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04 identify sth with sth造句(怎樣學好高中英語)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-28 14:46:26【】1人已围观


to do sth. 停下來做某事

struggle against 同……作斗爭

such as 例如


take away 拿走

take it easy 別著急,別緊張

take off 脫下,起飛

take one's time 從容,慢慢行動

take out 取出

take place 發生

take sb. in the arms 摟抱

take the place of 取代,代替

take up 占去,占據(時間、地位等)

talk about 談論,議論

talk of 談論,議論

the day after tomorrow 后天

the day before yesterday 前天

the more...the more... 越……就越……

the other day 前幾天,某日

think about 考慮(是否去做)

think of 想起,考慮;認為,看法

thousands of 成千上萬,幾千

throw away 扔掉

too...to 太……以至于不……

try on 試穿,試試看

try out 試驗

turn down 關小,調低

turn off 關掉(水、電、電視、收音機等)

turn on 打開(水、電視、收音機、燈、煤氣等)

turn over 翻動,犁翻(土地)

turn up 到達,來到;開大(聲音)


up and down 上下,來回

used to sth. 習慣于

used to do sth. 過去常常


wait for 等候,等待

wake up 醒來

work out 算出,解決

worry about 擔心,煩惱

wrap up 包好, 偽裝

write down 寫下,記下

write to 寫信給…

和to do 連用的固定搭配:

1. ask sb to do sth 請求某人做某事

2. be pleased /be glad to do sth.很高興做某事

3. be in +sp to do sth在某地做某事

4. can’t wait to do sth迫不及待地做某事

5. can’t afford to do sth承擔不了做某事

6. decide to do sth決定做謀事

7. do one’s best to do sth = try one’s best to do sth盡全力做某事

8. do nothing to sb/ do nothing to do sth.對……無能為力

9. deserve to do sth值得干某事

10. enough to do sth.足以做某事

11. en買粉絲urage sb to do sth.鼓勵某人做某事

12. find +it + adj. to do sth發現做某事……怎么樣。

13. forget to do sth/forget doing sth.忘記去做/忘記已做過某事

14. get ready to do sth 準備好做某事

15. go on doing sth / go on to do sth/ go on with sth繼續做某事

16. hope to do sht / hope + that + 從句.希望做某事

17. have to do sht 不得不做某事

18. improve sth to do sth 改善/提高某物來做某事

19. invite sb to do sth邀請某人做某事

20. It takes sb sometime to do sth 某人花了多少時間做某事

21. It’s +adj. to do sth做某事是……

Sth. is +adj. to do

22. It’s better to do sth做某事比較好

23. It’s time to do sth / It’s time for sth到該做某事的時候了.

24. like doing sth / like to do sth喜歡做某事

25. like sb. to do sth喜歡某人做某事

26. love to do sth愛做某事

27. learn to do sth學會做某事

28. make up one’s mind to do sth下決心做某事

29. make a list of five ways to do sth列出做某事的五種方式的清單

30. need to do sth需要做某事

31. never ( not ) too… to do sth做某事不……

32. plan to do sth計劃做某事

33. prefer to do sth rather than sth 喜歡……不喜歡

34. refuse to do sth拒絕做某事

35. remember to do sth/ remember doing sth.記得要去做/記得已做過某事

36. The best time to do sth is …做某事的最佳時間是……


1. 英語作文的技巧

At the beginning of the article, use your own words; give a brief summary to the topic you are going to talk about.You should give more information about the topic and you might have to refer to some other articles, opinions. At meantime you have to identify some key points.Further discussion should be laid out by arguments, asking questions, pares different opinions and observations. Finish off the article by giving the 買粉絲nclusion.Check grammar and spelling. The important factor of the language which is the linking word such as firstly, in the case of, however,。

2. 英語寫作文的方法是什么

1. 動筆之前,認真審題 2. 圍繞中心,擬定提綱 書面表達評分原則有四條: (1)內容要點; (2)運用詞匯和結構的數量; (3)運用語法結構和詞匯的準確性; (4)上下文的連貫性。



如果是日記,要寫清年、月、日和天氣情況;如果是書信,則要注意書信的格式,注意短文字數不要低于或超過規定的字數太多。 3. 語言通順,表達準確 (1) 避免使用漢語式英語,盡量使用自己熟悉的句型。

幾種句型可交替使用,以避免重復和呆板。 (2) 多用簡單句型,記事、寫人一般都不需要復雜的句型。


(3).注意語法、句法知識的靈活運用。 1) 語態、時態要準確無誤。

2) 主謂語要一致,主語的人稱和數要和謂語一致。 3) 注意人稱代詞的賓格形式。

4) 注意冠詞用法,例如: He is an honest student.中的an不能寫成a。 5) 注意拼寫、標點符號和大小寫,例如:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant等。

標點符號特別注意漢英的不同,例如: 漢語 英語 A. 句號 。 . B. 省略號 …… … C. 頓號 、無 (4) 描寫人物時,要生動具體,例如: 1) 外表特征:tall, short, fat, thin, strong, weak, ordinary-looking 等。

2) 服飾顏色:red, yellow, blue, white, green, brown, black 等。 3) 內心境界:glad, happy, sad, excited, anxious, interested 等。

4) 感情描寫:love, like, hate, feel, laugh, cry, *** ile, shout 等。 5) 動作描寫:e, go, get, have, take, bring, fetch 等。

(5) 上下文要連貫。上下文的連貫性也是評分的一條原則,因此同學們應把寫好的句子,根據故事情節,事情發生的先后次序(時間或空間),使用一些表示并列、遞進等過渡詞進行加工整理,使文章連貫、自然、流暢。

同學們應注意下面過渡的用法: 1) 表示并列關系的過渡詞:and, as well as, or … 2) 表示轉折關系的過渡詞:but, yet, however … 3) 表示時間關系的過渡詞:first, se買粉絲nd, third, and then, finally, after, before, after a few days, at last, at that time, later, in the past, immediately, in the meanwhile, when, while, then, after that … 4) 表示空間關系的過渡詞:near (to), far (from), in the front of, beside, behind, beyond, a


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