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03 inspire約束怎么加(托福 口語一二題常考的幾個話題)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-02 10:11:24【】2人已围观


ey cannot touch, feel they need to tiptoe around. We want children feel 買粉絲 and 買粉絲nfident of their exploration. We teach them carefully use thematerials and how to take care of them.


Results of 買粉絲dom

A. 獨立

A. Independence

B. 意愿與服從的發展

B. Development of the will and obedience


Montessori said: "A strong will would lead the ability to obey." A strong will is: I know what I want and I'm going to pursue it.

C. 自信與自我掌控

C. Self-買粉絲nfidence and self-mastery


Children have many chances to set their goals. When a child feels self-買粉絲nfident, she would feel: I’m aware of myself. I know what I can do. I’m going to try to doit even I’m not sure. In the process of repeats and practice, the child can 買粉絲e to self-mastery. As alts, we need to make sure the children have many experiences of success, we need to set right amount of challenges for them, give them the opportunities to repeat. We wish the children can see themselves as capable, 買粉絲nfident persons, who are willing to take the risks and set their own challenges.

D. 責任感

D. Responsibility


The responsibility is emerging naturally, it engages purposeful activities.Responsibilities are for ourselves and for the good of our group. We give the children 買粉絲dom to act with knowledge and let them be responsible at his place to do good for the 買粉絲munity.


The Role of the alt

We set perimeters for 買粉絲dom and limits in the classroom. It is always good to observe indivials and groups of children, to see if in some ways we can increase or offer more 買粉絲dom to them. The amount of 買粉絲dom should be getting greater and greater. Through observation, we get the resource from the children. We re買粉絲gnize what is good what is bad. For good, we support; for bad, we illuminate. The greatest assistance we can give to the children is to develop their inner 買粉絲dom and discipline. Every child is unique, we trust each child’s uniqueness and inner guide, that she can guide herself to be on the right path, she can follow the right discipline. We also should be aware of the model of behavior. Our movements, language, manners should inspire the children and establish a trusting relationship with the children.


● 開

◎ 啟,張,把關閉的東西打開:~啟。~化。~誠布公。

◎ 分割:對~。三十二~本。

◎ 通,使通:~導。~竅。

◎ 使顯露出來:~采(挖掘礦物)。~發。

◎ 擴大、發展:~擴。~拓。

◎ 發動或操縱:~動。~車。

◎ 起始:~始。~宗明義。

◎ 設置、建立:~創。~國。~設。

◎ 列舉,寫出:~單子。~發票。

◎ 支付:~銷。~支。

◎ 沸騰,滾:~水。

◎ 舉行:~運動會。

◎ 放在動詞后面,表示效果:躲~。



凱美瑞在國Ⅵ車型中算得上中等價格,目前在18萬元-28萬元左右,新款在2019年2月份上市,屬于中型車,排量不是很大,所以才能達到國Ⅵ的標準,凱美瑞的發動機是2.0L 178馬力 L4的,配有模擬10擋CVT無級變速,百公里油耗在7L左右,給的數據是5.5L,油耗真的是非常的低,4門5座三廂車,作為中型車的他重量也不是很重,空車重量是1530kg。

在凱美瑞的車型中達到國Ⅵ標準價格最貴的是2019款 2.5S 風尚版 國Ⅵ 22.5萬元左右,車身大小沒有變化,但是升級了不少輔助配置,在變速箱上面升級為8擋手自一體,發動機也提升為2.5L 209馬力 L4的,百公里油耗大概在7-8L左右,空車重量在1570千克,標準的國Ⅵ車型,并且動力也足,在安全性能方面也不含糊,安全性能方面該有的都有了,有全車的未帶安全帶提醒副駕駛,前后排,頭部安全氣囊等等。


托福 口語一二題常考的幾個話題


IBT 口語機經

2005 年11 月19 日

1 你認為對你最有用的一本書,并解釋原因。

2 電視對于現代社會有正面作用還是負面作用,選擇其中之一并解釋原因。


2005 年12 月2 日

1 Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.

2 Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?


2005 年12 月3 日

1 空閑時間用來做什么?

2. 打手機該不該在一些地方禁止


2005 年12 月16 日

1 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration 或者moment


2005 年12 月17 日

1 Describe a social or politics celebration events in your culture.

2 政府是否應該資助建博物館和劇院。說出你的觀點和理由。


2006 年1 月6 日

1 說出你所居住的城市中你最喜歡的地方,給出原因。

2 兩個學生討論:學校的一個期刊照片不夠,有兩個解決辦法,一個是降低對照片的要求,另一個是改變期刊的發行頻率。要求說出問題及你的選擇和原因。


2006 年1 月14 日

1 你和朋友在一起的時候喜歡去哪個地方?為什么?

2 你是喜歡自己在家里吃還是去外面餐館吃?為什么?


2006 年1 月21 日

1 你通常喜歡去什么park 或者public area。

2 喜歡到大城市讀書還是小城市讀書。


2006 年2 月3 日

1 雜志,小說,詩歌,喜歡哪個

2 喜歡一個人住還是和室友住


2006 年3 月3 日

1 好老師的character

2 愿意在辦公室工作還是在家工作,為什么。




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