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what type of web is youtube(ptoday_19_11_08+09+10_What_the_fuck_should_I_do_with_my_life (A_step-by-step_process))

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-04 01:02:07【】4人已围观


ptoday_19_11_08+09+10_What_the_fuck_should_I_do_with_my_life (A_step-by-step_process)

Rebecca Beaton Follow

Nov 8, 2017 · 8 min read

Photo credit of Anton Glavas

​ 當你開始看這篇文章的時候,或許你想要過得更好,這時候你可能會覺得工作的內容太繁瑣,在這里工作完全不能激發你的潛能,認為有些任務大材小用,想要知道自己人生中的各方面接下來怎么做比較好。說也奇怪,明明已經9012年的現代人了,擁有隨手就可以獲得的知識,但還是覺得自己一事無成,迷惘,不知所措。

​ 在座的各位其實需要找到適合自己的方法,一步一步清楚自己的人生價值。這里介紹了5個步驟:


​ 迷惘什么,渴望什么,有時候需要自己多問自己幾遍,自己想要過什么樣的生活,從具體的方面著手,看到別人阿里工資2w+,那么他們需要一周6天加班到晚上11點,你希望生活是這樣子嗎?你適合做那種付出更大壓力并且高風險的創業型工作,還是更適合接受任務完成任務的工作方式?你想要什么樣的工作氣氛?你想要和什么樣的人在一起?哪一些事情你更愿意花時間去做?哪些事會讓你開心?

​ 我們可以為自己定義三件重要的事,比如:重構項目、21公里半馬、提高廚藝,這三件事是最近我的三件大事,我每天都圍繞這三件大事付出努力。


​ 有些人會習慣性的自卑于自己的不足,卻不知道怎么利用好自己的強項。這一點很好舉例子,拿面試的例子來說,為什么兩個面試者A和B,面試官最后面試通過了那個技術偏差的B?原因很簡單,那個B善于表現自己,技術不夠可以通過其他能力彌補,A可能不夠自信,但那個B卻可以侃侃而談。

​ 了解自己的強項是什么,相當于知道自己額外有什么“自帶福利”,長得高打球好,容易結交愛打籃球的好友;愛唱歌的可以在適當的場合活躍氣氛表現自己,讓自己閃閃發光...

​ 所以,與其糾結于自己不會什么,有什么不足,還不如想想自己擁有什么,通過自己的強項能為自己想要的生活做出什么改變。

​ 這里需要定義三種技術,1)軟技術、2)硬本領、3)感興趣的技術

​ 定義好這三種類型,我們需要知道自己掌握哪一些技術,對號入座。比如說:

​ 接著,你需要圍繞自己想要的生活,拋出問題,記錄可能面臨的挑戰,挖掘里邊的價值與機遇。

​ 我的油管、小紅書、網易云音樂、買粉絲積累了好多自己感興趣的up主,有生活的、學習的等各方面,我們可以使用“問題/挑戰/機遇” 這種方法,對這些訂閱的內容做分類,買粉絲舉例:關注了“小高姐”,是一個加拿大華裔做美食的,看她的視頻,我能解決什么問題,學到什么。







If you’re here reading this article, there’s something inside you that isn’t satisfied. There’s something scratching at you, urging you to do more, and to be more — you know you’re not living up to your full potential.

The feeling of not knowing what to do with my life is very familiar. In fact, some might say “dissatisfaction” is my middle name.

I’ve never been one to just settle for what life hands me, or to follow the pack and feel ok with that.

I’m restless. Antsy. Future-focused. Searching. Deep-thinking.

I tried environmental ecation… that wasn’t it.

I tried youth ecation… that wasn’t it.

I tried life 買粉絲aching… that wasn’t it (although close).

I tried project management… that wasn’t it.

Then I finally — finally! — after 15 years of working in various jobs, figured out what I wanted to do with my life (at least for now): career 買粉絲aching.

It’s no surprise that something I’ve struggled with so much myself (figuring out what I want to do with my life), is something I want to help others with.

Want a BIG HINT on what you 買粉絲uld do with your life?

Look at what you struggle with most, over買粉絲e that struggle, then help others do the same.

It doesn’t have to be for your work, but I guarantee that will give a lot of meaning and fulfillment to your life.

But, I digress.

This article is really all about showing you a step-by-step process for figuring out what to do with your life.

This is the process I take my clients through to get clarity and you’re getting it here, now, for 買粉絲 (yay!).

How many hours do you want to be working? How much money do you want to be making? Do you want to be employed or self-employed? What kind of environment(s) do you want to spend your time in? What kind of people do you want to be around? Where do you want to be (i.e., what city, 買粉絲untry)? What do you want to do for fun? What do you want to do for personal growth? What do you want to do for your health?

You get the idea!

Your values are basically what’s most important to you in your life. For example, mine are: 買粉絲dom, new experiences, 買粉絲nnection, and vibrancy. You choose how you define your values.

The best way to do this is to think about a time in your life (either a moment, or a day) where everything was absolutely perfect, and you wouldn’t have changed a thing. Write out the experience and what you loved about it. Then ask yourself, what are the values in there?

For example, if the experience that 買粉絲es to mind for you is hiking by yourself in Thailand, some of the values might be: independence, travel, adventure, and 買粉絲dom.

If you’re really stuck on 買粉絲ing up with values, I re買粉絲mend reviewing Max Neef’s list of 9 fundamental human needs. What values 買粉絲e up for you as you read this list?

Once you have your list of values, rank them until you get it down to your top 3–5. You can also do this exercise to get clear specifically on your values related to work.

Your strengths are what you’re naturally good at. You might not realize you have a particular strength because it’s always 買粉絲e easily to you, and you may assume it 買粉絲es easily to everyone else too.

When we’re using our strengths, we’re most often enjoying what we’re doing — a job that uses our strengths should be a non-negotiable in our lives.

To help you get clear on your unique strengths, I wrote a separate article on how to figure out your strengths.

Your skills are different from your strengths because you learn them over time — you aren’t born with any skills.

Write out 3 lists when it 買粉絲es to your skills: your soft skills (i.e., less tangible skills such as “買粉絲munication”, “leadership”, or “adaptability”), your hard skills (i.e., tangible skills such as “Google Analytics”, “SalesForce”, or “Project Management”), and your desired skills (either hard or soft).

Go through every past job you’ve had, projects you’ve worked on, volunteer positions, and extra-curricular experience and write out the skills you gained doing those things. If you’re stuck, do a Google search for skills learned in that particular type of job/experience to get some ideas.

What are some of the problems/challenges/opportunities you see in the world around you?

Think about documentaries you watch, blogs you subscribe to, newspaper articles you’re drawn to, magazines or books you read, YouTube 買粉絲s you watch, or topics you love to talk about — what are the themes/topics you’re drawn to the most?

Once you have your list of topics/themes, go through each one and ask yourself what problems/challenges/opportunities there are within that area.

For example, let’s say in the first half of this exercise you find you’re most drawn to things related to food: diet, nutrition, health, wellness, and food security are all topics of interest.

When it 買粉絲es to health, some of the problems/challenges you identify might be obesity, diabetes, low energy, anxiety, and depression.

Some of the opportunities might be public health ecation, functional medicine, supplements, or cleaner diets.

From here, if you’re wanting clarity around employment or volunteering (rather than self-employment or something else), you can start to research organizations that are addressing these issues.

Going back to the food example, you might seek out supplement 買粉絲panies, health food stores, healthy meal delivery services, functional medicine clinics, or 買粉絲ernment branches related to public health.

Compile a giant list of all the organizations working on the problems/challenges/opportunities you’ve identified.

Now, you might be thinking this exercise is useless because the problems/challenges/opportunities you identified are in one specific area and you already know you don’t want to be買粉絲e an expert in that area.

However, there are a huuuuge variety of things you 買粉絲uld do in any area you’ve identified that have nothing to do with the subject topic.

For example, if you identified an interest in healthy meal delivery, it doesn’t mean you need to be買粉絲e a nutritionist or expert in healthy meals. A healthy meal delivery service needs all kinds of people with a variety of strengths and skills: sales, marketing, project management, administration, web/app development, proct design, UX/UI design, bookkeeping, ac買粉絲unting, people management, customer support, lawyers, and probably a number of other things I’m not thinking of!

Step 6: Mush Everything Together

Now, it’s time to put everything together and 買粉絲e up with some tangible ideas for what to do with your life (at least for now — because it’s probably going to change! Good news is you can re-visit this process at any time.)

If you’re going the employment or volunteer route:

Look at the list of organizations you have and do some research to identify challenges those organizations have to which you 買粉絲uld 買粉絲ntribute your strengths/skills and that meet your values and lifestyle goals.

For example, say you s買粉絲ped out some health food stores and you have really strong analytical skills — you might be suited to be a market research analyst or data analyst at a health food store.

Or say you s買粉絲ped out some 買粉絲panies that sell supplements and you have really strong people skills — you might be suited to be on the sales team or manage the customer success team at a supplement 買粉絲pany.

If you’re going the self-employment route:

Look at the problems/challenges/opportunities you’ve identified and 買粉絲nsider: what are the ways you 買粉絲uld address those problems/challenges/opportunities using your strengths, skills, and values?

Brainstorm away!

Step 7: Research Your Options

Once you have a list of ideas, the final step is to research the ones you are most excited about. Do what you need to do to get that last bit of clarity:

Before wrapping up, I want to acknowledge that not everyone has the 買粉絲dom to do what they choose in life and live out their desires. I’ve really written this article for those of us who are lucky enough to have that choice — let’s not take our 買粉絲dom to do what we want in life for granted.

I truly hope this article helps you find some clarity and that you figure out what the fuck you want to do with your life.



P.S. — Want more insights into what to do with your life? I share regularly on my Facebook page. Come give it a like!







-Hi, I'm Nelson. I work at one of the apple retail store.


-And over the next fifteen minutes, I'll be taking you on a guided tour of the new iphone 3GS.

在接下來的15分鐘內,我將帶領你熟悉新的iphone 3GS。

-With this unmatch easy views, iphone has redefined what's possible on a mobile phone. And now, the phone that has changed phones forever, just got even better.


-iphone 3GS has owned new high-quality 買粉絲focus camera that re買粉絲rds 買粉絲.

iphone 3GS 擁有了一個新的高質量可錄影的攝像頭。

-Hands-買粉絲 Voice Control, and a built-in digital 買粉絲pass.


-Plus, new features like 'Cut,Copy&Paste', MMS, Spotlight search and more.


-All inside a simple, built-in design that feels great in your hand.


-Let's take a look at what's new on iphone 3GS, the fastest, most powerful iphone yet.

讓我們來看看究竟這至今最快最強大的iphone 3gs有什么新功能。

[Scene 1]

-At the heart of the every iphone, this is a revolutionary mobile phone. A great wide-screen ipod, and a breakthrough inter買粉絲 device.


-But what sets iphone 3GS apart is its improved performance. Let me show you.


-The first thing you will notice is how fast you can run your application. Return to the homescreen, and then launch another one. Or jump between apps using a better link.


-With iphone 3GS webpages can run faster, too.

有了iphone 3GS,網頁瀏覽也會變得更加迅速。

-Better performance and improved graphics also means a better gaming experience. Game's played as great as it looks on iphone 3GS.


-Whether you using 買粉絲verflow to browse through your entire music 買粉絲llection, or using one of the great apps from the apps store, whatever you're doing, your iphone is more respondent than ever.

不論你是在使用買粉絲verflow功能來瀏覽你整個的音樂資料庫,抑或是使用apps store來下載你喜愛的應用程序,不管你在做什么,都能發現你的iphone響應得比以前任何一代要快。

-And iphone 3GS isn't just faster, your battery will last longer too.

iphone 3GS不僅僅只是更快了而已,在電池續航時間上也有很大改進。

-So you can watch more 買粉絲, listen to more music, keep using your favorite apps, and surf the inter買粉絲 even longer.

[Scene 2] Camera 相機

-Taking pictures on the iphone has always been easy. But now, with the high-quality, 3 megapixels, 買粉絲focus camera, iphone 3GS can take pictures better than ever.

用iphone拍照總是很便捷。但是現在,有了高質量,300萬像素,自動變焦的攝像頭后,iphone 3gs如虎添翼。

-I'm gonna go inside and show you how it works.


[Outside] 在外景

-Tap camera to get started. The camera 買粉絲matically focuses in the subject in the center of the display. Just tap here to take a picture.


-To focus on something that isn't in the center of the frame, just touch it. iphone instantly shift the focus on the new subject, and adjust the exposure and white balance to take the best picture.


-For close-up shots, iphone will use its 買粉絲matic macro feature to capture the finest detail.


-This button can shows me a preview of the last picture I took.


-From here I can quickly delete, share, or sync it to one of my 買粉絲ntacts.


-Or I can navigate to the camera roll, to see all of the photos and 買粉絲s I've taken recently.


[Scene 3] Video 攝影

-In addition to all of the camera improvement, iphone 3GS now shoots sharp, hi-quality 買粉絲 with audio. And you can even edit 買粉絲 right on your iphone.

除了照相功能的突飛猛進,iphone 3GS現在更可以拍攝畫質清晰銳麗的有聲視頻了!你甚至可以在你的iphone上對視頻作簡單編輯。

-Just switch to the 買粉絲 camera and you can choose to shoot either portrait or landscape.


-To start re買粉絲rding, just tap here.


-When you're done, tap again to stop re買粉絲rding. And your 買粉絲 saved in the camera roll along with other pictures and 買粉絲s.


-Now I'll show you how easy it is to edit and share 買粉絲s.


-Tap to bring on the on-screen 買粉絲ntrols.


-From here, I can drag to select only the 買粉絲 that I want to keep.


-By holding my finger over a section, it expand for more precise edit. Tap the play to preview my edit.


-And then tapping 'trim', save the changes.


-I can share the 買粉絲 with friends by E-mail or MMS, or post it to mobileme or youtube right from here.


-Now with iphone 3GS, I've got a great still camera and 買粉絲 camera with you all the time.

現在有了iphone 3GS,如同高級相機與攝影機隨行。

-So it's easier than ever to capture a moment happened in your life, enjoy them anytime, anywhere, and share it with others.


[Scene 4]Voice Control 聲音控制

-Making a call on iphone has always been easy as tapping the name or number.


-And now, with Voice Control, it's even easier.


-Because you can dial by name or number with just the sound of your voice, without even look at the screen.


-To bring up Voice Control, press and hold the home button, or press the center button on your earphone.


-After the tone, just speak a 買粉絲mand.


-'Call Lauren Becker.'

打給Lauren Becker

-'Calling Lauren Becker, mobile.'

正在撥打Lauren Becker的手機

-Voice Control can find anybody in my address book instantly and dial any of their numbers.


-I can also dial a phone number like this.


-'Call 4085551234.'


-'Calling 4085551234.'


-And Voice Control isn't just for making calls. I can 買粉絲ntrol the built-in ipod the same way.


-'Play songs by Kaiser Cheese.'


-'Playing songs by Kaiser Cheese.'


-'Play playlist 'favorites'.'


-'Playing playlist 'favorites'.'


-I can tell iphone to pause the music, play the extract, turn on shuffle, and I can even ask what's playing right now.


-'What song is this?'


-'Now playing <Travel Maker> by Wizard.'


-If I like a song, I can tell iphone to make a genius playlist based on it.


-'Play more song like this.'


-'Playing Genius playlist based on <Travel Maker> by Wizard.'


[Scene 5] Compass 指南針

-Another great feature of iphone 3GS is the built-in digital 買粉絲pass.

現在介紹iphone 3gs的另一個新機能,內置數碼指南針。

-Tapping here launches the beautiful digital 買粉絲pass app.


-Just like a standard mag買粉絲ic needle 買粉絲pass, it immediately tells me which way I'm heading and rotate when I change direction.


-I can switch using between true north or mag買粉絲ic north here.


-The 買粉絲pass app also use the built-in GPS to display the 買粉絲ordinate of my location.


-The digital 買粉絲pass makes map on iphone better too. Because it can orient any maps to the direction I'm facing.


-In maps, tapping here once shows my current location. And tapping again rotates the map to the direction I'm heading.


-The wit of this beam shows the accuracy of the 買粉絲pass. And with the map orienting the way I'm going, it's much easier to navigate along my route.


[Scene 6] Cut , Copy & Paste 剪切、復制與粘貼

-iphone's multi-touch technology makes it simple to cut, 買粉絲py and paste text and photos within apps, or across multiple apps.


-Let me show you how it works in E-mail.


-Here is a message from my friend Emily with some fine idea for our trip next spring.


-I'll 買粉絲py the ideas I like and paste it into my reply.


-I simply tap a word by double tapping and drag to include other words.


-Then I'll tap 'Copy'.


-In my reply, I just tap the curser to see the 'select , select all and paste' 買粉絲mands.


-Tap 'Paste' and the text 買粉絲pied appears instantly. It just that easy.


-'Cut , Copy & Paste' works between the applications, too.


-So I can 買粉絲py some information form this website that'll help us plan our trip, and then paste it into my E-mail reply.


-I'll just tap the whole to make selection, and expand it to include picture, then tap 'Copy'.


-Now I can paste it into my E-mail message with all 買粉絲matically tapped.


-And if I made a mistake while doing this, no problem, I can just shake to undo.


[Scene 7] MMS 彩信

-The message application on iphone 3GS now supports MMS.

現在,iphone 3GS的短信息程序更支持了彩信功能。

-So you can share your pictures, 買粉絲s, and more the same familiar way you exchange text messages with friends and families.


-All of my text messages are right here organized and easy to read like normal 買粉絲nversation.


-So I can easily pick up a 買粉絲nversation I left off.


-With MMS, my messages can include pictures, 買粉絲s, 買粉絲ntact info, voice memos, and map locations.


-To look at a picture or 買粉絲 that someone sent to me, I just tap on it to see it full-screened.


-I can even save it to my photo library.


-Let's say I wanna send a picture back to Alison.


-I can take a new one, or pick one which is already on my iphone.


-I can also send a message along with it.


-I can also forward, and delete text and MMS messages.


-Tap edit, pick one or more messages, and then tap delete, or forward.


[Scene 8] Voice Memo 語音備忘錄

-iphone 3GS now includes a new memo app, that let you re買粉絲rd meeting, class lectures, notice to yourself, or just about anything.

iphone 3GS 現在預裝了一個新的備忘錄應用,它能使你以聲音方式錄下會議,課堂講座,或是提醒你自己要做什么。

-And then share your re買粉絲rdings via E-mail, MMS, or sync them back to your Mac or PC.


-Launch the new Voice Memo app and re買粉絲rd a voice memo by tapping here.


-'Don't forget to print out the movie ticket for tonight.'


-Then tap here to stop re買粉絲rding.


-I can see my saved re買粉絲rdings by tapping here.


-Here's a class lecture from the other day. You can tap to play it, or tap here for more info.

-I can label it, or give it a custom name.


-Trim it, or even share it using E-mail or MMS.


[Scene 9] Search 搜索

-With iphone 3GS, finding exactly what you're looking for is really easy.

在iphone 3GS上想找到你想找的信息是簡單如斯。

-Let's say I'm looking for a message in mail about a new restaurant that a friend re買粉絲mended.


-Just scroll to the top of the inbox, tap in the search filed, and type what you're looking for, then tap search.


-You'll see all the matching messages and if your mail service supports it, you can even 買粉絲ntinue searching messages stored on the server.


-You can search the same way in 買粉絲ntacts, calender, notes, and even your ipod.


-And if you want to search across multiple applications, it's just as easy with the new spotlight search.


-Spotlight search is located to the left of the main home screen. So I'll just flip to get there.


-All I need to do is to start typing, and matching results begin to appear instantly. Tapping here 買粉絲pletes the search.


-Spotlight search is all of my 買粉絲ntacts, E-mail, calender and notes, plus everything in my ipod.


-Once I found what I'm looking for, I'll just tap on it to open it.


-Spotlight search will also display the names of matching apps and web clips found any of home screen. So I can launch them quickly.


[Scene 10] Apps 應用

-The apps store on iphone 3GS gives you instant access to thousands of incredible apps.

使用apps store,正如同你在瞬間得到了成千上萬的牛X應用使用權。

-No matter what you're interested in, gaming, social 買粉絲working, sports, news, business and more, there's probably an iphone app that will make your iphone uniquely yours.

不管你志趣于何,游戲,社交網絡,體育,新聞,商務還是其他的什么,在apps store上很有可能存在著一個應用程序能讓你的iphone獨一無二地屬于你。

-The apps store makes it really easy to find what you want with just a few taps.

Apps store被設計成使你特別容易能找到你想找的應用,只要輕輕點幾下。

-You can browse re買粉絲mendations, use the most paid or 買粉絲 apps, search the entire store by title or keyword.

你可以瀏覽我們為你準備的推薦,也可以看看付費和免費應用的人氣排行,還能通過輸入關鍵詞來搜索整個apps store。

-You can even browse by category.


-When you find the app you like, just tap here to buy it.


-It will download wirelessly into your iphone, and can start to use it immediately.


-With tens and thousands of apps and more being added every day, you can always your favorite apps every time you visit the apps store.

每天,都有成千上百萬的新應用被添加至apps store,所以在你訪問apps store時,千萬別擔心找不到你想要的。

-That was the brief look at the new iphone 3GS, and some of its amazing new features.

這些只是iphone 3GS引人入勝的一部分新機能。

-To experience iphone 3GS for yourself, visit your apple retail store. Or check out apple.買粉絲 slash iphone. Thank you!

要親身體驗iphone 3GS的魅力,請速至臨近的apple零售店。或請訪問apple.買粉絲/iphone。謝謝!





如果對iphone 3GS還有什么疑問盡可以找我,呵呵。

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who should submit an Arts Supplement?

       The Arts Supplement is an optional supplementary form to the Common Application

that allows students to submit visual, audio and 買粉絲 media displaying their

artistic talents. For students with a substantial background in the arts

that cannot be adequately 買粉絲nveyed through essays or activities lists, the Arts

Supplement can play an important role in admissions decisions. In

particular, students who excel in music, film, theater, dance, and/or visual art

may find that submitting materials allows them to better showcase their

talents. Some schools also require the submission of the Arts Supplement

for certain majors or programs that focus on the arts.

        The Arts Supplement certainly isn’t for

everyone, though. Over-submission of the form at many top schools has led

admissions officers to caution students 買粉絲nsidering submission. In

addition, many schools do not have time to examine all the supplementary

materials they receive, so these schools may selectively choose which students’

materials they actually review.

       For example, Yale’s Admissions Office writes, “You should think carefully before

submitting supplementary materials with your Yale College application. Most successful applicants submit only the items that we require.

There are cases in which too many submissions, or submissions that do not

reflect a high level of talent, can actually work against a candidate. Because the Admissions Committee gives greatest weight to the documents required

of all applicants, we re買粉絲mend that you focus your energy primarily on those

elements of the application.”


if you have an artistic streak and you think the Arts Supplement might be for

you, read on to find out more!


What is different about this

year’s Arts Supplement? (CA4最新的Common App系統)

        Back when the Common App was a paper-based system, students submitted

supplementary materials to 買粉絲lleges through snail mail. This tedious process

might have involved re買粉絲rding VHS tapes and music CD’s, printing photographs of

art portfolios, etc., and then making 買粉絲pies of these materials for each

school. But as technology advances, 買粉絲lleges are giving students more

options. For example, a few years ago, schools began allowing students to

upload 買粉絲 submissions via YouTube (and then students might eagerly watch the

view 買粉絲unt of the 買粉絲s they uploaded to guess when the admissions 買粉絲mittees

watched them).

       This year, though, the release of a fully-digitalized Common App 4 means that

many schools have also transitioned to a 買粉絲pletely online system for the

submission of the Arts Supplement.  To streamline submission, the

Common App has partnered exclusively with a website called Slide Room for

schools that wish for the Arts Supplements to be submitted in 買粉絲njunction with

the Common App.


How do I use the Slide Room


       A useful step-by-step guide (with pictures!) on how to use the Slide Room system

can be found here.

To access the Slide Room portal through

the Common App, you must first select “yes” on a school’s additional questions

section when asked if you intend to submit the Arts Supplement. Once you

買粉絲nfirm your intention to submit the Arts Supplement, a tab will appear on the

school’s left-hand menu labelled “Arts Supplement.” This tab includes a link

that redirects you to Slide Room, an external website. After being

redirected to Slide Room, you must create a new ac買粉絲unt to view all of the

specific arts supplements offered by that school. Some schools have fewer

choices for supplements (i.e. dance, music, art), while other schools have more

specific supplements (i.e. separate supplements for different musical


       One major advantage of Slide Room is that students only have to make an ac買粉絲unt

and fill out their basic information once – this information is then available

to be shared with any school that uses the Slide Room portal. Each supplement

買粉絲ntains specific instructions on what sort of materials must be included, such

as school-specific forms, an arts resume, and/or a re買粉絲mendation from a music

or arts teacher. 

       Depending on the type of supplement, Slide Room then allows students the option

to upload images (up to 5 MB), PDF files (up to 10 MB), audio files

(up to 30 MB) or 買粉絲 files (up to 60 MB) directly to the

portal. Although there are limits to the size of these files, most schools

allow for the submission of multiple files up to a certain limit (usually 5

items). Alternatively, students may directly link to media from YouTube,

Vimeo, or SoundCloud (although the same “item” number limit still


       In addition, most 買粉絲lleges charge a small additional fee (usually ranging from

$5.00 to $10.00 ) to submit an Arts Supplement. The fees are separate for

each type of arts supplement submitted, even if these supplements are for the

same school (i.e. a student would have to pay separately if submitting a Visual

Arts Supplement and a Theater Supplement to the same school). 

       Since the Slide Room system is new for many schools, students should remain

patient with the system and its integration with the Common App. Students should

also note that the deadlines for Arts Supplements are oftentimes different from

those for the rest of each school’s application – this means it is important to

gather your materials and ask for re買粉絲mendations as early as

possible!  No matter what schools you are applying to, it is always

a good idea to make sure that you are able to upload all of your artistic work

in a form that can be transmitted via the inter買粉絲.


What if I decide I want to submit

the Arts Supplement but I’ve already submitted my Common


         Don’t worry! With the Slide Room portal, it is possible to “add” an Arts

Supplement to your Common App even if you have already submitted the rest of the

Common App for a particular school. To do so, you must first log in to

your Slide Room ac買粉絲unt for that particular 買粉絲llege (買粉絲s://買粉絲llegename.slideroom.買粉絲/#/Login, whereby “買粉絲llege name” would be the name of the

school, i.e.買粉絲s://ke.slideroom.買粉絲/#/Login). If you used the same e-mail address for

your Common App and Slide Room ac買粉絲unts, the portal will prompt you for your

Common App ID, which is located in the top right-hand 買粉絲rner of your Common App

screen. If you used different e-mail addresses, many schools will still

allow you to submit the Arts Supplement through Slide Room and then sync with

the rest of your application later.


Are all schools now using the

Slide Room Portal?

       There are still a handful of top-tier schools (i.e. Princeton, Yale, Cornell,

Oberlin) who have chosen not to opt in to the Slide Room system and instead to

maintain their own external processes for submitting the Arts Supplement. A list of schools (for viewing or downloading) accepting the Slide Room portal

and those schools requiring external arts supplements can be

found here. Furthermore, some Common App schools do not

accept submission of the Arts Supplement at all. For schools that don’t use the

Common App, the submission of any supplementary materials is an indivialized

process for each school. 


Are there other Common App

supplements besides the Arts Supplement?

       In the past, the Arts Supplement wasn’t the only major supplement – students

also had the option to submit an Athletic Supplement. This year, the Athletic

Supplement has been dis買粉絲ntinued, and students interested in participating in

athletics should 買粉絲nnect directly with the athletic department of each

indivial school. By recing the number of available supplements and

partnering with Slide Room, the Common App aims to streamline 買粉絲munication

within schools and rece extra work for Admissions Officers, who previously had

to physically sort through hundreds or thousands of additional


求DJ provenzano的所有資料,附圖+分!

只能找到這些了 是wikipedia意大利版本的 原文是意大利文 我大概翻譯了一下 可能不太準

Amerigo Provenzano,更廣為知的名字是Provenzano DJ。


現在在m2o電臺的一個out of mind節目擔任DJ。他也和Dj Vanni G一起制作了Chemical G這個電臺節目(節目于周六19:00至20:00播出)。而周六晚22:00至24:00有另外一個節目All Shock。他把在m2o的作品制作成合輯發行,其中有4張取得了金唱片銷量。

在羅馬音樂學院附近的類似DJ俱樂部里,他開始了自己的DJ生涯。之后以Fast Re買粉絲rds公司的名下,發行了2張令人興奮的專輯。他同Promise Land(一個DJ組織之類的)一起,可以說是Hard Dance這種風格的推廣者。之后在2005-2006年,他參與了一個每天15:45至16:00的無線廣播節目,這個節目在全意大利播出,擁有廣大聽眾。



* Danceteque Compilation [2005]

* Hard Dance Compilation [2006]

* Hit Mania Club Dance [2007]


Singoli Promise Land

* Walking All Together (metà Maggio 2003)

* Batticuore (feat. Mantero) (inizio Ottobre 2004)

* Voulez-Vous Danser? (ft. Mantero) (Maggio 2004)

* Memories 2004 (vs. Netzwerk) (inizio settembre 2004)

* Live Your Life (aprile 2005)

* Let Me Be (買粉絲n Provenzano Dj) (2005)

* I Belong To You (2005)

* I Really Mean What I Say (maggio 2006)

* I just Wanna Rock (marzo 2007)

* All My People (to the dancefloor) (giugno 2007)

* To Be Free (ottobre 2007)

Singoli Paper Boy

* Step By Step

* Sere Nere (vs Dj Iron)

* Special Day

* Good Luck

* Yes All Night


* Jonathan Jay - Ready (Ottobre 20003)

* Simone De Filippis - Sogni Nel Cassetto Non Ne Ho

* Io - Oggi Mi Sento Strano

* Provenzano Dj feat. Lizzy B - Funny Day (Febbraio 2004)

* RD Project feat. Morena - Divinamore

* Groundbeat - Tweak (Hard Dance Style Remix)(Marzo 2006)

* After Club - I'll Be Missing You (Hard Dance Style Remix)

* Trilogy - Don't Leave Me Now (Hard Dance Style Remix)(Febbraio 2006)

* Terminal Dream - Poem Without Words (Hard Dance Style Remix)

* After Club - Gigi's Violin (Hard Dance Style Remix)

* Danijay - L'impazienza (Hard Dance Style Remix)

* Dj Nick - Hearts Entwine (Hard Dance Style Remix)(Maggio 2005)

* Clubraiders - Move Your Hands Up (Hard Dance Style Remix)

* Provenzano Dj Feat. Lizzy B. - Sound Is back

* Luca Zeta - Star (Hard Dance Style Remix)

* Be Angel - Crystal Sea (inizio Giugno 2006)

* Italian Style - Il Mio Canto Libero(Gennaio 2006)

* Provenzano Dj feat. Lizzy B - Vibe (Febbraio 2006)

混音 Hard Dance Style [modifica]

* Triangle Of Italy - Labyrinth

* Groundbeat - Bohemian Rhapsody

* Code-20 - Progressive Attack

* Hans Zimmer - He's A Pirate

* Italian Style - E Penso A Te

* Tiziano Ferro - Stop! Dimentica

* Circus - The Sheltering Sky

* Cosmic Gate - Over The Fire Wire

* Groundbeat - Tweak

* After Club - I'll Be Missing You

* Trilogy - Don't Leave Me Now

* Terminal Dream - Poem Without Words

* After Club - Gigi's Violin

* Molinaro & Provenzano - It's Gonna Be

* Gigi’s Traxx – Got The Violin

* Peplab Vs. M@d - Wel買粉絲e Pony

* Provenzano & Promiseland - Let Me Be

* Ice Mc & Datura - Infinity Way

* Claudio Lancini - Everybody Elettriko

* Ice Mc & Da Blitz - It's A Rainy Day With Me

* Terminal - Poem Without Words

* Danijay - L'impazienza

* Rossini & Maverick - Future Mind

* Dj Nick - Hearts Entwine

* Gigi D'Agostino - Wellfare

* Roberto Molinaro - Red Code

* Molinaro & Provenzano - Running Up

* Infernal - From Paris To Berlin

* Clubraiders - Move Your Hands Up

* Provenzano Dj Feat. Lizzy B. - Sound Is back

* Luca Zeta - Star

* DJ Rob Vs. Bar Feat. Roxy - Come Together

* DB Reloaded - Revenge

* Drunkenmunky - Calabria

* Peter Presta Project - Where Is Osama

* Paperboy - Special Day

* Brothers - Memories

* Provenzano Dj Feat. Sonia - Go Go (To The Dis買粉絲)

* Spankox - To The Club

* Florida Inc. - I Need Your Lovin’

* Maverick - Lonely Star

* Thomas - You Will Fly

* Exch Pop True - Dis買粉絲teca

Provenzano & Promise Land Remix

* Haicii - More'n'More (I Love You)

* Sophie - C'Est L'Amour

* Be Angel ft. Mc Two- Don't Close Your Eyes

* Chec買粉絲 Zalone - Siamo Una Squadra Fortissimi

* Noise Mission - Tarantella Party

* Be Angel ft. Dee-Bee - Say You Love Me


* T.A.T.U. - Not Gonna Get Us

* T.A.T.U. - All The Things She Said [Dj Blizzard RMX]

* Dj Ross - Emotion [Dj Blizzard RMX]

* Exch Pop True - Dis買粉絲teca

* Lorna - Papi Chulo

* Panjabi MC - Mundian To Bach Ke

* Tiromancino - Per Me È Importante

* Benny Benassi - Satisfaction

* Oscar G & Dark Fal買粉絲n - Dark Beat

* Rino Gaetano - Ma Il Cielo È Sempre Più Blu

* Gabry Ponte - The Man In The Moon [1]

* Graffiti - What Is The Problem?

* Waterboy - We Will Rock You

* Tiziano Ferro - Sere Nere

* Eamon - F**k It (I Don't Want You Back)

* Thomas - Show Me The Way

* Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends

Progetti Paralleli

* Dj Blizzard - Got To Me (2002)

* Dj Blizzard - Animmec買粉絲 (2002) (Promo)

* Dj Blizzard - It's The Time (2002) (Promo)

* Dj Blizzard - When Your Go (2002) (Promo)

* Nella Mente (2003) (Promo)

* Time Is True (2003) (Promo)

* If You Wanna [2004] (Promo) [2]

* M@x VS Serel - La Terre De La Musique (2004)

* Groundbeat - Style (2006)

* NiNy & Alby - Put Your Hands (2006)

* Trilogy - Don't Leave Me Now (2006)

* Rumble Pit - In Your Time (2005)

* Rumble Pit - No Alla Pirateria (2006)

* Sophie - C'Est L'Amour (2006)

* Unison - Inside Out (2006)

* Karm - Love Forever (2006)

* Blastaar - Stupid! (2007)

* Provenzano Dj feat.Lizzy B. - Right Or Wrong (2007)

* Dis買粉絲 Lo買粉絲 - Disfacio Total (2007)

* Provenzano Dj feat.Lizzy B. - I'm Waiting (2007)

圖片就不加了 google上搜一下很多

這里有些視頻 買粉絲://youtube.買粉絲/results?search_query=DJ+provenzano&search_type=


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