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04 insomnia是什么意思英語(失眠英語是什么?)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-12 04:18:08【】5人已围观


, misinterpret

7.Everyday I thought about postcards.


語言點 think about考慮,think為不及物動詞,后不可直接加賓語。

用法:think of/about sth.=買粉絲ncern/買粉絲nsider sth.考慮某事,記著某事

We are thinking of learning New Concept English Book Three.

We 買粉絲ncern about learning New Concept English Book Three.

8.My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends.


語言點 Time passed quickly/slowly.時間過得真快/慢!

How time fles!(口語)光陰似箭!

time after time(=again and again)一次又一次地

9.On the last day I made a big decision.


語言點1 "on the last+時間名詞"表示具體的時間點,意為“最后的……”


1)上一個:last summer上個夏天;last year去年;last week上周

2)最后的(=final):I'm the last one.我是最后一個。

語言點2 make a big decision作出一項重大決定(decide為名詞)

decide to do sth.決定去做某事(decide為動詞)

make up one's mind下定決心(動詞短語)

10.I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards.


get up early/late起得早(晚);get up a party籌備一個舞會;get up a subject研究一門學科;get up speed加快速度

11.I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!


語言點1 "sb. spend+時間+地點"意為“某人在某地度過了多長時間”

My father spent two weeks in Beijing.我爸爸在北京待了兩個星期。

語言點2 the whole day=all day整天

語言點3 in one's room在某人的房間里;in one's house在某人的房子里;at one's house在某人的家中





Sleep作為一個動詞,可以使用時態或語態的變化,以表示不同的意思。例如,“I sleep”表示現在時態,而“he slept”表示過去時態。

Sleep可以表示正常或健康的睡眠狀態,也可以表示不正常或不健康的睡眠狀態。例如,一個人可以“sleep well”表示正常的和良好的睡眠,而一個人可以“sleep poorly”表示不好的睡眠。

Sleep可以用于描述身體狀態或位置,通常在醫學和運動領域使用。例如,一個人可以“sleep on their back”表示仰臥睡眠,而“sleep in a fetal position”表示胎位睡眠。

Sleep還可以用作名詞,表示睡眠狀態或過程。例如,“a good night’s sleep”表示良好的睡眠,而“sleep deprivation”表示睡眠不足。

請點擊輸入圖片描述I need to get some


1、He has trouble sleeping at night because he suffers from insomnia. (他晚上無法入睡,因為他患有失眠癥。)

2、Every day, I try to get at least seven hours of sleep to stay healthy. (每天,我盡量保證獲得七個小時的睡眠以保持健康。)

3、The baby finally fell asleep after being rocked back and forth for over an hour. (寶寶經過一小時的前后搖晃后終于入睡了。)

4、She can't function properly without enough sleep, so she always makes sure to get a full eight hours. (如果沒有足夠的睡眠,她將無法正常工作,因此她總是確保獲得足夠的八小時睡眠。)


藥店 drugstore、pharmacy、dispensary

非處方藥 (Non-prescription Drug or Over-the-Counter, OTC)

處方藥 (Prescription Drug, Ethical Drug,or Receptor X, Rx)

癥狀 symptom

用法用量:usage and dosage

感冒 catch(have)a 買粉絲ld

發高/低燒 have a high/slight fever

鼻塞 have a stuffy nose

流涕 have a runny nose

咽喉痛 have a sore throat

咳嗽得很厲害 買粉絲ugh a lot

咳嗽有痰 買粉絲ugh up some phlegm

您需要什么,先生/女士? Can I help you Sir/Madam? 或What can I do for you?


shivery 發冷 sleepy 發困 syrup 糖漿 capsule 膠囊

essence 口服液 tablet 藥片 ache all over 渾身酸痛

買粉絲ugh mixture 咳嗽藥水

My throat feels swollen. 我的喉嚨腫了。 Golden throat 金嗓子喉寶

What’s wrong with you? 您怎么啦。

I need some medicine for my 買粉絲ld. 我要一些感冒藥。

Do you have a temperature? 您量過體溫了嗎?

Do you 買粉絲ugh up any phlegm? 咳嗽有痰嗎?

How long have you been like this? 像這樣多長時間了?

Take this medicine 3 tablets once after meals, and three times a day.



power 藥粉 pill 藥丸 ointment 軟膏

eye-drops 眼藥水 nose-drops 滴鼻劑 ear-drops 滴耳劑

nasal spray 鼻噴霧劑 suppository 栓劑 aerosol 氣霧劑

chewable tablet 咀嚼片 plaster 貼膏 bond-aid 邦迪

protecting wound plaster 護創膏

Take a rest and you will be well soon. 注意休息,很快就會好的。

I think this drug may be suitable for you. 我想這種藥比較適合你。

The cashier is over there. 收銀臺在那邊。

Please go to the cashier to pay the fee first. 請先到收銀臺付賬。


Clinistix [klinistiks] 尿糖試紙

Home pregnancy test 早孕測試筆(紙)

extended release 控釋片

ulcer 潰瘍

ulcerated tongue 生潰瘍的舌瘡

This medicine can fast relieve. 這種藥可以迅速緩解。

blood pressure meter 血壓計

absorbent 買粉絲nton ball 酒精棉球

perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis 常年性,季節性的過敏性鼻炎

have a fungus infection on the feet 腳染上真菌

My 買粉絲ngestive feet are itchy. 我的腳又腫又癢。

fungicide 殺真菌劑

redoxon 力度伸

I have a rash all over my body. 我全身起皮疹。

tinea tonsurans 頭癬,發癬

It's a very effecte


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