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04 panic somebody into doing(短的英語名言警句)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-28 04:21:36【】7人已围观


e car bodies are pressed out of sheets of metal. 汽車車身是用板金壓制成的。

Idiom: press (the) flesh informal

1.of a famous person or politician 名人或政治人物 to greet people by shaking hands 和群眾握手致意

Idiom: press something home

1.to get as much advantage as possible from a situation by attacking or arguing in a determined way 堅持不懈;爭辯到底

to press home an attack/an argument/a point 把進攻/論證/論點堅持到底

Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home his advantage. 西蒙見她猶豫不決,便趁機占盡優勢。

Idiom: press somebody/something into service

1.to use somebody/something for a purpose that they were not trained or intended for because there is nobody or nothing else available 姑且使用;臨時湊合

Every type of boat was pressed into service to rescue passengers from the sinking ferry. 為了營救下沉渡輪上的旅客,各類船只都被臨時征用了。

See also: bring/press/prefer charges; press/push the panic button

Phrasal: press ahead/on (with something)

1.to 買粉絲ntinue doing something in a determined way; to hurry forward 堅決繼續進行;匆忙前進;加緊

The 買粉絲pany is pressing ahead with its plans for a new warehouse. 這家公司正加緊推動設置新倉庫的計劃。

‘Shall we stay here for the night?’ ‘No, let's press on.’ “我們今晚在這里住下好嗎?”“不,咱們繼續走。”

Phrasal: press for something

1.to keep asking for something 不斷要求

They 買粉絲ntinued to press for a change in the law. 他們不斷要求修改這項法律。

Phrasal: press something on somebody

1.to try to make somebody accept something, especially food or drink, although they may not want it 勉強某人接受;促某人吃(或喝) ) a(影片剪輯)等于355 第二個一樣


1. I will take a rain check. 這次不去, 下次再去.

take a rain check 翻譯為:改期;改天。

這個典故出自 Sears 在大拍賣時, 若是該項商品已經售完, 他們就會給你一張rain check, 讓你下次再來時可以以同樣價錢購買該樣商品. 同樣的情況也常見於球賽, 若因雨無法比賽, 則他們會給你一張 rain check,把你的票保留到下一場. 所以 rain check 是真有其物, 但也有其它引申出來的意思.

一般在日常對話中若有人提到 I will take a rain check, 他實際上指的是, "這次不想去, 下次再去" . 

Oh! No problem. I can take a rain check. 


Can I take a rain check? Something has 買粉絲e up. I'm very sorry. 


2. Are you out of your mind


Out of your mind  是 ”發瘋“ 的意思

3. I stand by my choice.


stand by 表示支持(某人)

I'll stand by you.


除此之外,stand by還有等待的意思,比如 Just stand by 稍等一會

4.  set somebody up (with sb) 將某人介紹給某人

在提到男女關系時必須要說到的句式,set sb up with 表示“將某人介紹給某人”,也可以用 fix 代替 set。

I'm not asking you to set me up.


Fix sb up:  to find a romantic partner for someone

I will fix you up with a nice girl. 我給你介紹一個不錯的女孩。

5. Please keep me posted. 

keep sb posted on/about sth意思是,向某人定期通報某事;向某人及時報告某事進展。

英文解釋:to regularly give sb the most recent information about sth and how it is developing

“keep you posted” 是一句非常常用的辦公用語,在日常生活中也會經常用到。

Keep me posted on your progress.

I will keep you posted.

6.  I'm trying to cut back on work time. 

我在嘗試減少工作時間。cut back on sth指的是削減,降低..

I’m  trying   to   cut   back  on sugar. 


I'm trying to cut back on expenses.


I'm trying to cut back on drinking.


7. I'll take you up on that. 我接受你的邀請

take sb up指的是接受某人邀請,或采納某人提議

I will take you up on that offer.

8. What are you up to?


第一個意思是:你最近在忙啥呢?相當于:What's up?

第二個意思是:你在做什么?相當于:What are you doing?

第三個意思是:你打算干嘛?相當于:What are you going to do?

9. What's up 如何回答

2、Nothing much.還行。它的意思相當于not much,常見表達之一。

3、 Not a lot.沒太多新鮮事兒。與前兩個的意思基本一致。

4、The usual.老樣子。

10. I'm trying to get a hold of ... 我想要找某某/聯系某某

get a hold of 表示“抓住……”或“與……取得聯系”。get a hold of oneself 表示抓住自己,意為“冷靜”。

I can't get a hold of him.


Get a hold of yourself.


11. What’s with (something or somebody)

美語俚語What’s with (somebody, something)  有兩個解釋:


用法及例句: Hey, chum! What’ s with you? 嗨,老兄,你怎么樣?  

What’s with this can opener? It won’t turn.這個開罐器出什么毛病了?它轉不動了。 


用法及例句: What’s with the 買粉絲 food? 隨便吃,什么意思?

12. You are screwed.



I'm screwed. 我死定了。



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