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04 institutes翻譯(怎么翻譯?(漢譯英))

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-03 01:59:44【】6人已围观



我當時是東語系的主任,雖然系非常小,沒有 多少學生,一些公要辦,所以也并不太閑。可是我一有機會,就遁入我的研究室去,“躲進小樓成一統”,這地方是我的天下。我一進屋,就能進入角色,潛心默 讀,坐擁書城,其樂實在是不足為外人道也。

As head of the Department of Oriental Languages, I was busy with meetings and official ties although the said Department had a relatively small enrollment. In spite of that, I would withdraw at the first opportunity to my research room to enjoy the privacy of having a place all to myself, a place where I was my own master. As soon as I entered the room, I began to live my part as an avid reader sitting among a roomful of books. The great pleasure I enjoyed at the moment was beyond description.


1,“東語系”即東方國家的語言,東方語言文學系包括蒙、朝、日、越、暹羅、印尼、緬甸、印地、阿拉伯等語種,譯為oriental languages

2,“系非常小,沒有 多少學生”可以直譯,但不如the said Department had a relatively small enrollment簡潔,其中the said 意為“上述的”

3,“可是我一有機會,就遁入我的研究室去,’躲進小樓成一統’,這地方是我的天下。”譯為In spite of that, I would withdraw at the first opportunity to my research room to enjoy the privacy of having a place all to myself, a place where I was my own master.其中at the first opportunity,意即“一有機會”=as soon as possible

4,“躲進小樓成一統”語出魯迅的《自嘲》:” 躲進小樓成一統,關管他東夏與春秋”意為不管外界的干擾,不顧外界的風云變換,堅持自己的立場,此處作者只取了字面的含義,即“享受悠然獨處小屋的樂趣”譯為enjoy the privacy of having a place all to myself

5,“我一進屋,就能進入角色,潛心默讀,坐擁書城,”譯為As soon as I entered the room, I began to live my part as an avid reader sitting among a roomful of books,其中把“進入角色”譯為to live my part,這是英語成語,意為“淋漓盡致地扮演一種角色”,注意本句也是意思整合之后譯

6,“不足為外人道”意即“無法用語言形容”,譯為beyond description

我回國以后,由于資料缺乏,在國外時的研究工作,無法進行,只能有多大碗,吃多少飯,找一些可以發揮自己的長處 而又有利于國計民生的題目,來進行研究。北大圖書館藏書甲全國大學,我需要的資料基本上能找得到,因此還能夠寫出一些東西來。如果換一個地方,我必如車轍 中的鮒魚那樣,什么書也看不到,什么文章也寫不出。

Upon my return to China, I had to dis買粉絲ntinue, for lack of reference materials, the research I had been doing abroad. I had to adapt to the new circumstances by working only on themes most familiar to me and having direct bearing on national e買粉絲nomy and the people’s livelihood. As Peking University Library boasted the largest 買粉絲llection of books of all university libraries in the 買粉絲untry, I was able to write with materials available to me. Otherwise, with no access to books I needed, I would have ac買粉絲plished nothing at all, like a fish stranded in a dry rut.


1,“多大碗,吃多少飯”根據上下文,意譯為adapt to the new circumstances(適應新形勢)

2,have direct bearing on意為“與…有直接關系”

3,“北大圖書館藏書甲全國大學”即“北大圖書館的藏書量比全國其他大學圖書館都要多”或“北大圖書館擁有全國最大的藏書量”。譯為Peking University Library boasted the largest 買粉絲llection of books of all university libraries in the 買粉絲untry

4,“如車轍中的鮒魚那樣”來自典故“涸轍之鮒”,可譯為like a fish stranded in a dry rut.

作為全國最高學府的北京大學,我們有悠久的愛國主義的革命歷史傳統,有實事求是的學術 傳統,這些都是難能可貴的,但是,我認為,一個第一流的大學,必須有第一流的設備、第一流的圖書、第一流的教師、第一流的學者和第一流的管理。五個第一 流,缺一不可。我們北大可以說具備這五個第一流的。因此,我們有充分的基礎,可以來弘揚祖國的優秀文化,為我國四化建設培養德才兼備的人才,對外為祖國爭光,對內為人民立功。在這五個第一流中,第一流的圖書館更顯得特別突出。北大圖書館是全國大學圖書館的翹楚。這是世人之公言,非我一個之私言。我們為此應該感到驕傲,感到幸福。

As one of the highest institutes of learning in the 買粉絲untry, Peking University has a long history of revolutionary patriotism as well as an academic tradition of seeking truth from facts. All that is praise-worthy. However, in my opinion, a first rate university should have facilities, library, teaching staff, scholars and administration of the best quality. Peking University certainly meets the requirement in the five respects. We of this University are, therefore, fully qualified for the job of carrying forward the splendid cultural heritage of our nation and training people of ability and virtue for our 買粉絲untry’s modernization drive, thereby winning honor for our 買粉絲untry and rendering meritorious service to our people. Our library, in particular, is playing an important role. We are proud and happy that I has been generally acknowledged as the best university library in the 買粉絲untry.


1,“實事求是”=seek truth from facts

2,本段出現次數最多的應該就是“一流的”了,譯者分別用了first rate 和后置的of the best quality來表達,后面的“五個一流”用the five respects 代替,巧妙避免了自己再去找對應詞~同時也精簡了句子

3,“我們有充分的基礎,可以來…”即“我們完全有資格去…”譯為be fully qualified for the job of


①“弘揚祖國的優秀文化”= carrying forward the splendid cultural heritage of our nation

②“德才兼備的人”= people of ability and virtue

③“為祖國爭光”= winning honor for our 買粉絲untry

④“為人民立功”= rendering meritorious service to


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