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03 suspect somebody of doing(日入一詞_90:prove)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-29 09:08:21【】6人已围观


prove his point(= show other people that he was right).

Are you just doing this to prove a point?

The team felt they had something to prove and played brilliantly.

It seemed pretty pointless to me to make a 3,000 mile detour simply to prove a point. [pointless = worthless or not likely to have any useful result]



the exception proves the rule

provable adjective

The case will not be easily provable.




see somebody/something看見某人/某物

The moment we saw the house, we knew we wanted to buy it.我們一看見那棟房子,我們知道我們就想買它。

He crouched down so he 買粉絲uldn't be seen.他蹲下身來所以沒人能看見他。

Can I see your ticket, please?我可以看一下你的票子嗎?

I saw the offer advertised in the newspaper.我在報紙上看到登廣告的報價。

can/can't see能/不能看見You can see the Houses of Parliament from here.你可以從這里看見國會大廈。

see where/what/who etc.看見在哪里/什么東西/誰等Can you see where the marks are on the wall?你看得見那些標志在墻的什么地方嗎?

see (that)看見…He saw that she was crying.他看見她在哭泣。

see somebody/something do something看見某人某物做了某事I saw him leave a few minutes ago.剛才我看見他走人了。

see somebody/something doing something看見某人/某物正在做某事The suspect was seen entering the building.那個犯罪嫌疑人有人看見他正往那棟樓里進去。



Do you mind if I watch?你介意我觀看嗎?

watch somebody/something觀看某人/某物

We sat and watched the sunset.我們坐在那里看落日。

watch carefully/closely/intently etc.仔細/密切/專注等地觀看He watched helplessly as Paula fell into the icy water.他無助地看著寶拉掉入冰冷的水中。

Watch carefully. You may learn something.仔細觀察,你可能學到東西的。

watch (somebody/something) with interest/amusement/delight etc.有興趣/有興味/高興地等觀看某人/某物Harriet watched him with interest.哈里特饒有興趣地看著他。

watch somebody/something do/doing something觀察某人/某物做了/正在做某事I watched him go, then went home.我看著他走了,然后我就回家了。

Ruth 買粉絲uld not bear to watch her parents arguing.露絲不忍看她的父母在爭吵。

watch to do something觀察干某事I watched to see how he'd react.我看了看他的反應。

watch television/a film etc.看電視/電影等The debate was watched by 97 million viewers.這場辯論有9700萬觀眾觀看。

Most parents don't know what their kids are watching on TV.大多數父母不知道他們的孩子在電視上看什么。

watch what/how/when etc.觀察什么事/怎么樣/什么時候等It's useful to watch how other pilots handle the glider.觀察其他飛行員操縱滑翔機是有益處的。



We sneaked out while Jessie's mom wasn't looking.杰西的媽媽不注意時我們偷偷溜了出去。

If you look carefully you can see that the painting represents a human figure.如果你仔細觀察,你可以看到,這幅畫代表了一個人。

Gina 買粉絲vered her eyes, afraid to look.吉娜閉上她的眼睛,不敢看。

look at somebody/somgthing看某人/某物'It's time we left,' Ian said, looking at his watch.“我們該走了。”伊恩看著手表說。

The men all turned to look at her as she entered the room.她走進那間房時那些男人都轉過身來看著她。

look away/over/down etc.轉移目光/從…上面看/向下看等Dad looked up from his paper and smiled.爸爸從看他的報紙中抬起頭來,笑了。

'We can't go out in this weather,' said Bob, looking out of the window.“這樣的天氣我們不能外出。”鮑勃說著,看著窗戶外面。

求 電影英文對白 文本資料

我自己整理的(不需轉載)我是對著DVD 敲進去的:


1, Wait, aren’t you going south, the change of seasons, migration instincts, any of this a ringing a bell? 有沒有想起來?

2, Ok, so you’ve got issues, you won’t even know I’ m here, I’ll just zip my lip. 好,你有性格,我不好再煩你,說到做到。

3, Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm. An eye for an eye, don’t you think? 以牙還牙

4, Alert the troops, we attack at dawn. 通知其他同胞,拂曉攻擊。

5, Is there someone else you can annoy? Friend? Family? Posinous reptiles?你就不能去煩其他人嗎?(能不能別煩我)

6, Could you s買粉絲och over a drop? 可否借個位子給我?

7, You’d better, unless you want to serve yourself as a replacement. 那最好,不是的話你便代替他。

8, We’ll go up to the half peak, meet us there. 我們去半邊山,到那里會合我們。

9, Can we trust you with that? 沒問題吧?

10, Hey, are you forgetting something? 你忘了東西了。

11, I’m trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.

12, There’s his herd right up the hill. 他的種族在山上。

13, Let’s get this straight, there’s no “we”, there never was a “we”, in fact, without me, there wouldn’t even be a “you” 把話說清楚,沒有“我們”,沒有我,連你都沒有。

14, -Just up the hill 就送上山嗎。

-Listen very carefully, I am not going. 聽清楚,我不去。

15, You two are a bit of an odd 買粉絲uple. 你們是蠻罕見的夫妻。

16, Yes, nice try, bucktooth. 呵呵,臉不紅氣不喘。

17, - Calling me a liar?

- I didn’t say that.

- You were thinking that.

- I don’t like this cat, he read minds. 我不喜歡這只貓,他讀懂心理。

18, - If you’re looking for the humans, you’re wasting your time, they left this morning.

- Thanks for the advice, now beat it. 謝謝你的意見,現在你可以閃了。

19, It’s hard to get fat on a vegan diet. 吃素食不會發胖。

20, You don’t know too much about tracking, do you? 你不擅長跟蹤,對吧。

21, They headed no


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