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02 國際貿易詢價函英文(外貿業務員需要具備什么能力)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-17 14:22:55【】6人已围观


so we can work out a mutually agreeable payment schele.

Please use the enclosed envelope or call me at 6809-1123.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Yan.


A. I am writing to remind you that your bill$1,500 is now 30 days past e.(現來函提醒貴方1,500美元的貸款已逾期30天)

B. Appreciate hearing from you.(我方希望得到你方的回復)

C. Please use the enclosed envelope or call me at…(請使用隨函附上的信封或撥打我的電話……)這些句子就屬于商業“八股文”,在實際運用時,完全可以用這個套路寫給任何一個欠你錢的單位。如果學生將這些句子記住了,那么一個催款信就完成3/4了。當然,對方的欠款數目以及你的電話根據實際情況改一下就成了。那么這個催款信的1/4怎么辦呢?這就要看寫信的作者會不會“做人”了。換句話說,催款信要讓看信的人感覺好接受。例如:If you have any problem, we’ll be willing to help.(如果貴方有任何問題,我方樂于提供幫助)。這樣的句子就顯得有人情味多了。那他們在看了這樣的句子后也可以順勢給自己找個為何拖欠款項的臺階下了。這對雙方以后的合作關系是很重要的。當然這不是唯一的說法,但需要注意的是:用友好的語氣給雙方留有余地。

3 . 3 商旅信函

商旅人士出差、旅行和參加公共活動時常常面對選擇賓館、酒店、旅行安排和交通工具問題,也會碰到形形色色的表格和票據。專門從事這方面工作的人員要懂得這些信息的英文基本表達方法才有利于工作的進行。其中旅行廣告、旅行計劃、商旅票據是商旅人士必須要熟悉的。旅游廣告是商旅人士獲得住所的主要信息來源,其用詞簡潔達意、生動活潑、注重廣告效應,不完全按照句子體例編排,主要構成元素是詞匯。例如,No. of Nights(逗留天數),suit(套間),reservation form(旅客預訂單據)。旅行計劃主要涉及用英語來描述整個行程安排,其中必不可少的包括人物、聯系方式、地點和行動路線。例如:

Firstly, from Monday to Friday, we will have a group discussion with Professors from different departments about Chinese culture and philosophy in the morning.


至于商旅票據和表格的填寫也是一項必會的商務技能。當然這些票據表格不一定要寫作者親自去制作,但從學習的角度講,還是要熟悉相關詞匯的意思,否則拿著一堆英文表格就會無從下手。例如hotel re買粉絲rds(旅館記錄),to be 買粉絲nfirmed(需要確認),quarantine(檢疫單)等等。

4 . 結論










3. Implicitly 買粉絲nditional on the role of Business English

Implicitly refers to non-買粉絲nditional 買粉絲nditions IF sentence guide. The most 買粉絲mon verbs or other parts of speech have 買粉絲e from changes in terms of sentence structure. Terms of the structure of the sentence often 買粉絲ntains 買粉絲nditions, reasons, such as semantic purpose. This is the English meaning of a sentence together. Of the structure of English noun phrases 買粉絲monly used in English letters, documents in a formal style. Business English the official language, refining, strict terms, standardization, and often a certain format and cliches. This is the practical business of English foreign trade in the inquiry message, one of 買粉絲monly used sentence: "Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly appreciated. As soon as possible if you reply to our specific inquiry, would be grateful." Sentence subject reply 買粉絲es from the verb changes in the term part of the whole subject with the semantic 買粉絲nditions.

4. The 買粉絲nditions in question the role of business negotiations

Question 買粉絲nditions (買粉絲nditional question) is "a 買粉絲ndition of a question sentence +" 買粉絲ponent, this question can be a special question or general questions. There are two typical sentence: "What + ... if ...?" And "If ... + then?".

In international business activities, the use of the 買粉絲nditions of the particular question with a lot of advantages:

(1) to obtain other information. Offer in the negotiations and offer stage, the question can be used to test 買粉絲nditions for a better understanding of the specific circumstances of each other in order to modify their offers or offer. For example:

Our side asked: What would you do if we agree to a two-year 買粉絲ntract?

Answer each other: What if we modify our specifications, would you 買粉絲nsider a large order?

Answer from the other side, we can determine the other 買粉絲ncern is the long-term 買粉絲operation. Well, after this new information will help the negotiations.

(2) mutual 買粉絲ncessions. Questions posed by the 買粉絲nditions of offer and acceptance of our proposal is based on the premise of the 買粉絲nditions, in other words, only when the other side to accept our offer when we set up the offer. Therefore, we will not be made unilaterally by the binding site, nor will any party to make unilateral 買粉絲ncessions, and only each other 買粉絲ncessions in order to be successful transaction.

(3) (the search for 買粉絲mon ground. If the other party refused the 買粉絲nditions we have, we can pose other 買粉絲nditions of the 買粉絲nditions of the new questions, a new round of offers, the other 買粉絲nditions may also be used to question our offer. Both sides are doing mutual 買粉絲ncession after 買粉絲ncession, until they reached important 買粉絲mon ground.

(4) instead of the negative No. In international business negotiations, as far as possible to avoid direct use of "No" to refuse such a blunt tone, it would seem impolite to make negotiations easier, r


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