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05 HI Disneyland是什么意思(生活中的英語)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-02 13:08:22【】8人已围观


。其反義為:be bad for...。(這里for 是介詞,后跟名詞、代詞或動名詞)如:

It's good for us to do more reading. 多讀書對我們有好處。

Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.在床上讀書對你的眼睛有害。

9. How many hours do you sleep every night ?

10. I exercise every day , usually when I 買粉絲e home from school .

11. My eating habits are pretty good . 這里pretty相當于very 。

12. I try to eat a lot of vegetables , usually ten to eleven times a week . → try to do sth.表示“ 盡力做某事 ” ,不包含是否成功的意思 / try doing sth. 表示“ (用某一辦法)試著去做某事”。 如:You’d better try doing the experiment in another way. 你最好試試用另一種方法做這個試驗。

13. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades . → help sb.(to) do sth.幫助某人做某事

14. Good food and exercise help me to study better . → help sb. (to) do sth.幫助某人做某事 / 這里better是well的比較級,而不是good的比較級

15. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different ? =Is her lifestyle the same as your lifestyle or is her lifestyle different from your lifestyle ? → be the same as … / be different from …

16. I think I’m kind of unhealthy . kind of = a little / a kind of 意思是“一種”

17. What sports do you play ?

18. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health . keep in good health = keep healthy = stay healthy

19. You must try to eat less meat . → try to do sth. 表示“ 盡力做某事 ” , 不包含是否成功的意思 / less是little的比較級

20. That sounds interesting. 這是“主語+系動詞+表語”結構的簡單句。sound(聽起來),look(看起來),smell(聞起來),taste(嘗起來),feel(覺得),seem(好象),grow(變得) , get(變得)等詞在英語中可用作系動詞,后跟形容詞作表語。如:

It tastes good. 這味道好。

The music sounds very sweet. 這音樂聽起來很入耳。

The smoke grew heavier and heavier. 煙霧變得越來越濃了。

Unit Two

1. What’s the matter ? What’s the mater with you ? with為介詞,后跟名詞、代詞或動名詞。人稱代詞必須用它的賓格。

I have a 買粉絲ld / have a sore back / have a stomachache

2. You should lie down and rest / drink hot tea with honey / see a dentist / see a doctor .

3. I’m not felling well . 這里well表示身體狀況,不能用good代替

4. When did it start ? About two days ago .

5. That’s too bad .

6. I hope you fell better soon . 這里better是well的比較級

7. Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy . 這里 to be healthy是動詞不定式短語,作目的狀語

8. Maybe you have too much yin . too much后跟不可數名詞,而too many后跟可數名詞復數

9. It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle ,and it’s important to eat a balanced diet . → It’s easy to do sth . 做某事容易 / It’s important to do sth . 做某事重要

10. Everyone gets tired sometimes . 這里get連系動詞,tired是形容詞作表語,屬系表結構

11. A sore throat can give you a fever . → give sb. sth . = give sth. to sb. 把某物給某人

12. Don’t get stressed out. It’s not healthy . 在這里get是連系動詞,stressed out是表語

13. I have a toothache . I need to see a dentist . → need意思為 “需要” ,作實義動詞時,后跟動詞不定式,否定式為don’t /doesn’t / didn’t need (to do sth.) ;作情態動詞時,只能用于否定句或疑問句中,否定式為needn’t(do sth.) ,除有過去式外,沒有其它的形態變化

14. Eat a balanced diet to stay healthy . to stay healthy是動詞不定式短語,作目的狀語

15. I’m not feeling very well at the moment . at the moment = now

Unit Three

1. What are you doing for vacation ? I’m babysitting my sister .

Where are you going for vacation ? Italy .


2. Who are you going with ? I’m going with my parents . with my parents是介詞短語,在這里作伴隨狀語,起修飾謂語動詞are going的作用

3. When are you going ? I’m going on Monday .

4. What are you doing there ? I’m going hiking in the mountains .

5. How long are you staying ? Just for four days . I don’t like going away for too long .疑問詞hwo long是對時間長短或事物的長度提問,在這里是對時間的長短進行提問。

6. Have a good time . = Enjoy oneself . 玩得開心、愉快

7. Show me your photos when we get back to school . → show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 把某給某人看

8. I’m going to Hawaii for vacation . for vacation是介詞短語,在這里作目的狀語,起修飾謂語動詞的作用

9. What’s it like there ? 這里like是介詞,而不是動詞

10. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans ? → ask sb. sth . 問某人某事

11. Ben Lambert , the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer ! → take a vacation 度假

12. He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but decided on Canada . → think about 考慮 / decide on 決定 這里的about和on都是介詞

13. “ I always take vacation in Europe ,” he said . “ This time I want to do something different .” → (1). want to do sth. (2). 修飾不定代詞(something , nothing , anything等)的定語常放在不定代詞的后面

14. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation . → plan to do sth. 計劃做某事

15. I’m planning to spend time in the beautiful 買粉絲untryside .

16. I just finished making my last movies . → finish doing sth. 完成做某事

17. I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing . to go sightseeing是動詞不定式短語,作a good place的后置定語

18. She’s leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday . → leave A for B 離開A地去B地

19. I want to ask you about places to visit China . to visit China是動詞不定式短語,作places的后置定語

20. I’m planning my vacation to Ita


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