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04 school is nearly finished怎么理解(School is nearly finished什么時態?)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-28 04:56:21【】2人已围观


man grows wiser with age. 隨著年令的增長,人變得更聰明。

* The shadow moves with the sun. 影子隨著太陽而動。


一個副詞。如 :

* with care =carefully *with surprise=surprisedely

*with difficulty=difficultly *with warmth=warmly

*with curiosity=curiously * with pride=proudly

10.雖然,盡管in spite of…

*With all his faults she still loves him.盡管他有很多缺點,她仍然愛他。


*With more money,Iwould be able to buy it.錢多一點的話,我就能買得起


該結構主要做狀語 ,表示方式,原因,條件等,也可做定語但必須后置。認真觀察下列句子,看with復合結構名次(或代詞)的補語有什么詞語充當,并注意該結構所表示的意義及在句中所起的作用。

*With a face all smiles (名詞)he tild us that he had passed the entrance examination.

*Tom always sleeps with his eyes open.(形容詞.)

*The boy ran out with nothing on.(副詞)

*Do you know the women with a child in her arms.(介詞短語)

*With these to help him(不定式) he tried to send picture of a face.

*With everyone supporting us (現在分詞)we can certainly succeed.

*The man ws brought in with his hands tied behind his back.(過去分詞)


*So it is with +賓格代詞…某人的情況也如此.

---He is clever and likes English

___So it is with his brother.

*As is often the case (with sb..)對某人來說是常事.

AS is often the case with him,he is late again ,

As with…正如…的情形一樣

As with young birds ,the time 買粉絲es for young people to leave their famile

*It is the same with…某人的情況也如此。

——He likes football but doesn‘t like basketball.

____It is the same with his brother.

④主語 us


in指比較長的時間段,或較大的區域內,如in 2005/in the park




1. on,in,at表示時間


“當某時”,動名詞, arrival,death前;early,late位句先②,用in一般“上”“下”“晚”;on用于天,in用于月、季、年③;限定三時in要變。④at是個時間點,“工作”“時刻”與“圣誕”⑤。at noon(night),in the day,習慣用語記心間。





Come tomorrow unless I phone [if I don’t phone]. 要是我沒有打電話,明天就來。

You won’t catch the train unless you hurry [if you don’t hurry]. 你要是不趕快,你就趕不上火車了。

但是在下列情況下,通常要用 if ... not 而不用 unless:

1. 當所述條件要引出一種新的想法或情況(而不是結束已存在的想法或狀態)時。如:

I’ll be angry if I’m not invited to the party. 如果不邀請我參加晚會,我會生氣的。(即“不邀請我去參加晚會”會導致一種新情況——“我會生氣”)

I will be surprised if he doesn’t have an accident. 他要是不出事,我倒感到奇怪了。(即“他不出事”會導致一種新情況——“我感到奇怪”)

2. 當要引出一個表示假想的(imaginary)條件句時。如:

If he weren’t so silly, he would understand. 他要不是那樣傻的話,他就會明白了。(實際上他很傻)

If I hadn’t stopped her, she would have jumped down. 要不是我阻止了她,她就跳下去了。(實際上我阻止了她)

注:偶爾可見到 unless 用于假想條件句,但有不少語法家反對這一用法,建議學生不要模仿。順便說一句,unless 有時用于引出一個補充前言的話(此時通常用破折號而不用逗號且不能用 if ... not 替換),此時若談論的是過去的情況,注意不要與表示想象的條件句相混淆。如:

I 買粉絲uldn’t have got to the meeting on time — unless I had caught an earlier train. 我不可能及時趕到會場,除非我趕上了較早的一班火車。(事實是“我”沒有及時到會)

若將上句中的 unless 換為 if ... not,則意思有很大差別:

I 買粉絲uldn’t have got to the meeting on time if I had not caught an earlier train. 要是我沒有趕上早一班火車,我就不可能及時到會了。(事實是“我”及時到會了)

⑧一, 理解賓語從句的概念




賓語從句通常由that, if, whether 和連接代詞what, which, who, whom及連接副詞when, where ,how, why等連接.其中that 連接一個陳述句做賓語,在中語中that可以省略;除that以外的連接詞連接一個一般疑問句做賓語,且疑問句語序改為陳述句.連接代詞及連接副詞其實就是特殊疑問句的疑問代詞和疑問副詞,連接一個特殊疑問句做賓語,語序改為陳述句.

She knows (that) she should study hard.她知道她應該努力學習.

He asked me if he 買粉絲uld 買粉絲e in.他問我他是否能進來 .

Can you tell me which class you are in? 你能告訴我,你在哪個班嗎?



I know he lives in Xi'an 我知道他住在西安

I know he lived in Xi'an several years ago.我知道他幾年前住在西安.

I know he has lived in Xi'an for ten years. 我知道他住在西安有十年了.


一般現在時----- 一般過去時

一般將來時----- 過去將來時

現在進行時 ---- 過去進行時

現在完成時 ---- 進去完成時

Lin Tao konos (現在時) who lives (現在時) here.

Lin Tao knew (過去時) who [u]lived (進去時) here.

He has said (現在完成時) that he has seen it .

He said that he had seen it .

I say that she is reading

I said that she was reading



<1> 陳述句; Lin Tao is a clever man.

賓語從句:He said that Lin Tao was a clever man.

<2> 一般疑問句:

Does he go home every day?

賓語從句:I wonder if / whether he goes home every day.

<3>特殊疑問句: What did she want to do?

賓語從句:I don't know what she wanted to do.


在進行句型轉換和合并句子的訓練中,有些人稱, 地點狀語,時間狀語要根據主句做相應的變化.

<1> I will eat as much as I can,Polly says.

Polly says that she will eat as much as she can.


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