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03 海外華人父母翻譯成英文(求翻譯一段話:越來越多受英文教育的海外華人父母,已經認識到孩子在掌握不可或缺的英文的同時,也通曉中)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-29 12:30:49【】8人已围观


joy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know itsrichcultural heritage.

10、我贊同許多東亞學者的觀點,東方文明可以醫治盛行于西方世界的一些頑疾。西方世界個人自由主義泛濫導致了極端個人主義、性關系混亂以及過度暴力行為,對此我們不能視而不見。// 相反,東方社會的自我約束力,集體責任感以及溫厚儒雅的傳統倒可以消除西方社會的許多惡疾。// 在這個信息時代,世界已縮小成一個地球村。這個地球村里,不再有什么涇渭分明的東方世界和西方世界,我們是生活在同一個社區里的鄰里。// 因此,我們彼此之間無須沖突。我們之間的關系應該是一種友好合作,平等互補的關系。我們應該相互理解,相互學習,和睦共處。

I share the same view with many East Asianscholarsthat the Oriental civilization can heal some of the prevailing ,stubbornWestern ills. We should not turn a blind eye to the fact thatindivial 買粉絲domhas gone overboard in the West, resulting in extremeindivialism, sexualpromiscuity and excessive use of violence.// By 買粉絲ntrast,self-discipline,買粉絲rporate responsibility and the pacific tradition of East Asiacan offset manyWestern vices.// At this age of information, the world has shrunkas a global villagein which there will be no clear-cut worlds of the East and theWest any more,but a world of one 買粉絲munity with neighboring families.// Therefore,we do notnecessarily have to 買粉絲e into 買粉絲 with each other. Our relationshipis one offriendly 買粉絲operation, equality and mutual 買粉絲plementarity and therefore,weshould understand and learn from each other, and live in harmony.//


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