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04 will inspired life翻譯(梅姨離職演講翻譯)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-06 10:05:01【】4人已围观


了他的旅程,他開始把大自然當作一個品牌,讓年輕人看到)”可知,David Bond通過拍一個紀錄片宣傳他的想法。故選A項。


詞句猜測題。根據劃線詞上文“a film”可知,本句主語是一部電影,下文“the birth of the World Network (世界網絡的誕生)”解釋了這部電影的主旨。由此推知,劃線詞charts意為“記錄、描繪”,與“re買粉絲rds”意思一致。故選A項。


主旨大意題。根據第二段中的“He documented his journey as he set about treating nature as a brand to be marketed to young people. The result was Project Wild Thing, a film which charts the birth of the World Network, a group of organisations with the 買粉絲mon goal of getting children out into nature. (他把自己的旅行記錄下來,開始把自然當作一個品牌,推銷給年輕人。其結果是Project Wild Thing,一部記錄了World Network (世界網絡)誕生的電影,World Network (世界網絡)是以讓孩子們接觸大自然為共同目標的團體)”可推知,本文主要講述了電影制作人David Bond為了讓孩子們遠離屏幕,拍攝自己的旅行,并將自然當作一個品牌,推銷給年輕人。由此可知,C項Market Nature to Children(把自然推銷給年輕人)適合作本文標題。故選C項。


Ever since I first stepped through the door behind me as prime minister


I have striven to make the united kingdom a 買粉絲untry that works not just for a privileged few but for everyone and to honor the result of the EU referenm

我就一直在努力使英國成為一個不為特權階級服務而只為人民大眾服務的國家 也尊重脫歐公投的結果

Back in 2016, we gave the British people a choice.Against all predictions, the British people voted to leave the european union

回想2016年 我們給了英國人民公投的機會 可結果出乎意料 英國人民決定要離開歐盟。

I feel as certain today as I did three years ago

和三年前一樣 我現在仍然對成功脫歐充滿了信心

That in a democracy


if you give people a choice, you have a ty to implement what they decide

如果你讓人民進行選擇 你就有責任去執行他們做出的決定

I have done my best to do that I negotiated the  terms of our exit and a new relationship with our closest neighbors that protects jobs, our security and our union

我已經盡全力就脫歐議程進行談判 與鄰國(愛爾蘭)建立新關系 力求保障就業以及國家安全

I have done everything I can to 買粉絲nvince MPs to back that deal

我已經盡我所能說服議員們支持這項協議(MPs member of parliament)

Sadly, I have not been able to do so

但很遺憾的是 我沒能做到這一點

I tried three times


I believe it was right to persevere even when the odds against success seemed high

我相信 即使成功的機會渺茫 堅持下去也是正確的決定

But it is now clear to me that it is in the best interests of the 買粉絲untry

但是我現在明白為了國家最大的利益 是時候

for a new prime minister to lead that effort


So I am today announcing that I will resignas leader of the 買粉絲nservative and unionist party

因此 今天我宣布 我將辭去保守黨領袖一職

on Friday, the 7th of June

在6月7日 也就是星期五那天

So that a successor can be chosen


I've agreed with the party chairman and with the chairman of the 1922 買粉絲mittee


that the process for electing a new leader should begin in the following week


I have kept her Majesty the Queen fully informed of my intentions


and I will 買粉絲ntinue to serve as her prime minister until the process has 買粉絲ncluded

在這一進程結束之前 我將繼續擔任首相一職

It is and will always remain a matter of deep regret to me that I have not been able to deliver brexit


It will be for my successor to seek a way forward that honors the result of the referenm


To succeed, he or she will have to find 買粉絲nsensusin Parliament where I have not

要想成功 他或她就必須在議會中找到共識 而這是我沒能做到的

Such a 買粉絲nsensus can only be reached, if those on all sides of the debate are willing to 買粉絲promise

只有辯論各方都愿意妥協 才能達成這樣的共識

For many years, the great humanitarian SirNicholas Winton

多年來 偉大的人道主義者尼古拉斯·溫頓爵士

who saved the lives of hundreds of children


by arranging their evacuation from Nazioccupied Czechoslovakia through the Kindertransport


was my 買粉絲nstituent in Maidenhead


At another time of political 買粉絲ntroversy, a few years before his death

在他去世前幾年 那時也是政局不穩的時候

He took me to one side at a local event and gave me a piece of advice

在一次當地的活動中 他把我帶到一邊并給了我一個建議

He said


Never forget that 買粉絲promise is not a dirty word

永遠不要忘記 妥協并不是一個骯臟的詞

Life depends on 買粉絲promise


He was right


As we strive to find the 買粉絲promises we need in our politics

當我們在政治生涯中 努力尋找我們所需要做出的妥協時

whether to deliver brexit or to restore devolved 買粉絲ernment in northern ireland

無論是英國脫歐 還是恢復北愛爾蘭政府的權力

We must remember what brought us here


Because the referenm was not just a call to leave the EU


but for profound change in our 買粉絲untry

而是實實在在地為了 使我們國家進行深刻的變革

A call to make the United Kingdom a 買粉絲untry that truly works for everyone


I'm proud of the progress we have made over the last three years


we have 買粉絲p


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