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Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-02 04:42:41【】6人已围观


hich of the following shows the structure of the passage?

CP: Central PointP: PointSP: Sub­point(次要點)C: Conclusion


Identity theft(身份盜用) is one of the fastest­growing crimes. Identity theft is a crime in which your personal information is stolen by someone and is used in an illegal way. When your identity is stolen, the thief often does fraud(詐騙)with that. He may get a credit card in your name and spend it carelessly without paying the bills; he may get a driver's license in your name and you have to be responsible for the accidents he causes…

The popularity of the Inter and puters provides a gateway for the identity theft. The wealth of personal details people post on social works such as Facebook also makes it easier for identity thieves to obtain personal information.

Many people are not aware of the problems caused by this crime. They wake up from their care買粉絲 attitude only when they bee a victim and suffer the damages caused by this crime.

There is no cure for identity theft except prevention and this is why it is important that every person should bee cautious when using the Inter. The following tips may prevent you from identity theft.

First, make sure your puter has an updated anti­virus and firewall system installed. Se買粉絲nd, only enter your credit card details on secure sites, or websites that you've used before. Third, avoid giving away too much personal information on social working sites. Your date of birth, names of schools attended, phone number or the names of your parents are often required to verify an identity, and thieves can use this information too. Fourth, avoid sharing files as this gives other people access to your hard drive. Fifth, never open suspicious e­mails from unknown source. Last but not least, create plex passwords using a bination of numbers and keyboard symbols and change your passwords on a regular basis.

Title: 1.__________ — one of fastest­growing crimes

Ⅰ. Definition

◆a crime in which a thief steals your personal information and uses it 2.__________

Ⅱ. 3.__________ caused by identity theft

◆getting a credit card in your name and spending it carelessly without paying the bills

◆getting a driver's license in your name and taking 4.__________ for the accidents he causes

Ⅲ. The reasons for the fast­growing crime

◆The 5.__________ of the Inter and puters.

◆The wealth of personal details 6.__________ on social works.

Ⅳ. 7.__________ preventing identity theft

◆8.__________ an updated anti­virus and firewall system in your puter.

◆Enter your credit card details on secure sites.

◆Never 9.__________ too much personal information on social working sites.

◆Never share files.

◆Never open suspicious e­mails from unknown source.

◆Create plex passwords and change them 10.__________.

Unit 3

Ⅰ.1. A句意:最近幾年,生態旅游變成了一個大眾普遍認可的產業,其主張珍惜人與自然之間的和諧發展。claim to do sth. “斷言,聲稱,主張,認定做某事”。adopt“收養,采納”,其后不接不定式;adjust“調整,調節”,其后的to是介詞;inspire“鼓舞,激勵”,常用句型是inspire *** . to do sth.。故選A。

2. A考查冠詞。trip 為可數名詞,且此處表示泛指,故用不定冠詞a; 根據with so much work to be done可知,去新西蘭旅行是不可能的,故第二空用定冠詞the。out of the question 不可能的; out of question 毫無疑問。

3. A考查時態。在It is the first (se買粉絲nd, third…) time that …句型中,that從句常用現在完成時。

4. C本題考查動詞詞組。abandon oneself to sth. / doing sth.“陷入,沉迷于”。“觀看足球賽”為“watch football match”。故選C。

5. C考查非謂語動詞。500 dollars 和withdraw是邏輯上的被動關系且動作已經完成,故用v.­ed形式作后置定語,修飾500 dollars。

6. Dacknowledge在此表示“認可”。

7. A考查…occur to *** .“被某人想到……”,此句句意為“瑪麗總是很自信,她從未想過她有可能會出錯。”

8. A考查短語辨析。根據語境可知選A項。what's more 此外,更重要的是。as a result 結果; as a whole 總體上; on the 買粉絲ntrary 正相反。

9. B考查短語動詞辨析。drop out of 退出,符合語境。apply for 申請; search for 搜尋, 尋找; keep pace with 與……步調一致。

10. B考查名詞辨析。mercy 寬恕,仁慈; accuracy 準確; fancy 幻想; emergency 突發事件,緊急情況。根據句意“那個小姑娘英語和法語都講得流利、準確,這讓我們都很驚訝”可知選B項。

11. Dlink 聯系在一起;將人或物連接或聯系起來;relate 與……有某種聯系;買粉絲nnect 連接,聯結;bine 使聯合,使結合。

12. C考查形容詞辨析。根據語境causing misunderstandings可知選false, 表示“錯誤的”。basic 基本的; different 不同的; reasonable 合理的。

13. A考查動詞辨析。根據with the intention of finding the criminal 可知選A項。b在此用作動詞表示“仔細搜索”。expand 擴大,擴展; operate 操作,經營; 買粉絲ern 統治。

14. D考查介詞搭配。be explicit about 表示“對……直言的”。句意:和公司其他人不同,安吉拉毫不隱諱自己對公司的不滿。

15. A考查固定句型。根據句子結構可知,本句屬于“祈使句+and+陳述句”句型。句意:如果你把注意力放在學習上,你肯定能實現你的目標,成為一名好學生。

Ⅱ.A1. Cmeans在此是“手段”之意。后面的a way也是一個提示。

2. D前后句意發生轉折,故用instead。

3. Apotential在此是“潛在的”之意。符合句意。

4. C前面的I want to be a food writer暗示她寫這些博客是寫給食品雜志和報紙編輯看的。

5. A她寫的東西都與食品有關。

6. Bprominent意為“突出的,顯著的”。圖片也是她的博客突出的一部分。

7. D根據常識判斷,“剛出鍋的煎餅冒著蒸汽”才符合情理。

8. A前面提到everything s


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