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03 inspire名詞可數嗎(字詞理解與應用用法)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-25 00:40:10【】0人已围观

简介edhim.Trouble 攪擾別人的安寧,舒適等Sorrytogiveyoutrouble./sorrytotroubleyou.Worry 表達不安的心情到了憂慮的程度Heis

ed him.

Trouble  攪擾別人的安寧,舒適等

Sorry to give you trouble./sorry to trouble you.

Worry  表達不安的心情到了憂慮的程度

He is worried about his son’s safety.

Fret  持續的憂慮、哀傷或焦急,表示煩燥的心情

He freted himself all the time for news of her.

Upset 內心忐忑不安

I feel upset now because I am afraid I hurt you.

Dismay 使沮喪

S買粉絲op  v.(用勺子)挖出,鏟出

She s買粉絲oped out some suger.

Make a s買粉絲op走運,賺大錢,搶先得到新聞

That guy made a s買粉絲op.

Ominously  adv有預兆地

Ominous  adj

Look at those ominous black clouds.

Omen n./v預示著,預兆

This is a good/bad omen

The clouds omen rain.

Rip   v.用力地撕開=Tear 

Rip the letter open

Rip one’s mask away.

Let things rip:=let things be

Rip into攻擊

Rip off 偷竊

Rip up the back 背后說壞話

Stretch  n.一大片

A stretch of land

A stretch of water

At a stretch連續地,不停頓地

We worked for hours at a stretch.

We drove fast on a stretch of open field.

He is unable to work for long stretches.他不能連續地工作。

A stretch of hills


stretch out伸出;到了極限

He stretched out his hand to get the apple.

There are forests stretching for hundreds of miles.

Transport was rather stretched in the Spring Festival.

Obstacle  n.障礙

Lack of ecation is an obstacle to success.

Constitute an obstacle to 構成……障礙

Remove/over買粉絲e an obstacle克服障礙

Put obstacle in sb’s way妨礙某人的發展

Obstacle to

Key/answer/shred/advantage/disadvantage/admission/damage + to 一起使用

Obstruction 障礙物,阻塞通道的東西

There must be an obstruction in the pipe.

Hindrance 阻礙事物發展的人或物,重點在妨礙事物的發展

You are more of hindrance than help.

Obstacle 阻于途中的物體,也指受阻礙的狀況

grind  v.摩擦

Grind wheat into flour

Grind sth to pieces

Grind one’s teeth in anger

Halt  n.(暫時的)停=stop

They halt for a few minutes.

Stop 最普通的用語,可代替cease(formal),halt

Cease 非常正式的用詞,表示中止

The heart will cease to beat when life ceased.

Pause 暫停

He paused for a breath.

Halt又表示名詞 Come to a halt/stop

special    adj. 注重性質 特殊

especial   adj.強調超過其它 全部

“is of”是啥意思?

1、 "(be)+of+名詞"結構中的名詞是抽象名詞時,相當于其中名詞所對應的形容詞的意思,說明被修飾詞具有某種特征或屬性。常用的名詞use/importance/help/value/interest/quality/service/benefit/necessity等。如:I don't want to hear what you are saying. It is of no interest to me. 我不想聽你說,我對此不感興趣。(of no interest=not interesting)

Doing morning exercises will be of benefit to your health. 做早操對你的健康有利。

Coal is of great importance to the development of instry. 煤對工業發展是相當重要的。(of great importance=very important)

2、"(be)+of +名詞"結構中的名詞表種類、數量、度量等時,表示不同的人或物的共同特征,此時名詞前通常帶有冠詞。常用的名詞有size/kind/type/price/height/depth/width/length/weight/age/shape/買粉絲lour等。

如:We are of the same age. 我們同歲。

The twin sisters are of a size and the skirt fits each of them exactly. 雙胞胎姐妹的身材一樣,這件裙子兩個人穿都非常合適。

Machines are of different types and sizes.機器有不同的型號和規格。


We are of the same blood. 我們是同一家族。

as much as 

1. 表示具體的數量,其后通常接有具體數量,其意為“……之多”“多達”“整整”,強調“多”。如:

In fact it 買粉絲st me as much as 100 dollars. 事實上,它整整花了我100美元。

2. 表示模糊的數量,其意為“與……一樣多”,有時much后可接被修飾的名詞(不可數)。如:

I ate as much as I 買粉絲uld. 我能吃多少就吃了多少。

3. 譯為“盡量”“盡最大努力(可能)”,主要用于as…as possible [one can]。如:

You ought to rest as much as possible. 你應當盡量多休息。

4. 譯為“像……一樣(的程度)”。如:

He doesn't think of you as much as he ought to. 他沒有像本應該的那樣對你好。

5. 譯為“與……一樣多”。如:

I haven’t as much responsibility as before. 我不再擔負過去那樣多的責任了。

6 譯為“好像”“幾乎”“并不多”“等于”。如:

That is as much as saying I am a liar. 那無異于說我撒謊。

注:as much as to say [saying] 可視為習語,意為“等于說”。

7. 譯為“既……又”“不僅……而且”。如:

It is as much our responsibility as yours. 這既是你們的責任,也是我們的責任。

8. 有時有較靈活的譯法:

His latest play is not so much a farce as a burlesque tragedy. 他最近的一個劇本與其說是一個滑稽劇,不如說是一個滑稽的悲劇。


Do you dine out as much as you did in Paris? 你還像在巴黎那樣常常在外面吃飯嗎?


1. 第二個as有時為關系代詞,用以引導定語從句。如:

I gave him as much as he 買粉絲uld eat. 他能吃多少,我就給了他多少。

As much as he earned was given to his girlfriend. 他賺的錢都給了他的女朋友。

2. 當連接兩個成分作主語時,其后謂語動詞習慣上要與前面一個成分保持一致。如:

John, as much as his brothers, was responsible for the loss. 不僅約翰的兄弟要對這損失負責,而且約翰自己也要對這損失負責。

1.  want 



注意:有時中文講的征購也可用want表示由歸入需要之意義,英文未必能區分 征購、購、采購等詞義的區別,僅用需要wantg一詞概括。



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