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04 the pleasure of reading原文翻譯教程(全新版大學英語(綜合教程) 課文朗讀音頻 上海外語教育出版社)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-18 03:42:56【】7人已围观


increase our knowledge, enlarge our experience,strengthen our character and do many other things which we can not do without them. Books tell us what is good and what is evil. And only books can tell the good from the bad. Therefore to read more books is the best policy for our young students.


4. 英語作文讀書

The Benefits of Reading

I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the

world affairs without going out. Se買粉絲ndly, reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills. Before you learn to write, you must know how others

write. Thirdly, reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon, which is important to job hunting in the future. Finally, reading helps us bee self-

cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life. Therefore, start to reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the

great charm and benefits of reading.

5. 關于讀好書多讀書的英語作文

it's generally 買粉絲nsidered that reading do a lot of benefit to our students.not only can it make our after-school life more meaningful and 買粉絲rlourful,but it can expand our horizons.as a result,with reading more,we would grow into a better person. however, in current days,many of us spend most of the leisure time in playing games or surfing the inter,instead of reading. it's a pity to find it less and less our students are interesting in reading,or have formed a habit of reading. so,in order to revive reading,this beneficial activity,we'd better take action right now.let's read together,learn together and grow tergether! 差點漏了翻譯。

.. 大家都普遍認為讀書對我們學生有莫大的益處。讀書不僅豐富我們的課余時間,而且能拓寬我們的視野。

所以,讀書能使我們成長成為一個更優秀的人。 然而,在當下,我們中多數人都把大部分空閑時間耗費在玩游戲或者上網上,而不是用來讀書。

令人遺憾的是,我們越來越少學生對讀書感興趣,或是有讀書的習慣。 所以,為了使讀書,這種有益的活動重新流行起來,我們最好馬上行動起來。


6. 英語作文:怎樣選擇書來學習 怎么寫

Nowadays,book has bee indispensable in our lives things.The method of reading the book that people have different views on.

On the one hand,S *** e people think that reading should be a selective reading of it.They select books that they are interested in.The reason is that only select their own favorite way to attract interest in reading the book .What's more,they think the books , both good and bad.Only select their own books that is useful.

On the other hand,some people think we need to read,-well,only this we can know more.Read the book allows us to better understand the world.Sure,this is also to increase our knowledge and broaden our horizons.

In my opinion, I think it should be read selectively.My reasons have a choice of reading in order to improve our efficiency.Some books are not suitable for us.We need to choose the books, they can better help us to study and work there.So,we need to be a selective reading of it.





7. 英語作文怎么寫

英語作文(書面表達)是英語綜合能力的集中體現,是詞匯語法閱讀遣詞造句篇章結構邏輯思維等的綜合考查.一般有經驗的老師只要看一下一個人寫幾句英語,就能大致判斷其英語水平.要想 真正提高英語書面表達能力,非在詞匯慣用法搭配和基本語法上下苦功夫.同時通過閱讀來積累素材.從漢語作文就可知英語作文有多難.也可得到啟示該怎么訓練.小學到初中在到高中10 多年,有多少學生能夠寫出象樣的漢語作文?

英語作文怎么寫?好在知要求根據某個 情景話題寫10 多句話,120詞左右,同常要看懂提示,認真審題,1).審文體,要求 寫成什么文體?如何開頭結尾?是書信?是看圖作文?還是根據圖表寫議論文?各種文體 有大致固定的結構.

2))審要點,特別是動詞用哪個?評分 時,是按要點是否全部涉及,表達是否清楚來定 檔次的.

要點確定后,重要的是用好 動詞,可以在原文旁邊或圖上標出擬用的動詞,最好一步到位,將時態 也帶進去,確定全文基本時態 是現在時 還是過去時?直接將該詞的形式表出來,省略打 草稿的步驟;


4),加 必要的連詞,是全文連貫和文理通順,有的句子前后再 調整合并,寫成從句或使用非謂語等其他手段.

5).通讀全文,檢查是否有錯.改正拼寫和標點錯誤.寫作文 是一個復雜 的思維過程.一篇 號作文需 反復修改,和進行周密的思維活動,沒有必要的詞匯,素材積累是無從下手的,多讀范文,多練習,才有望 提高,正如游泳騎車等技能只有通過不斷練習游 和騎 ,而不是純理論能奏效的.




了解英語寫作格式 還有,要了解英語寫作的不同體裁與格式。可以先看一本介紹英語寫作入門的書,對英語寫作有一個初步的概念,如怎么寫議論文,如何提出論據,如何展開,如何確定中心句;又如,英語信的格式,如何根據不同身份寫不同結束語等,然后根據不同的體裁進行寫作練習。




8. 英語作文怎么寫




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