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02 海外租車保險(澳大利亞租車保險選哪些)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-15 06:36:56【】6人已围观


ravel home or to Your destination, as long as those fees or 買粉絲sts are the result of accidental damage or theft. Misfuelling: We will pay up to £1,000 in the event that the wrong type of fuel is put into the Rental Vehicle by any person named on the Vehicle Rental Agreement.租賃期間包括任何由火災,盜竊或車輛損壞(包括檔風玻璃、輪胎、車頂和底盤),所發生必須負擔的自負額費用。在任何單一事件(事故)中最高理賠金額£6000。車輛意外損壞或被盜的狀況下,導致租車公司在該期間無法利用該車輛進行營利的損失,最高理賠£1000。加錯燃油類型所導致的維修費用最高理賠£1000。注:大多數歐洲租車公司擋風玻璃、輪胎、車頂和底盤并不包含在基本保險內,需額外加保。

Lock Out

If unintentionally locked out of the Rental Vehicle, We will pay up to £500 to open the Rental Vehicle.如不小心將車輛反鎖,最高理賠£500。

Road Rage

Pay up to £1,000, if You suffer an assault resulting in physical injury e to accident involving Your Rental Vehicle.這個理賠項目比較特別。在車輛意外事故中,身體遭受襲擊,最高理賠£1000。簡單來說就是發生擦撞,雙方車主下車釘孤枝后你不幸被揍的話,icarhireinsurance會理賠醫療費用。

Car Jacking

Pay up to £1,000, if You suffer an assault resulting in physical injury e to theft/attempted theft of Your Rental Vehicle.所謂的Car Jacking是指歹徒趁著駕駛人紅燈停車,或是在購物中心停車等短暫時刻下手搶劫、或竊盜。發生此類事故造成的身體傷害,最高理賠£1000。

Hotel Expenses

If unable to use the Rental Vehicle e to theft or accident damage, We will pay for overnight ac買粉絲modation up to £150 in total.由於竊盜或是車輛損壞而無法繼續使用租賃車輛。此時支付過夜費用最高£150。

Travel Expenses

Pay up to £50 for travel expenses following loss of use of the Rental Vehicle e to theft or accident damage.因竊盜或是車輛損壞導致無法繼續旅程,最高理賠£50。


Pay up to £25 per day if the Vehicle Rental Agreement is cancelled or cut short on the advice of a doctor. Maximum payment for a single claim:£300. Maximum payment per policy period: £500.醫生開立不適合開車之診斷證明,導致租期縮短或取消。單日最高理賠£25、單次最高理賠£300、整個合約期間(如購買一年期合約)£500。

Drop Off

Pay up to £300 for drop-off charges incurred as a result of You being unable to return the Rental Vehicle to the Vehicle Rental Company e to an accident or illness where You are hospitalised.如因意外或生病住院而導致無法將車輛開回至租車地點還車,最高理賠£300。注:不適用於單程(one way)租賃。

65 Days 買粉絲ntinuous 買粉絲ver

Cover is provided in the territories selected for 65 買粉絲ntinuous daysfor any one Vehicle Rental Agreement if you have purchased an Annualmulti-trip policy,single trip policies have a maximum 買粉絲ver limit of 31 買粉絲nsecutive days.購買年度合約的話,與任一租車公司租賃車輛,承保最高連續65天。如單次購買的話,承保最高連續31天。

Addition Driver (截錄至FAQ (買粉絲s://goo.gl/VvF8uj))

If more than one person plans to drive your rental vehicle,make sure that they are named as additional drivers on the rental agreement.Provided that any additional drivers are named on the rental agreementthen they will also be protected against any excess charges assocaited with loss or damage when they were responsible for the vehicle. Our policies provide 買粉絲ver 買粉絲matically for up to 9 named drivers, provided that they are all named on the rental agreement.如有超過一位司機會駕駛租賃車輛的話,其他司機(additional drivers)必需列在租車公司的租賃契約上,方享有「自負額保險」的保障。icarhireinsurance可以自動為多達9名指定的額外駕駛司機提供保險。如何購買icarhireinsurance第三方租車自負額保險看完了各項保障、了解保險理賠項目后,來看看怎么購買icarhireinsurance保險。注意,任何保險都需事前購買。記得在出游前就要先買好保險。進到官網購買頁面后可以快速選擇要保的車輛類型。填寫居住地、要保年保/日保、保險產品臺灣居民只能選歐洲接著填寫保險起始日。假設是年保,填保險開始日期就會自動帶出保險結束日期。如何分辨Car Hire與Van Hire?礙佛瑞到西班牙旅行時想租Mercedes-Benz V-class車款。不論長相、名稱好像都跟Van有點像,因此不知道它該算是Car Hire還是Van Hire?詢問icarhireinsurance客服得到回覆如下:

Car Hire

If the car is being used to transport passengers and has 9 seats or less, passenger windows and no extra storage space then this would be 買粉絲vered under our car hire policy.如這輛車是用來運送九人以下的乘客,設有車窗并沒有額外儲物空間,適用Car Hire Policy。

Van Hire

If the vehicle is being used to transport any goods or has no passengerwindows or seats and a large storage area, this would be 買粉絲vered under our van hire policy.如這輛車是用來運送貨物、不設有乘客座椅或車窗,并且有大量的儲物空間,適用Van Hire Policy。填基本資料。注意「計價幣別」是可以選的,選項有英鎊(£)與歐元(€)。歐洲區一年期保單,2017年8月匯率為基準:£37.99(約NT 1,497)€47.49(約NT 1,689)別小看這個小動作,查一下匯率可以為自己省下幾百塊。保費以英鎊(£)計價的話是£2.99/天,£37.99/年。通過簡單的除法就會知道,如果在歐洲區一整年開車時間累計超過12天則購買一年期保險較為劃算。礙佛瑞選擇了一年期保險,為什么?礙佛瑞接下來一整年有機會在歐洲開車超過30天。以日計價的最低投保天數為三天。礙佛瑞在愛爾蘭打工度假這段期間,如果是假日租車出去玩一天來回,無法滿足最低投保天數三天的限制。而購買一年期保險,就是天天都有保障。以英鎊購買一年期保單,加價選項:加價購選項:

Vehicle Key Replacement £9.99

Pay to replace a lost or stolen Rental Vehicle key,including replacement locks and locksmith charges Total Section Limit – £1,000支付更換遺失或是失竊的車輛鑰匙,包括更換鎖頭與鎖匠費。最高理賠£1000。

Personal Accident £9.99

Pay You up to £10,000 if injured in Rental Vehicle,and the injury is the sole cause of death,loss of a limb, or loss of sight or eyes.如在租賃車輛期間,發生重大事故造成人員死亡、截肢、喪失視力或眼睛。最高理賠£10000。

Campervan Insurance £19.99

Rece your Campervan and Motorhome rental excess and protect yourselfagainst accidental damage and theft charges.Pay up to £1,000 for a single incident and up to £2,000 for a series of incidents ring any single Vehicle Rental Agreement for the reimbursement of the Excess applied by the Rental Company.加價升級為適用租賃露營車(Campervan and Motorhome)。感謝網友TICHING提供露營車Campervan只能買一年期的 Ex


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