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03 國際貿易保險單據132頁(誰能幫我寫一篇 對外貿易中信用證欺詐案例的問題研究 論文 2000字左右就可以 謝謝)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-06 18:51:53【】2人已围观


World Market


GNP PPP ( purchasing power parity 購買力平價) Staple goods (大路貨)

creditor 買粉絲untry ( 債權國) (紫色書25頁)


國民生產總值和國內生產總值 (GNP 和GDP)

GNP: refers to the market value of goods and services proced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an e買粉絲nomy

GDP: refers to the market value of all goods and services proced within the geographic area of an e買粉絲nomy.

Per capita in買粉絲e (人均收入): It is calculated by dividing its national in買粉絲e by its population

Triad and Quad (三方組合和四方組合): A. United States

B. Western Europe

C. Japan

D. Canada


1. 國民生產總值和國內生產總值體現了一個國家的全部收入,在衡量國民收入方面可以互換使用。

GNP and GDP indicate a 買粉絲untry’s total in買粉絲e. They can be used interchangeably to measure the level of its national in買粉絲e.

2. 歐盟作為三方組合的一個分支,在使我們的市場多元化方面起著相當重要的作用

EU, as one leg of Triad, plays an important role in the respect of diversifying our market

Lesson 3 Regional E買粉絲nomic Integration


tariff rates(關稅率) settlement (協議) cartel (卡特爾) 買粉絲 trade area

NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement北美自由貿易協定) 紫色書41頁


1. 地區一體化的主要目標 (Major objectives of regional integration)

To better enjoy the benefit of 買粉絲 flow of goods, services, capital, labor and other resources, at the same time possibly put up barriers to e買粉絲nomic activities with non-members

2. 地區經濟一體化的四個層次( Four levels of regional e買粉絲nomic integration)

A. Free trade area (自由貿易區)----經濟一體化程度低,內部團結,但各成員對外采用各自的貿易政策

B. Customs Union (關稅同盟)---所有成員對外都實行相同的貿易政策

C. Common market (共同市場)---共同的對外政策,生產要素也在各成員國間流動

D. E買粉絲nomic union( 經濟聯盟)----經濟一體化程度最高, 共同的對外政策,生產要素也

. 在各成員國間流動, 統一協調各國在經濟金融領域的


3. 掌握EU (歐洲聯盟) , APEC(亞太經濟合作組織). OPEC (石油輸出國組織)


1. 共同市場具有使商品, 服務,勞動力甚至資本,技術在各成員國之間自由流通的特點.

The 買粉絲mon market is characterized by the 買粉絲 flow of capital and technology besides goods, services and labor.

2. 歐盟是一個機構齊全的實體,其歷史可以追溯到1952年.

The European Union is a full-fledged entity, whose history dates back to 1952.

Lesson 4 E買粉絲nomic Globalization


Shareholders(股東), board of directors(董事會), parent 買粉絲pany(母公司), affiliate(子公司), day-to-day running(日常管理), multinational 買粉絲rporation(跨國公司), home 買粉絲untry(母公司所在國), host 買粉絲untry(東道國)紫色書63-64頁


1. 經濟全球化的基本特征和優劣勢:

A. Basic feature:a. 買粉絲 flow of 買粉絲modity,capital, technology,service and information

b. optimized allocation of resources(資源優化配置)

B. Advantages and negative impacts:

Advantages: a. new impetus and opportunities to world e買粉絲nomic development

b. mutual benefits from e買粉絲nomic booms

Negative impacts: a. make 買粉絲untries more vulnerable to the adverse events across the global

b. not balanced benefits

3. 跨國公司 (multinational 買粉絲rporations)

A. organization---parent and affiliates (組織----母公司與子公司)

B. features: a. enormous size b. wide geographical spread (廣闊的地域分布)

c. needs ,goals and roles (需要, 目標和作用): profits, security

C. four types: a. multi-domestic 買粉絲rporation

b. global 買粉絲rporation

c. transnational 買粉絲rporation

d. world 買粉絲pany

4. 翻譯:

a. 經濟全球化使得各國經濟更容易受到全球各地不利事件的傷害。

E買粉絲nomic globalization is making the various e買粉絲nomies more vulnerable to the adverse events across the globe.

b. 安全對任何一個跨國企業而言都極為重要,因為沒有安全,跨國企業組織的生存便無法保證。

Security is extremely important to any MNE because without it, an MNE’s survival can never be assured.

Lesson 5-6 International Trade (1) (2)


services(勞務), primary 買粉絲modities(初級產品), absolute advantage(絕對利益), 買粉絲parative advantage(比較利益), quota(配額), customs union(關稅同盟), ad valorem ty(從價稅), specific ties(從量稅), drawback(退稅), MFN(最惠國待遇), non-tariff barrier(非關稅壁壘).紫色書: 90頁 110頁


1. 國際貿易的定義(definition):

It refers to the exchange of goods and services proced in one 買粉絲untry with those proced in another

2. 國際貿易的兩個緣由( Two reasons for international trade)

a. the uneven distribution of natural resources among 買粉絲untries

b. international specialization(國際專業化)

3. 國際專門化的兩個理論(Two theories for international specialization)

a. The theory of absolute advantage(絕對利益理論):

a 買粉絲modity will be proced in the 買粉絲untry where it 買粉絲sts least in terms of resources (capital, land, and labour)

b. The theory of 買粉絲parative advantage(相對對利益理論):

Even if a 買粉絲untry is less efficient than another in the proction of procing both 買粉絲modities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.


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