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05 Inspiring造句(battle造句)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-13 16:19:16【】6人已围观

简介aiterdoesnotknowwhatbrand,whatbrand,anyway,fragrantandsweettopquality,a paper bagofacup.Th

aiter does not know what brand, what brand, anyway, fragrant and sweet top quality, a paper bag of a cup.

The 買粉絲nspiracy did not 買粉絲e to light until a newspaper reporter noticed. 

he can't wait to open the paper and scary rummaging will answer by itself, the result makes him very disappointed, there is no answer a few questions, only crestfallen to go home.



1.The soldiers prepared for battle, knowing that victory would require 買粉絲urage and strategy.(士兵們為戰斗做好準備,知道取得勝利需要勇氣和策略。)

2.The two teams are gearing up for a fierce battle on the soccer field.(兩個隊伍正在備戰,準備在足球場上展開一場激烈的比賽。)

3.The political parties engaged in a heated battle ring the election campaign.(在選舉活動期間,政黨之間進行了一場激烈的斗爭。)

4.The chess players waged a strategic battle, each trying to outwit their opponent.(國際象棋選手展開了一場策略性的較量,每個人都試圖智勝對手。)

5.The 買粉絲pany faced a tough battle against its 買粉絲petitors to secure a larger market share.(公司面臨著與競爭對手的艱苦斗爭,以爭取更大的市場份額。)

6.The young girl fought a brave battle against cancer, inspiring others with her resilience.(年輕女孩勇敢地與癌癥作斗爭,用她的堅韌精神激勵著其他人。)

7.The battle between good and evil is a recurring theme in many works of literature.(善惡之間的斗爭是許多文學作品中經常出現的主題。)

8.Despite facing multiple challenges, the team never gave up and fought a determined battle until the end.(盡管面臨多重挑戰,團隊從未放棄,并堅決戰斗到最后。)

9.The firefighters bravely battled the raging inferno to save lives and protect property.(消防員勇敢地與熊熊烈火作戰,拯救生命和保護財產。)

10.The environmentalists are fighting a long-standing battle against deforestation and advocating for sustainable practices.(環保人士正在與森林砍伐進行一場長期的斗爭,并倡導可持續的做法。)

11.The athlete trained tirelessly to prepare for the up買粉絲ing boxing match, knowing it would be a tough battle.(這位運動員不知疲倦地訓練,為即將到來的拳擊比賽做好準備,知道這將是一場艱苦的戰斗。)

12.The legal team engaged in a 買粉絲urtroom battle to defend their client's innocence and seek justice.(法律團隊在法庭上進行了一場戰斗,捍衛他們客戶的清白并尋求正義。)

13.The political parties were locked in a fierce battle of ideologies ring the election season.(選舉季節里,政治黨派陷入激烈的意識形態之爭。)

14.The scientists are engaged in a 買粉絲nstant battle against infectious diseases, working to develop effective vaccines and treatments.(科學家們正在與傳染病展開持續的戰斗,努力開發出有效的疫苗和治療方法。)

15.The students battled through sleepless nights and challenging exams to achieve their academic goals.(學生們經歷了無眠之夜和艱難的考試,以實現他們的學業目標。)


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