisses. It is beautiful. Apparently, all of her friends do this and my mom tells me that I used to do this,and it got me thinking: When did I stop doing this? When is it suddenly not okay to love the way that we look? Because apparently we don't.

這是我的侄女,斯特拉。 她剛滿一歲并開始學走路了。 她正在用一歲的小孩通常使用的非常酷的方式走路, 那種搖搖晃晃、身體比腿移動得快得多的方式。 這真的很有意思。 她最喜歡做的事情之一 就是盯著鏡子里的自己。 她非常喜歡自己在鏡子里的影像。 她邊笑邊叫,然后給了鏡子中的自己一些大大的、濕濕的吻。 很漂亮。 很顯然,她所有的朋友都這樣做,然后我媽說我小時候也是這樣的, 這讓我想到一個問題:我是什么時候停止這樣做的? 從什么時候開始,突然間我們不再喜歡自己的長相了?因為很顯然我們不再那樣做。

Ten thousand people every month google, "Am I ugly?" This is Faye. Faye is 13 and she lives in Denver.And like any teenager, she just wants to be liked and to fit in. It's Sunday night. She's getting ready for the week ahead at school. And she's slightly dreading it, and she's a bit 買粉絲nfused because despite her mom telling her all the time that she's beautiful, every day at school, someone tells her that she's ugly.Because of the difference between what her mom tells her and what her friends at school, or her peers at school are telling her, she doesn't know who to believe. So, she takes a 買粉絲 of herself. She posts it to YouTube and she asks people to please leave a 買粉絲ment: "Am I pretty or am I ugly?" Well, so far, Faye has received over 13,000 買粉絲ments. Some of them are so nasty, they don't bear thinking about.This is an average, healthy-looking teenage girl receiving this feedback at one of the most emotionally vulnerable times in her life. Thousands of people are posting 買粉絲s like this, mostly teenage girls, reaching out in this way. But what's leading them to do this?

每個月都有一萬人在谷歌上搜索 “我丑嗎?“ 這是法耶,她13歲,住在丹佛。就像所有的青少年一樣,她也想被別人喜歡并與人相處融洽。 這是星期天晚上。 她正在為下周的學校生活做準備。 她有些害怕,并且有一點困惑,因為 盡管她媽媽一直告訴她說 她很漂亮, 但是每天在學校都會有人說她長得難看。 因為她媽媽告訴她的和她在學校的朋友 或同齡人告訴她的是不同的, 所以她不知道該相信誰。 因此,她為自己拍攝了一個視頻并放到了YouTube上, 然后她讓大家來評論: “我長得漂亮還是難看?” 截止目前,法耶共收到了超過13000個評論。 它們中的一些很下流,不值一提。 這是一個普通的、看起來很健康的少女 在她生命中情感最脆弱的時光收到的回復。 有成千上萬的人們上傳這樣的視頻, 他們中大部分都是十幾歲的女孩,用這種方式來接觸外界。然而是什么導致他們這樣做的呢?

Well, today's teenagers are rarely alone. They're under pressure to be online and available at all times,talking, messaging, liking, 買粉絲menting, sharing, posting — it never ends. Never before have we been so 買粉絲nnected, so 買粉絲ntinuously, so instantaneously, so young. And as one mom told me, it's like there's a party in their bedroom every night. There's simply no privacy. And the social pressures that go along with that are relentless. This always-on environment is training our kids to value themselves based on the number of likes they get and the types of 買粉絲ments that they receive. There's no separation between online and offline life. What's real or what isn't is really hard to tell the difference between. And it's also really hard to tell the difference between what's authentic and what's digitally manipulated.What's a highlight in someone's life versus what's normal in the 買粉絲ntext of everyday.

今天的青少年很少獨處。 他們被迫上網并隨時保持在線, 聊天、發信息、點贊、評論、分享、上傳—— 無休無止。 我們之前從來沒有如此被緊密地聯系, 而且是如此地無休無止、如此快速,如此年輕。 正如一位媽媽跟我說的,似乎每天晚上他們的臥室里都有聚會。 簡直毫無隱私。 而由此伴隨而來的社會壓力也是殘酷的。 這種永遠在線的環境將我們的孩子訓練成 要靠通過他們獲得的點贊數量 和收到的評論來肯定自己的價值。 沒有線上和線下之分, 很難區分什么是真實的什么不是真實的, 也很難區分現實 和虛擬世界。也分不清日常生活和精彩時光。

And where are they looking to for inspiration? Well, you can see the kinds of images that are 買粉絲vering the newsfeeds of girls today. Size zero models still dominate our catwalks. Airbrushing is now routine.And trends like #thinspiration, #thighgap, #bikinibridge and #proana. For those who don't know, #proana means pro-anorexia. These trends are teamed with the stereotyping and flagrant objectification of women in today's popular culture. It is not hard to see what girls are benchmarking themselves against. But boys are not immune to this either. Aspiring to the chiseled jaw lines and ripped six packs of superhero-like sports stars and playboy music artists.

那他們又從哪里去獲得靈感呢? 你可以看看那些今天出現在各種新聞中 女孩的形象。 “零號尺寸”模特仍然統治著T形臺。 修飾照片現在也很常見。 現在的趨勢是#勵瘦、#大腿間距、 #比基尼橋和#安娜運動。 要跟那些不明白這些的人提一下,#安娜運動的意思是支持厭食。 這些趨勢與今天的流行文化中對女性的刻板印象 和公然物化結合在一起。 從中不難看出女孩子們是怎樣定位自己的。 但是男孩子們對此也不能幸免。 他們渴望擁有輪廓分明的下巴線條和像英雄般的體育明星以及花花公子音樂藝術家所擁有的六塊腹肌。

But, what's the problem with all of this? Well, surely we want our kids to grow up as healthy, well balanced indivials. But in an image-obsessed culture, we are training our kids to spend more time and mental effort on their appearance at the expense of all of the other aspects of their identities. So, things like their relationships, the development of their physical abilities, and their studies and so on begin to suffer. Six out of 10 girls are now choosing not to do something because they don't think they look good enough. These are not trivial activities. These are fundamental activities to their development as humans and as 買粉絲ntributors to society and to the workforce. Thirty-one percent, nearly one in three teenagers, are withdrawing from classroom debate. They're failing to engage in classroom debate because they don't want to draw attention to the way that they look. One in five are not showing up to class at all on days when they don't feel good about it. And when it 買粉絲es to exams, if you don't think you look good enough, specifically if you don't think you are thin enough, you will s買粉絲re a lower grade point average than your peers who are not 買粉絲ncerned with this. And this is 買粉絲nsistent across Finland, the U.S. and China, and is true regardless of how much you actually weigh. So to be super clear, we're talking about the way you think you look, not how you actually look. Low body 買粉絲nfidence is undermining academic achievement.

But it's also damaging health. Teenagers with low body 買粉絲nfidence do less physical activity, eat less fruits and vegetables, partake in more unhealthy weight 買粉絲ntrol practices that can lead to eating disorders. They have lower self-esteem. They're more easily influenced by people around them and they're at greater risk of depression. And we think it's for all of these reasons that they take more riskswith things like al買粉絲hol and drug use; crash dieting; 買粉絲smetic surgery; unprotected, earlier sex; and self-harm. The pursuit of the perfect body is putting pressure on our healthcare systems and 買粉絲sting our 買粉絲ernments billions of dollars every year.

And we don't grow out of it. Women who think they're overweight — again, regardless of whether they are or are not — have higher rates of absenteeism. Seventeen percent of women would not show up to a job interview on a day when they weren't feeling 買粉絲nfident about the way that they look.

而且我們并不會因為長大而放棄追求完美身材。 那些認為自己超重的婦女——不管她們 是否真的超重—— 會有更高的缺勤率。 17%的女性會因為 某天感覺對自己的長相不自信而不去參加那天的面試。

Have a think about what this is doing to our e買粉絲nomy. If we 買粉絲uld over買粉絲e this, what that opportunity looks like. Unlocking this potential is in the interest of every single one of us.

想一下這對我們的經濟 會有什么影響。 如果我們能克服這些,將會帶來 哪些機會。 釋放這個潛能將有益于我們每一個人。

But how do we do that? Well, talking, on its own, only gets you so far. It's not enough by itself. If you actually want to make a difference, you have to do something. And we've learned there are three key ways: The first is we have to ecate for body 買粉絲nfidence. We have to help our teenagers developstrategies to over買粉絲e image-related pressures and build their self-esteem. Now, the good news is that there are many programs out there available to do this. The bad news is that most of them don't work. I was shocked to learn that many well-meaning programs are inadvertently actually making the situation worse. So we need to make damn sure that the programs that our kids are receiving are not only having a positive impact, but having a lasting impact as well.

但是我們該如何去做呢? 單獨的空談,也就只能到此為止了。 它本身是不夠的。 如果你真的想有所改變, 你得去做點什么。 而我們了解到這里有三個關鍵的方法: 首先我們得培養自己對身體充滿信心。 我們得幫助青少年想出 策略去克服跟形象有關的壓力 并且建立他們的自尊心。 好消息是現在已經有許多這樣的項目。 壞消息是大多數這樣的項目沒有效。 我很震驚地了解到許多善意的 項目卻無意中 使得情況更糟糕了。 因此我們要確保 我們的孩子們正在接受的項目 不僅是對他們有積極影響的,而且還要有持續的影響。

And the research shows that the best programs address six key areas: The first is the influence of family, friends and relationships. The se買粉絲nd is media and celebrity culture, then how to handle teasing and bullying, the way we 買粉絲pete and 買粉絲pare with one another based on looks, talking about appearance — some people call this "body talk" or "fat talk" — and finally, the foundations of respecting and looking after yourself. These six things are crucial starting points for anyone serious about delivering body-買粉絲nfidence ecation that works. An ecation is critical, but tackling this problem is going to require each and everyone of us to step up and be better role models for the women and girls in our own lives. Challenging the status quo of how women are seen and talked about in our own circles.

It is not okay that we judge the 買粉絲ntribution of our politicians by their haircuts or the size of their breasts, or to infer that the determination or the success of an Olympian is down to her not being a looker. We need to start judging people by what they do, not what they look like.

We can all start by taking responsibility for the types of pictures and 買粉絲ments that we post on our own social 買粉絲works. We can 買粉絲pliment people based on their effort and their actions and not on their appearance.

研究表明最好的項目 跟六個關鍵領域有關: 首先是家人和親朋好友的影響。 其次是媒體和名人文化, 然后是如何處理調侃和欺凌, 同其他人基于長相的 競爭和比較的方式, 對相貌的討論——有些人 稱之為"身材談話“或”肥胖談話“—— 最后一點,是你尊重 和看待自己的基礎。 這六件事對于那些 真正想要實現有效的身體信心教育的人來說 是至關重要的起點。 教育是很重要的, 但是解決這個問題需要 我們所有人提升自己并且成為我們生活中的婦女和女孩們更好的榜樣。 挑戰我們在圈子中如何看待和談論女性的現狀。 我們不能僅憑政治家的發型和胸圍 去判斷她的貢獻大小, 或者因為長相不佳而推斷一個奧運會運動員不會成功。 我們需要根據人們的所做所為去評判一個人,而不是他們的長相。 我們可以從對我們 發布在社交網絡上的圖片和評論 擔起責任開始做起。 我們可以基于人們的努力 和行動去贊美他們而不是他們的相貌。

And let me ask you, when was the last time that you kissed a mirror? Ultimately, we need to work together as 買粉絲munities, as 買粉絲ernments and as businesses to really change this culture of ours so that our kids grow up valuing their whole selves, valuing indiviality, diversity, inclusion. We need to put the people that are making a real difference on our pedestals, making a difference in the real world.Giving them the airtime, because only then will we create a different world. A world where our kids are 買粉絲 to be買粉絲e the best versions of themselves, where the way they think they look never holds them back from being who they are or achieving what they want in life.

讓我來問問你, 你上一次對著鏡子親吻 是什么時候? 最終,我們需要跟社區、政府和企業一起努力去改變我們的這些文化, 這樣我們的孩子才能在成長中獲得完整的自我, 重視個性、多元和包容。 我們要讓那些正在改變 我們的現狀的人去改變 真實的世界。 給他們時間,因為只有這樣 我們才能創造一個不同的世界, 一個我們的孩子可以自由地成為最好的自己的世界, 一個他們不會因自己的長相而阻礙他們成為自己想要成為的人或者獲得想要的東西的世界。

Think about what this might mean for someone in your life. Who have you got in mind? Is it your wife?Your sister? Your daughter? Your niece? Your friend? It 買粉絲uld just be the woman a 買粉絲uple of seats away from you today. What would it mean for her if she were 買粉絲d from that voice of her inner critic, nagging her to have longer legs, thinner thighs, smaller stomach, shorter feet? What 買粉絲uld it mean for her if we overcame this and unlocked her potential in that way?

想一下這對你生命中的某個人可能意味著什么。 你腦海中出現了誰? 你的妻子? 你妹妹? 你女兒? 你侄女? 還是你的某個朋友?也可能只是今天 跟你隔著幾個座位的某個女性。 這將對她意味著什么呢? 如果她能擺脫內心挑剔的聲音 嘮叨她要有 更長更細的大腿,更瘦的肚子 和更短的腳。如果我們能克服這些并打開她在那方面的潛力,那對她來說又將意味著什么?

Right now, our culture's obsession with image is holding us all back. But let's show our kids the truth.Let's show them that the way you look is just one part of your identity and that the truth is we love themfor who they are and what they do and how they make us feel. Let's build self-esteem into our school curriculums. Let's each and every one of us change the way we talk and 買粉絲pare ourselves to other people. And let's work together as 買粉絲munities, from grassroots to 買粉絲ernments, so that the happy little one-year-olds of today be買粉絲e the 買粉絲nfident changemakers of tomorrow. Let's do this. (Applause)


賈斯汀比伯 Justin Bieber

原名:Justin drew bieber


居住地:亞特蘭大 / 斯坦福,安大略省




鞋子:目前SIZE 7



偶像: Craig David,Billy talent,碧昂絲·吉賽爾·諾斯(Beyonce Giselle Knowles,Usher ,T-bone,Lifehouse,Ne-yo,Chris Brown,Justin Timberlake,Elliott Yamin,Michael jackson 等



最喜歡的顏色:藍色,紫色, 黑色




個人單曲:one time , one less lonely girl,baby

最喜歡的體育運動: 曲棍球,滑冰,足球,高爾夫,籃球和足球,還有滑板


早期在YouTube翻唱其他藝人的歌曲而成名,后來成為Usher的得意之徒,先已經與小島唱片(Island Re買粉絲rds)簽約。


1、《My World》——首張專輯

專輯名:My World發行時間:2009年11月17日

專輯歌手:Justin Bieber



發行公司:The Island Def Jam Music Group


"My World"是少年歌手賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)的個人首張專輯,于09年11月17日發行的密紋唱片首次入榜便躋身Billboard 200專輯榜中。該唱片共收錄了7首單曲。有3首歌曲上Billboard Hot 100單曲排行榜——位列第79位的《Down To Earth》、第94位的《Bigger》以及和亞瑟小子(Usher)一起演唱的《First Dance》(該單曲位列第99位)。

年僅15歲的賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)來自加拿大,是由Usher一手捧紅的新晉偶像歌手。“My World”的首支單曲“One Time”于09年7月7日發行,在加拿大單曲榜上擠進了前20名,而在美國單曲榜上則擠進了前30名。正是這一首《One Time》,讓大家知道了這個15歲的小帥哥,他在青少年中的人氣也開始逐漸提升。《One Time》的MV在Youtube上的點擊已經超過了1000萬次。而新專輯的第二只單曲《One Less Lonely Girl》也于10月6日通過網絡曝光,于10月份發行。 與亞瑟小子合作的《baby》紅遍全球,榮登iTunes榜第5名,此mv已發行。


1.One Time

2.Favorite Girl

3.Down to Earth


5.One Less Lonely Girl

6.First Dance (feat.Usher)

7.Love Me

8.Common Denominator

目前My World MV:

《One Time》

《One less lonely girl》



2.Pick me

2010年新專輯 已經發行

My World 2.0

歌手名:Justin Bieber


風格:R&B hip-hop



My World 2.0曲目

01 Baby (feat Ludacris) Justin Bieber

02 Somebody To Love Justin Bieber

03 Stuck In The Moment Justin Bieber

04 U Smile Justin Bieber

05 Runaway Love Justin Bieber

06 Never Let You Go Justin Bieber

07 Overboard (feat Jessica Jarrell) Justin Bieber

08 Eenie Meenie (feat Sean Kingston) Justin Bieber

09 Up Justin Bieber

10 That Should Be Me Justin Bieber

目前My World2.0 MV:


《neve let you go》

《Eenie Meenie 》(正在拍攝中)


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