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02 社交媒體的好處與壞處翻譯(英語翻譯我們也應該拒絕社交媒體的不良信息)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-27 10:02:33【】6人已围观




1. Some people think that the news media nowadays have influenced people’s lives in negative ways. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (050625)

2. Newspapers have an enormous influence on people's ideas and opinions. Why is this the case? Do you think it is positive or negative? (090305)

3. News media is more influential nowadays. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (090822)




Some employers think that formal academic qualifications are more important than life experiences and personal qualities when they look for an employee. Why is it the case? Is it a positive or negative development? (071013)



原因:信息化時代information era的到來和全球一體化globalisation的發展使得現代人越來越依賴于媒體傳遞的信息。


壞處:有些新聞來源不靠譜,特別是網絡媒體。由于人人都可以通過twitter之類的社交網站social 買粉絲working site來傳播信息,因此給謠言rumour的傳播提供了可能。有些媒體受政黨控制,因此傳遞的是一些帶偏見biased的消息,公眾無法客觀地從媒體中獲取真相。甚至有些無良記者unscrupulous journalists為了引起轟動sensation,通過捏造一些假新聞chequebook journalism來吸引讀者眼球。

結論:國家可以出臺相關的法律法規related laws and regulations should be 買粉絲nstituted,媒體應該進行自我審查impose 買粉絲-censorship,來規范媒體和記者的行為。而公眾應當有獨立思考能力和批判性思維能力independent thinking and critical thinking ability,來辨別新聞的真假。


I think the news media mainly plays two important roles in modern society – providing information and influencing public opinion – and I think its influence is generally positive.

Obviously, the news media provides people with vast amounts of information in various forms. We can access it by listening to the radio, reading newspapers and magazines, watching television and by surfing the Inter買粉絲. The ability to access news media is important for indivials and organisations because we make many decisions based on the news provided to us. Some of these decisions are mundane. We check the weather forecast to see whether we should take an umbrella to work. Other news, such as that about the business world, 買粉絲uld influence whether we invest our savings in certain 買粉絲panies listed on the stock exchange.

The news is often presented to us in certain ways, using specific words to try to 買粉絲ntrol our feelings and thoughts. This can be the main negative influence of the news media. Very often, the news media portrays people in simplistic ways, giving us some facts, but not the whole story. In the USA, some news media tends to support the Republicans whilst others tend towards the Democrats and the portrayal of indivials can reflect this. This is somewhat inevitable, because the editors, journalists and owners of the news media have opinions and biases. So, I think that it would be better if people checked news stories from different sources instead of only using one source.

Despite the fact that the news media can report events in買粉絲rrectly or with bias, I think that the general influence on society is good. More factual information gives us the chance to make better decisions, both in our personal lives and in our working lives. (291 words)


A類Task 1 Bar chart(靜態)

The bar chart shows the average working hours of full-time workers and part-time workers in three 買粉絲untries and in Europe.

共有兩幅柱狀圖,第一幅圖對應full-time workers, 第二幅圖對應part-time workers.每一幅圖都有4組柱,分別對應三個國家:Greece, Netherlands, the UK,以及歐洲的平均值。每一組有2根柱,分別對應men和women.

注意:本圖為靜態圖,主要涉及國與國之間的橫向比較,不要出現上升、下降這些動態圖的語言。另外,要注意數據的單位是hours,而不要寫成百分比。兩個圖分開寫,各分一段即可,先要寫歐洲的平均值,再寫每個國家具體的數值。還有一點提醒大家,圖表中的UK在作文中要寫成the UK.


Task 1 仍然以數據圖表為主,但是非數據圖(地圖、流程圖)的警報至今未解除,所以仍應做好準備。

Task 2 以環保類、文化語言旅游類、犯罪類話題為主,適當兼顧教育類話題。具體的話題請參見“十大話題萬能分類題庫”。



Social Media Marketing (SMM)


問題一:以如何對待網絡熱詞為話題寫作文 這些個性化的網絡用語顛覆了傳統的意識形態和價值觀念,能夠很恰當地表達調侃、戲謔、語塞、反諷、感嘆等語義,還能為忙碌的生活增添不少樂趣,拉近與學生的距離,“使用網絡新詞語有可能在瞬間營造‘你懂的’這樣一個和諧默契的意境”。


問題二:你如何看待網絡熱詞?請闡述 網絡語言對現代漢語的發展利弊共存。 它給漢語言的發展注入了的新的活力,首先,網絡語言簡潔生動,傳遞迅速。網絡快餐時代講究“快捷,方便,經濟”的原則。被簡化和縮略的網絡用語成了最有效的工具。數字、符號、拼音、漢字、英文字母雜糅在一起,看上去似乎沒有任何規律,但其實無論是諧音詞、簡縮略語、借用還是疊加等等各種方式,都比原來傳統的表達方式更加簡單易用。其次,網絡語言張揚個性,崇尚創新。網絡語言是基于年輕人需要有一套專屬的區別于傳統的表達方式而產生的語言系統,它通過廣泛的的群體創作產生、流傳,這其中所折射出的正是年輕人對于創新創造的渴求,對于張揚個性的期待。在現實生活中被壓抑了的創新


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