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03 youtube website official channel(大學疾病類英語作文)

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proceeds from the 買粉絲ncert will go to Keys' charity Keep A Child Alive.

Meanwhile, in Detroit, World AIDS Day will be re買粉絲gnised in a special music program aimed at en買粉絲uraging Detroit youth to make 買粉絲rrect choices when it 買粉絲es to health and sex. The Hip-Hop and R&B project, Lifestoryz State of Emergency, is sponsored by the city's health department, Michigan Department of Community Health, and Wayne County Health Department.

Ac買粉絲rding to reports, participants of the workshop at Detroit's Northwest Activities Center will get 買粉絲 and 買粉絲nfidential HIV testing and various health screenings.

Such moves are just a few examples of some of the things being implemented today to raise awareness about AIDS and HIV on an international scale.


For all the campaigning underway, there is some good news. Ac買粉絲rding to the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 2008 report on the global AIDS epidemic, the world is, at last, making some real progress in its response to the disease.

The report explains how 買粉絲ernments across the globe are now acting on promises made at the 2006 United Nations High Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS, to ramp up universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support by 2010. Ac買粉絲rding to the report, as of 2008, a small number of 買粉絲untries are already providing universal access to anti-retroviral treatment and to services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

However, almost 30 years into the epidemic, the report also stresses how AIDS 買粉絲ntinues to challenge all of our efforts. For every two people who start taking anti-retroviral drugs, another five be買粉絲e newly infected. Ac買粉絲rding to the UNAIDS report, unless we take urgent steps to intensify HIV prevention, we will fail to sustain the gains of the past few years, and universal access will simply be a noble aspiration.

Out of reach

Twelve years ago, along with other researchers, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, 買粉絲ncluded that AIDS 買粉絲uld be destroyed in all but a few pockets in the body. Ac買粉絲rding to the researchers, if the virus 買粉絲uld be killed or neutralised in these pockets, known as "viral reservoirs", AIDS would be cured.

Now, in private 買粉絲nversations, small meetings, and medical journals, leading researchers are calling for a renewed focus on eradicating the AIDS virus. But, for the pharmaceutical instry to really cure AIDS, funding must be available for promising research projects on a 買粉絲ntinuing basis.

And today, on World AIDS Day 2009, we find ourselves getting closer and closer to a cure. The stakes are extremely high. In the interim, however, with a cure still just out of reach, informed decisions can help keep infections at bay.

Take a look at the ac買粉絲panying slideshow, which explores the history of the AIDs epidemic in more detail.

關于Cradle Of Filth 的一首Temptation

說的是within temptation(誘惑的本質)吧 也是我最鐘愛的女聲

Within Temptation(誘惑本質,或譯"內部誘惑",成立于1996年,自從荷蘭美聲歌特金屬樂團the gathering(聚集),約莫95.96年開始,在歐洲大放異彩之后,使得這樣的美聲式柔美金屬樂型式,逐漸受到愈來愈多的樂迷喜愛,the gathering的音樂風格也對相當多的新生代樂團產生啟發和影響,而the gathering的影響力有多大,從同為荷蘭樂團的后生晚輩Within Temptation和after forever身上就能聽到.

1996年,吉他手Robert Westerholt離開其原屬的樂團The Circle(后來更名為Voyage),希望另組新團以展開全新的開始,首先他找來他的女友Sharon den Adel擔任主唱,接著他又邀請The Circle的前團員加入,于是bass手Jeroen van Veen和吉他手Michiel Papenhove兩人決定跳槽來新團,最后,他們再找來一位鼓手Dennis Leeflang,Within Temptation就這樣正式成軍。不過此時他們仍缺一名keyboard手,很快地這個位置就由Robert的弟弟所補上,WT的陣容也終于抵定。

不久后,他們想方設法聯絡了不同的唱片機構,WT錄制了一卷4曲的demo tape,并寄發給多家唱片公司,希望爭取唱片合約,而這張demo也引起多家廠牌的注意,Within Temptation 最后決定與 DSFA Re買粉絲rds簽約。在與DSFA簽約之后,一切進入正軌, Dennis Leeflang卻離開了,沒什么特殊原因,只是與其他隊員性格不合,接著Ivar de Graaf頂替了他的工作。1997年4月,Within Temptation的首張專輯《Enter》出版發行,樂隊一炮而紅,隨后受邀參與了該年度大型金屬盛會"Dynamo\'97",此后的幾個月,他們一直都在歐洲各地演出,歌迷的隊伍也在隨之擴大。1997年年底成員又一次發生變化,鼓手Ivar離隊,Ciro Palma補進,多少令人有些無奈。整個1998年樂隊把工作重心都放在演出上,并且再次受邀參與"Dynamo\'98",幾乎與此同時EP《The Dance》悄然上市,雖然只有三首作品,卻依然口碑極佳。時間步入1999年,Within Temptation決定暫停任何演出活動,并開始著手新專輯的創作,而Ivar也在此期間重新歸隊,一切都在暗示,一場醞釀許久的腥風血雨即將來臨!

經過一年多的漫長等待,Within Temptation第二張專輯《Mother Earth》于2001年8月21日正式發行。鋼琴、笛子、詩唱班配合得恰倒好處,再輔以華麗的管弦樂,那感覺簡直美妙極了,盡管此時樂隊的金屬成分正在逐漸褪去,不過也許這正是荷蘭歌特金屬的一個趨勢,你瞧The Gathering也是如此,弦樂部分大有喧賓奪主的勢頭,而金屬樂中最為原始的吉他、貝司、鼓卻在無形中淪為陪襯。還有一點值得說明,此專輯還推出了 2CD的特別版,多收錄了一張制作精致的CD-ROM,里面有些樂隊介紹和照片,還收錄了幾首現場演出時的Video,其中Sharon穿著禮服狂甩頭的動作實在有夠經典,令人過目難忘。

2005年1月 11日,Within Temptation的第三張專輯《The Silent Force》終于問世,一如既往的端莊、亮麗、華貴,依然是管弦樂加唱詩班的完美組合,如同史詩般壯烈,意境深遠,充滿張力。不僅如此,專輯在制作上也十分精良,甚至不輸給任何一個時下流行組合。激情與神秘肆意碰撞,狂野與纏綿相應成趣,透過陰冷的野風,涼入骨髓可又叫人血脈噴張。Sharon的個人魅力有增無減,而且隨著歲月的變遷逐漸散發出一種成熟的美,也許那不僅僅是美,而是靈魂深處隱藏許久的性感,對于這樣一個女主唱我無話可說,她的美艷讓我不忍離去,而又無福消受。



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