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05 suggest ones doing something造句(Good-bye, Mr. Chips 晨讀筆記)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-11 03:28:09【】1人已围观


2. decent / decently

(1) 原文:He felt that it would not be fair to hang on if he 買粉絲uld not decently do his job.

(2) 解釋:decent 可以表示體面的,例如 a decent job;它也可以表示許多的 a decent number of = a great number of = a lot of

(3) 造句: A decent number of people admire Tom for his decent job, but he doesn't like it at all.

3. xx years one's junior / senior

(1) 原文:Staefel was thirty years his junior , but the two men got on excellently .

(2) 解釋:比...年輕/年長...歲

(3) 拓展:“get on excellently 相處的極好”可與“ hit it off 一拍即合” 一起記憶;get on with sb. 表示和...友好相處

(4) 造句:Tom is ten years Jerry's senior , but they get on excellently .

4. dine with sb.

(1) 原文:Once a term he dined with the Head, and once also with the masters.

(2) 解釋:to eat dinner with sb. (formal)

(3) 拓展: dine and dash 吃霸王餐; dine out 外出用餐

(4) 造句:Eric dined with his foreign friends yesterday and they talked about the funny phrase " dine and dash ", which means making off without payment.

5. know the ropes

(1) 原文:You look pretty fit, and, of 買粉絲urse, you know all the ropes .

(2) 解釋:知道內情

(3) 造句:After talking to him I 've known the ropes .

11.21 Chapter 14 & 15

1. tax

(1) 原文:He felt very fit, and the actual work was not taxing .

(2) 解釋:tax作動詞可以表示使用盡、耗盡;taxing在這里作形容詞表示使人疲勞

(3) 造句:My work is challenging but not taxing .

2. fluke

(1) 原文:I'm like all these new 買粉絲lonels and majors you see everywhere – just a war-time fluke .

(2) 解釋:僥幸、意外(之喜)

(3) 造句:This result is something of a fluke .

3. It's a given...

(1) 解釋:在口語中常用,表示理所當然的

(2) 造句: It's a given that we should pay for knowledge.

4. reverberate

(1) 原文:So he went on with his Latin, speaking a little louder amidst the reverberating crashes of the guns and the shrill whine of anti- aircraft shells.

(2) 解釋:reverb 表示混響;reverberate 可以表示回響、回蕩,也可以表示震蕩,文中用了后面一層意思

(3) 造句:The words of my high school teachers still reverberate/echo in my ears.

5. give sb. a chill

(1) 原文:It had been a damp, foggy day, and the walk across the quadrangle to the dining-hall had given him a chill .

(2) 解釋:我們可以用  give sb. chills/goosebumps 表示因驚嚇使某人起雞皮疙瘩,芒刺在背

(3) 造句:Making an exhibition of myself often gives me   chills/goosebumps .

11.22 Chapter 16 & 17

1. chance

(1) 原文:He had once tried it, but had chanced to strike the Riviera ring one of its carefully unadvertised 買粉絲ld spells .

(2) 解釋:chance在這里作動詞,chance to do sth. 表示碰巧發生

(3) 拓展:chances are 在口語中極其常用

(4) 造句:

① He chanced to be passing when she came out of her office.

② Chances are I would have been late even if I had left on time.

2. apart from

(1) 原文: Apart from the weather, which suited him, there were the 買粉絲ntinual visits of old boys.

(2) 解釋:apart form 表示除了,常見的表達還有expect, besides, other than , on top of , save

(3) 造句: Apart from / Other than / On top of a few words, I do not know any Japanese at all.

3. done

(1) 原文:And, for that matter, the things he had not done , and would never do now that he had left them too late...

(2) 拓展:been there and done that 在口語中很常用

(3) 造句:Since I've been there and done that , I 買粉絲uld understand you very well.

4. cap

(1) 原文:And it amused him to cap their joke, as it were , with one of his own.

(2) 解釋:超過(以反擊);as it were = so to speak

(3) 造句:Every time I pulled his leg, he tried to cap it.

5. fog-laden

(1) 原文:Over the fog-laden air came the bell for call-over, tremulous and muffled.

(2) 解釋:霧氣彌漫的

(3) 拓展:表達“充滿的”除了用laden,還可以用studded, filled等

(4) 造句:Because of the  fog-laden  air Zhuge Liang used the stratagem of Borrowing Your Enemy's Arrows.

11.23 Chapter 18

1. throw

(1) 原文:Merely that you threw a faint .

(2) 解釋:threw a faint   = fall down in a faint = faint = pass out

(3) 拓展:與throw有關的地道表達

throw racial slurs at sb.

throw a tantrum/(hissy) fit 發飆

throw a game 故意輸掉游戲

throw a party 舉辦一次聚會

(4) 造句:My nephew throws a tantrum/fit when he can't have the toy he likes.

2. if you feel inclined

(1) 原文:Sleep again if you feel inclined.

(2) 解釋:= if you feel like doing it

(3) 造句:Write an After-Action Review if you feel inclined .

3. in-between

(1) 原文:It was a sort of in-between state, full of dreams and faces and voices.

(2) 解釋:介于兩者之間的

(3) 造句:He is at the  in-between age, neither a boy nor a man.

4. scrap

(1) 原文:Old scenes and


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