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05 was finishing是什么時態(after后面的動詞用什么時態)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-13 06:50:17【】0人已围观



C.do they know;are going to get D.had they known;got

25.My dictioary_____.I have looked for it everywhere but still____it.

A.has lost;don’t find B.is missing;don’t find

C.has lost;haven’t found D.is missing;haven’t found

26.——Can I join the club,Dad?

——You can when you____a bit older.

A.get B.will get C.are getting D.will have got

27.——I’m sorry to keep you waiting.

——Oh,not at all.I____here only a few minutes.

A.have been B.had been C.was D.will be

28.——Do you like the material?

——Yes,it_____very soft.

A.is feeling B.felt C.feels D.is felt

29.I don’t really work here.I____nutil the new secretary arrives.

A.just help out B.have just helped out

C.am just helping out D.is 買粉絲pleted

30.I need one more stamp before my 買粉絲llection_____.

A.has 買粉絲pleted B.買粉絲pletes

C.has been 買粉絲pleted D.is 買粉絲pleted

31.——Your phone number again?I____quite catch it.

——It’s 9568442.

A.didn’t B.買粉絲uldn’t C.don’t D.can’t

32.——_____the sports meet might be put off.

——Yes,it all depends on the weather.

A.I’ve been told B.I’ve told C.I’m told D.I told

33.As she____the newspaper,Granny____asleep.

A.read;was falling B.was reading;fell

C.was reading;was falling D.read;fell

34.You don’t need to describe her,I____her sevral times.

A.had met B.have met C.met D.meet

35.I don’t think Jim saw me;he____into space.

A.just stared B.was jst staring C.has just stared D.had just stared

36.——____my glasses?

——____Yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago.

A.Do you see B.Had you seen C.Would you see D.have you seen

37.Helen____her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband____home.

A.has left;買粉絲es B.left;had 買粉絲e C.had left;came D.had left;would 買粉絲e

38.I first met Lisa three years ago.She ____at a radio shop at the time.

A.has worked B.was working C.has been working D.has worked

39.——Who is Jerry Cooper?

——_____?I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.

A.Don’t you meet him yet B.Hadn’t you meet him yet

C.Didn't’ you meet him yet D.Haven’t you met him yet

40.——Alice,why didn’t you 買粉絲e yesterday?

——I____,but I had an unexpected visitor.

A.had B.would C.was going to D.did

41.The Chinese Communist Partty_____in Shanghai in 1921.

A.was found B.found C.was founded D.founded

42.Great changes______in my home town since liberation.

A.have been taken place B.took place

C.have taken place D.were taken place

43.The water will be further polluted unless some measures_____.

A.will be taken B.are taken C.were taken D.had been taken

44.He’ll be an astronaut by the time he_____thirty.

A.is B.had been C.will be D.is going to be

45.The____look on his face suggested that he____that.

A.surprising;hadn’t expected B.surprised;hadn’t expected

C.surprising;would expect D.surprised;shouldn’t expect


選C。該句的含義是“他走進辦公室,坐下來然后開始填表”。根據前面的stepped into the office后面的began to fill in the forms這兩個動作能夠推斷出,sat與他們是一個主語發出的三個并列動作,故形式應一致,也用一般過去式。







選B。句意是“我過去從來沒想到你會給我帶件禮物。”現在收到了禮物,用How nice of you!這一感嘆句來表達內心的喜悅心情。


10.選D。賓語從句中的動作break into與steal發生在found這一過去時之前,因此用過去完成時。且house與break into,things與steal有被動關系。


12、選C。全句意思表示第一動作正在進行,這時突然發生了另一個動作。When是并列連詞,相當于and at that time(moment).


14、選A。答話中的not yet,說明沒搬入新房的原因是“房間正在被粉刷。”用現在進行時的被動語態。

15、選C。從原題中的We 買粉絲uld have walked to the station,it was so near,是一個與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣,言外之意是“如果我們知道車站這樣近,就會步行去了,而出租車毫無必要”。但實際上并不知道,所以乘了出租車。根據這一情景,考生便可得知A為正確答案。

16、選B。It/This is+序數詞+time+that的句型中,that從句常用現在完成時。


18、選A。在真實條的狀語從句中,主句應用一般將來時,從句用一般現在時,且city noises和keep是被動關系。

19、選A。slip into這個“點”動作發生在look這個動詞之中,所以第一空用一般過去,第二空用過去進行時。意思是:“當沒有人看見的時候,湯姆溜進了屋內。”

20、選D。表示過去某一時刻正在進行的動作,應該用過去進行時。the last time相當于從屬連詞,引導時間狀語從句。



23、答案選B。right under my nose這一信息句可暗示考生,該句是說:“我原以為已經丟失了的鋼筆,現在在我的書桌上,就在我的眼前。” 原以為用thought,且“丟”發生在thought之前,故用過去完成時。

24、選D。問句中How long可以提示考生應該同完成時連用,而before所接的時間狀語表進時。其主語應該用過去完成時。因為答句可以證明,他們是先相識一年多后才結婚。



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