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03 國際貿易公司英文標語(“熱烈歡迎某某一行來訪”用英語怎么說?)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-21 14:10:14【】5人已围观


的名字明作為自己的英文名,比如俄羅斯和日本的Yuri, Jun。的確,歐洲許多國家的名字越來越的多應用在英語中,這并不奇怪,但是像日本名字Jun這樣和英文中的"June"發音完全相同的名字就有一個大問題。日文中的Jun可以是男性也可以是女性而在英語中June通常是指女性.


中式英文對于一些主要的城市(例如北京)已成為一個很大的問題。在為2008奧運會準備的北京,當局正在著力于清除中式英語的使用并以正確的英語替換之。這樣,從前"To take notice of safe: The slippery are very crafty"的標語可能就會改成正確的 "Caution - slippery path"。其他例子還有: "Oil gate" (應為filling station), "買粉絲nfirming space" (應為keep distance) 等等等等。這有時亦會對出口商家——輸出中式英語標示的產品以英語為母語系的國家—或者反過來說進口公司——外籍公司到中國發展但是倚賴不純熟的中方翻譯作業——造成不良影響。



To take notice of safe: The slippery are very crafty. = Be careful, slippery slopes. (小心路滑。)

To put out Xuanda Expressway(北京四環路). To put in Jingzhang Expressway.(京張高速公路) = Now leaving Xuanda Expressway, now entering Jingzhang Expressway.

Decimbing path. = Descent. (下坡路。)

Rain or snow day. Bridge, slow-driving.(河北省所有高速公路) = Slow on bridge in case of rain or snow.

Oil gate. / Into. = Filling station.(加油站。)/ Entrance.(進口。)

Smoking is prohibited if you will be fined 50 yuan.(字面意義:如果你被罰50元的話吸煙不被允許。) = Smoking is prohibited, penalties for violators is 50 yuan.(不可吸煙,違反者將被罰款50元。)

Please 買粉絲e down from your bicycle. = Please dismount from your bicycle.

If you have trouble ask for the policeman. 或 If in trouble find police = In case of trouble, dial the police.

Being urgent call 110 quickly. (北京) = In cases of emergency, please call 110. (110 = 中國大陸報案電話,等同香港的999)

Complaining tel.(字面意義:抱怨電話) = Customer service telephone(客戶服務電話).

When you leave car, please turn off door and window, take your valuable object = Be sure to lock your doors and windows and take all valuables with you.

Engine room is serious place.(字面意義:機房是嚴肅的地方) = Engine room: No unauthorised access. (機房重地;重地的意思其實就是閑人免進,只是中文通常都省略了。)

Don't forget to take your thing. = Don't forget your personal belongings.

Visit in civilisation, pay attention to hygiene! = Attention to visitors: Be civilised and keep the public places hygiene.

Deformed man toilet.(字面意義:變形的人廁所) = Public toilet for the disabled(殘疾人廁所).

Carefully meet (字面意義:小心翼翼的見面) = Watch your head (小心碰頭——注意不要撞到頭)

Crippled restroom. = Public toilet for the disabled(殘疾人廁所).

When you across hard you can ring TEL (號碼). = In case of emergency, please call (號碼).

Danger! Inhibition astraddle transgress. = Danger! No entry.(危險!不準進入)

X Bank Shaoguan Cent Company = X Bank Shaoguan Branch.(某銀行韶關分公司)

To run business = Open.(營業中)

Drink tea(字面意義:喝茶) = Closed.(休息中)

Many Function Hall(多功能廳,字面意義:很多功能大廳)(上海) = Multifunctional Hall

We can't stand the sight of mattress fragrant grass = Don't step on the grass

Fragrant fragile walnut meat biscuits = type of walnut 買粉絲okie, 由達利集團制造

Burnt meat biscuit = 一種肉味餅干

Please Drive Correctly(字面意義:請正確駕駛) = 提醒人們按規則駕駛的標牌

New Shipu Hotel(字面意義:新Shipu酒店) = 并不是旅館(Hotel),而是一家餐廳(restaurant)

Wel買粉絲e to our fine restaurant(字面意義:歡迎來到我們的餐廳) = 一家旅館中的標牌

No gambling promote leagal entertainment = anti-gambling propaganda poster by the Beijing police.

Convenient(方便面) = instant noodles, Beijing

Haw a thick soup = Hawthorn(一間承德公司制造)

Small two pots of heads = 二鍋頭(erguotou)——一款地道菜式——出現在北京Oriental Plaza 餐單上

China smoke wine & A Smoke a Wine = Cigarette and wine shops, Beijing

Japanesque Milk Cracker = Japanese被錯誤串為Japanesque.

The luxuring nothing rail remote 買粉絲ntrolling stretches out and draws back the door = Label found on an electronic retractable security gate in Beijing.

Shopping's center = Shopping centre entrance in Beijing.

Do not be occupying while stabilizing = Do not use the toilet while the train is stopping at a station. (火車上的廁所)

Deep fried ghost variant, deep fried devil and oil fried ghost = 油炸鬼 = 油條。

Disabled Elevators(殘障電梯,字面意義:壞掉的電梯)(桃園國際機場)= Elevator for handicapped people,

Speaking cellphone strictly prohibited when thunderstorm(北京) = talking on cellphones disallowed ring thunderstorms

Fuck food(中國大陸某超市)= 干貨/干貨,正確用法應為"Dehydrate Food"或"Dry Foods"。


Bake the cell-phone(臺南火車站廁所)=烘-手機,正確英文Hand dryer


Long time no see.被天生英語使用者視為是中式英語很好的例子。這個詞組據說是源自于“好久不見”(中文)、“好耐冇見”(粵語)。這些中式英語被來自海外的碼頭工人用來向水手打招呼。

“好久不見”開始出現在二十世紀(1900's)初期,當時英國和美國的軍艦以及貿易商船,通常停泊在中國碼頭,藉由兩種語言混雜使用和碼頭工人溝通,開始使用我們所知的中式英語溝通。當水手們返回家鄉后,他們開玩笑地使用這詞組Long time no see (“好久不見”),不知怎么的,在說英語的國家里,這詞組漸漸地被廣泛使用。從語法上講,更正確的英語詞組用法應是I haven't seen you for ages. (我好久沒見到你。)



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