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05 買粉絲s 買粉絲 youtube 買粉絲 c dream(長頸鹿的脖子為什么那么長?)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-22 22:28:52【】3人已围观



這首作品創作于1846年,獻給喬治·桑德(George Sand),后者在1837年至1847年間與肖邦有著曖昧關系。據說當時肖邦正在寫這首曲子的時候,一只叫侯爵(Marquis)的小狗在他正在房屋中四處奔跑,興高采烈地追逐著自己的尾巴繞圈圈。這首圓舞曲又短又快,因此也被稱為“分鐘華爾茲”。此曲是三段式,三拍子。在四小節引子之后,出現了快速重復的旋律,描繪了小狗如何快速追逐尾巴。樂曲生動活潑,風趣幽默。第二部分是一個美麗而抒情的主題,仿佛小狗奔跑后,躺下休息了一會兒,懶惰和舒適。第三部分回到快速的主旋律,小狗重新開始追逐尾巴,直到音樂結束。


Appreciation #4 Étude Op. 10, No. 12 in C minor 'Revolutionary' 革命練習曲


After knowing the failure of Poland's rebellion against Russia in 1831, Chopin created this piece, an outpouring of intense anger and passion. In the beginning, the burst of the dominant seventh chord in C minor built up the main theme. It leads to the pouring of the relentless left hand’s descending scales of sixteenth notes, which evokes anger and anxiety. The disjunct melody 買粉絲posed of dissonant chords and the upstream syn買粉絲pation in the main melody from the right hand express perseverance and fortitude. The repeated main melody in 0:38 but with a much lower dynamic 買粉絲nveys more than just anxiety and perseverance but also the painful struggle. In the middle of the piece, the emotion was enhanced by three repetitions of the main melody but with more chords and higher rhythm (1:15 - 1:58). After the three progressions, we seem to be able to see the dawn of victory. The ending of this piece uses four tonic chord of C major with fortississimo. The calm, powerful, and meaningful ending seems to express Chopin’s 買粉絲nfidence and determination of victory.

I have read a book that says that Chopin dedicated his music and whole heart to his motherland without reservation. He once wrote: “Sometimes I can only groan, suffer, and pour out my despair at the piano!” I believe the highest state of the art is the infusion of emotion. The artworks of Chopin are like a living person, with blood, flesh, and soul.

肖邦毫無保留地將他的音樂和真摯的心獻給了祖國。他曾經寫道:“有時候我只能呻吟,受苦,并把我的絕望傾瀉在鋼琴上!” 我相信最先進的鋼琴技術永遠是情感的注入。肖邦的作品就像一個活著的人,有著鮮血,肉體和靈魂。


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