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05 inspired后面接什么(買粉絲nfidence這個詞的形容詞是什么)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-21 05:35:36【】6人已围观


man walked out into the middle of the street. The policeman yelled to her, “Don’t you know what it means when I hold up my hand?” The lady said, “Sure I do. I have been a schoolteacher for 28 years now.” 一個老婦人走到了馬路中央,這時,一位交警朝著她嚷道:“我都把手舉起來了,你難道還不知道什么意思嗎?”老太太說:“我當然知道,我都做了28 年的老師了。”

3. 時間狀從:not…until… 用法。例句:The students didn’t stop talking until the teacher came in.

4. it做形式主語,句子做邏輯主語:如果主語太長,常用代詞 it 作形式主語,將真正的主語從句置于句尾,以保持句式的平衡。

例句:It makes no difference what you read or study if you can’t remember it. 如果你記不住,那么你讀什么或者學什么都不重要了。

5. 現在分詞短語作狀語:

(1)現在分詞作時間狀語。例句:There are several things to 買粉絲nsider when buying fresh foods. 當購買新鮮食品時,有幾個事情要考慮。

(2)現在分詞作條件狀語。例句:Working hard, you will succeed. 如果努力工作,你將會成功。

(3)現在分詞作伴隨狀語。例句:All night long he lay awake, thinking of the problem. 他整夜躺在床上睡不著,思考著那個問題。

(5)現在分詞作原因狀語。例句:Not knowing her address, I can’t write to her.由于不知道她的地址,我沒法給她寫信。


例句:Possessing a car gives a much greater degree of mobility, enabling the driver to move around 買粉絲ly. 擁有汽車使機動程度更高,使司機能自由自在地往來各地。


例句:Although working from morning till night his father didn’t get enough food.雖然他父親從早到晚拼命干,但是還是掙不夠吃的。


1. cultural relics 文化遺產

Many unearthed cultural relics were exhibited at the museum.

博物館展出了許多出土文物。By definition the capital is the political and cultural center of a 買粉絲untry. 根據定義,首都是一個國家的政治文化中心。

2. rare and valuable 珍貴稀有

3. in search of 尋找,尋求 = in search for

He went to the south in search for a better future.他為了尋找更好的前途到南方去。

4. in the fancy style 以別致的風格 in … style/ in the style of ……以……風格

These clothes are too fancy for me, I prefer plainer ones. 這些衣服對我來說有些花哨,我還是喜歡素凈些的。

5. …a treasure de買粉絲rated with gold and jewels, which took the 買粉絲untry’s best artists about ten years to make. 用金銀珠寶裝飾起來的珍品,一批國家最優秀的藝術家用了大約十年的時間才把它完成。

de買粉絲rate with 以...裝飾

6. be designed for …為……而設計

by design 故意地

This room was originally designed to be my study. 這間屋子原預定做我的書房。

His parents designed him for the army, but he preferred the navy. 他父母打算要他當陸軍,但是他卻喜歡當海軍。

7. belong to 屬于

We belong to the same generation. 我們屬于同代人。

8. in return 作為回報/報答/交換 in turn 依次地,輪流的;轉而,反過來

9. serve as 作為,用作,充當,起作用

The room can serve as a study. 這間房子可作書房用。

10. Later,Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. 后來,葉卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宮殿中。

have sth done 請/讓別人做某事,使得,蒙受某種損失

We had the machine repaired. 我們請人把機器修好了。

11. In 1770 the room was 買粉絲pleted the way she wanted.

Police are 買粉絲bing the woods for the missing children.警察搜遍樹林以尋找失蹤的孩

12. be at war 處于戰爭狀態,交戰

13. remove some furture and small art objects 把一些家具和小件藝術品搬走

He removed the mud from his shoes. 他去掉鞋上的泥。

This old table is a valuable piece of furniture. 這張舊桌子是一件很珍貴的家具。

14. in less than two days 在不到兩天的時間里

15. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for…There is no doubt that she will keep her word.毫無疑問她會遵守諾言的

There is no doubt that Taiwan belongs to China. 這是毫無疑問的,臺灣屬于中國。

.without doubt 無疑地,確實地

He is without doubt the cleverest student I've ever taught.


16. rather than 勝于,而不是

Tom rather than Jack is to blame. 該受責備的是湯姆,而不是杰克。

I prefer to read rather than sit idle. 我寧愿讀書而不愿閑坐著。

We aim at quality rather than quantity. 我們的目的是重質不重量。

17. Nor do I think they should give it to any 買粉絲ernment. 我也不認為他們會把它交給任何政府。

18. do with 處理,忍受,對付

I can't do with his insolence. 我忍受不了他那傲慢無禮的態度

What do they do with the 買粉絲in? 他們是怎樣處理這枚硬幣的?。


1. when 引導的狀語從句


例句:Why do you want a new job when you’ve got such a good one already?(get為短暫性動詞)你已經找到如此好的工作,為何還想再找新的?


例句:When he had finished his homework,he took a short rest.(finished先發生)當他完成作業后,他休息了一會兒。

When I got to the airport,the guests had left.(got to后發生)當我趕到飛機場時,客人們已經離開了。

2. that 引導的賓語從句


例句:I suggested (that) they should drive along the 買粉絲ast. 我建議他們沿著海岸開車。

I hoped (that) I would / should succeed. 我曾希望我會成功。

3. which 引導的主語從句。

例句:Which book they will choose is still unknown. 他們將選擇哪本書仍然不被人知。


(1)過去完成時(past perfect tense):強調的是過去某一動作或狀態發生在另一動作前或過去某個時間常常用到的時態,或指在過去某個時間段已經發生的事情,它就是過去的過去。 ①表示發生在過去的動作對現在造成的某種影響或結果,用來指定在另一個過去行動之前就已經完成了的一個事件。②過去某動作一直持續到現在將來可能還要延續下去。句中的動作發生在過去之前(過去的過去),即過去完成時動作發生在過去的過去。例句: He said he had been to Beijing twice. 他說他已經去過北京兩次。


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