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Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-06 03:32:55【】8人已围观


1月20日出生) 性別:男 初戀:13歲(資料來源:《BABY》歌詞:(When I was 13, I had my first love 在我十三歲那年,我迎來了我的初戀) 初吻:13歲,在學校的舞會上,和朋友為了十美元打賭時給了一個完全不認識的女生。 害怕:狹窄封閉的地方,不能活動的地方(因為小時候曾被鎖在玩具箱中,后來又有2個小時困在電梯里)——即患有幽閉恐懼癥,( 有時候被Fans圍著不能到別的地方他也很無奈)。 師傅:Usher(亞瑟小子,著名黑人R&B歌手) 日常的好朋友:Ryan Butler(One Time MV開頭和寶坐在一起) ,Chaz Somers(你會在自傳上看到他和Ryan,的合影。他們三是日常好友,Justin在采訪中經常提到他們),Christian Beadles(小鋼牙,前女友Caitlin的弟弟),Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特),Miley Cyrus(是在《Hannah Montana》中飾演Hannah Montana的女生) Selena Gomez,MIKI,Jessica Cheng(J 承),Jasmine V . 愛好:音樂 、滑板、跳舞、籃球和開車。 血統:法國.德國 特長:創作、架子鼓、跳舞、吉他、鋼琴、小號、B-box (最喜歡吉他)全美獎感言:“我說的是如果沒有邁克爾杰克遜,我就不會在這里。” 喜歡的藝人:Michael Jackson。Boyz II Men、Usher(亞瑟小子)、成龍(Jackie Chan)、Chuck Norris(查克·諾里斯)、 Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特)、Avril Lavigne(艾薇兒·拉維妮)Demi lovato(黛米.洛瓦托) 、碧昂絲·吉賽爾·諾斯(Beyonce Giselle Knowles) 最喜歡的歌曲類型:R&B、HipHop、RAP、舞曲、Teen-Pop Pop 最喜歡的顏色:藍色、紫色(更喜歡紫色) 最喜歡的食物:意大利面、中餐(是指用筷子吃的壽司)、蜂糖漿(比較愛甜食) 最喜歡的糖果:Swedish Fish(justin每次洗澡時都會吃它的,他無時無刻都隨身帶著它)sour patch kids(一款無明膠的酸甜口味軟糖。顏色很好看。~) 最喜歡的數字:6、9、13、18 最喜歡的運動:曲棍球,橄欖球,高爾夫,籃球,足球,滑板,單車,沖浪 最喜歡的節日:圣誕節、感恩節 最喜歡的歌曲:《Up》,《Never Say Never》,《Favourite Girl》《Down to Earth》《That should be me》《U smile》《Baby》 最愛做的動作:左手在右胸前做一個v手勢、兩只手拇指向下做心的動作、向右甩甩頭發,擺一些可愛姿勢,搞怪的表情。 最喜歡的果汁:橙汁 最喜歡的口味:香草,心情好也會點草莓 最喜歡的單詞:shawty,vitamin water最喜歡的眼睛顏色:棕色 最喜歡的電影:Rocky 最喜歡的電視節目:《Smallville》(但是很少看電視,經常跟朋友出去玩) 最喜歡的度假地方:巴哈馬 最喜歡的女生類型:兩個人在一起要有話講,不然即使你身材再辣也沒用,有著美好笑容的自信女孩。比起那些撕扯著喉嚨尖叫的女孩,他更注意粉絲的服裝。眼睛很迷人的女孩。頭發長而卷的女生 最喜歡的電玩:Mario Kart 最喜歡的籃球隊: Los Angeles lakers 最喜歡的曲棍球隊:Maple leafs 圈內好友:Miley Cyrus、Taylor Swift、Selena Gomez、Jonas Brothers、Jaden Smith、Usher(師父)、Sean Kingston,Demi lovato(黛米.瓦洛托) 紋身:在左腰下方有一個海鷗的家族紋身(他不喜歡別人討論他的紋身)


歌曲:Black Hole

歌手:Lindsay Lohan

專輯:A Little More Personal


I found that box of letters

Lying on the ground

The ones you used to write me before it all went down

I even got a papercut trying to figure out

What to do with all those memories

And you're not who you used to be

And I wonder where your gone

Have you fallen in a black hole?

Somewhere there's a universe of missing stuff

What happened to the good times?

What happened to the moments where we had so much?

Where's the love? [2x]

Remember all those hours laughing on the floor

Those days of doing nothing fell like nothing did before

I don't need those sneakers or that money after all

I'll trade them for old message you've called

'Cause it's not how we used to feel

And I wonder what went wrong

Have you fallen in a black hole?

Somewhere there's a universe of missing stuff

What happened to the good times?

What happened to the moments where we have felt so much?

Where's the love?

I wanna go there, and I wanna know where

Everything that ment something to me is all

I found that box of letters, used to make me smile

But now I feel so lonely

Have you fallen in a black hole?

Tumbled as a universe of missing stuff

What happened to the good times?

What happened to the moments where had so much?

A black hole

Somewhere there's a univere of missing stuff

What happened to the good times?

What happened to the moments where we had so much?

Where's the love? [5x]

Has he fallen in a black hole? [3x]






一個人走 無聊的路口 我還在做夢 以為你會喜歡我 // I walk alone, at a boring intersection, I'm still dreaming, thinking that you'd like me

我的希望落空 而香菸不離手 抽到我心很痛 // My hopes have fallen empty, the cigarette doesn't leave my hand, puffing until my heart hurts

兩 個人走 我恨這路口 你說不愛我 放我在夜里難過 // Walking together, I hate this intersection, you said you didn't love me, left me to be sad in the night

連再見也不說 而眼淚沒停過 哭到我鼻涕流 // You didn't even say goodbye, my tears haven't stopped, I cried until my nose started running

愛情就是黑洞 扭曲我所有 我想要愛你卻迷失了我自己 // Love is a black hole, twisting everything, I wanted to love you but lost myself instead

真的分不出來 給的是不是真愛 游戲 我玩不起來 // I can't tell, is it true love , I can't play a game

我 不想走 去你媽的路口 破碎的癡夢 丟到馬桶讓水流 // I don't want to leave, damn this intersection, take that shattered stupid dream and flush it down the toilet

本人依然沒救 而香菸沒停過 咳到我心很痛 // I'm still hopeless, I haven't stopped smoking, 買粉絲ughing until my heart hurts

深陷沼泥之中 沒有人救我 手機上都是你曾經留的訊息 // Sinking into the swap, nobody is helping me, all the messages you once left are on


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