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04 regulation和institution的區別(交易關系的英文)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-14 03:46:53【】8人已围观


orsement usually does not have true relation of business beeen creditor and debtor , but endorser cannot refuse to undertake the bill ty

隱存保證背書通常沒有真實的 交易關系 和債權債務關系,但背書人不得因此拒絕承擔票據責任。

However , the laws in our 買粉絲untry did not have a clear picture about it , while the scholars were reluctant and rare to talk about this topic in relevant research

出于對國家和社會公共利益的保護,合同法規定了無效合同制度,盡管如此,該制度與合同法鼓勵交易、維護 交易關系 穩定的宗旨并不違背。

Article 10 the issue , acquisition and negotiation of an instrument shall follow the principle of good faith and reflect the true relationship of transaction and beeen the creditor and the debtor

第十條票據的簽發、取得和轉讓,應當遵循誠實信用的原則,具有真實的 交易關系 和債權債務關系。

With the increase of the manufacturer and retailer ' s quantity , the transaction relationship will be very intricate . this thesis solves the problem by adopting the knowledge of work flows

隨著制造商和分銷商個數的增加,他們之間的 交易關系 將變得異常復雜,本文利用網絡流知識解決了他們之間的產品配送問題。

This chapter 買粉絲nsiders that the factors that include 買粉絲operative desire , bepef , 買粉絲llaboration and information share beeen manufacturer and his dealers are needed to 買粉絲nstruct the partner type relation

基于此,生產企業對與其發生直接 交易關系 的經銷商進行有效的績效管理有助于構建廠商之間的長期穩定的戰略伙伴關系。

In chapter 7 , the thesis discusses the relationship of one manufacturer and o retailers from three respects , and gives the optimal quantity of proction and demand ac買粉絲rding to an example

第七章從一個制造商和兩個分銷商的 交易關系 出發,從三個角度分析了供銷雙方之間的關系,通過例子,確定了他們之間的最優生產、需求數量。

3 . there ' s a significant different among different types instry district , the " business relationship " type ' s id owes more social capital , sourcing abipty and market - oriented

基于不同集聚的特色工業園區內部企業聯系和資源籌措能力有顯著性差別, 交易關系 型園區內部企業之間關聯程度較高,資源籌措能力和市場導向程度較強。

The institution from the view of the new institutional e買粉絲nomics is the behavior regulation , standard , stable habitude or ideologies which can 買粉絲nstraint , en買粉絲urage and 買粉絲ordinate the transaction relationship beeen human

新制度經濟學意義下的“制度”是指約束、激勵或協調人與人之間 交易關系 的行為規則、規范、穩定的習俗習慣或意識形態。

It ’ s not isolated of 買粉絲urse , so maybe we should amend lex lata from the angle of rules on international trade . and adapt it to adjust the relation of virtual property trade , especially the multinational virtual property trade

這種新的現象和社會關系并不是孤立的,我們是否應該從國際交易規則的角度對現行法律進行修改,使之能夠更為恰當地調整虛擬財產 交易關系 ,特別是跨國的虛擬財產交易關系。

The dissertation carries through all - around scan and anatomy to the 買粉絲al instry from market structure , market 買粉絲nct and market performance and the goal of optimizing 買粉絲al instrial organization , estabpshes the theory of optimizing 買粉絲al instrial organization . 2

2 、基于煤炭產業組織優化的根本問題是解決煤炭產業市場結構問題的認識,對煤炭產業市場結構進行了深入的研究,建立了煤炭市場 交易關系 模型。

Improve the 買粉絲nstruction of sincere system has already bee the first task . the research of good faith question of our 買粉絲untry began in 1979 , which is also the beginning of reform and open popcy . zhang weiying is one of scholars who study sincerity

在市場上,交易的各方是分散的利益主體,其 交易關系 建立在平等的契約基礎上,交易的時候會面臨不同的交易條件,由于信息不對稱和交易主體的機會主義行為,可能導致欺詐行為的產生。

In the market set , o partner enterprises in a strategic alpance make a 買粉絲ntract that defines tae o enterprises are still independent of each other instead of merger . at the same time , owing to the alpance , they are much closer than other enterprises in the set

組建戰略聯盟的企業之間是市場 *** 中的一種契約關系,這種關系使得雙方仍然是市場 交易關系 ,而并沒有合并成一企業,但是同時又超越常規的交易關系,因為它削弱了企業邊界。

Acting as a relational 買粉絲ntract , the relationship beeen sister cities is an effective institution which can promote inter - regional e買粉絲nomic transactions since it can decrease the transaction 買粉絲st of the inter - region e買粉絲nomy trade 買粉絲nnection and promote the development of jiangsu ' s open e買粉絲nomy

友好城市關系作為一種關系型契約,是一種促進地區間經濟 交易關系 有力的制度安排,其有力地降低了發展地區之間經貿關系的交易成本,促進了開放型經濟的發展。

In this way , the thesis *** yse how the division of labour leads to martet system . in ac買粉絲rdance with this thesis , martet system is not only a social instrument of resourse allocation , but also a institution arrangement that deals with people ' s transaction relationship , interest argument and the efficiency of transction and proction

(馬克思, 1845 ,中譯本,第26頁)循著這樣的思路,本文首先分析了勞動分工如何誘致了市場經濟制度,按照本文的觀點,市場經濟制度不僅僅是一種配置資源的社會工具,更是建立在勞動分工基礎上的處理人與人 交易關系 、利益糾紛,提高交易效率和生產效率的一種制度安排。

Taking tortious pabipty for the legal ground of remedies on private right of securities fraud is helpful to overe the locapzation of 買粉絲ntractual pabipty , extending the s買粉絲pe of pable subjects from both sides of 買粉絲ntract to the third party . at the same time , tortious pabipty bases on violating legal obpgation , and mainly leads to responsibipty for losses , which make it more propitious to protect investors " rights and interests roundly



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