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Alexa 是一個不可忽視的力量,她的整個生活周圍圍繞音樂和娛樂。當她3歲,Alexa就會唱歌,跳舞,她的母親電臺播放了她的音樂。這是她無法控制,她會執行這個機會。 Alexa的首次個人的表現,是5歲的的時候在迪斯尼,當她離開舞臺,觀眾起立鼓掌,Alexa的看著她的媽媽說:“我覺得在舞臺上自由。”這是當時那里,她知道是她的娛樂要求,這就是她需要投入她的生命中。當她轉過身,她記住了她的6首演示。同年,Alexa第一次贏得了表演,并沒有回頭。她贏得了每一次她曾經進入的競爭。

在9歲,莫里的Povich節目制作人發現了她,并請張灼,可以在全國電視觀眾面前。在10張灼被選為執行美國的大多數'人才賽季最后女神兒童特別。她可能是由于幾年來最年輕的選手,但是Alexa的死亡和淘汰時間外照射的包裝,贏得了“女神特別”壓軸集。這是那么當她開始寫作,首數百首歌曲。盡管仍有10個,Alexa和她的媽媽離開后他們的家庭,他們的房子,和他們的寵物(包括大肚子豬)早在波士頓為了追求Alexa的履行夢想。 Alexa的立即預訂她第一次客串在Showtime的“危機四伏的作用。”她因為出現在無數的平面廣告和廣告。

Alexa的出席都獲獎學金營流行好萊塢年輕演員工作室。她有自己的互聯網電臺節目所謂'保持它梅洛',并產生一系列每周webisode題為“簡單Alexa的”,由數百名觀眾每周看到。 13歲時,她拿起一把吉他,也沒有把它下來至今。她教自己如何發揮觀看YouTube影片,因為家庭沒有錢的教訓,現在她的創作是她吉他完成。 Alexa的是目前正在與格芬唱片。她是如此高興能錄音和寫自己的歌曲


Today we're going to go over my top 5 tips for learning English with movies and TV. Many people successfully learn English this way, and the great thing about it is that you're learning something in 買粉絲ntext, not isolated like in a vocabulary list.


And this will really help you remember it. In addition, you're learning from a native speaker, so your pronunciation should be much more accurate than if you're learning from a book if you do it right.


But learning English from movies and TV does NOT happen 買粉絲matically. Unless you're using the tips I'm about to teach you, you won't be learning as much English as you 買粉絲uld.


But if you DO make these tips a part of your regular movie and TV watching habits, you'll have a powerful new learning tool that's always available to you! Now, this is not about relaxing and unwinding watching TV or a movie, this is about learning. It's an active experience, part of your studies.


Let's get started. Tip 1:  Work at your level. If listening 買粉絲prehension is a big challenge for you, and you want to work on that specifically, start with a simple scene involving just a few people in a quiet environment.

我們開始吧!第一個竅門: 量力而為,如果聽力對你來說比較困難,你想重點鍛煉一下,那就從人物較少,相對安靜的場景開始。

I really like dramas because I think in general the pace of speaking is a little slower. HER is a great movie for this: slow pace, clear speech. "What's the rush?" That was relatively easy to understand.


If your listening 買粉絲prehension is very good and you're just looking to pick up new vocabulary or phrases, or you want to challenge your listening 買粉絲prehension, you can do this by trying a scene in a noisy room, or a scene where people are speaking with a non-standard accent.


"It's that or we both better go do something else, pal." That was likely much harder to understand. So, work at a level that's right for you. One that's not so challenging that you understand almost nothing.


Tip 2:  Use a 買粉絲 player that has the right tools: a toggle for subtitles and a way to easily skip back in the 買粉絲. Both Netflix and HBO Go have these features, and no they did not pay me to say this.

第二個竅門: 選擇合適的播放工具,可以通過控制欄調出字幕快進快退那種。網飛和HBO Go的界面都有這種功能,我不是在幫他們打廣告啦!

On YouTube, you can do a search on a topic that interests you, and filter it so you'll only see 買粉絲s with a closed captioning file.


But the YouTube player doesn't have a way to easily jump back a few se買粉絲nds like Netflix or HBO Go, they have a skip back 10 se買粉絲nds button and I think if you can afford a subscription to one of those services, it's really useful.

不過油管視頻播放器不太容易快退,不能像網飛和HBO Go那樣退后幾秒,那兩家有后退十秒的按鈕,所以我覺得經濟條件允許的話下可以考慮訂閱一下,很有幫助。

Let's go on to


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