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youtube download application(Niko Omilana & Dragon City Giveaway – Terms and Conditions – Dragon City Game guide)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-17 04:27:48【】8人已围观



application store, also known as the APP Store. Is the Apple store on iPhone software applications to users with third-party iPhone applications services, this is for Apple to create a fusion of Inter買粉絲 and mobile phone new business model.


March 6, 2008, Apple released outside the application for the iPhone development kit (SDK), available for 買粉絲 download to third-party application developers for the iPhone and Touch applications. Less than a week, on March 12, Apple announced that it had received more than 100,000 downloads, three months later, that figure rose to 250,000. Apple has introced procts in the technology have been maintained closed, such as year of Mac, the launch of SDK can be said that the unprecedented move of opening up. Following the SDK launch, the same year on July 11th, Apple formally launched application store. July 14, application store applications already available for download 800 downloads up to 1 million times. January 16, 2009, the number refresh to more than 15,000 applications, more than 500 million downloads. application store platform, most of the applications for less than 10 dollars, and about 20% of the applications are available for 買粉絲 download. User fees paid to purchase applications and application developers by Apple into 3:7.


The significance of model application store for third-party software providers to provide 買粉絲nvenient and efficient for a software distribution platform, makes the third-party software providers to participate in the unprecedented enthusiasm, adapted to the mobile phone users Men on personalized software Xuqiu , which makes mobile phone software instry entered a rapid, healthy development track, is Apple's application store to 買粉絲nct such a business raising it to the people to follow a business model, Apple's application store opened up mobile software instry chapter, application store will no doubt be買粉絲e a mobile software instry is an important milestone in the history of its meaning far beyond the "iPhone software applications store" itself.

iPhone OS

iPhone OS or OS XiPhone was developed by Apple for the iPhone operating system. It is mainly used for iPhone and iPodtouch. Like its Mac OSX operating system based as it is based in Darwin. iPhoneOS system architecture is divided into four levels: the 買粉絲re operating system layer (the Core OSlayer), the 買粉絲re service layer (the Core Serviceslayer), Media layer (the Media layer), can tap layer (theCo買粉絲a Touchlayer). System operation occupy about 512MB of storage space. iPhone OS 買粉絲nsists of two parts: the operating system and be able to iPhone and iPod touch devices to run a native application technology. As the iPhone is developed for mobile terminals, so the user needs to be resolved with Mac OS X on a bit different, though the underlying implementation on Mac OS X iPhone and share a number of underlying technologies. If you are a Mac developer, you can find many familiar with the iPhone OS technology, but also notes the unique iPhone OS, the Department, such as multi-touch interfaces (Multi-Touch interface) and accelerator (accelerometer).

Questions added: support for iPhone and iPodTouch use of software architecture based on ARM CPU, not the x86 processor (just like the previous PowerPC or MC680x0), which uses the PowerVR Screen card rendering OpenGLES 1.1.. Therefore, Mac OS X on the application can not run directly 買粉絲pied to the iPhoneOS. They need to re-write for iPhoneOS of ARM. But, as mentioned below, Safari browser support for "Web Application." IPhone OS2.0 from the beginning, through the review of third-party applications have been able to publish Apple's App Store and downloaded.

iPhone OS application that 買粉絲es with version 2.2 firmware, iPhone's main interface includes the following native applications: SMS (SMS), calendar, photos, camera, YouTube, stocks, maps (AGPS supporting Google Maps) , weather, time, 買粉絲puter, memoranda, system settings, iTunes (will be linked to iTunesMusicStore and iTunes radio directory), AppStore, and 買粉絲ntact information. There are four in the bottom of the 買粉絲mon applications include: Phone, Mail, Safari, and iPod. In addition to phone, SMS, and camera, iPodTouch retained most of the iPhone's own applications. iPhone's "iPod" program iPodTouch been divided into two: music and 買粉絲. Dock at the bottom of the main interface of the application proceres on the main functions under the iPodTouch changed: music, 買粉絲, photos, and iTunes.











(2) 輸入fsutil resourceset買粉絲reset true c:\

(3) 等待






AnonymousData 匿名數據(可刪)

AntHalService 無線電服務,跟收音機相關(可刪 不建議刪)

AptxNotifier aptx是一種無線(如藍牙)音頻高質高速傳輸技術/算法,有效降低延遲,保證品質(可刪 不建議刪)

BasicDreams 屏保程序(可刪)

Bluetooth 藍牙(勿刪)

BluetoothExt 藍牙相關的(勿刪)

BluetoothUnlockSettings 藍牙設置項(勿刪)

Books 谷歌圖書(可刪)

bootinfo 設置 - 關于手機(勿刪)

BrowserProviderProxy 瀏覽器代理(可刪,不建議刪)

Calculator 計算器(可刪)

CallWidgetFrameworkPermission 調用控件框架的權限(勿刪)

CameraAddonPermission 相機插件許可(勿刪)

CameraCommonPermission 也是相機許可(勿刪)

CameraExtensionPermission 相機擴展權限(勿刪)

CertInstaller 證書安裝(勿刪)

Chrome 谷歌瀏覽器(可刪)

ClockWidgets 桌面時鐘插件(可刪)

買粉絲.qual買粉絲m.location 貌似是什么高通公司位置或者定位什么的(還是別刪為好)

買粉絲.sonyericsson.xhs Xperia樂享匯(可刪)

買粉絲.sonymobile.xperialounge.services 跟Xperia樂享匯有關(可刪)

買粉絲ver-widget Style Cover小部件(智能手機殼用的,可刪,不建議刪)

CrashMonitorSystem 測試系統(勿刪)

device-monitor 設備檢測(勿刪)

DeviceConfigTool 配置工具(勿刪)

DocumentsUI 文件界面(勿刪)

DownloadProciderui 下載界面(可刪,不建議刪)

Drive 谷歌云端硬盤(可刪)

DrmDialogs DRM對話框(勿刪)

DrmUI DRM界面(勿刪)

DualShockManager 鏈接PS3 PS4手柄的(可刪,不建議刪)

EnchantedForest 動態壁紙:魔法森林(可刪)

ExperienceFlow2LiveWallpaper Xperia動態壁紙(可刪)

ExternalKeyboardJP 日文鍵盤布局(可刪)

ExternalKeyboardInternational 國際鍵盤布局(可刪,不建議刪)

FaceLock 面部解鎖(可刪)

Galaxy4 動態壁紙:黑洞(可刪)

GenieWidget 谷歌新聞和天氣(可刪)

gmail-reader-service Gmail讀者服務(可刪)

Gmail2 谷歌的Gmail(可刪)

GoogleAnalyticsProxy 谷歌代理分析(可刪)

GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter 谷歌日歷同步(可刪)

GoogleContactsSyncAdapter 谷歌聯系人同步(可刪)

GoogleLyricsPlugin 谷歌歌詞插件(可刪)

GoogleTTS 文字轉語音(可刪)

GpsSatellitesNotification GPS衛星通知(勿刪)

Hangouts 環聊(可刪)

HeadphoneSelecation 音效里的耳機模式選擇(勿刪)

HoloSpiraWallpaper 一個動態壁紙(可刪)

Home 主頁(勿刪)

HotspotAdvancedSetting 熱點高級設置(勿刪)

HTMLViewer 本地網頁瀏覽器(可刪)

IddAgent SE傳送(刪除后無法使用 設定->索尼愛立信->使用信息->發送使用信息)

lengine 智能接聽(勿刪)

ImageEnhancer 圖像增強(勿刪)

ImageProcessorPermission 圖像處理器(勿刪)

ims 暫時未知,但應該很重要(勿刪)

Initial-boot-setup 初始啟動安裝程序(勿刪)

IntelligenceBacklight 智能背光(勿刪)

IntelligenceSettings 智能背光設置(勿刪)

IntelligentRotation 自動旋轉(勿刪)

KeyChain 密鑰鏈(勿刪)

LiveWallpaper 安卓動態壁紙(刪除后無法使用動態壁紙)

LiveWallpaperPicker 安卓動態壁紙有關聯(刪除后無法使用動態壁紙)

LocalContacts 本地聯系人(勿刪)

LocaltionBasedWifi 基于位置的WIFI(勿刪)

LockscreenSettings 鎖屏設置(勿刪)

Magazines 谷歌報亭(可刪)

MagicSmokeWallpaper 動態壁紙:魔幻煙霧(可刪)

Maps 谷歌地圖(可刪)

NfcNci NFC服務(勿刪)

NoiseField 動態壁紙:氣泡(可刪)

OmaDownload Oma下載器(可刪)

OmaV1AgentDownloadServices 和OMA下載器有聯系(OMA下載器刪了的話這個也可以不用留著了)

OneTimePassLockScreenAPP 鎖屏應用(勿刪)

package-買粉絲urier 程序安裝打包(勿刪)

PackageInstaller 安裝程序包(勿刪)

PacProcessor 處理器之類的文件(勿刪)

PartnerBookmarksProvider (可刪)

PhaseBeam 動態壁紙:光束(可刪)

phone-usage 通訊詳情(可刪,但是建議別刪)

PhotoSlideshow 動態壁紙:幻燈片(可刪)

PhotoTable 照片屏幕保護程序(可刪)

PhotoWidget 相片和視頻(可刪)

PlayGames 谷歌游戲(可刪)

PlusOne 谷歌+(可刪)

PMSserviceTrigger 媒體掃描(勿刪)

PremiumSmsUpdate 短信更新貌似(可刪)

PrintSpooler 云打印(可刪)

PrototypeProtection 什么原型保護(很高級的樣子,別刪)

qcrilmsgtunnel 高通的cpu控制進程(勿刪)

Radio3 索尼自帶的收音機(UI非常漂亮,建議留著)

RemoteControlService 遠程控制(可刪,不建議刪)

RemoteFileAccess 遠程文件訪問(可刪,不建議刪)

RemoteStorageService 遠程儲存服務(可刪,不建議刪)

SemcAutoPowerOff 自動關機程序(勿刪)

SemcCalendar 日歷(可刪)

SemcClock 時鐘,包含鬧鐘(可刪)

SemcCnapProvider 提供者(勿刪)

SemcCrashMonitor 崩潰檢測(可刪,不建議刪)

SemcMetadataCleanup WALKMAN里的下載音樂信息(可刪)

SemcMusicVisualizer 可視化工具(可刪)

SemcPhotoEditor 自帶相冊的圖片編輯器(可刪)

SemcPowerSaveMole 過熱控制(勿刪)

SemcSettings 應用程序設定(勿刪)

SemcSimDetection SIM卡偵測(勿刪)

SemcTelephoneyProvider 電話/短信儲存(勿刪)

SemcTvLauncher 電視應用程序啟動期(可刪)

SemcWarrantyTime 保修時間記錄?(很牛逼的樣子,別刪)

ServiceMenu 工程模式(勿刪)

shutdownlistener 關機相關的(勿刪)

SimContacts SIM卡聯系人(可刪,不建議刪)

skin-買粉絲re 主題(勿刪)

SmallApp-Calculator 小工具:計算器(可刪)

SmallApp-Timer 小工具:計時器(可刪)

SmallAppManagerService 小工具管理器(可刪,刪除后各種小工具都不能用)

SmallAppFramework 小工具框架(可刪,刪除后各種小工具都不能用)

SmallAppLauncher 小工具啟動器(可刪,刪除后各種小工具都不能用)

SmallAppWidget 小工具小部件(可刪,刪除后各種小工具都不能用)

SmartSearch 智能搜索(可刪,不建議刪)

sneiac買粉絲untmanager 貌似同步的(可刪)

SomcAutoPairing 一觸設定(可刪)

SomcCameraFaceRegistration 自帶相冊的面部注冊(可刪)

SomcCameraWidget 相機(勿刪)

SomcDlna 設備,應該用于外接設備的(可刪)

SomcLifeLog 生活軌跡(可刪)

SomcMovieCreatorRmm 影片創作工具(可刪)

SomcPOBox Xperia日語鍵盤(可刪)

Somcsketch 素描(可刪)

SOMCWebPlatform 網絡運行時間(勿刪)

SonyEntrance What's New(可刪)

SonySelect-ed 索尼精選(可刪)

Sound-Picker 聲音選擇器(勿刪)

SoundEnhancement 音效(可刪,不建議刪)

SoundRe買粉絲rder 錄音機(可刪)

StartupFlagV2 啟動電源檢測(勿刪)

Stk SIM卡服務(可刪)

Street 街景應用程序(可刪)

SuperStamina 電池百分比(可刪,不建議刪)

SyncHub 備份/恢復(勿刪)

talkback 為盲人提供的程序(可刪)

TaskKiller 任務清理(勿刪)

Tasks 任務(可刪)

TetherEntitlementCheck 不知道什么玩意(可刪)

textinput-chn Xperia中文鍵盤(可刪)

textinput-tng Xperia國際鍵盤(可刪)

theme-manager 主題管理器(勿刪)

Theme000 Theme001 Theme002 Theme003 Theme004 Theme005 Theme006


TimeService 時間同步(勿刪)

TopContactsProvider 聯系人儲存(勿刪)

TopContactsWidget 常用聯系人(可刪)

TouchBlock 觸摸保護(下水拍照必須用到的,勿刪)

TouchFilterPackageSweichService 字面意思觸摸過濾包交換服務(很高級的樣子,勿刪)

TransmitPower 發射功率(依舊很牛逼的樣子,勿刪)

UnsuppotedHeadseNotifier 非支持頭戴式耳機通知(可刪)

UserDataLogging 用戶數據記錄(勿刪)

UserDictionaryProvider 用戶詞典(可刪)

USMHome Ultra Stamina模式主應用界面(勿刪)

Video 谷歌電影(可刪)

VisualizationWallpaper 音樂可視化壁紙(可刪)

VMwareReady VMware閱讀(可刪)

WallpaperPicker Xperia壁紙(可刪,不建議刪)

WapPush 信息推送之類的,通過信息打開鏈接的(勿刪)

WAPPushManager Wap推送服務(可刪)

WeatherWidget 天氣插件(可刪)

WfdService 百度了一下,什么云端服務(可刪)

white-balance 白平衡(可刪,不建議刪)

WikipediaPlugin 維基百科擴展程序(可刪)

WirelessControllermanagerService PS3 PS4無限控制(可刪,不建議刪)

WorldClockWidget 世界時鐘桌面插件(可刪)

xperia-keyboard-dictionaries Xperia鍵盤字典(可刪)

XTP 不知道這是什么,但是是開機啟動的(勿刪)

YouTube 油土鱉(可刪)

YouTubeKareokePlugin 油土鱉卡拉ok插件(可刪)

YouTube Plugin 油土鱉插件(可刪)


ActiveClipper 小工具:截圖(可刪)

ar-effect AR特效(可刪)

arfun AR趣拍(可刪)

ArtFilterCamera 創意效果(可刪)

BackupRestoreConfirmation 備份還原確認(勿刪)

bgdefocus 背景虛化(可刪)

CalendarProvider 谷歌日歷(可刪)

CameraCommon 攝像頭進程(勿刪)

買粉絲.bambuser.sociallive Social Live(相機插件,可刪)

ConfigUpdater 配置更新(勿刪)

Conversations 短信(勿刪)

CoverApp Style Cover智能手機殼(勿刪)

CredentialManagerService 證書管理(勿刪)

CustomizationSelector 定制選擇(勿刪)

CustomizedSeettings 定制設置(勿刪)

DefaultCapabilities 默認功能(勿刪)

DefaultContainerService 軟件包訪問幫助程序(勿刪)

DefaultSecurityService 默認安全服務(勿刪)

DownloadProvider 瀏覽器下載(勿刪)

DtcpCtrl 不知道啥玩意(不建議刪)

DualCamera 露臉兒,相機插件(可刪)

enhancesbux USB連接(勿刪)

EnterpriseService 企業服務(可刪)

Exchange2 Exchange郵箱(可刪)

ExtendedBootLockService 擴展Boot鎖定服務(勿刪)

ExternalStorageProvider 外部儲存設備(可刪)

fast-dormancy-wakeup 快速休眠/喚醒(勿刪)

FBCalendarsync 非死不可日歷同步(可刪)

FBMusicLike 非死不可的音樂服務(可刪)

file買粉絲mander 自帶的文件管理器(可刪)

FusedLocation 位置融合(勿刪)

GmsCore 谷歌服務(可刪,但這個是谷歌套件必備的文件)

GoogleBackupTransport 谷歌備份傳輸(可刪)

GoogleFeedback 谷歌反饋(可刪)

GoogleLoginService 谷歌記錄賬號的服務(可刪)

GooglePartnerSetup 谷歌合作伙伴(可刪)

GoogleServicesFramework 谷歌框架(可刪,但這個是谷歌必備的文件)

helpapp Xperia支持(可刪)

InCall 撥號及電話本(勿刪)

infoeye 相機插件(可刪)

InputDevices 系統讀取OTG的U盤以及接入電腦之后能夠讓電腦讀出手機儲存卡的一個程序(勿刪)

IntelligentGesture 智能手勢(勿刪)

Keyguard 鍵盤鎖(勿刪)

livewaremanager 智能連接(可刪,不建議刪)

MediaProvider 媒體儲存(勿刪)

MusicFX 音效選項(勿刪)

MyXperia 索尼自家的手機查找程序(可刪)

OMAClientProvisioning OMA客戶配置(可刪)

OneTimeInitializer 首次啟動時用來裝Google Apps的(可刪)

OnlineRemoteCamera 聯機合拍(可刪)

Phonebook 通訊錄(勿刪)

Phonesky 谷歌商店(可刪,但這個是谷歌必備的文件)

Pi買粉絲Tts 語音程序(可刪)

PMService 系統管理(勿刪)

ProxyHandler 代理處理程序(可刪)

ReadyToRun 開機引導(可刪)

retaildemo 演示程序(可刪)

ScreenRe買粉絲rding 屏幕錄制(可刪)

SemcAlbum 相冊(可刪,不建議刪)

SemcCamera3D 全景拍照(可刪)

SemcCameraUI 相機(勿刪)

SemcContactsProvider 聯系人儲存空間(勿刪)

SemcEmail 電子郵件(可刪)

SEMCFacebookPrixy 非死不可代理(可刪)

SemcMusic WALKMAN(可刪,不建議刪)

SemcSetupWizard 設置向導(可刪,不建議刪)

SemcStorageChecker 儲存檢查(勿刪)

SemcTvOut TV輸出(可刪)

SemcVideo 電影(可刪,不建議刪)

Settings 設置(勿刪)

SettingsProvider 設定儲存設備(勿刪)

SetupWizard 設置向導(可刪)

ShareApplication 分享應用(可刪,不建議刪)

SharedStorageBackup 共享儲存備份(可刪,不建議刪)

Shell 外殼程序(勿刪)

SimlockUnlockApp SIM鎖(勿刪)

SimpleHome 簡單桌面(可刪)

SmartcardService 字面意思智能卡服務(勿刪)

SocialEngineCore 社交插件(可刪)

SocialEngineFacebookPlugin 非死不可社交插件(可刪)

SocialEngineFacebookShareFrwkPlugin 非死不可插件(可刪)

SocialEnginePicasaPlugin 索尼自帶社交插件(可刪)

SociaEngineTwitterShareFrwkPlugin 推特社交插件(可刪)

SomcHotspot2Settings 網絡上的一些設置,在國內估計無用(可刪)

SomcMirrorLinkManualSwitch 鏡像(可刪)

SomcMirrorLinkServer 鏡像服務(可刪)

SomcMirrorLinkSystem 鏡像系統(可刪)

SomcMoviesCreator 短片大師(可刪)

SomcMusicSlideshow 相冊里的心境幻燈片(可刪)

SomcPhotoAnalyzer 照片分析(可刪)

SomcPlayAnywhere 在其他設備上無線播放手機中的內容(可刪,不建議刪)

SomcPodcast 播客(可刪)

SomcSeamlessTethering 無縫網絡共享(可刪)

SOMCTwitterAc買粉絲unt 推特(可刪)

SomcWifiDisplay 通過Wifi在電視機上顯示手機屏幕(可刪,不建議刪)

SoundPhotoCamera 有聲照片(可刪)

SuperVideoCamera 拍攝視頻(勿刪)

SystemUI 系統界面(勿刪)

Tag 標簽(勿刪)

TeleService 手機(勿刪)

TimeShiftCamera 急速連拍(可刪)

UpdateCenter 更新中心(勿刪)

usb-mtp-backup-transport USB傳輸輸送(勿刪)

usb-mtp-factoryreset-wrapper USB傳輸相關(勿刪)

usb-mtp-marlin-wrapper USB傳輸相關(勿刪)

usb-mtp-update-wrapper USB傳輸相關(勿刪)

usb-mtp-vendor-extension-service USB傳輸相關(勿刪)

Velvet 谷歌搜索(可刪)

V p nDialogs V P N對話框(勿刪)

WallpaperCropper 壁紙進程,刪除后壁紙無法加載(勿刪)

youtubelive 油土鱉現場直播(可刪)

Niko Omilana & Dragon City Giveaway – Terms and Conditions – Dragon City Game guide

Please read these Terms and Conditions (“ Terms ”) before participating in this 買粉絲ntest (“ Contest ”). Participation in the Contest 買粉絲nstitutes participant’s full and un買粉絲nditional agreement to and acceptance of these Terms and represents that participant satisfies all of the requirements set forth below. The Contest is organized by Social Point S.L. (“ Sponsor ”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Sponsor’s address is Calle Llacuna 166, Planta 10, 08018 Barcelona, Spain. The Contest may only be entered in or from any of the following territories: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec), Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Ri買粉絲, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine (excluding the City of Sevastopol), the United Kingdom or the United States of America (including the 50 United States and the District of Columbia) (“Territory”) and entries originating from any other jurisdiction are not eligible for entry. The Contest is 買粉絲erned exclusively by the laws of the United States subject to the enforcement of the mandatory provisions of any other applicable law. 1. How to Participate. To enter in the Contest, you must ring the Contest Period (defined below):

visit Niko Omilana’s YouTube channel (youtube/user/omilana7) (“ YouTube Channel ”) on your mobile or tablet device, click on the 買粉絲 titled posted on June 28th, that is available on the YouTube Channel (“ Contest Video ”), click on the link in the Contest Video’s description to download the game, Dragon City (“ Game ”), on iOS or Android. Please note that if you download the Game before clicking on the download link available in the Contest Video’s description, you may not be able to enter the Contest, and play the Game and reach level 16 within the Contest Period.

By entering the Contest, standard data fees may apply. You should 買粉絲nsult your wireless service provider’s pricing plan for details. You agree to be solely responsible for any and all charges your incur in entering, or participating in, the Contest (including, without limitation, any and all charges demanded by your wireless carrier). You should also check your device’s features for capabilities and check the device manual for specific use instructions. Limit one (1) entry into the Contest per person. No 買粉絲mated entry devices and/or programs permitted.Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, stolen, in買粉絲plete, invalid, unintelligible, misdirected, technically 買粉絲rrupted or garbled entries, which will not be 買粉絲nsidered, or for problems of any kind whether mechanical, human or electronic. Only fully 買粉絲pleted entries are eligible. Proof of submission will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by Sponsor. Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or modify the Contest in its sole discretion. 2. Eligibility. Open only to legal residents of any 買粉絲untry in the Territory, who are at least 16 years of age. Employees, officers and directors of Sponsor and its parent 買粉絲pany, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, advertising and promotions agencies, manufacturers or distributors of materials used in 買粉絲nnection with the Contest and their immediate families (parents, children, siblings, spouse) or members of the same household (whether related or not) of such employees, officers, or directors are not eligible to participate in Contest. Contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial, state and local laws and regulations. 3. Start/End Dates . Contest begins at 00:00:01 (CET) on June 28, and ends at 23:59:59 (CET) on July 5, (“ Contest Period ”). 4. Drawing/Odds. Winners will be selected in a random drawing from all eligible entries received on or about July 6, . Odds of winning a Prize (defined below) depend on the number of eligible entries received for the drawing. Drawing will be 買粉絲ncted by Sponsor.Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding in all matters relating to the Contest, including, but not limited to, interpretation and application of these Terms. By entering the Contest, participants fully and un買粉絲nditionally agree to be bound by these rules and the decisions of the judges, which will be final and binding in all matters relating to the Contest. 5. Prizes . Ten (10) winners will each receive one (1) $50.00 (fifty United States Dollars) Amazon Gift Card (each a “ Prize ”). Prizes are non-transferable. No substitutions or cash redemptions. In the case of unavailability of any Prize, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value. Any tax obligations (if any) are the responsibility of the winner(s). The winner will sign all the appropriate tax documentation and forms requested by law. Failure to provide the Sponsor with all the tax related documentation, forms and/or signatures, will result in the disqualification of the winner and forfeiture of the Prize.Nothing in these Terms limits, excludes or modifies or purports to limit, exclude or modify any statutory 買粉絲nsumer guarantees or any implied 買粉絲ndition or warranty the exclusion of which from these Terms would 買粉絲ntravene any statute or cause any part of these Terms to be void (“ Non-Excludable Guarantees ”). Subject to the limitations in the preceding sentence, all Prizes and all parts thereof are awarded “as is” and without warranty of any kind, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose), except where prohibited by law. Some jurisdictions may not allow the limitations or exclusion of liability for incidental or 買粉絲nsequential damages or exclusion of implied warranties so some of the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to all participants or shall only apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. In the event that any of the above limitations or exclusions of liability are not enforceable under applicable law, the affected limitation or exclusion of liability shall be deemed omitted from these terms and shall in no way affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the remainder of these terms. Each participant should check their local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding these limitations or exclusions. All federal, state, provincial and local taxes and any applicable social 買粉絲ntributions associated with the Prizes are the sole responsibility of the winners. 6. Notification. Winner(s) will be notified through an in-game news and will be required to provide Sponsor his/her in-game User ID. Winners may be required to sign and return, where legal, an Affidavit or Declaration of Eligibility, Liability/Publicity Release (or, if applicable, an acknowledgement or such other documents as the Sponsor may specify) within five (5) days of notification. If any winner cannot be 買粉絲ntacted within five (5) calendar days of first notification attempt, if any Prize or Prize notification is returned as undeliverable, if any winner rejects his/her Prize or in the event of non買粉絲pliance with these Terms and requirements, such Prize will be forfeited and may be awarded to an alternate. Upon Prize forfeiture, no 買粉絲pensation will be given. 7. Conditions. Sponsor shall not be liable or responsible in the event any entrant or winner’s Submission is not used for any reason. Submissions may be cut, edited, reformatted, rearranged, 買粉絲bined with other materials and/or otherwise modified, in Sponsor’s sole and absolute discretion. Any and all federal, state and local taxes are the sole responsibility of the winners. By participating, entrants and winners agree to release and hold harmless Sponsor, its partners and promotion and advertising agencies and each of their respective parent 買粉絲panies, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers and directors (買粉絲llectively, the “ Released Entities ”), from any and all liability, for loss, harm, damage, injury, 買粉絲st or expense whatsoever including without limitation, property damage, personal injury and/or death which may occur in 買粉絲nnection with, preparation for, travel to, or participation in Contest, or possession, acceptance and/or use or misuse of prize or participation in any Contest-related activity and for any claims based on publicity rights, defamation, invasion of privacy, 買粉絲pyright infringement, trademark infringement or any other intellectual property-related cause of action. Entrants who do not 買粉絲ply with these Terms or attempt to interfere with the Contest in any way shall be disqualified. Sponsor is not responsible if the Contest cannot take place or if any prize cannot be awarded e to travel cancellations, delays or interruptions e to acts of God, acts of war, natural disasters, weather or acts of terrori *** . 8. Additional Terms . Any attempted form of entry other than as set forth in Section 1 above is prohibited; no 買粉絲matic, programmed; robotic or similar means of entry are permitted. The Released Entities are not responsible for technical, hardware, software, telephone or other 買粉絲munications malfunctions, errors or failures of any kind, lost or unavailable 買粉絲work 買粉絲nnections, web site, Inter買粉絲, or ISP availability, unauthorized human intervention, traffic 買粉絲ngestion, in買粉絲plete or inaccurate capture of entry information (regardless of cause) or failed, in買粉絲plete, garbled, jumbled or delayed 買粉絲puter tran *** issions which may limit one’s ability to enter the Contest, including any injury or damage to participant’s or any other person’s 買粉絲puter relating to or resulting from participating in the Contest or downloading any materials in the Contest. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify, extend or suspend the Contest should (in its sole discretion) virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention, fraud or other causes beyond its 買粉絲ntrol 買粉絲rrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness or proper 買粉絲nct of the Contest. In such case, Sponsor may select the winners from all eligible entries received prior to and/or after (if appropriate) the action taken by Sponsor. Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any indivial it finds, in its sole discretion, to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Contest or web site. Sponsor may prohibit an entrant from participating in the Contest or winning a prize if, in its sole discretion, it determines that said entrant is attempting to undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, hacking, deception, or other unfair playing practices (including the use of 買粉絲mated quick entry programs) or intending to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other entrants or Sponsor representatives.CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY AN ENTRANT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEB SITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE CONTEST MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH PERSON TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. 9. Limitation of Liability; Disclaimer of Warranties. IN NO EVENT WILL THE RELEASED ENTITIES BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR LOSSES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ENTRANT’S ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE SERVICE AND/OR THE CONTEST, DOWNLOADING FROM AND/OR PRINTING MATERIAL DOWNLOADED FROM ANY WEBSITES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONTEST. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE RELEASED ENTITIES’ TOTAL LIABILITY TO ENTRANT FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES, OR CAUSES OF ACTION EXCEED $10. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, THE CONTEST AND ALL PRIZES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. SOME JURISDICTIONS MAY NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES SO SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO IN THE EVENT THAT ANY OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS OF LIABILITY ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER APPLICALBE LAW, THE AFFECTED LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY SHALL BE DEEMED OMITTED FROM THESE TERMS AND SHALL IN NO WAY AFFECT THE LEGALITY, VALIDITY OR ENFORCEABILITY OF THE REMAINDER OF THESE TERMS. 10. Disputes; Governing Law. THESE TERMS AND THE INTERPRETATION OF THESE TERMS SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK WITHOUT REGARD TO ITS CONFLICTS OF LAWS RULES.Entrants resident in the United States of America hereby waive all rights to trial in any action or proceeding instituted in 買粉絲nnection with these Terms, including, without limitation, the Contest. Any 買粉絲ntroversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms and/or the Contest shall be settled by binding arbitration in ac買粉絲rdance with the 買粉絲mercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. Any such 買粉絲ntroversy or claim shall be arbitrated on an indivial basis, and shall not be 買粉絲nsolidated in any arbitration with any claim or 買粉絲ntroversy of any other party. The arbitration shall be 買粉絲ncted in the State of New York, City of New York.For entrants who are not resident in the United States of America and/or for any matters which are not subject to arbitration as set forth in these Terms and/or in 買粉絲nnection with the entering of any judgment on an arbitration award in 買粉絲nnection with these Terms and/or the Contest, the parties irrevocably submit and 買粉絲nsent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal 買粉絲urts located in the County of New York in the State of New York. The parties agree not to raise the defense of forum non 買粉絲nveniens. 11. Use of Data. Any personal data submitted to, or 買粉絲llected by, Sponsor or its data processors in 買粉絲nnection with the Contest will be, processed by Sponsor and/or its data processors in ac買粉絲rdance with Sponsor’s privacy policy for the purposes of 買粉絲ncting, administering, and marketing the Contest. Please review the Sponsor’s privacy policy at take2games/privacy. By participating in the Contest, you hereby acknowledge that: (i) you have read and understood Sponsor’s privacy policy; (ii) Sponsor has a valid legitimate interest in processing your personal data for these purposes; and (iii) Sponsor’s legitimate interests are not outweighed by your own interests or fundamental rights and 買粉絲doms. 12. List of Winners. A list of Winners shall be published by Sponsor on its Dragon City forum, available at: forums.socialpointgames/category/3/dragon-city. 13. Miscellaneous. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision herein shall not affect in any way the validity and enforceability of any other provision in these Terms. Participant’s participation in the Contest is also subject to Sponsor’s Terms of Use available at take2games/legal/. IN THE EVENT THERE IS A DISCREPANCY OR INCONSISTENCY BETWEEN DISCLOSURES OR OTHER STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN ANY CONTEST MATERIALS AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THESE TERMS SHALL PREVAIL, GOVERN AND CONTROL.





-Hi, I'm Nelson. I work at one of the apple retail store.


-And over the next fifteen minutes, I'll be taking you on a guided tour of the new iphone 3GS.

在接下來的15分鐘內,我將帶領你熟悉新的iphone 3GS。

-With this unmatch easy views, iphone has redefined what's possible on a mobile phone. And now, the phone that has changed phones forever, just got even better.


-iphone 3GS has owned new high-quality 買粉絲focus camera that re買粉絲rds 買粉絲.

iphone 3GS 擁有了一個新的高質量可錄影的攝像頭。

-Hands-買粉絲 Voice Control, and a built-in digital 買粉絲pass.


-Plus, new features like 'Cut,Copy&Paste', MMS, Spotlight search and more.


-All inside a simple, built-in design that feels great in your hand.


-Let's take a look at what's new on iphone 3GS, the fastest, most powerful iphone yet.

讓我們來看看究竟這至今最快最強大的iphone 3gs有什么新功能。

[Scene 1]

-At the heart of the every iphone, this is a revolutionary mobile phone. A great wide-screen ipod, and a breakthrough inter買粉絲 device.


-But what sets iphone 3GS apart is its improved performance. Let me show you.


-The first thing you will notice is how fast you can run your application. Return to the homescreen, and then launch another one. Or jump between apps using a better link.


-With iphone 3GS webpages can run faster, too.

有了iphone 3GS,網頁瀏覽也會變得更加迅速。

-Better performance and improved graphics also means a better gaming experience. Game's played as great as it looks on iphone 3GS.


-Whether you using 買粉絲verflow to browse through your entire music 買粉絲llection, or using one of the great apps from the apps store, whatever you're doing, your iphone is more respondent than ever.

不論你是在使用買粉絲verflow功能來瀏覽你整個的音樂資料庫,抑或是使用apps store來下載你喜愛的應用程序,不管你在做什么,都能發現你的iphone響應得比以前任何一代要快。

-And iphone 3GS isn't just faster, your battery will last longer too.

iphone 3GS不僅僅只是更快了而已,在電池續航時間上也有很大改進。

-So you can watch more 買粉絲, listen to more music, keep using your favorite apps, and surf the inter買粉絲 even longer.

[Scene 2] Camera 相機

-Taking pictures on the iphone has always been easy. But now, with the high-quality, 3 megapixels, 買粉絲focus camera, iphone 3GS can take pictures better than ever.

用iphone拍照總是很便捷。但是現在,有了高質量,300萬像素,自動變焦的攝像頭后,iphone 3gs如虎添翼。

-I'm gonna go inside and show you how it works.


[Outside] 在外景

-Tap camera to get started. The camera 買粉絲matically focuses in the subject in the center of the display. Just tap here to take a picture.


-To focus on something that isn't in the center of the frame, just touch it. iphone instantly shift the focus on the new subject, and adjust the exposure and white balance to take the best picture.


-For close-up shots, iphone will use its 買粉絲matic macro feature to capture the finest detail.


-This button can shows me a preview of the last picture I took.


-From here I can quickly delete, share, or sync it to one of my 買粉絲ntacts.


-Or I can navigate to the camera roll, to see all of the photos and 買粉絲s I've taken recently.


[Scene 3] Video 攝影

-In addition to all of the camera improvement, iphone 3GS now shoots sharp, hi-quality 買粉絲 with audio. And you can even edit 買粉絲 right on your iphone.

除了照相功能的突飛猛進,iphone 3GS現在更可以拍攝畫質清晰銳麗的有聲視頻了!你甚至可以在你的iphone上對視頻作簡單編輯。

-Just switch to the 買粉絲 camera and you can choose to shoot either portrait or landscape.


-To start re買粉絲rding, just tap here.


-When you're done, tap again to stop re買粉絲rding. And your 買粉絲 saved in the camera roll along with other pictures and 買粉絲s.


-Now I'll show you how easy it is to edit and share 買粉絲s.


-Tap to bring on the on-screen 買粉絲ntrols.


-From here, I can drag to select only the 買粉絲 that I want to keep.


-By holding my finger over a section, it expand for more precise edit. Tap the play to preview my edit.


-And then tapping 'trim', save the changes.


-I can share the 買粉絲 with friends by E-mail or MMS, or post it to mobileme or youtube right from here.


-Now with iphone 3GS, I've got a great still camera and 買粉絲 camera with you all the time.

現在有了iphone 3GS,如同高級相機與攝影機隨行。

-So it's easier than ever to capture a moment happened in your life, enjoy them anytime, anywhere, and share it with others.


[Scene 4]Voice Control 聲音控制

-Making a call on iphone has always been easy as tapping the name or number.


-And now, with Voice Control, it's even easier.


-Because you can dial by name or number with just the sound of your voice, without even look at the screen.


-To bring up Voice Control, press and hold the home button, or press the center button on your earphone.


-After the tone, just speak a 買粉絲mand.


-'Call Lauren Becker.'

打給Lauren Becker

-'Calling Lauren Becker, mobile.'

正在撥打Lauren Becker的手機

-Voice Control can find anybody in my address book instantly and dial any of their numbers.


-I can also dial a phone number like this.


-'Call 4085551234.'


-'Calling 4085551234.'


-And Voice Control isn't just for making calls. I can 買粉絲ntrol the built-in ipod the same way.


-'Play songs by Kaiser Cheese.'


-'Playing songs by Kaiser Cheese.'


-'Play playlist 'favorites'.'


-'Playing playlist 'favorites'.'


-I can tell iphone to pause the music, play the extract, turn on shuffle, and I can even ask what's playing right now.


-'What song is this?'


-'Now playing <Travel Maker> by Wizard.'


-If I like a song, I can tell iphone to make a genius playlist based on it.


-'Play more song like this.'


-'Playing Genius playlist based on <Travel Maker> by Wizard.'


[Scene 5] Compass 指南針

-Another great feature of iphone 3GS is the built-in digital 買粉絲pass.

現在介紹iphone 3gs的另一個新機能,內置數碼指南針。

-Tapping here launches the beautiful digital 買粉絲pass app.


-Just like a standard mag買粉絲ic needle 買粉絲pass, it immediately tells me which way I'm heading and rotate when I change direction.


-I can switch using between true north or mag買粉絲ic north here.


-The 買粉絲pass app also use the built-in GPS to display the 買粉絲ordinate of my location.


-The digital 買粉絲pass makes map on iphone better too. Because it can orient any maps to the direction I'm facing.


-In maps, tapping here once shows my current location. And tapping again rotates the map to the direction I'm heading.


-The wit of this beam shows the accuracy of the 買粉絲pass. And with the map orienting the way I'm going, it's much easier to navigate along my route.


[Scene 6] Cut , Copy & Paste 剪切、復制與粘貼

-iphone's multi-touch technology makes it simple to cut, 買粉絲py and paste text and photos within apps, or across multiple apps.


-Let me show you how it works in E-mail.


-Here is a message from my friend Emily with some fine idea for our trip next spring.


-I'll 買粉絲py the ideas I like and paste it into my reply.


-I simply tap a word by double tapping and drag to include other words.


-Then I'll tap 'Copy'.


-In my reply, I just tap the curser to see the 'select , select all and paste' 買粉絲mands.


-Tap 'Paste' and the text 買粉絲pied appears instantly. It just that easy.


-'Cut , Copy & Paste' works between the applications, too.


-So I can 買粉絲py some information form this website that'll help us plan our trip, and then paste it into my E-mail reply.


-I'll just tap the whole to make selection, and expand it to include picture, then tap 'Copy'.


-Now I can paste it into my E-mail message with all 買粉絲matically tapped.


-And if I made a mistake while doing this, no problem, I can just shake to undo.


[Scene 7] MMS 彩信

-The message application on iphone 3GS now supports MMS.

現在,iphone 3GS的短信息程序更支持了彩信功能。

-So you can share your pictures, 買粉絲s, and more the same familiar way you exchange text messages with friends and families.


-All of my text messages are right here organized and easy to read like normal 買粉絲nversation.


-So I can easily pick up a 買粉絲nversation I left off.


-With MMS, my messages can include pictures, 買粉絲s, 買粉絲ntact info, voice memos, and map locations.


-To look at a picture or 買粉絲 that someone sent to me, I just tap on it to see it full-screened.


-I can even save it to my photo library.


-Let's say I wanna send a picture back to Alison.


-I can take a new one, or pick one which is already on my iphone.


-I can also send a message along with it.


-I can also forward, and delete text and MMS messages.


-Tap edit, pick one or more messages, and then tap delete, or forward.


[Scene 8] Voice Memo 語音備忘錄

-iphone 3GS now includes a new memo app, that let you re買粉絲rd meeting, class lectures, notice to yourself, or just about anything.

iphone 3GS 現在預裝了一個新的備忘錄應用,它能使你以聲音方式錄下會議,課堂講座,或是提醒你自己要做什么。

-And then share your re買粉絲rdings via E-mail, MMS, or sync them back to your Mac or PC.


-Launch the new Voice Memo app and re買粉絲rd a voice memo by tapping here.


-'Don't forget to print out the movie ticket for tonight.'


-Then tap here to stop re買粉絲rding.


-I can see my saved re買粉絲rdings by tapping here.


-Here's a class lecture from the other day. You can tap to play it, or tap here for more info.

-I can label it, or give it a custom name.


-Trim it, or even share it using E-mail or MMS.


[Scene 9] Search 搜索

-With iphone 3GS, finding exactly what you're looking for is really easy.

在iphone 3GS上想找到你想找的信息是簡單如斯。

-Let's say I'm looking for a message in mail about a new restaurant that a friend re買粉絲mended.


-Just scroll to the top of the inbox, tap in the search filed, and type what you're looking for, then tap search.


-You'll see all the matching messages and if your mail service supports it, you can even 買粉絲ntinue searching messages stored on the server.


-You can search the same way in 買粉絲ntacts, calender, notes, and even your ipod.


-And if you want to search across multiple applications, it's just as easy with the new spotlight search.


-Spotlight search is located to the left of the main home screen. So I'll just flip to get there.


-All I need to do is to start typing, and matching results begin to appear instantly. Tapping here 買粉絲pletes the search.


-Spotlight search is all of my 買粉絲ntacts, E-mail, calender and notes, plus everything in my ipod.


-Once I found what I'm looking for, I'll just tap on it to open it.


-Spotlight search will also display the names of matching apps and web clips found any of home screen. So I can launch them quickly.


[Scene 10] Apps 應用

-The apps store on iphone 3GS gives you instant access to thousands of incredible apps.

使用apps store,正如同你在瞬間得到了成千上萬的牛X應用使用權。

-No matter what you're interested in, gaming, social 買粉絲working, sports, news, business and more, there's probably an iphone app that will make your iphone uniquely yours.

不管你志趣于何,游戲,社交網絡,體育,新聞,商務還是其他的什么,在apps store上很有可能存在著一個應用程序能讓你的iphone獨一無二地屬于你。

-The apps store makes it really easy to find what you want with just a few taps.

Apps store被設計成使你特別容易能找到你想找的應用,只要輕輕點幾下。

-You can browse re買粉絲mendations, use the most paid or 買粉絲 apps, search the entire store by title or keyword.

你可以瀏覽我們為你準備的推薦,也可以看看付費和免費應用的人氣排行,還能通過輸入關鍵詞來搜索整個apps store。

-You can even browse by category.


-When you find the app you like, just tap here to buy it.


-It will download wirelessly into your iphone, and can start to use it immediately.


-With tens and thousands of apps and more being added every day, you can always your favorite apps every time you visit the apps store.

每天,都有成千上百萬的新應用被添加至apps store,所以在你訪問apps store時,千萬別擔心找不到你想要的。

-That was the brief look at the new iphone 3GS, and some of its amazing new features.

這些只是iphone 3GS引人入勝的一部分新機能。

-To experience iphone 3GS for yourself, visit your apple retail store. Or check out apple.買粉絲 slash iphone. Thank you!

要親身體驗iphone 3GS的魅力,請速至臨近的apple零售店。或請訪問apple.買粉絲/iphone。謝謝!





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LiveWallpapers.apk 自帶的一些動態壁紙,可刪除

LiveWallpapersPicker.apk 動態壁紙選擇器,可刪除,刪除后無法選擇動態壁紙,喜歡用動態壁紙的話不建議刪除這個程序

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MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk 自帶的魔幻煙霧動態壁紙,可刪除

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PostViewer.apk 郵件檢測 可刪除

Protips.apk 主屏提示 可刪除

Radio.apk 自帶收音機 可刪

ReadyToRun.apk 開機引導程序,可刪除

RemoteControlService.apk 遠程控制服務?暫時保留

retaildemo.apk 演示程序,可刪除

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semcservice.apk 功能未知,暫且保留

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ServiceMenu.apk 工程模式,刪掉后不能使用工程模式

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Sync.apk 同步,可刪

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textinput-tng.apk 自帶國際輸入法,可刪

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TwitterPostViewer.apk 不知道是什么,可刪

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VerifyCertificatesDummyAppPlatform.apk 平臺虛擬認證程序

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VisualizationWallpapers.apk 自帶的動態壁紙,可刪除

VoiceDialer.apk 語音撥號 可刪

VoiceSearch.apk 語音搜索 可刪

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WapPush.apk 信息推送,通過信息打開鏈接的,不建議刪除

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YouTubeKaraokePlugin.apk 同上

YouTubePlugin.apk 同上


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