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03 外貿英語口語大全 聽力文本(本人想學英語,有電腦可以利用。請問有什么好的網站或是軟件可以幫助學習)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-06 02:17:16【】9人已围观


e water the plants


Can I help? --Yes, pls water the plants

What a mess! 怎么這么亂呀 Look at the mess! What a pigsty!*含有臟得像個豬窩的語氣 Help me


What do you want me to do? Clean up your room


Straighten up your room

Tidy up the room

But I'm watching TV now

Help me clean up the house


We're out of dish detergent

洗滌靈用完啦 We've used up dish detergent

I'll go get more


Would you put up the clothes to dry? 你能把衣服晾上嘛? Will you help me fold up the clothes? 你能把我的衣服疊起來嗎? Please sweep the floor

掃、打掃 (把地掃掃

) Please scrub the sink

把廚房的池子洗干凈 *使勁搓洗用scrub I have to vacuum my room


Please st the shelves

撣撣柜子上的土 Please wipe the shelves

請擦一擦柜子 Please mop the floor

請拖拖地 Will you iron the shirt? 熨襯衣 (你能把襯衫熨熨嗎?) I have to iron my skirt

熨裙子 (我的裙子得熨了) Let's go grocery shopping

我們去超市買東西吧 *grocery shop雜貨店 We need more milk


The park was crowded

公園里人擠人 The park was filled with people

Can you baby-sit tonight? 今晚能幫我照看一下孩子嗎? *baby-sit“”

--Sure I can

●送禮物 This is for you


That's very nice of you


Here's something for you

I got this for you

This is your share

這是你的那份 This is your portion

/This is your part

This portion is for you

What do you want for your birthday? 過生日想要什么禮物? I want gloves

手套 Here you are! 請收下

Here you have it! ●生活習慣 I usually work out after work


I usually go to the gym after work

I usually exercise after work

I've started jogging


Since when? 什么時候開始的? I quit smoking

戒煙 *quit辭職,改變習慣 (我戒煙了

) No, thanks

I quit smoking

Good for you

你真偉大 I stopped smoking

I don't smoke anymore

不再 *anymore還 I've be買粉絲e a non-smoker

I no longer smoke

Do you dream often? 你常做夢嗎? Do you often have dreams? Do you dream a lot? I've been forgetful lately

健忘、丟三落四 (最近我總是丟三落四的) I've been forgetful these days

●理財 Here's the phone bill

When is this e? 什么時候到期? When is the rent e?房租截止到幾號? When is the paper e? When is the last day I can pay for this? How long is the pay period? When do I have to pay this by? When does this have to be finished by? It's e on the thirtieth

截止到30號 Could you give me change? 能幫我換一下零錢嗎? Can you change this? Could I have change? Do you have change for 100 yen?你有

?(能幫我換開一百日元嗎?) Can you break a one-hundred-yen bill? Can you break a hundred? I'd like to change a hundred-yen note

Here's one hundred yen

Could I have change?這是100日元,能幫我破開嗎? I need to deposit five thousand yen in my savings ac買粉絲unt

存錢 *賬戶 (我要存5000日元

) I need to put ¥5,000 into the bank

I need to withdraw ¥5,000 from my savings ac買粉絲unt


) I need to take out ¥500 from the bank

I paid out of my own pocket

自己掏腰包 I'm out of cash

我沒帶現金 I don't have much money on me now


May I borrow some money? I didn't bring very much money with me

I'm a little short of money now

I'm broke

身無分文 May I borrow ten dollars? Sorry, I'm broke

I have no money

/I'm out of money

I'm flat broke

* 強調的說法 I have a lot of money on me now


I brought a lot of money with me

I'm rich now


I have lots of cash on me

I can't afford to be lazy


I can't afford to be idle

I don't have time to be lazy

What a waste! 多浪費啊! How wasteful! He didn't pay the debt and disappeared



杰哥 新|聽力贈送禮包|ppt|盛會杰老師tpo分level練習x百度網盤免費資源在線學習 

   鏈接: 買粉絲s://pan..買粉絲/s/1xGBaCh2CSHt7-OzT0V2H7A 提取碼: tbyj  

  杰哥 新 聽力贈送禮包 ppt 盛會杰老師tpo分level練習.xlsx 不要聽寫!!!!!.mp3 【經典聽力加試】.pdf (先看)考點分析.wmv TPO24 L4分析范例.doc TPO22 L4分析示范.doc TPO1-33聽力題目文本word版.rar TPO(1-34)聽力文本全集3.0版.rar 2016年2月杰哥精聽營17期第五次課下.asf 2016年2月杰哥精聽營17期第五次課上.asf 2016年2月杰哥精聽營17期第四次課.asf 2016年2月杰哥精聽營17期第三次課.asf    






美式英語和英式英語哪種比較適合外貿和翻譯的工作 哪種比較容易學 有沒有適合的練口語和聽力的電影



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