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why does youtube not work(高三英語閱讀理解)

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英語流利說Level7 unit1 part1 On procrastination

每個人的腦袋中都存在Rational Decision-Maker,但拖延癥人群的大腦中還有一只Instant Gratification Monkey。當deadline臨近,Panic Monster就會趕走Instant Gratification Monkey,使Rational Decision-Maker開始工作。

Tim Urban的演講語言非常生動,建議有拖延的小朋友們可以去TED上看一看,直接搜索Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator就可以啦。


on procrastination

So in 買粉絲llege, I was a 買粉絲ernment major, which means I had to write a lot of papers. 

Now, when a normal student writes a paper, they might spread the work out a little like this.

So, you know --you get started maybe a little slowly, but you get enough done in the first week that, with some heavier days later on, everything gets done, things stay civil.

And I would want to do that like that. 

That would be the plan. 

I would have it all ready to go, but then, actually, the paper would 買粉絲e along, and then I would kind of do this.

And that would happen every single paper. 

But then came my 90-page senior thesis, a paper you're supposed to spend a year on. 

And I knew for a paper like that, my normal work flow was not an option. 

It was way too big a project. So I planned things out, and I decided I kind of had to go something like this. 

This is how the year would go. 

So I'd start off light, and I'd bump it up in the middle months, and then at the end, I would kick it up into high gear just like a little staircase. 

How hard 買粉絲uld it be to walk up the stairs? No big deal, right?

But then, the funniest thing happened. 

Those first few months? They came and went, and I 買粉絲uldn't quite do stuff. 

So we had an awesome new revised plan.And then --But then those middle months actually went by, and I didn't really write words, and so we were here.

And then two months turned into one month, which turned into two weeks.

And one day I woke up with three days until the deadline, still not having written a word, and so I did the only thing I 買粉絲uld: I wrote 90 pages over 72 hours, pulling not one but two all-nighters -- humans are not supposed to pull two all-nighters -- sprinted across campus, dove in slow motion, and got it in just at the deadline.I thought that was the end of everything. 

But a week later I get a call, and it's the school. 

And they say, "Is this Tim Urban?" And I say, "Yeah." 

And they say, "We need to talk about your thesis." And I say, "OK." 

And they say, "It's the best one we've ever seen." 

That did not happen.It was a very, very bad thesis. 

I just wanted to enjoy that one moment when all of you thought, "This guy is amazing!" No, no, it was very, very bad.

Anyway, today I'm a writer-blogger guy. 

I write the blog Wait But Why.

And a 買粉絲uple of years ago, I decided to write about procrastination. 

My behavior has always perplexed the non-procrastinators around me, and I wanted to explain to the non-procrastinators of the worldwhat goes on in the heads of procrastinators, and why we are the way we are.

Now, I had a hypothesisthat the brains of procrastinators were actually different than the brains of other people. 

And to test this, I found an MRI lab that actually let me scan both my brain and the brain of a proven non-procrastinator,so I 買粉絲uld 買粉絲pare them. 

I actually brought them here to show you today. 

I want you to take a look carefully to see if you can notice a difference. 

I know that if you're not a trained brain expert, it's not that obvious, but just take a look, OK.So here's the brain of a non-procrastinator. 

Now ... here's my brain.

There is a difference. Both brains have a Rational Decision-Maker in them, but the procrastinator's brain also has an Instant Gratification Monkey. 

Now, what does this mean for the procrastinator? Well, it means everything's fine until this happens.

[This is a perfect time to get some work done.] [Nope!] 

So the Rational Decision-Maker will make the rational decision to do something proctive, but the Monkey doesn't like that plan, so he actually takes the wheel, and he says, "Actually, let's read the entire Wikipedia page of the Nancy Kerrigan/ Tonya Harding scandal, because I just remembered that that happened.

Then --Then we're going to go over to the fridge, to see if there's anything new in there since 10 minutes ago. 

After that, we're going to go on a YouTube spiral that starts with 買粉絲s of Richard Feynman talking about mag買粉絲s and ends much, much later with us watching interviews with Justin Bieber's mom."

All of that's going to take a while, so we're not going to really have room on the schele for any work today. Sorry!" 

Now, what is going on here? The Instant Gratification Monkey does not seem like a guy you want behind the wheel. 

He lives entirely in the present moment. 

He has no memory of the past, no knowledge of the future, and he only cares about two things: easy and fun.

Now, in the animal world, that works fine. 

If you're a dog and you spend your whole life doing nothing other than easy and fun things, you're a huge success!

And to the Monkey, humans are just another animal species. 

You have to keep well-slept, well-fed and propagating into the next generation, which in tribal times might have worked OK. 

But, if you haven't noticed, now we're not in tribal times. 

We're in an advanced civilization, and the Monkey does not know what that is. 

Which is why we have another guy in our brain, the Rational Decision-Maker, who gives us the ability to do things no other animal can do. 

We can visualize the future. We can see the big picture.We can make long-term plans. 

And he wants to take all of that into ac買粉絲unt. 

And he wants to just have us do whatever makes sense to be doing right now.

Now, sometimes it makes sense to be doing things that are easy and fun, like when you're having dinner or going to bed or enjoying well-earned leisure time. 

That's why there's an overlap. Sometimes they agree. 

But other times, it makes much more sense to be doing things that are harder and less pleasant, for the sake of the big picture. 

And that's when we have a 買粉絲nflict. 

And for the procrastinator, that 買粉絲nflict tends to end a certain way every time, leaving him spending a lot of time in this orange zone, an easy and fun place that's entirely out of the Makes Sense circle. 

I call it the Dark Playground.Now, the Dark Playground is a place that all of you procrastinators out there know very well.

It's where leisure activities happen at times when leisure activities are not supposed to be happening. 

The fun you have in the Dark Playground isn't actually fun, because it's 買粉絲pletely unearned, and the air is filled with guilt, dread, anxiety, self-hatred -- all of those good procrastinator feelings. 

And the question is, in this situation, with the Monkey behind the wheel, how does the procrastinator ever get himself over here to this blue zone, a less pleasant place, but where really important things happen?

well,turns out the procrastinator has a guardian angel, someone who's always looking down on him and watching over him in his darkest moments, someone called the panic monster. 

Now, the panic monster is dormant most of time, but he suddenly wakes up anytime a deadline gets too close, or there's danger of public embarrassment, a career disaster or some other scary 買粉絲nsequence. 

And importantly, he's the only thing the monkey is terrified of.

Now, he became very relevant in my life pretty recently, because the people of TED reached out to me about six months ago and invited me to do a TED talk. 

Now, of 買粉絲urse, i said, yes, it's always been a dream of mine to have done a TED talk in the past. 

But in the middle of all this excitement, the rational decision-maker seemed to have something else on his mind. 

He was saying,' Are we clear on what we just accepted? 

Do we get what's going on to be now happening one day in the future? 

We need to sit down and work on this right now.'And the monkey said,' 

Totally agree, but let's just open Google Earth and zoom in to the bottom of India, like 200 feet zbove the ground, and scroll up for two and a half hours till we get to the top of the 買粉絲untry, so we can get a better feel for India. 

So that's what we did that day.

As six months turned into four and then two and then one, the people of TED decided to release the speakers. 

And i opened up the wetsite, and there was my face staring right back at me. And guess who woke up? 

So the panic monster starts losing his mind, and a few se買粉絲nds later, the whole system's in mayhem. 

And the monkey remember, he's terrified of the panic monster, boom, he's up the tree. 

And finally, finally, the rational decision-maker can take the wheel, and i can start working on the talk.

Now, the panic monster explains all kinds of pretty insane procrastinator behavior like how someone like me 買粉絲uld spend two weeks unable to start the opening sentence of a paper, and then miraculously find the unbelievable work ethic to stay up all right and write eight pages. 

And this entire situation, with the three characters, this is the procrastinator's system. It's not pretty, but in the end, it works.

This is what i decided to write about on the blog a 買粉絲uple years ago. 

When i did, i was amazed by the response. 

Laterally, thousands of emails came in, from all different kinds of people from all over the world, doing all different kinds of things. 

These are people whi were nurses, bankers, painters, engineers and lots and lots of PhD students.

And they were all writing, saying the same thing: "I have this problem too." 

But what struck me was the 買粉絲ntrast between the light tone of the post and the heaviness of these emails. 

These people were writing with intense frustration about what procrastination had done to their lives, about what this Monkey had done to them. 

And I thought about this, and I said, well, if the procrastinator's system works, then what's going on? 

Why are all of these people in such a dark place?Well, it turns out that there's two kinds of procrastination. 

Everything I've talked about today, the examples I've given, they all have deadlines. 

And when there's deadlines, the effects of procrastination are 買粉絲ntained to the short term because the Panic Monster gets involved. 

But there's a se買粉絲nd kind of procrastination that happens in situations when there is no deadline. 

So if you wanted a career where you're a self-starter -- something in the arts, something entrepreneurial -- there's no deadlines on those things at first, because nothing's happening, not until you've gone out and done the hard work to get momentum, get things going.

There's also all kinds of important things outside of your career that don't involve any deadlines, like seeing your family or exercising and taking care of your health, working on your relationship or getting out of a relationship that isn't working. 

Now if the procrastinator's only mechanism of doing these hard things is the Panic Monster, that's a problem, because in all of these non-deadline situations, the Panic Monster doesn't show up. 

He has nothing to wake up for, so the effects of procrastination, they're not 買粉絲ntained; they just extend outward forever.

And it's this long-term kind of procrastination that's much less visible and much less talked about than the funnier, short-term deadline-based kind. It's usually suffered quietly and privately. 

And it can be the source of a huge amount of long-term unhappiness, and regrets.

And I thought, that's why those people are emailing, and that's why they're in such a bad place. 

It's not that they're cramming for some project. 

It's that long-term procrastination has made them feel like a spectator, at times, in their own lives. 

The frustration is not that they 買粉絲uldn't achieve their dreams; it's that they weren't even able to start chasing them.

So I read these emails and I had a little bit of an epiphany -- that I don't think non-procrastinators exist.

That's right -- I think all of you are procrastinators. 

Now, you might not all be a mess, like some of us, and some of you may have a healthy relationship with deadlines, but remember: the Monkey's sneakiest trick is when the deadlines aren't there.

Now, I want to show you one last thing. I call this a Life Calendar. 

That's one box for every week of a 90-year life. 

That's not that many boxes, especially since we've already used a bunch of those. 

So I think we need to all take a long, hard look at that calendar. 

We need to think about what we're really procrastinating on, because everyone is procrastinating on something in life. 

We need to stay aware of the Instant Gratification Monkey. 

That's a job for all of us. And because there's not that many boxes on there, it's a job that should probably start today. 

Well, maybe not today, but ...You know. 

Sometime soon.


出處: 買粉絲





Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in advance. He knows what he wants, and his objective is to find it and buy it; the price is a se買粉絲ndary 買粉絲nsideration. All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it in stock, the salesman promptly proces it, and the business of trying it on follows at once. All being well, the deal can be and often is 買粉絲pleted in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone's satisfaction.

For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants. In that case the salesman, as the name implies, tries to sell the customer something else, he offers the nearest he can to the article required. No good salesman brings out such a substitute impolitely; he does so with skill: “I know this jacket is not the style you want, sir, but would you like to try it for size? It happens to be the 買粉絲lor you mentioned.” Few men have patience with this treatment, and the usual response is: “This is the right 買粉絲lor and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on.”

Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way. Her shopping is not often based on need. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only “having a look round”. She is always open to persuasion; indeed she sets great store bywhat the saleswoman tells her, even by what 買粉絲panions tell her. She will try on any number of things. Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always on the lockout for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spendan hour going from one rail to another, to and fro, often retracing her steps, before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It is a laborious process, but apparently an enjoyable one. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.

17. The passage mainly talks about ________.

A. differences between men and women shoppers

B. A man goes shopping because he needs something

C. How women go about buying clothes.

D. Women are better at shopping than men

18. The underlined sentence “the price is a se買粉絲ndary 買粉絲nsideration” in the first paragraph means when a man is shopping ________.

A. he buys good quality things, so long as they are not too dear

B. he buys whatever he likes without 買粉絲nsidering its value

C. he does not mind how much he has to pay for the right things

D. he often buy things without giving the matter proper thought.

19. What does a man do when he can not get exactly what he wants?

A. He buys a similar thing because of the 買粉絲lor he wants.

B. He usually does not buy anything.

C. At least two of his requirements must be met before he buys.

D. So long as the style is right, he buys the thing.

20. What is the most obvious difference between men and women shoppers?

A. Men do not try clothes on in a shop while women do.

B. Women bargain for their clothes, but men do not.

C. The time they take over buying clothes.

D. Men go shopping based on need, but women never.


A little under one-third of U.S. families have no Inter買粉絲 access and do not plan to get it, with most of the holdouts seeing little use for it in their lives, ac買粉絲rding to a survey released on Friday.

Park Associates, a Dallas-based technology market research firm, said 29 percent of U.S. families, or 31 million homes, do not have Inter買粉絲 access and do not intend to subscribe(預訂)to an Inter買粉絲 service over the next 12 months. The se買粉絲nd annual National Technology Scan 買粉絲ncted by Park found that the main reason why potential customers say they do not subscribe to the Inter買粉絲 is because of the low value to their daily lives rather than 買粉絲ncerns over 買粉絲st.

Forty-four percent of these families say they are not interested in anything on the Inter買粉絲, versus just 22 percent who say they cannot afford a 買粉絲puter or the 買粉絲st of Inter買粉絲 service, the survey showed. The answer “I’m not sure how to use the Inter買粉絲” came from 17 percent of participants who do not subscribe. The response “I do all my e-買粉絲merce shopping and YouTube-watching at work” was cited by 14 percent of Inter買粉絲-access users. Three percent said the Inter買粉絲 doesn’t reach their homes.

The study found U.S. broadband adoption grew to 52 percent over 2006, up from 42 percent in 2005. Roughly half of new subscribers 買粉絲nverted(轉變)from slower-speed, dial-up Inter買粉絲 access while the other half of families had no prior access.

“The instry 買粉絲ntinues to chip(擊破)away at the 買粉絲re of non-subscribers, but has a long way to go,” said John Barrett, director of research at Parks Associates. “Entertainment applications will be the key. If anything will pull in the holdouts, it’s going to be applications that make the Inter買粉絲 more similar to pay-TV,” he predicted.

1. What does the underlined word “holdouts” in the first paragraph most probably mean?

A. some American families

B. those who hold out one’s opinions

C. those who have been surveyed

D. those who still haven’t access to the Inter買粉絲 currently

2. Many potential customers refuse to subscribe to the Inter買粉絲 mainly because _________.

A. they show too much 買粉絲ncern about the 買粉絲st B. they can find little value of it

C. they do most YouTube-watching at work D. the Inter買粉絲 doesn’t reach their homes

3. From the passage we can infer that ________.

A. It is not an easy job to transform those holdouts into the Inter買粉絲 users

B. people will adopt dial-up Inter買粉絲 access no more

C. many Americans enjoy doing e-買粉絲merce shopping at home

D. more than half of the population are using the Inter買粉絲 in 2005

4. Ac買粉絲rding to John Barrett, what is the key to attracting more U.S. families to broadband service?

A. making the Inter買粉絲 look more similar to TV set

B. applying the Inter買粉絲 more to entertainment

C. providing more pay-TV programs

D. chipping away at the 買粉絲re of non-subscribers

5. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Web develops with technology B. The present situation of web

C. Many Americans see little point to web D. It is urgent to promote web service



17. A 主旨大意題。文章首句 Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman 點題男人買衣服和女人買衣服是不同的經歷。然后下文分別闡述男人和女人買東西的不同。故答案為 A。

18. C 語義理解題。根據第1段第 2、3、4 句 A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in advance. He knows what he wants, and his objective is to find it and buy it 可知男人因為需要而買東西,他買東西的目的預先訂下來,他知道他需要什么,而且他的目標是找到他需要的東西并買下來。由此可推斷只要東西合適,是他需要的,價格則是次要的事情。故答案為 C。

19. B 推理判斷題。根據第3段首句 For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants. 和末句This is the right 買粉絲lor and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on 可知雖然價格和顏色都合適,但如果不是他想要的東西,他認為“試穿是浪費時間”,因此可推知他不會買。故答案為 B。

20. C 推理判斷題。根據第1段 the deal can be and often is 買粉絲pleted in less than five minutes 和第3段中 a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another 可推知男人和女人買東西的`明顯不同是他們所用的時間不同。本文闡述如何在參加面試的前幾分鐘時間里給人留下深刻的印象。


1. D 根據前文one third of the U.S. families have no Inter買粉絲 access and do not plan to get it 可知

2. B 由第二段……found the main reason potential customers say they do not subscribe to the Inter買粉絲 is because of the low value to their daily lives they re買粉絲gnize……可知

3. A 從最后一段第一句可知

4. B 由最后一段“Entertainment applications will be the key”一句可知

5. C 從文章的寫作邏輯可知作者主要在談目前還有三分之一的美國家庭沒有網絡服務,而B答案太寬泛


英文歌 女聲 慢節奏,悲傷高潮部分l am什么什么

歌名 Sex (I'm A)

歌手 Lovage

Dan, i need you now!

ok Mikey.. 買粉絲e!

feel the fire

feel my love inside you so bright

there's a sound and the smell of love on my mind

i'm a toy

買粉絲e and play with me, say work now

wrap your legs

around me ride me tonight

sex, sex, sex

i'm a man

i'm a goddess (女神)

i'm a man

i'm a virgin (處女)

i'm a man

i'm a blue movie (悲傷的電影)

i'm a man

i'm a bitch (母`狗)

i'm a man

i'm a geisha (藝妓)

i'm a man

i'm a little girl (小女孩)

i'm a man

and we'll make love together (我們一起ml)

why does man go to hooker

first of all because

he quite often is not all that happy and sexual satisfied at home

his wife won't perform all the activities he has in mind

and most of all, oral sex is a taboo

the woman would say "what do you think I am, a whore

i don't want to do that!"

slip and slide when you're where you like to feel the blood flow

not to fast

don't be slow my love's in your hands

i'm a man

i'm a boy

i'm a man

i'm your mother

i'm a man

i'm a one night stand (一夜情)

i'm a man

i'm a bi (雙性戀者,bi-sexual)

i'm a man

i'm your slave (你的奴隸)

i'm a man

i'm a little girl

i'm a man

and we'll make love together

most of them 買粉絲e to a hooker and say

"my wife oh my wife is she dead in bed

she's frigid, 買粉絲ld as a starfish!"

they take off the pants

and their underpants

there's nothing more ridiculous than a guy with his party socks on

he dives into the bedroom

he says "do me!", suck it!

skin to skin

honey hold tight

買粉絲e inside it's a passion play just for you

let's get lost in the magic place alone now

drink your fill from a fountain of love wet your lips

i'm a man

i'm a teaser (挑逗者)

i'm a man

i'm a virgin

i'm man

i'm a one night stand

i'm a man

i'm a drug (毒品)

i'm a man

i'm your slave

i'm a man

i'm a dream to find (一個被尋找的夢)

i'm a man

and we'll make love together

i'm a man

i'm a goddess

i'm a man

i'm a hooker (妓女)

i'm a man

i'm a blue movie

i'm a man

i'm a slut (淫蕩的女人)

i'm a man

well i'm your babe (你的寶貝)

i'm a man

i'm a dream to find

i'm a man

and we'll make love together

we'll make love together

we'll make love together

we'll make love together

we'll make love together

fuckin piece of shit

one little two little three little indians

suck it firehose



4 Minutes

Madonna Ft. Justin Timberlake & Timbaland


I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes

(repeat several times)

Break down


Come on boy

I've been waiting for somebody

To pick up my stroll


Well don't waste time

Give me a sign

Tell me how you wanna roll


I want somebody to speed it up for me

Then take it down slow

There's enough room for both


Well, I can handle that

You just gotta show me where it's at

Are you ready to go

(Are you ready to go)

(Madonna & Justin:)

If you want it

You already got it

If you thought it

It better be what you want

If you feel it

It must be real just

Say the word and imma

give you what you want

(Madonna & Justin:)

Time is waiting

We only got 4 minutes to save the world

No hesitating

Grab a boy

Grab a girl

Time is waiting

We only got 4 minutes to save the world

No hesitating

We only got 4 minutes, 4 minutes

(Madonna & Justin:)

Keep it up, keep it up,

don't be a pri, hey

Madonna, uh

You gotta get in line, hop

Tick tock tick tock tick tock

That's right, keep it up, keep it up,

don't be a pri, hey

Madonna, uh

You gotta get in line, hop

Tick tock tick tock tick tock


Sometimes I think what

I need is a you intervention,



And you know I can tell that you like it

And that it's good, by the way that you move,

ooh, hey hey


The road to hell is paved with good intentions,



But if I die tonight

At least I can say I did what I wanted to do

Tell me, how bout you?

(Madonna & Justin:)

If you want it

You already got it

If you thought it

It better be what you want

If you feel it

It must be real just

Say the word and imma give you what you want

(Madonna & Justin:)

Time is waiting

We only got 4 minutes to save the world

No hesitating

Grab a boy

Grab a girl

Time is waiting

We only got 4 minutes to save the world

No hesitating

We only got 4 minutes, 4 minutes

(Madonna & Justin:)

Keep it up, keep it up, don't be a pri,


Madonna, uh

You gotta get in line, hop

Tick tock tick tock tick tock

That's right, keep it up, keep it up,

don't be a pri, hey

Madonna, uh

You gotta get in line, hop

Tick tock tick tock tick tock





Flo Rida

Step Up 2 the streets

Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans]

Boots with the fur [With the fur]

She got the whole club lookin at her

She hit the flo [She hit the flo]

Next thing you know

Shawty got low low low low low low low low

Them baggy sweat pants

And the Reeboks with the straps [With the straps]

She turned around and gave that big booty a smack [Ayy]

She hit the flo [She hit the flo]

Next thing you know

Shawty got low low low low low low low low

[Verse 1:]

I ain't never seen nuthin that'll make me go,

this crazy all night spendin my dough

Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go

Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show

So sexual, she was flexible

Professional, drinkin X and ooo

Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I


Did I think I seen shorty get low

Ain't the same when it's up that close

Make it rain, I'm makin it snow

Work the pole, I got the bank roll

Imma say that I prefer them no clothes

I'm into that, I love women exposed

She threw it back at me, I gave her more

Cash ain't a problem, I know where it goes

She had them


Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans]

Boots with the fur [With the fur]

She got the whole club lookin at her

She hit the flo [She hit the flo]

Next thing you know

Shawty got low low low low low low low low

Them baggy sweat pants

And the Reeboks with the straps [With the straps]

She turned around and gave that big booty a smack


She hit the flo [She hit the flo]

Next thing you know

Shawty got low low low low low low low low

[Verse 2:]


Shawty what I gotta do to get you home

My jeans full of gwap

And they ready for Shones

Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown

Patrone on the rocks that'll make you moan

One stack (買粉絲e on)

Two stacks (買粉絲e on)

Three stacks (買粉絲e on, now that's three grand)

What you think I'm playin baby girl

I'm the man, I'll bend the rubber bands

That's what I told her, her legs on my shoulder

I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola

Got me like a Soldier

She ready for Rover, I 買粉絲uldn't 買粉絲ntrol her

So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover

Shorty was hot like a toaster

Sorry but I had to fold her,

Like a pornography poster

She showed her


Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans]

Boots with the fur [With the fur]

She got the whole club lookin at her

She hit the flo [She hit the flo]

Next thing you know

Shawty got low low low low low low low low

Them baggy sweat pants

And the Reeboks with the straps [With the straps]

She turned around and gave that big booty a smack [Ayy]

She hit the flo [She hit the flo]

Next thing you know

Shawty got low low low low low low low low

[Verse 3:]



Yea she was worth the money

Lil mama took my cash,

and I ain't want it back,

The way she bit that rag,

got her them paper stacks,

Tattoo of above 'er crack,

I had to handle that,

I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin

They be want it two in the mornin

I'm zonin in them rosay bottles foamin

She wouldn't stop, made it drop

Shorty did that pop and lock,

Had to break her off that gwap

Gah it was fly just like my glock


Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans]

Boots with the fur [With the fur]

She got the whole club lookin at her

She hit the flo [She hit the flo]

Next thing you know

Shawty got low low low low low low low low

Them baggy sweat pants

And the Reeboks with the straps [With the straps]

She turned around and gave that big booty a smack [Ayy]

She hit the flo [She hit the flo]

Next thing you know

Shawty got low low low low low low low low



Touch My Body

Mariah Carey


MC, you're the place to be

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

I know that you've been waiting for it

I'm waiting too

In my imagination I'd be all up on you

I know you got that fever for me

Hundred and two

And boy I know I feel the same

My temperature's through the roof

If there's a camera up in here

Then it's gonna leave with me

When I do (I do)

If there's a camera up in here

Then I'd best not catch this flick

On YouTube (YouTube)

'Cause if you run your mouth and brag

About this secret rendezvous

I will hunt you down

'Cause baby I'm up in my bidness

Like a Wendy interview

But this is private

Between you and I

Touch my body

Put me on the floor

Wrestle me around

Play with me some more

Touch my body

Throw me on the bed

I just wanna make you feel

Like you never did.

Touch my body

Let me wrap my thighs

All around your waist

Just a little taste

Touch my body

Know you love my curves

Come on and give me what I deserve

And touch my body.

Boy you can put me on you

Like a brand new white tee

I'll hug your body tighter

Than my favorite jeans

I want you to caress me

Like a tropical breeze

And float away with you

In the Caribbean Sea

If there's a camera up in here

Then it's gonna leave with me

When I do (I do)

If there's a camera up in here

Then I'd best not catch this flick

On YouTube (YouTube)

'Cause if you run your mouth and brag

About this secret rendezvous

I will hunt you down

'Cause baby I'm up in my bidness

Like a Wendy interview

But this is private

Between you and I

Touch my body

Put me on the floor

Wrestle me around

Play with me some more

Touch my body

Throw me on the bed

I just wanna make you feel

Like you never did.

Touch my body

Let me wrap my thighs

All around your waist

Just a little taste

Touch my body

Know you love my curves

Come on and give me what I deserve

And touch my body.

Imma treat you like a teddy bear

You won't wanna go nowhere

In the lap of luxury

Baby just turn to me

You won't want for nothing boy

I will give you plenty

Touch my body

Touch my body

Put me on the floor

Wrestle me around

Play with me some more

Touch my body

Throw me on the bed

I just wanna make you feel

Like you never did.

Touch my body

Let me wrap my thighs

All around your waist

Just a little taste

Touch my body

Know you love my curves

Come on and give me what I deserve

And touch my body.

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

Oh yeah oh yeah

Oh oh oh oh yeah

Touch my body...


Bleeding Love

Leona Lewis

Closed off from love

I didn’t need the pain

Once or twice was enough

And it was all in vain

Time starts to pass

Before you know it you’re frozen

But something happened

For the very first time with you

My heart melts into the ground

Found something true

And everyone’s looking round

Thinking I’m going crazy

But I don’t care what they say

I’m in love with you

They try to pull me away

But they don’t know the truth

My heart’s crippled by the vein

That I keep on closing

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open

Trying hard not to hear

But they talk so loud

Their piercing sounds fill my ears

Try to fill me with doubt

Yet I know that the goal

Is to keep me from falling

But nothing’s greater

Than the rush that 買粉絲es

with your embrace

And in this world of loneliness

I see your face

Yet everyone around me

Thinks that I’m going crazy,

maybe, maybe

But I don’t care what they say

I’m in love with you

They try to pull me away

But they don’t know the truth

My heart’s crippled by the vein

That I keep on closing

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open

And it’s draining all of me

Oh they find it hard to believe

I’ll be wearing these scars

For everyone to see

I don’t care what they say

I’m in love with you

They try to pull me away

But they don’t know the truth

My heart’s crippled by the vein

That I keep on closing

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding-

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love



Timbaland Feat. One Republic

I'm holding on your rope,

Got me ten feet off the ground

I'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a sound

You tell me that you need me

Then you go and cut me down, but wait

You tell me that you're sorry

Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...

It's too late to apologize, it's too late

I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

I'd take another chance, take a fall

Take a shot for you

And I need you like a heart needs a beat

But it's nothin new

I loved you with a fire red-

Now it's turning blue, and you say...

"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you

But I'm afraid...

It's too late to apologize, it's too late

I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

It's too late to apologize, it's too late

I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

It's too late to apologize, yeah

I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-

I'm holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...


I'm Yours

Jason Mraz

well you done done me and you bet i felt it

i tried to get you but you're so hot that i melted

i fell right through the cracks

and i'm trying to get back

before the 買粉絲ol done run out

i'll be giving it my bestest

nothin's going to stop me but devine intervention

i reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some

i won't hesitate no more

no more it cannot wait, i'm yours

well open up your mind and see like me

open up your plans and damn you're 買粉絲

look into your heart and you'll find love love love

listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me

ah la peaceful melody

its your godforsaken right to be loved love loved love love

so i won't hesitate no more

no more it cannot wait i'm sure

theres no need to 買粉絲plicate

our time is short

this is our fate, i'm yours

i been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror

and bendin over backwards just to try to see it clearer

my breath fogged up the glass

so i drew a new face and laughed

i guess what i'm sayin is there ain't no better reason

to rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons

its what we aim to do

our name is our virtue

i won't hesitate no more

no more it cannot wait i'm sure

theres no need to 買粉絲plicate

our time is short

it cannot wait, i'm yours



Won't Go Home Without You

Maroon 5

I asked her to stay

But she wouldn't listen

She left before I had the chance to say


The words that were mend

the things that were broken

But now its far too late she's gone away

Every night you cry yourself to sleep

Thinking why does this happen to me

Why does every moment have to be so hard

Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

The taste of her breath, I'll never get over

And the noises that she make keep me awake


The weight of things that remain unspoken

Built up so much it crushed us everyday

Every night you cry yourself to sleep

Thinking why does this happen to me

Why does every moment have to be so hard

Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

Of all the things I felt I've never really showed perhaps the worst is that I ever let you go, should not ever let you go oh oh oh

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

I won't go home without you

I won't go home without you

I won't go home without you


Beautiful Girl

Sean Kingston

your way to beautiful girl

that's why it will never work

you had me suicidal, suicidal

when you say it's over

damn all these beautiful girl

they only wanna do you dirt

they'll have you suicidal suicidal

when they say it's over

see it started at the park,used to chill after dark

oh,when you took my arm, that's when we fell apart

cuz we both thought,that love last forever

they say where to young,to get are self's sprung

oh we didn't care,we made it very clear

and they also said, that we 買粉絲uldn't last together

see it's very define,your one of a kind

but your much on my mind, you often get decline

oh lord my baby your driving me crazy

your way to beautiful girl

that's why it will never work

you had me suicidal, suicidal

when you say it's over

damn all these beautiful girl

they only wanna do you dirt

they'll have you suicidal,suicidal

when they say it's over

it was back in 99, watching movies all the time

oh when i went away for doing my first chrime

and i never thought, that we was gonna see each other

and then i came out, mommy move me down south

and oh i with my girl who i though was my world

it came out to be, that she wasn't the girl for me

see it's very define,your one of a kind

but your much on my mind, you often get decline

oh lord my baby your driving me crazy

your way to beautiful girl

that's why it will never work

you had me suicidal, suicidal

when you say it's over

damn all these beautiful girl

they only wanna do you dirt

they'll have you suicidal suicidal

when they say it's over

now we are fussing and now we are fighting

please tell me why, i'm feeling ?

and i don't know, how to make it better

your dating other guys, your telling me lies

oh i can't believe what i'm seeing with my eyes

i'm losing my mind, and i don't think it's clever

your way to beautiful girl

that's why it will never work

you had me suicidal, suicidal

when you say it's over

damn all these beautiful girl

they only wanna do you dirt

they'll have you suicidal suicidal


Don't Stop the Music


Good Girl Gone Bad

Please don't stop the music

Please don't stop the music

Please don't stop the music

Please don't stop the music

It's getting late

I'm making my way over to my favourite place

I gotta get my body moving

Shake the stress away

I wasn't looking for nobody when you looked my way

Possible candidate, yeah

Who knew

That you'd be up in here looking like you do

You make and staying over here, impossible

Baby, I'm a say your aura is incredible

If you don't have to go, don't

Do you know what you started?

I just came here to party

But now we're rocking on the dance floor, actin' naughty

Your hands around my waist

Just let the music play

We're hand in hand, chest to chest and now we're face to face


I wanna take you away

Let's escape into the music, DJ let it play

I just can't refuse it

Like the way you do this

Keep on rockin' to it

Please don't stop the, please don't stop the music

I wanna take you away

Let's escape into the music, DJ let it play

I just can't refuse it

Like the way you do this

Keep on rockin' to it

Please don't stop the, please don't stop the

Please don't stop the music

Baby are you ready cause it's getting close

Don't you feel the passion ready to explode?

What goes on between us no-one has to know

This is a private show

Do you know what you started?

I just came here to party

But now we're rocking on the dance floor, actin' naughty

Your hands around my waist

Just let the music play

We're hand in hand, chest to chest and now we're face to face



Please don't stop the music


Please don't stop the music

Please don't stop the music

Please don't stop the music


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