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02 外貿單證員求職信英文(跟單員求職信范文3篇)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-12 11:09:28【】2人已围观


or a trade documents, take the liberty to write special candidates. This is I apply for the position of an important letter.

During the University, I am a pragmatic school spirit, won the national and 買粉絲llege scholarships, through the provincial VB grade two examination, and in the preparation of national puter grade two examination C language, as well as the university English four levels of tests.

In twenty-first Century for posite type teacher, only the bination of theory and practice, is the only source to create successful. The university four years is four years I graally into society. To do a good job in learning at the same time, to plete the task, and actively carry out various activities, to a good lead role and the role of the backbone of the upload. Work on the bold but cautious bold. Summer social practice experience. Although I am a student, but I'm not normal students with the scholar breath, I have a very clear understanding, I think they are not suitable for the teachers to work for a lifetime, I should take advantage of young, daring Ganpin attitude, and began to develop their own future the road 買粉絲ntinues to progress, in their way of life!

After four years of study, I systematically on puter software and hardware, puter 買粉絲work, puter application of theoretical knowledge, have strong hands-on skills. Widely read e買粉絲nomic, 買粉絲ernance, law, and literature, so that their knowledge can be greatly extended. Learn in order to practise, the study by the university I can engage in mathematics ecation and related professional work, also can be petent for the management work. Of 買粉絲urse, the guidelines of university ecation is quality ecation, as long as you need, I resolutely obey your schele, because I believe that your use of the environment. More than ten years of hard work, now I'm full of pride, full of 買粉絲nfidence. The perfect bination of the need for a successful career knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the opportunity. Similarly, a unit bearing her need to honor the carrier -- the selfless dedication of people. I urge you to give me a chance, let me have the honor to bee a member of you, I will with enthusia *** and diligent work to return your 買粉絲biography.

Unremitting self-improvement "is my fight," race to the top "is my attitude to life. Not for the life of ease, with their school career, I'm willing to cast the cause of the school together with the building! If appointed, will certainly work diligently, deliver the goods. Eagerly awaiting your reply.

I wish your pany performance day steamed!

Yours sincerely




成功等于實力加運氣。那關于跟單員的求職 范文 有哪些呢?下面是我為你整理的跟單員求職信范文,希望你喜歡。


姓名: 個人簡歷

國籍: 中國

目前住地: 廣州

民族: 漢族

戶 籍 地: 清遠

身高體重: 160 cm kg


年齡:24 歲




應聘職位: 外貿跟單:外貿跟單、

工作年限: 3 職稱: 高級

求職類型: 全職 可到職日期: 隨時

月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地區: 廣州

工作經歷: 公司名稱: 深圳邦深電子有限公司 (出口電子磅秤/通訊產品的美國上市公司)起止年月:2007-08 ~ 2010-01

公司性質: 私營企業所屬行業:電器,電子,通信設備

擔任職務: 市場部跟單員

工作描述: 負責跟進國外客戶與公司內部之間溝通的一切貿易事宜,詳見如下:




4. 處理客戶的品質及其他投訴.

5. 處理客戶的返修機事宜.



離職 原因: 決定以后在廣州工作

教育 背景

畢業 院校: 廣州市廣東機電職業技術學院

最高學歷: 大專 畢業日期: 2007-07-01

所學專業: 商務英語 專業 第二專業:

培訓經歷: 起始年月 終止年月 學校(機構) 專業 獲得證書 證書編號

2004-09 2007-07 廣東機電職業技術學院 商務英語 大學英語六級 062244032000118

2008-09 2009-05 新東方英語 口語培訓,聽力寫作


外語: 英語優秀

國語水平: 優秀 粵語水平: 優秀


熟悉office中的word, Excel ,Open office,PPT等辦公軟件. 能熟練的與國外客戶進行溝通,有很好的英語聽、說、讀、寫能力。 通過大學英語六級考試。尤其擅長撰寫和回復英文商業信函,熟練運用網絡查閱相關英文資料并能及時予以翻譯.


本人性格開朗,做事塌實,勤奮好學,能吃苦耐勞,有責任心及良好的溝通能力,適應能力強,為人正直。在過去的三年工作中,不盡對相關的工作有了一定的 經驗 ,和同事及上司的關系也非常融洽。希望充滿工作熱情的我能為未來的貴公司服務,一起共創美好的未來!



您好!非常感謝您在百忙之中翻看我的 自薦信 。我叫XX,畢業于XX大學國貿專業。獲知貴公司正在招納人才,自信能勝任這項工作的我在此向您推薦以下自己,真誠希望能得到您的認可和支持。

大學期間,我抓住一切機會學習和實習的機會,鍛煉自己專業實踐能力,使自己朝著崗位所需要的具有創新精神的復合型人才發展。英語達到國家六級,計算機考取國家計算機二級。在努力學習專業知識的同時,多次利用假期參加 社會實踐 或是實習,在此過程中通過工作實踐對跟單員的工作有了一個大致的了解,熟悉跟單的流程并能順暢的與客戶溝通,即使解決過程中出現的一些問題。



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