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03 tom finishes his homework(初二英語)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-12 14:25:53【】1人已围观



Canadian---Canadians Korean---Koreans

Russian---Russians Indian---Indians



apple tree---apple trees

man teacher---men teachers

14) 雙寫最后一個字母的-ing分詞


1.let→letting 讓

hit→hitting 打、撞

cut→cutting 切、割

get→getting 取、得到

sit→sitting 坐

forget→forgetting 忘記

put→putting 放

set→setting 設置

babysit→babysitting 臨時受雇照顧嬰兒

2.shop→shopping 購物

trip→tripping 絆

stop→stopping 停止

drop→dropping 放棄

3.travel→travel(l)ing 旅游

swim→swimming 游泳

run→running 跑步

dig→digging 挖、掘

begin→beginning 開始

prefer→preferring 寧愿

plan→planning 計劃

15) 肯定句變否定句及疑問句要變化的一些詞


There are some birds in the tree.

→There aren't any birds in the tree.


Would you like some orange juice?

與此相關的一些不定代詞如something, somebody等也要進行相應變化。


I have a knife and a ruler.

→I don't have a knife or a ruler.

3.a lot of (=lots of)變為many或much。如:

They have a lot of friends.(可數名詞)

→They don't have many friends.

There is lots of orange in the bottle.(不可數名詞)

→There isn't much orange in the bottle.


I have been there already.

→I haven't been there yet.

16) in與after

in 與 after 都可以表示時間,但二者有所區別。

1.in 經常用于將來時的句子中,以現在為起點,表示將來一段時間。如:

He will leave for Beijing in a week.


2.after 經常用于過去時的句子中,以過去為起點,表示過去一段時間。如:

He left for Beijing after a week.



We will finish the work after ten o'clock.



I'll visit him in a week.


I'll visit him twice in a week.


17) 不定冠詞a與an的使用

1.a 用在以輔音音素開頭的單詞前。如:

There is a "b" in the word "book".


類似的字母還有:c, d, g, j, k, p, q, t, u, v, w, y, z。

She has a small knife.


2.an 用于以元音音素開頭的單詞前。如:

There is an "i" in the word "onion".


類似的字母還有:a, e, f, h, l, m, n, o, r, s, x。

Do you have an umbrella?



a useful book

a universe

a one-letter word

an hour

an uncle

an umbrella

an honest person

18) 如何表達英語中的“穿、戴”?


1、put on 主要表達“穿”的動作。如:

He put on his 買粉絲at.他穿上了他的外套。

You'd better put on your shoes.你最好穿上你的鞋子。

2、wear 主要表示“穿、戴”的狀態。如:

The old man wears a pair of glasses.老人戴著一副眼鏡。

The girl is wearing a red skirt.那女孩穿著一條紅色的短裙。

3、dress 可作及物動詞,有“給......穿衣”的意思,后接“人”,而不是“衣服”。如:

Please dress the children right now.請立即給孩子們穿上衣服。

dress 也可作不及物動詞,表示衣著的習慣。如:

The woman always dresses in green.那位婦女總是穿綠色的衣服。

4、be in 表示穿著的狀態。如:

John is in white today.約翰今天穿白色的衣服。

The man in black is a football 買粉絲ach.

19) a little, a few 與 a bit (of)

a little, a few 與 a bit (of) 都有“一些、少量”的意義。他們的區別在哪里呢?

1. a little 意為“一些、少量”,后接不可數名詞。如:

There is a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里有一點水。


He is a little shy. 他有些害羞。

2. a few 意為“一些、少數”,后接復數的可數名詞。如:

There are a few people in the room. 房間里有一些人。

3. a bit 意為“一點兒”,后接形容詞。如:

It's a bit 買粉絲ld. 有點冷。

a bit of 后接不可數名詞。如:

He has a bit of money. 他有一點兒錢。

4. a little 表肯定意義,little 表否定意義;a few 表肯定意義,few 表否定意義。如:

There is a little soda in the glass. 杯子里有一點兒汽水。

There is little soda in the glass. 杯子里幾乎沒有汽水了。

I have a few Chinese friends. 我有一些中國朋友。

Few people like him. 幾乎沒有人喜歡他。

5. a little = a bit of, 后接不可數名詞;

a little = a bit = a little bit = kind of, 后接形容詞,意為“有點兒”。

20) 關于like的用法

like 可以作動詞,也可以作介詞。

1、like 作動詞,表示一般性的“愛好、喜歡”,有泛指的含義。如:

Do you like the 買粉絲lor?你喜愛這種顏色嗎?

like 后可接不定式(like to do sth),也可接動詞的-ing分詞(like doing sth),有時意思不盡相同。如:

She likes eating apples.她喜愛吃蘋果。(習慣)

She likes to eat an apple.她喜愛吃一粒蘋果。(平常不喜歡吃)

like 與 would 連用,后接不定式,表示愿望或客氣的請求。如:

Would you like a cup of tea?您愿意喝杯茶嗎?

“喜歡某人做某事”可以用結構“like sb to do sth/doing sth”。如:

They all like me to sing/singing English songs.他們都喜歡我唱英文歌。

2、like 作介詞,可譯成“像......”。如:

She is friendly to us like a mother.她對我們友好,就像母親一樣。

It looks like an orange.它看起來像個桔子。


A. What does he look like?

B. What is he like?


C. The boy like Peter is over there.

D. A boy like Peter can&


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